Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation


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यस् त्व् इिन्दर्यािण मनसा,िनयम्यारभतेऽजुर्न ।कमिन्दर्यैः कमर्योगम्, असक्तः स िविशष्यते ।।३.७।।The one who controls the senses by the trained and purified mind and intellect, and engages theorgans of action to selfless service, Karma-Yog is, Arjun, considered superior. (3.07)िनयतं कु रु कमर् त्वं, कमर् ज्यायो ह्य् अकमर्णः।शरीरयातर्ािप च ते, न पर्िसयेद् अकमर्णः ।।३.८।।Perform your obligatory duty, because working is indeed better than sitting idle. Even themaintenance of your body would not be possible without work. (3.08)यज्ञाथार्त् कमर्णोऽन्यतर्, लोकोऽयं कमर्बन्धनः ।तदथर्ं कमर् कौन्तेय, मुक्तसङ्ग समाचर ।।३.९।।Work other than those done as a selfless service (Yajna) shackles human beings. Therefore,Kaunteya, becoming free from selfish attachment to the fruits of work, do your duty efficiently as aservice to Me. (3.09)सहयज्ञाः पर्जाः सृष्ट्वा, पुरोवाच पर्जापितः ।अनेन पर्सिवष्यध्वम्, एष वोऽस्त्व् इकामधुक् ।।३.१०।।In the beginning Lord Prajapati (Lord Brahma, the creator among the trinity of Gods) createdhuman beings by selfless service (Yajna) and said: By selflessly serving (by Yajna) each other you shallprosper and the sacrificial service (Yajna) shall fulfil all your desires. (3.10)देवान् भावयतानेन, ते देवा भावयन्तु वः।परस्परं भावयन्तः, शर्ेय परम् अवाप्स्यथ ।।३.११।।Nourish the Devs 7 with selfless service (Yajna), and they will nourish you. Thus nourishing oneanother you shall attain the Supreme goal. (3.11)इान् भोगान् िह वो देवा, दास्यन्ते यज्ञभािवताः।तैर् दान् अपर्दायैभ्यो, यो भुङ्क्ते स्तेन एव सः ।।३.१२।।The Devs, served by selfless service (Yajna), will give you all desired objects. One who enjoys thegift of Devs without sharing with others is, indeed, a thief. (3.12)यज्ञिशािशनः सन्तो, मुच्यन्ते सवर्िकिल्बषैः ।भुते ते त्व् अं पापा, ये पचन्त्यात्मकारणात् ।।३.१३।।The righteous ones who eat after feeding others (the food that remains balance after feedingothers described as ‘balance remaining food after Yajna,) are freed from all sins, but the impious whocook food only for themselves without first offering to God, or sharing with others verily eat sin. (3.13)7 Celestial Controllers or the Devs; are essence of air, rain, seas, earth, and similar hundreds of others that ‘control’the happenings around us.20

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