Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation


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तस्माद् यस्य महाबाहो, िनगृहीतािन सवर्शः ।इिन्दर्याणीिन्दर्याथभ्यास् तस्य पर्ज्ञा पर्ितिता ।।२.६८।।Therefore, Mahabaho, one’s intellect becomes steady whose senses are completely withdrawn fromthe sense objects. (2.68)या िनशा सवर्भूतानां, तस्यां जागित संयमी ।यस्यां जागर्ित भूतािन , सा िनशा पश्यतो मुनोः।।२.६९।।A yogi, the person of self-restraint, remains wakeful when it is night for all others. It is night forthe yogi who sees when all others are wakeful. (Enlightened one is actively pursuing things thatignorants do not pursue and does not go after things that are pursued by ignorant.) (2.69)आपूयर्माणम् अचलपर्ितं समुदर्म् आपः पर्िवशिन्त यत्। तत् कामा यं पर्िवशिन्त सव स शािन्तम् आोित न कामकामी।।२.७०।।One attains peace, within whose mind all desires dissipate without creating any mentaldisturbance, as river waters enter the full ocean without creating any disturbance. One who desiresmaterial objects is never peaceful. (2.70)िवहाय कामान् यः सवार्न्, पुमांरित िनःस्पृहः ।िनमर्मो िनरहंकारः, स शािन्तम् अिधगच्छित ।।२.७१॥One who abandons all desires, and becomes free from longing and the feeling of 'I' and 'my',attains peace. (2.71)एषा बर्ाही िस्थितः पाथर्, नैनां पर्ाप्य िवमुित।िस्थत्वाऽस्याम् अन्तकालेऽिप, बर्िनणार्म् ऋच्छित ।।२.७२॥Parth, this is the superconscious state of mind. Attaining this state, one is no longer deluded.Gaining this state, even at the end of one’s life, a person becomes one with the Absolute and attainsBrahma-Nirvan (Liberation or Moksha). (2.72)ॐ तत्सिदित शर्ीमगवीतासूिनषत्सु बर्िवायां योगशासर्े शर्ीकृ ष्णाजुनर्संवादे सांख्ययोगो नाम ितीयोऽध्यायः ।।Aum! This was the dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjun, called the ‘Sankhya-Yog’ from theever-true Upanishad that is the Shrimad <strong>Bhagavad</strong> <strong>Gita</strong>, Chapter two.18

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