Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation


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सुखदुःखे समे कृ त्वा, लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ ।ततो युाय युज्यस्व, नैवं पापम् अवाप्स्यािस ।।२.३८।।Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, and victory and defeat alike, engage yourself in yourduty. By doing your duty this way you will not incur sin. (2.38)एषा तेऽिभिहता सांख्ये, बुिर् योगे त्व् इमां शृणु ।बुया युक्तो यया पाथर्, कमर्बन्धं पर्हास्यिस ।।२.३९।।The science (Yog) of transcend-dental knowledge (Sankhya) has been imparted to you, Parth. Nowlisten to the science (Yog) of selfless service, endowed with this knowledge you will free yourself fromall Karmic bondage, or sin. (2.39).नेहािभकर्नाशोऽिस्त, पर्त्यवानो न िवते ।स्वल्पम् अप्य् अस्य धमर्स्य, तर्ायते महतो भयात् ।। २.४०।।No effort is wasteful and is never lost when doing selfless service and there is no adverse karmiceffect arising out of it. Even a little practice of the Dharma (righteous action or discipline of selflessservice) protects one from the great fears (even those fears such as of repeated birth and death.) (2.40)ासायाित्मका बुिर्, एके ह कु रुनन्दन।बहुशाखा ह्य् अनन्ता, बुयोऽवासाियनाम् ।।२.४१।।A selfless worker has resolute determination for God-realization, but, Kurunandan; the desires ofthe one who works to enjoy the fruits of work are endless. (2.41)याम् इमां वाचं, पर्वदन्त्य अिवपितः ।वेदवादरताः पाथर्, नान्यद् अस्तीित वािदनः ।।२.४२।।The misguided ones, who delight in the melodious chanting of the Veda without understandingthe real purpose of the Vedas, think, Parth, as if there is nothing else in the Vedas except the rituals forthe sole purpose of obtaining heavenly abode. (2.42)कामात्मानः स्वगर्परा, जन्मकमर्फलपर्दाम् ।िकर्यािवशेषबहुलां, भोगैयर्गित पर्ित ।।२.४३।।They are dominated by material desires, and consider the attainment of heaven as the highest goalof life. They engage in specific rites for the sake of prosperity and enjoyment. Rebirth is the result oftheir action. (2.43)भोगैयर्पर्सक्तानां, तयापहतचेतसाम् ।वसायाित्मका बुिः, समाधौ न िवधीयते ।।२.४४।।The resolute determination of Self-realization is not formed in the minds of those who areattached to pleasure and power, and whose judgment is obscured by it. (2.44).तर्ैगुण्यिवषया वेदा, िनैगुण्यो भवाजुर्न ।िनर्न्ो िनत्यसवस्थो, िनयगक्षेम आत्मवान् ।।२.४५।।Vedas deal with 3-modes (Satva-goodness, Rajas-passion, and Tamas-ignorance) of materialNature. Become free from pairs of opposites; be ever balanced and unconcerned with the thoughts ofacquisition and preservation. Rise above these 3- modes, and be Atma (Self)-conscious, O, Arjun. (2.45)14

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