Writing Lesson Plan

Writing Lesson Plan Writing Lesson Plan


Title: AdjectivesSubject: English Language ArtsGrade Level: 4Time Frame: Thirty minutesWriting Lesson PlanIL State Goal:IL Learning Standard:IL Benchmark:3. Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.3.B. Compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes andaudiences.3.B.2d Edit documents for clarity, subjectivity, pronoun-antecedentagreement, adverb and adjective agreement and verb tense; proofread forspelling, capitalization and punctuation; and ensure that documents areformatted in final form for submission and/or publication.Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to reinforce the concept of adjectives and how adjectives are used tomake a sentence more exciting.Objective(s): Students will:Materials:Procedure:• Identify adjectives.• Use adjectives in sentences.• Read a picture.• 20 sets of the 2 pictures• Pictures are located at http://memory.loc.gov• Diner - http://photoswest.org/cgi-bin/imager?00074312+MCC-4312• Street - http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/aep/in/aep-inn121.jpg• Chalk• Chalkboard• A writing spiral for each student• PencilsAnticipatory Set:I will introduce the lesson by passing out the pictures to the students. While I am passing out the pictures, I willask students to tell me what a caption is.Activity Steps:1. After I have received answers about what a caption is, I will explain to the students that we aregoing to write a caption for both of the photos.2. I will ask the students to look at the pictures. These pictures were selected from the AmericanMemory Library of Congress website. I chose pictures that were basic and could be described bythe students. I will not write the captions on the pictures because I want the students to read andunderstand the pictures before I give them any captions about the pictures.3. I will explain the activity in which we are going to insert adjectives to make a “boring” caption moreexciting.4. I will introduce the first picture by asking specific questions about the picture. The questions include:• What is this place? What gives you the idea that this is a restaurant?• Do you think this is an old picture? Why?• Who are the people in the picture? What makes you think that?• What do you think the people are doing? Why?5. The questions will make the students think about the picture and ways to describe it.Adjective Lesson Plan Page 1 of 2

Title: AdjectivesSubject: English Language ArtsGrade Level: 4Time Frame: Thirty minutes<strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>IL State Goal:IL Learning Standard:IL Benchmark:3. Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.3.B. Compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes andaudiences.3.B.2d Edit documents for clarity, subjectivity, pronoun-antecedentagreement, adverb and adjective agreement and verb tense; proofread forspelling, capitalization and punctuation; and ensure that documents areformatted in final form for submission and/or publication.Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to reinforce the concept of adjectives and how adjectives are used tomake a sentence more exciting.Objective(s): Students will:Materials:Procedure:• Identify adjectives.• Use adjectives in sentences.• Read a picture.• 20 sets of the 2 pictures• Pictures are located at http://memory.loc.gov• Diner - http://photoswest.org/cgi-bin/imager?00074312+MCC-4312• Street - http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/aep/in/aep-inn121.jpg• Chalk• Chalkboard• A writing spiral for each student• PencilsAnticipatory Set:I will introduce the lesson by passing out the pictures to the students. While I am passing out the pictures, I willask students to tell me what a caption is.Activity Steps:1. After I have received answers about what a caption is, I will explain to the students that we aregoing to write a caption for both of the photos.2. I will ask the students to look at the pictures. These pictures were selected from the AmericanMemory Library of Congress website. I chose pictures that were basic and could be described bythe students. I will not write the captions on the pictures because I want the students to read andunderstand the pictures before I give them any captions about the pictures.3. I will explain the activity in which we are going to insert adjectives to make a “boring” caption moreexciting.4. I will introduce the first picture by asking specific questions about the picture. The questions include:• What is this place? What gives you the idea that this is a restaurant?• Do you think this is an old picture? Why?• Who are the people in the picture? What makes you think that?• What do you think the people are doing? Why?5. The questions will make the students think about the picture and ways to describe it.Adjective <strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 1 of 2

6. Once I feel that the students have “read the picture”, I will ask them to write a new caption for thepicture using adjectives added to the original caption. I will write my boring caption, “This is arestaurant,” on the chalkboard. Then I will ask students to write a new caption in their spiralnotebooks.7. When each student has written a sentence, I will ask the students to share their sentences if theychose to. I will compare and contrast the additions to each caption read by the students.8. I will repeat this process with the last picture. The questions I will ask about the last picture include:• Where do you think this place is? Why? What makes you think that?• Do you think this is a small or big town? Is it a large city?• Where are the people? Why do you think that?• Where do you think the people went? What makes you think that?9. On the board, I will write the caption, “A street runs through this town.” I will ask the students towrite a more exciting sentence using adjectives.10. When the students have finished, the students will have a chance to share their sentences if theychose to.Closing:I will summarize the lesson by asking students what they thought about the lesson. I will collect their sentencesto assess their knowledge of adjectives.Assessment of Objective(s):I will assess their knowledge of adjectives by listening to the group and individual work and hearing what kind ofadjectives they add to the captions. I will assess their captions by seeing what kind of words/adjective(s) theyadded to the sentence.Adjective <strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 2 of 2

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