OLifE - The Model - Acord

OLifE - The Model - Acord

OLifE - The Model - Acord


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ACORD Life & AnnuityStandardTechnical OverviewCliff ChaneySenior Architectcchaney@acord.org

Life and Annuity Standards“<strong>The</strong> Scope and Goal of the ACORDStandards”Life & Annuity Standards:

Business Messages – <strong>The</strong> GoalAProducerDistributorA – App Msg from Producer to DistributorB - App + Appt Msg from Distributor to CarrierC – Req. Msgs from Carrier to Service ProvidersD – Reinsure Msg from Carrier to ReinsureBCarrier Same Msg (Data) <strong>Model</strong> Common Vocabulary Same Msg Structure Structured Data (XML) Reuse, Reuse, Reuse Consistent, Fast, Efficient Save Time, $$$$, ErrorsReinsurerDCService ProviderLife & Annuity Standards:

Life Standard Business Message CatalogNew BusinessPre-SaleNew Business SubmissionParamed Report OrderParamed Requirements Results RequestParamed Requirements Results TransmittalGeneral Requirement Order RequestGeneral Requirement Results RequestGeneral Requirements Result TransmittalRequirement InquiryRequirement RequestRequirement TransmittalCase Status Notification RequestCase Status Notification TransmittalReplacement Notification RequestReplacement Processing RequestPharmaceutical Profile RequestUnderwriting Action UpdateDenial of Risk Illustration Request Product Profile for Annuities Product Profile for Life Licensing InquiryMIB Transactions MIB Inquiry MIB Update MIB Follow-upLife & Annuity Standards:

Life Standard Business Message CatalogInquiries/StatusPolicyProductInvestProductHoldingPartyGroupingCommission Statement InquiryBilling Statement InquiryBilling Information InquiryBilling ChangeFinancial Activity InquiryValues InquiryRequirements InquiryArrangement InquiryActivity InquirySystem Message InquiryReinsurance Life Reinsurance Activity (LREACT) Life Reinsurance Facultative TransactionGroupGroup EnrollmentSearchParty, Holding, InvestProduct,PolicyProduct, Activity, GroupingLife & Annuity Standards:

Life Standard Business Message CatalogTabular DataInforce MessagesTabular Data RequestTabular Data TransmittalTabular Data SearchInvestment SpecificPaymentWithdrawalHolding ChangeHolding Status ChangeEndorsement UpdateFund AllocationFund TransferFinancial ActivitySettlementArrangement AdministrationGeneral MessagesAddress ChangePhone ChangeE-Mail Address ChangeParty ChangeActivity Update ChangeChange Attachment (Note) MsgSystem Message UpdateGeneric Data TransferLife & Annuity Standards:

ACORD Life Standards ScopeParticipantProductLife & Annuity Standards:

TermWhole LifeUniversal LifeVariable LifeFixed AnnuitiesVariable AnnuitiesLong Term CareDisability Income…ACORD Life Standards Scope – ProductProductLife & Annuity Standards:

ACORD Life Standards Scope – ParticipantParticipantAssociationsRegulatorsVendorsThird Party Service ProvidersReinsurerCarrier (Financial Product Manufacturer)Distributor / Agent / AgencyCustomerProductLife & Annuity Standards:

ACORD Life Standards Scope – ProcessParticipant…AdminLicensingBenefits/ClaimInforce/ServicingNew BusinessPre-SaleProductLife & Annuity Standards:

ACORD Life Standards Scope – MessagesParticipantBizMsgProductLife & Annuity Standards:

Life & Annuity Standards: MsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgACORD Life Standards Scope – <strong>The</strong> VisionProductParticipantMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsgMsg

<strong>The</strong> ACORD Life StandardLife and Annuity StandardsWorkflow – Implementation GuidesBusiness Messages - TXLifeObject <strong>Model</strong> - XMLifeData Dictionary – Life Help FileLife & Annuity Standards:

Implementation GuidesProvide standardized workflow and messagesCase Status Inforce & PendingCommission Statement ProfileCommission ProfileLife IllustrationsProduct Profile for AnnuityProduct Profile for LifeNew Business for AnnuityReplacementSettlementmore…Important!Guides can never expand or alterthe Standard, but are intended toclarify usage for a particularpurpose.All messages must still conform to theBusiness Message (TXLife)Specification.Life & Annuity Standards:

Technical Overview“High Level XMLife”Life & Annuity Standards:

ACORD Life and Annuity StandardXMLife consists of 3 core structures:TXLife – Life Business MessagesTXLife is the Wrapper<strong>OLifE</strong> – Life Object <strong>Model</strong> & DataDictionary<strong>The</strong> Business DataXTbML – Tabular Data <strong>Model</strong>Supporting TablesLife & Annuity Standards:

XMLife from 30,000 FeetTXLife – the wrapperUser AuthorizationRequest / Response<strong>OLifE</strong> – Data <strong>Model</strong>XTbML - TablesEvery XML stream is a singledocument – in XMLife that iscalled “TXLife”An optional UserAuthorization Sectionhandles basic securityNote that the same wrapperis used for a request or aresponse<strong>OLifE</strong>, XTbML and TXLife areactually independent butsynergisticLife & Annuity Standards:

Representation in XML … … … Life & Annuity Standards:

<strong>The</strong> Wrapper (TXLife)“Sending and Receiving Messages”Life & Annuity Standards:

Wrapper OverviewContains User Authorization Plus One or More Requests (TXLifeRequest)- OR - One or More Responses(TXLifeResponse)Life & Annuity Standards:

ACORD L&A Transaction Reference <strong>Model</strong>TXLife Specification- Over 170 Messages- Request- Response- Transmittal- Message Identification- Error HandlingLife & Annuity Standards:

User AuthenticationContains User Name and PasswordSupports Password EncryptionMay be Sent in Conjunction with aRequestLife & Annuity Standards:

<strong>The</strong> Request (TXLifeRequest)Container for a Request MessageIdentifies Unique Transaction ID (TransRefGUID)Enables Fire and Forget (NoResponseOK)Specifies Action (TransType & TransSubType)Specifies Transaction Mode Trail Transaction Cancel ReversalRepeats to Allow Multiple Requests in a SingleTXLife StreamLife & Annuity Standards:

<strong>The</strong> Response (TXLifeResponse)May Optionally Partner with UserAuthReponse Contains Session Key InformationEchoes Back the GUID of Original RequestAlso Returns Original Request ParametersIncludes Transaction Results (TransResult) Success, Failure, Pending, or Success with InfoOptionally returns Confirmation CodeMultiple Responses May Be Necessary to“Step Through” Set of Result RecordsLife & Annuity Standards:

Transaction Architecture SupportRequest and Response Processing User Authentication Message Identification Request/Response Data Requirements Error Handling Trial submits Synchronous and Asynchronous Updates or cancels of Asynch requests Fire and Forget Functionality Batch ProcessingDepending on other transport/transaction standards orenterprise rules much of this may move to the transactionwrapper layer – e.g. WS-*, SOAPLife & Annuity Standards:

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Model</strong> (<strong>OLifE</strong>)“Encapsulating the Business Data”Life & Annuity Standards:

<strong>OLifE</strong> - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Model</strong>Container for all Business DataEach Request/Response May Contain Only One <strong>OLifE</strong>ObjectAgreement on Common Structures: Vocabulary (Life Data Dictionary) Structure (Life Object <strong>Model</strong>)Contains “Top-Level” Objects A.k.a. “Primary” Objects Does not restrict order of child objects All child objects repeat IDs are required Can be “Related”Life & Annuity Standards:

Top-Level ObjectsLife & Annuity Standards:

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