General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...

General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ... General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...


26. Press Enter.27. Press F9-Header.28. The Accounting Entry Header screen will display as shown below:GLSAEHACCOUNTING ENTRY HEADERBALANCE SUCCESSFULACTION: V (C/CHANGE,D/DELETE,R/REVERSE,S/STATUS CHANGE, V/VIEW) CODE: AEHENTRY TYPE/#: DT 00001219 FY: 93 TOT LINES: 002 VOUCHER TYP/#:ENTRY STATUS: (FOR STATUS CHANGE:) OVERRIDE EFF DTE :ENTRY DESC : DAILY DEPOSIT ENTRY TOTAL :11.07CONTACT NAME: TOM THUMB CONTACT PHONE: 504-388-8888COMMENTS ::EFFECT DATE : 05/15/1993 7/1 REVERSAL :SRCE DOC # : DEPT REF # :ORGANIZATION:------------------------------ STATUS INFORMATION --------------------------------I - INCOMPLETE 05/15/1993 HAPPY W - WORKEDP - PENDING 05/15/1993 HAPPY A - APPROVEDD - DISAPPROVEDR - RELEASEDV - VAULTC - CURRENTT - TELLER1=HELP 2=CODEMENU 3=IT-ACCT 4=VAEI 5=AIAE 6=7= 8= 9=PRINT 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF29. The DT entry must now be printed. Press F9 - Print. This will display the Printer Identificationscreen as shown below:GLSPID PRINTER IDENTIFICATIONENTER TO PRINTACTION: P (P/PRINT) CODE: AEHENTRY TYPE/#: PC 123456 FY: 92 TOT LINES: 003 VOUCHER TYPE/#:PRINT LOCATION: P1T23E421= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6=7= 8= 9= 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF30. If the print location is correct press Enter. If the print location is wrong or if the field is filled withquestion marks, contact Accounting Services at 388-3321.31. Retrieve the DT from the printer and obtain signatures of the person who prepared the DT and thedepartment head or supervisor. Make a photo copy of the DT.UPDATING Rev 06/93DEPARTMENTAL TRANSMITTAL ENTRY

32. Take the original and the copy of DT to the Office of Bursar Operations, 125 Thomas Boyd Hall. TheVault Teller verifies the currency, stamps one copy to verify receipt of the entry and gives it to thedepartment representative. The original is forwarded to the tellers for further processing. If your DTentry does not become current on the ledger for that month, please notify the Office of BursarOperations at 388-3357. To insure current month processing, all DT's must be received in the Officeof Bursar Operations four working days prior to the end of the month.UPDATING Rev 06/93DEPARTMENTAL TRANSMITTAL ENTRY

26. Press Enter.27. Press F9-Header.28. The Accounting Entry Header screen will display as shown below:GLSAEHACCOUNTING ENTRY HEADERBALANCE SUCCESSFULACTION: V (C/CHANGE,D/DELETE,R/REVERSE,S/STATUS CHANGE, V/VIEW) CODE: AEHENTRY TYPE/#: DT 00001219 FY: 93 TOT LINES: 002 VOUCHER TYP/#:ENTRY STATUS: (FOR STATUS CHANGE:) OVERRIDE EFF DTE :ENTRY DESC : DAILY DEPOSIT ENTRY TOTAL :11.07CONTACT NAME: TOM THUMB CONTACT PHONE: 504-388-8888COMMENTS ::EFFECT DATE : 05/15/1993 7/1 REVERSAL :SRCE DOC # : DEPT REF # :ORGANIZATION:------------------------------ STATUS INFORMATION --------------------------------I - INCOMPLETE 05/15/1993 HAPPY W - WORKEDP - PENDING 05/15/1993 HAPPY A - APPROVEDD - DISAPPROVEDR - RELEASEDV - VAULTC - CURRENTT - TELLER1=HELP 2=CODEMENU 3=IT-ACCT 4=VAEI 5=AIAE 6=7= 8= 9=PRINT 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF29. The DT entry must now be printed. Press F9 - Print. This will display the Printer Identificationscreen as shown below:GLSPID PRINTER IDENTIFICATIONENTER TO PRINTACTION: P (P/PRINT) CODE: AEHENTRY TYPE/#: PC 123456 FY: 92 TOT LINES: 003 VOUCHER TYPE/#:PRINT LOCATION: P1T23E421= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6=7= 8= 9= 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF30. If the print location is correct press Enter. If the print location is wrong or if the field is filled withquestion marks, contact Accounting Services at 388-3321.31. Retrieve the DT from the printer <strong>and</strong> obtain signatures of the person who prepared the DT <strong>and</strong> thedepartment head or supervisor. Make a photo copy of the DT.UPDATING Rev 06/93DEPARTMENTAL TRANSMITTAL ENTRY

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