General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...

General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ... General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...


------------------------------ STATUS INFORMATION --------------------------------I - INCOMPLETE 01/15/1992 HAPPY W - WORKEDP - PENDING 01/15/1992 HAPPY A - APPROVEDD - DISAPPROVEDR - RELEASEDV - VAULTC - CURRENTT - TELLER1=HELP 2=CODEMENU 3=IT-ACCT 4=VAEI 5=AIAE 6=7= 8= 9=PRINT 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF33. The petty cash reimbursement entry must now be printed. Press F9 - Print. This will display thePrinter Identification screen as shown below:GLSPID PRINTER IDENTIFICATIONENTER TO PRINTACTION: P (P/PRINT) CODE: AEHENTRY TYPE/#: PC 123456 FY: 92 TOT LINES: 003 VOUCHER TYPE/#:PRINT LOCATION: P1T23E41= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6=7= 8= 9= 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF34. If the print location is correct press Enter. If the print location is wrong or if the field is filled withquestion marks, contact Accounting Services at 388-3321.35. Retrieve the petty cash reimbursement entry from the printer and obtain the appropriate signatures.If the petty cash fund is being reimbursed, then the "reconciliation of the petty cash fund" section atthe bottom of the petty cash reimbursement entry must be filled out and signed by the petty cashsupervisor.36. Take the petty cash reimbursement entry to the Vault Teller in the Office of Bursar Operations forreimbursement. Reimbursement for petty cash will be provided by the Office of Bursar Operationsduring the hours of 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. and 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.UPDATING Rev 06/93PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS

Departmental TransmittalsI. Office ProceduresA. PurposeDepartmental transmittals (DT) are used to record financial transactions which involvecollections, receivables, or refunds. A DT must be created each time a transaction of this typeis presented to the Bursar's Office.1. Collections, receivables, or credits along with TWO copies of the DT entry must be handcarried to the Vault Teller in the Office of Bursar Operations, 125 Thomas Boyd Hall. Allchecks, traveler's checks, and money orders must be endorsed on the back by thedepartment. The Vault Teller verifies the currency and stamps the second copy receivedfor the department's records.II.Creating a Departmental Transmittal Entry1. Start at the GLS Menu. See page 71 in the Updating section of this manual for detailed instruction.2. The cursor will appear in the Action field. You can press F8 or type an A for add.3. The cursor will appear in the Code field. Type IAE (Initiate Accounting Entry).The same function can be performed by pressing PF8.4. The General Ledger Menu screen should display as shown below:GLSMENUGENERAL LEDGER MENUACTION: A (A/ADD,C/CHANGE,V/VIEW) CODE: IAE-------------------- INQUIRY ---------------------ACTION CODEV AEI - ACCOUNTING ENTRY INQUIRYV ONS - ORDER NUMBER SUMMARY-------------------- DATA ENTRY --------------------ACTION CODEC BCC - ACCOUNTING ENTRY BANK CODE CHANGEA IAE - INITIATE ACCOUNTING ENTRYC RAE - RELEASE ACCOUNTING ENTRIES-------------------- OTHER MENUS -------------------PFKEY: 2 - CODE TABLE MENU 6 - FORMS MAINTENANCE/INQUIRYMENU3 - GLS AND COA MENU 7 - YEAR END PROCESSING4 - FINANCIAL INQUIRY MENU - 8 - INITIATE ACCOUNTING ENTRYBY ACCOUNT 9 - CHART OF ACCOUNTS MENU5 - FINANCIAL INQUIRY MENU - 10BY PROJECT1=VAEI2=CODEMENU 3=GLS/COA 4=ACCTINQ 5=PROJINQ 6=FORMMENUUPDATING Rev 06/93DEPARTMENTAL TRANSMITTAL ENTRY

Departmental TransmittalsI. Office ProceduresA. PurposeDepartmental transmittals (DT) are used to record financial transactions which involvecollections, receivables, or refunds. A DT must be created each time a transaction of this typeis presented to the Bursar's Office.1. Collections, receivables, or credits along with TWO copies of the DT entry must be h<strong>and</strong>carried to the Vault Teller in the Office of Bursar Operations, 125 Thomas Boyd Hall. Allchecks, traveler's checks, <strong>and</strong> money orders must be endorsed on the back by thedepartment. The Vault Teller verifies the currency <strong>and</strong> stamps the second copy receivedfor the department's records.II.Creating a Departmental Transmittal Entry1. Start at the GLS Menu. See page 71 in the Updating section of this <strong>manual</strong> for detailed instruction.2. The cursor will appear in the Action field. You can press F8 or type an A for add.3. The cursor will appear in the Code field. Type IAE (Initiate Accounting Entry).The same function can be performed by pressing PF8.4. The <strong>General</strong> Ledger Menu screen should display as shown below:GLSMENUGENERAL LEDGER MENUACTION: A (A/ADD,C/CHANGE,V/VIEW) CODE: IAE-------------------- INQUIRY ---------------------ACTION CODEV AEI - ACCOUNTING ENTRY INQUIRYV ONS - ORDER NUMBER SUMMARY-------------------- DATA ENTRY --------------------ACTION CODEC BCC - ACCOUNTING ENTRY BANK CODE CHANGEA IAE - INITIATE ACCOUNTING ENTRYC RAE - RELEASE ACCOUNTING ENTRIES-------------------- OTHER MENUS -------------------PFKEY: 2 - CODE TABLE MENU 6 - FORMS MAINTENANCE/INQUIRYMENU3 - GLS AND COA MENU 7 - YEAR END PROCESSING4 - FINANCIAL INQUIRY MENU - 8 - INITIATE ACCOUNTING ENTRYBY ACCOUNT 9 - CHART OF ACCOUNTS MENU5 - FINANCIAL INQUIRY MENU - 10BY PROJECT1=VAEI2=CODEMENU 3=GLS/COA 4=ACCTINQ 5=PROJINQ 6=FORMMENUUPDATING Rev 06/93DEPARTMENTAL TRANSMITTAL ENTRY

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