General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...

General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ... General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...


c. Tab to the Contact Name field and type in the name of the person who can be contactedregarding this order.d. Tab to the Contact Phone field and type in the phone number of the contact person. Thecursor will automatically move to the Area Code field. Type in the three digit area code.e. Tab to the Entry Total field. This should equal the total Increase Amt or total Decrease Amtfields.f. The Effective Date field will automatically enter the current date. You may type in a futuredate, but not a past date.g. The remaining fields are filled in by the system.12. The Initiate Accounting Entry screen should display as follows:GLSIAEINITIATE ACCOUNTING ENTRYREQUIRED DATAACTION: A CODE: IAESELECT ONE: BA - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT SJ - SIMPLE JOURNAL VOUCHERIT - INTERNAL TRANSACTION CJ - COMPOUND JOURNAL VOUCHEREI - ENCUMBER INTERNAL TRANSACTION CS - CASH JOURNAL VOUCHERDJ - DEPARTMENTAL JOURNAL VOUCHER BT - BANK TRANSFERSGE - GRANT ESTABLISHMENTENTRY TYPE : BA FORM # : IF DP, CUSTOMER ENTRY?ENTRY DESC : COVER OD IN 4250COMMENTS : BOUGHT TOO MUCH PAPER AND OVERDRAFTED THE 4250 OBJECT CODESRCE DOC TYPE/# : DEPT REF # :CONTACT NAME : TOM THUMBCONTACT PHONE : 388 8888 AREA CODE : (504)ENTRY TOTAL :EFFECTIVE DATE :7/1 REVERSAL:1=HELP 2=CODEMENU 3= 4=VAEI 5= 6=FORMMENU7= 8= 9= 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF13. Press Enter. The Budget Adjustment Entry screen will display.14. The cursor will appear in the Acct column. Type in the nine digit account number with no dashes.This is the account number in which you are increasing or decreasing the budget.15. The cursor will appear in the T T (Transaction Type) column. Type a B for Expenditure Budget or anI for Anticipated Revenue.16. The cursor will appear in the Obj (Object Code) column. Type in the four digit object code.The cursor will appear in the Subobject field which is a one digit field after the object code to be usedby the department to further break down the existing object codes. This is optional.17. The Proj field is only used when project accounting is implemented. See the Project section in thismanual for project accounting capability.18. Tab to either the Increase Amt column or Decrease Amt column and type in the appropriateUPDATING Rev 06/9393BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS

information.19. Tab to Line 002 and fill in the corresponding information. If you are entering more than seven lines,you must press Enter after the seventh line to get a new screen. A maximum of 200 lines can beentered per Budget Adjustment.20. The following fields are optional:a. Tab to the Perm/Temp Adjust field. This identifies the Budget Adjustment as beingT (Temporary) or P (Permanent). A Permanent adjustment affects this fiscal year and willbe reflected in future fiscal years. A T (Temporary) adjustment affects only this fiscal year.The system automatically will make the adjustment temporary if you do not type in theinformation.Note: Most Budget Adjustments are Temporary.b. Tab to the Type Code field. This is used by Budget and Planning only.c. Tab to the HRM Position # field. This field is only used for Budget Adjustments affectingHRM positions.Note: This is used by Budget and Planning only.20. The Budget Adjustment Entry screen should display as follows:GLSBAEBUDGET ADJUSTMENT ENTRYADD SUCCESSFULACTION: A (A/ADD,C/CHANGE,V/VIEW) CODE: IAE OVERRIDE ERRORS:ENTRY#: 12345678 FY: 92 TOTAL LINES: ENTRY TOTAL:LINE ACCT TT OBJ PROJ INCREASE AMT DECREASE AMT001 123456789 B 4250 2350.50002 " B 3350 2350.50003004005006007CALCULATED TOTALS:SRCE DOC TYPE/# :DEPT REF NBR :PERM/TEMP ADJUST: TTYPE CODE : 300HRM POSITION # :1= 2= 3=ENDENTRY 4= 5= 6=1STPAGE7=PREVPAGE 8=NEXTPAGE 9=HEADER 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF21. Press Enter. Choose one of the following options:a. If no errors are found, go to step #22.b. If an error is found, a message will appear in the top left corner and the cursor will move toUPDATING Rev 06/93BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS

c. Tab to the Contact Name field <strong>and</strong> type in the name of the person who can be contactedregarding this order.d. Tab to the Contact Phone field <strong>and</strong> type in the phone number of the contact person. Thecursor will automatically move to the Area Code field. Type in the three digit area code.e. Tab to the Entry Total field. This should equal the total Increase Amt or total Decrease Amtfields.f. The Effective Date field will automatically enter the current date. You may type in a futuredate, but not a past date.g. The remaining fields are filled in by the <strong>system</strong>.12. The Initiate Accounting Entry screen should display as follows:GLSIAEINITIATE ACCOUNTING ENTRYREQUIRED DATAACTION: A CODE: IAESELECT ONE: BA - BUDGET ADJUSTMENT SJ - SIMPLE JOURNAL VOUCHERIT - INTERNAL TRANSACTION CJ - COMPOUND JOURNAL VOUCHEREI - ENCUMBER INTERNAL TRANSACTION CS - CASH JOURNAL VOUCHERDJ - DEPARTMENTAL JOURNAL VOUCHER BT - BANK TRANSFERSGE - GRANT ESTABLISHMENTENTRY TYPE : BA FORM # : IF DP, CUSTOMER ENTRY?ENTRY DESC : COVER OD IN 4250COMMENTS : BOUGHT TOO MUCH PAPER AND OVERDRAFTED THE 4250 OBJECT CODESRCE DOC TYPE/# : DEPT REF # :CONTACT NAME : TOM THUMBCONTACT PHONE : 388 8888 AREA CODE : (504)ENTRY TOTAL :EFFECTIVE DATE :7/1 REVERSAL:1=HELP 2=CODEMENU 3= 4=VAEI 5= 6=FORMMENU7= 8= 9= 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF13. Press Enter. The Budget Adjustment Entry screen will display.14. The cursor will appear in the Acct column. Type in the nine digit account number with no dashes.This is the account number in which you are increasing or decreasing the budget.15. The cursor will appear in the T T (Transaction Type) column. Type a B for Expenditure Budget or anI for Anticipated Revenue.16. The cursor will appear in the Obj (Object Code) column. Type in the four digit object code.The cursor will appear in the Subobject field which is a one digit field after the object code to be usedby the department to further break down the existing object codes. This is optional.17. The Proj field is only used when project accounting is implemented. See the Project section in this<strong>manual</strong> for project accounting capability.18. Tab to either the Increase Amt column or Decrease Amt column <strong>and</strong> type in the appropriateUPDATING Rev 06/9393BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS

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