General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...

General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ... General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...


PF8 from the COAMENU will display the account restrictions screen as shown below:COARST ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS01/25/01 14:26:35REQUIRED DATAACTION: V (A/ADD,C/CHG,D/DEL,V/VIEW) CODE: RSTACCT CODE: ????????? FY: 2001TITLEThe PF9 option from the COAMENU provides the user with the ability to query on line for certainaccounts from the screen shown below. This is a limited query only on certain attributes, but doesprovide the output directly to the screen.COAACQCOA ACCOUNTS QUERY01/19/01 09:29:00ACTION: (V/VIEW) CODE:FY:COA Systemr 01/01

Louisiana State UniversityGeneral Ledger SystemClick here for Object Code Information

Louisiana State University<strong>General</strong> Ledger SystemClick here for Object Code Information

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