General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...

General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ... General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...


PF4 from the COAMENU provides the user with an attribute inquiry function developed to allowa search on accounts by the four specific attributes. This screen, as shown below, was designed forqueries on sponsored project accounts by short title, proposal #, PI SSN (searches on both PI andco-PI fields), grant # or CFDA #. You can only search for one attribute at a time.COASPQSPONSORED PROGRAM QUERY01/17/01 11:37:02PF5 from the COAMENU allows the user to inquire into the COA code tables, thereby providing onlineview of the codes and their definitions. When PF5 is selected, the Code Tables Menu willappear as follows:COACDM01/19/01 09:00:48CODE TABLES MENUACTION: V (A/ADD,C/CHANGE,D/DELETE,V/VIEW) TXN:CDMCODE TYPE CODE VALUE CODE DESCCT=CODE TYPE VL=VALUE LENGTHCT VL CODE TABLECT VL CODE TABLEFrom the Code Tables Menu, the user may inquire into any Code Type and Code Value to view thedefinitions. PF5 will produce the Basic Code Values screen as shown below:COACOD01/19/01 09:02:55BASIC CODE VALUESACTION: (A/ADD,C/CHANGE,D/DELETE,V/VIEW) TXN:CODE:COA Systemr 01/01

From the Code Tables Menu, PF4 will produce the Address Code Values screen as shown below.COAADR01/19/01 09:05:28ADDRESS CODE VALUESACTION: (A/ADD,C/CHG,D/DEL,V/VIEW) TXN:ADDR TYPE: CODE:A/C/DCODELINE1 (NAME)PHONE NBRLINE2 (NAME/ADDR)The COA/GLS Menu is displayed when PF6 is selected from the menu. It provides several optionsavailable for viewing an account and it's relationship to specific objects (object sets), transactiontypes (transaction type sets) and project numbers (project rules). This menu can also be selectedfrom the GLSMENU screen and will display as shown below.COAGLS01/17/01 11:53:04COA/GLS MENUACTION: (A/ADD,C/CHANGE,V/VIEW) TXN:------------------------- TXNS FOR DATA ENTRY---------------------------------AOR - ACCOUNT/OBJECT RELATIONS PRJ -The PF7 option on the COAMENU is under development.COA Systemr 01/01

PF4 from the COAMENU provides the user with an attribute inquiry function developed to allowa search on accounts by the four specific attributes. This screen, as shown below, was designed forqueries on sponsored project accounts by short title, proposal #, PI SSN (searches on both PI <strong>and</strong>co-PI fields), grant # or CFDA #. You can only search for one attribute at a time.COASPQSPONSORED PROGRAM QUERY01/17/01 11:37:02PF5 from the COAMENU allows the user to inquire into the COA code tables, thereby providing onlineview of the codes <strong>and</strong> their definitions. When PF5 is selected, the Code Tables Menu willappear as follows:COACDM01/19/01 09:00:48CODE TABLES MENUACTION: V (A/ADD,C/CHANGE,D/DELETE,V/VIEW) TXN:CDMCODE TYPE CODE VALUE CODE DESCCT=CODE TYPE VL=VALUE LENGTHCT VL CODE TABLECT VL CODE TABLEFrom the Code Tables Menu, the user may inquire into any Code Type <strong>and</strong> Code Value to view thedefinitions. PF5 will produce the Basic Code Values screen as shown below:COACOD01/19/01 09:02:55BASIC CODE VALUESACTION: (A/ADD,C/CHANGE,D/DELETE,V/VIEW) TXN:CODE:COA Systemr 01/01

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