General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...

General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ... General ledger system manual - lsu/fas - Finance and Administrative ...


#. Status, entry type and logonid must be left blank when using entry number.8. Press Enter.9. If you have more than one entry that meets the criteria, the Accounting Entry List screen will display.If only one entry is available, go to step #12.10. Tab to the Sel (Select) column and type a S next to the entry that you would like to view.11. The Accounting Entry List will display as follows:GLSAELENTER SELECT ONEACTION: VACCOUNTING ENTRY LISTEND OF DATACODE: AELENTRY ENTRY STAT VOUCHER INITSEL TYPE/# FY DESCRIPTION CODE TYPE/# LOGONIDS IT 1234567 92 SUPPLIES FOR TOM THUMB I HAPPYBA 0002596 92 OVERDRAFTED SUPPLIES I HAPPY1=HELP 2=CODEMENU 3= 4=VAEI 5=AIAE 6=1STPAGE7=PREVPAGE 8=NEXTPAGE 9= 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFF12. Press Enter. This will display the Accounting Entry Header screen.a. If there is information that needs to be changed or added on this screen, type a C in theAction field and then Tab to the appropriate fields and change/add the information. PressEnter.b. If no changes or additions are necessary, then press Enter.13. The Accounting Entry Header screen will display as shown below:GLSAEHACCOUNTING ENTRY HEADERENTER FOR DETAILACTION: V (C/CHANGE,D/DELETE,R/REVERSE,S/STATUS CHANGE,V/VIEW) CODE: AEHENTRY TYPE/#: IT 12345678 FY: 92 TOT LINES: 002 VOUCHER TYP/#:ENTRY STATUS: (FOR STATUS CHANGE:) EFF DTE DISP :ENTRY DESC : SUPPLIES FOR TOM THUMB ENTRY TOTAL : 0.00CONTACT NAME: TOM THUMB CONTACT PHONE: 504 388-8888COMMENTS : PLEASE RUSH - NEED BY 01/20/92:EFFECT DATE : 01/15/1992 7/1 REVERSAL :SRCE DOC # : DEPT REF # :------------------------------ STATUS INFORMATION --------------------------------I - INCOMPLETE 01/15/1992 HAPPY A - APPROVEDP - PENDINGR - RELEASEDD - DISAPPROVEDC - CURRENTINQUIRING Rev 06/93VIEWING SPECIFIC ENTRIES

14. Press Enter.15. See the Updating section for detailed instructions on completing or deleting your specific entry type.If the status of an entry is current, it cannot be changed or deleted.16. If the Status of the entry has become Current, the entry will display on the Current Entry Displayscreen.GLSCEDACTION: V (V/VIEW)CURRENT ENTRY DISPLAYCODE: AEIENTRY#: 12345678 FY: 92 TOTAL LINES: 008 ENTRY TOTAL:DEBIT CREDIT SYSSEL LINE ACCT TT OBJ PROJ AMOUNT AMOUNT GEN001 188-53-0500 X 7320 750.00002 184-91-0500 X 7320 750.00003 184-40-0300 A 1000 750.00 Y004 184-40-0300 A 1000 750.00 Y005 184-40-0300 F 3000 750.00 Y006 184-40-0300 F 3000 750.00 Y007 184-40-0300 S 9500 750.00 Y008 184-40-0300 S 9500 750.00 YCALCULATED TOTAL:1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6=1STPAGE7=PREVPAGE 8=NEXTPAGE 9=HEADER 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFFNote: You should only be concerned with the lines affecting your account. Lines marked with a Yin the Sys Gen field are for Accounting Services use only.17. If you want additional information about a specific line on the current entry display, tab down nextto the line for which you want the information, and enter an "S" and press ENTER. When you arefinished viewing the additional information, press PF3 to return to the current entry display.INQUIRING Rev 06/93VIEWING SPECIFIC ENTRIES

14. Press Enter.15. See the Updating section for detailed instructions on completing or deleting your specific entry type.If the status of an entry is current, it cannot be changed or deleted.16. If the Status of the entry has become Current, the entry will display on the Current Entry Displayscreen.GLSCEDACTION: V (V/VIEW)CURRENT ENTRY DISPLAYCODE: AEIENTRY#: 12345678 FY: 92 TOTAL LINES: 008 ENTRY TOTAL:DEBIT CREDIT SYSSEL LINE ACCT TT OBJ PROJ AMOUNT AMOUNT GEN001 188-53-0500 X 7320 750.00002 184-91-0500 X 7320 750.00003 184-40-0300 A 1000 750.00 Y004 184-40-0300 A 1000 750.00 Y005 184-40-0300 F 3000 750.00 Y006 184-40-0300 F 3000 750.00 Y007 184-40-0300 S 9500 750.00 Y008 184-40-0300 S 9500 750.00 YCALCULATED TOTAL:1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6=1STPAGE7=PREVPAGE 8=NEXTPAGE 9=HEADER 10=GLSMENU 11=SYSMENU 12=LOGOFFNote: You should only be concerned with the lines affecting your account. Lines marked with a Yin the Sys Gen field are for Accounting Services use only.17. If you want additional information about a specific line on the current entry display, tab down nextto the line for which you want the information, <strong>and</strong> enter an "S" <strong>and</strong> press ENTER. When you arefinished viewing the additional information, press PF3 to return to the current entry display.INQUIRING Rev 06/93VIEWING SPECIFIC ENTRIES

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