-t ET'

-t ET'

-t ET'


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SNOW COVER PROFILEFi tLPage I of /DateTimeObseruer l^A,urc,n, LiZ, RSnlq-Location Code (see below): Air Temp.erature 4"LValid $character location codeo are Saddle grid 6tak€6 (001 through (80, l0Athrough 80A), south ol GrenLake 4 inlet (084), north ol Green Lake 4 inlet (085), Green Lake 4 outlet (086), Green Lake 5 (0S/), 50 msouth ol creek on Navajo bench (08S), Arikare Glacier (ARK). Green LakE 3, 4, and 5 north lacing slope/aa GFN\ Grolebo?, L qnr{6rrallanrflmr/oa GSV\ GraanlrkaR d anr{Scnrrlh{aninnslonafeoG5S), Green Lake 5 Outlet south-facing slope (5OS), aast edge ol soddie lysimeter field (SAE), west edge olsoddie lysimeter field (SAW), south-west of soddie lpimeter field (SStlV), 300m east ol T-van towards thesoddie (f30), soddiewest nar (SWN) AmerifluxTre &' (ABl)- index, (AB1)-1Ocm from tree (AB2)-50cm,(AB3)-100cm, (AB4)-150cm, (AB5)-200cm, (AB6)-250cm, Ameriflto< Tree 1- (A1l) indoc (All)-1Ocm fromtree (Al 2)-50cm, (Al 3)-100cm, (A14)-I 50cm, (At 5)-200cm, (Al 6)-250cm.Liquid water value range from 0 to 8 o/o.Valid 2-character grain shape codes are wet snow metamorphism (WM), equitemperature (ET), depth hoar[tG), ice (lC), or crust (CR).FGrain size6 range from 0.1 to 9.9 mm. (Ddauh 9.9 mm)Hardness codEs: 1- ftnileh 2- (pencil): $ (1 finser); 't- (4finser); $ (fig0.Computer data entry by _Cloudiness/lnsolationPrecipitation ffil**;t*-01 S ffsx.r,rWind V-av- !\ESt"/***

SNOW COVER PROFILELocation Code (see below):DateTirneStu'llaar i=if # I Page I oflObseruerAirTemperatureCbudiness/lnsolationPrecipitatbnWindSurfaceHardnessInstrumentComputer data ontry by - Date :- Rekey ITARKW.F|'B FORMSSIIOwPtT;SllilGBAlrIl"{'&'*I4scw3O ctn)*a n",lCIcmTemp(c)NWtf6tt ru', _ L{7GrmNetWeight(g)* {o{ LV-d23o- qq^ ?t3Heightabonground(cm)Ulot#ffi*)e)L-'TUt.,-{\-Jo Iqg#'Xc KILo,e #?rO,CHeightabotnground(cm)til4 n',{' LI#( rn&aP{iqsidmilsr(vl-rr-1 fl1Tcn-{'t43 cn7 0c$t).^o-{oLGrainShepe\- a,.* I I'lr'^u*LP/Lrn^.1.g1,t(fr.,cLdGrainSize(mm)Vrlld g.chrnctor locrtidt oodcere Srddc gkt d.kr (001 trotrgh N,l0Athrcugh l0A), n{! {,Orc1Leke 4 inlC (04), nort1 ol Greln Lrko 4 inlct (00S,), &rcn hk 4 outbt (00C), Grrm Lrke 5 (0n4' 60 msorth of opdf ori ltnrrio b$ch (n), Arilore Glech (ARK). Grrn Lrka S, 4, end 5 nor$ fectng rlopo(e.9, GEll), Grecr Lrki 3, a, eni e vrhy floor (r.g., GEV), Gren LNke g,_/t,tnd 6 routr ftclq dopr (e.9.' ^br6i, cd,.L"ltio,rrn mutrr{|drE itoprpcl, .|*lpoqgqp-bEindrti.ld_(s^E),Hdg.oa.o.liiii'.i",rc, |ictd (g wf , !ourr"m* ot'eodeo [,*n *l liru 1ssw1, 900m *d ot T.,rnn rornrfr threodOf 6!01, 3oddic ild ni* 1SWry r,tt"rllq Trr & (lBl> hdoq (18!F!$1.trom ur (A&lFocm'traglr'oo"ni, (AB,q.1sgqn, (das)-i6ocrr1(AES)e6Ocn,Arirrillru_Tn r- (Al0 indu, (Atl)'locm frcmtrcc (414-50am, (Al3)-100cm, (Al+150cm,(Al8)4@cm'(Al8}250cm.Liquld wrtcr vrlur trngp lrom 0 b I %.Veiid edrarraor g6in ihnpc codcr rrr rnd rnow mrtmorphitm (W|l), rqdtrmpentue (ET)' dcplh tprtFG), ice (lC), ot cua (CR),Grain dzc rrngcfron 0'l to 0.0 mn. (DCruh 0.e mm)Hadns codoe: l- (lrnle):& (pfic0i $ (1 flngor)r; t0ltlrlfi t Sl)-Hardness? tt'*-'5{tfSv.r t& ft -.:13 f)6"h'lct".Jrtoxlie;1 l. t"1t-u J&*i rejet{"o..,t;.-3Y d'lnr1f"t,'l r'j1.5 l.{-lY fu,,togft,rc3r.i;i&*?,\ efrCommentsr1.uLd,.i,*cf,A;tit'Jf. ?,{,^JI $ Kht *t*,.t'-.-Jt7L.' 1{qLrp -t ;FF* 9 f< r-'\ t

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