NEWS - Grocott's Mail

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Grocott’s Mail Friday, 8 October 2010NEWS3More water outages expectedPRUDENCE MINIWater outages inJoza and highlying areas remaina problem while Makanacouncillors at the recent OrdinaryCouncil meeting stillquestion the progress onthis matter.Councillor Michael Whissonreferred to the minutesof the Mayoral committeemeeting in May which outlineda report on water outagesin Joza. “Perhaps thecouncil should note that thewater outages in Joza andother parts of that area hasnot been resolved and weare now four months downthe line. I think that this isquite outrageous,” he said.Ward 9 councillorMxolisi Ntshiba commentedthat he has had no water athis home for three weeks.“Water only comes at midnight.”Ntshiba said youmay find certain houses withwater but across the streetsare houses going without.“CFO, my bill is consistant,it does not reflect that thereis a problem with the water,”he said.Executive Mayor VumileLwana said he has heardthat before water is transportedto rural areas it issold before it reaches thepeople. He said when hehears of such allegations,he believes an investigationshould be made. Lwana saidthat there is a lack of informationreaching the com-Report back for the week…Attempted Theft: 2House Break-ins: 2Business Break-ins: 3Arrests: 4Crime TipWhen leaving your house for longperiods, don’t mention it on youranswering machine.RUN DRY... OnThursday JozaStreet residentswho still sufferfrom water outageslined up withtheir containers atNoluthando Hallwhere two largemunicipal trucksdelivered water.The water outagesin Joza have beenlong and relentlessbut the authoritieshave not yet founda solution.Photo: Andile Nayikamunity about the severity ofthis matter. “It is a true whatCouncillor Ntshiba said theyget water at 12 midnight.”The mayor added that theyare at fault for not informingpeople about what plansare in place to mitigate thesituation.Municipal Manager,Ntombi Baart respondedto the water issues raised.“I must indicate that theseissues were discussed atlength during the water indaba,”she said. An actionplan around the resolutionswas formulated at the indabaand has already beendeveloped and will be takento the Land, Housing, InfrastructuralDevelopment andDisaster Management PortfolioCommittee, said Baart.Some of the resolutionshave already been carriedout, such as a recommendationmade by Whisson duringthe indaba that new RDPhouses should be installedwith a rainwater tank.“I think we will continueto experience these problems,”said Baart, seeingas that the Waainek plantis completely dry. She saidthey have been carting waterto supply the high lyingareas. “Unfortunately interms of the locality of someJoza areas, they are in thehigh lying areas and thatcauses a diminishing of waterpressure.”Councillor Les Reynoldssuggested that additionalpipes be used to feed waterto Grahamstown East as“we are in a crisis situationnow”. He added that somethingneeds to be done soonas the council cannot allowpeople to go without water.MUNICIPAL NOTICENOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGThe Municipal Manager, Ms N L Baart, as duly instructed bythe Speaker of the Makana Municipality (Clr R Madinda), herebygives notice that, in terms of Section 19(b) of the Local Government:Municipal Systems Act, Act No. 32 of 2000, a SpecialCouncil meeting of the Makana Local Municipality will be heldin the Council Chamber, City Hall, High Street, Grahamstownon Wednesday, 13 October 2010 at 16h30.MS. N. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGERNotice number: 88 of 2010GIVING YOU MORE& MOREHear Ye Hear Ye!Lords and LadiesLet it be known throughout the landthat there will be on the31st of December 2010 from 19h00 to 24h00New Year’s Eve Medieval BanquetAt Bezali Lodge(7km from Grahamstown, Southwell Off Ramp)All guests are summoned to attend for a night of song and dance in true Medieval attireR350-00 per couple (Payable in advance)Wine and ale available for some gold coins (no own drinks)Please RS.V.P. before 30 November 2010 (book now to avoid disappointment)Mari : 082 465 2780 or ; OF ECONOMICSDr Xolile Guma,Deputy-Governor of the South African Reserve Bank and Visiting Professor inEconomics at Rhodes University, will present the following seminar:“The Current Trends and Outlook of theSouth African Economy”in theEDEN GROVE SEMINAR ROOM 1onThursday 14 October 2010 at 17:15All who are interested are invited to attend.For enquiries, please contact:Ms Chantelle Fourie on or 046-603

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010<strong>NEWS</strong>3More water outages expectedPRUDENCE MINIWater outages inJoza and highlying areas remaina problem while Makanacouncillors at the recent OrdinaryCouncil meeting stillquestion the progress onthis matter.Councillor Michael Whissonreferred to the minutesof the Mayoral committeemeeting in May which outlineda report on water outagesin Joza. “Perhaps thecouncil should note that thewater outages in Joza andother parts of that area hasnot been resolved and weare now four months downthe line. I think that this isquite outrageous,” he said.Ward 9 councillorMxolisi Ntshiba commentedthat he has had no water athis home for three weeks.“Water only comes at midnight.”Ntshiba said youmay find certain houses withwater but across the streetsare houses going without.“CFO, my bill is consistant,it does not reflect that thereis a problem with the water,”he said.Executive Mayor VumileLwana said he has heardthat before water is transportedto rural areas it issold before it reaches thepeople. He said when hehears of such allegations,he believes an investigationshould be made. Lwana saidthat there is a lack of informationreaching the com-Report back for the week…Attempted Theft: 2House Break-ins: 2Business Break-ins: 3Arrests: 4Crime TipWhen leaving your house for longperiods, don’t mention it on youranswering machine.RUN DRY... OnThursday JozaStreet residentswho still sufferfrom water outageslined up withtheir containers atNoluthando Hallwhere two largemunicipal trucksdelivered water.The water outagesin Joza have beenlong and relentlessbut the authoritieshave not yet founda solution.Photo: Andile Nayikamunity about the severity ofthis matter. “It is a true whatCouncillor Ntshiba said theyget water at 12 midnight.”The mayor added that theyare at fault for not informingpeople about what plansare in place to mitigate thesituation.Municipal Manager,Ntombi Baart respondedto the water issues raised.“I must indicate that theseissues were discussed atlength during the water indaba,”she said. An actionplan around the resolutionswas formulated at the indabaand has already beendeveloped and will be takento the Land, Housing, InfrastructuralDevelopment andDisaster Management PortfolioCommittee, said Baart.Some of the resolutionshave already been carriedout, such as a recommendationmade by Whisson duringthe indaba that new RDPhouses should be installedwith a rainwater tank.“I think we will continueto experience these problems,”said Baart, seeingas that the Waainek plantis completely dry. She saidthey have been carting waterto supply the high lyingareas. “Unfortunately interms of the locality of someJoza areas, they are in thehigh lying areas and thatcauses a diminishing of waterpressure.”Councillor Les Reynoldssuggested that additionalpipes be used to feed waterto Grahamstown East as“we are in a crisis situationnow”. He added that somethingneeds to be done soonas the council cannot allowpeople to go without water.MUNICIPAL NOTICENOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGThe Municipal Manager, Ms N L Baart, as duly instructed bythe Speaker of the Makana Municipality (Clr R Madinda), herebygives notice that, in terms of Section 19(b) of the Local Government:Municipal Systems Act, Act No. 32 of 2000, a SpecialCouncil meeting of the Makana Local Municipality will be heldin the Council Chamber, City Hall, High Street, Grahamstownon Wednesday, 13 October 2010 at 16h30.MS. N. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGERNotice number: 88 of 2010GIVING YOU MORE& MOREHear Ye Hear Ye!Lords and LadiesLet it be known throughout the landthat there will be on the31st of December 2010 from 19h00 to 24h00New Year’s Eve Medieval BanquetAt Bezali Lodge(7km from Grahamstown, Southwell Off Ramp)All guests are summoned to attend for a night of song and dance in true Medieval attireR350-00 per couple (Payable in advance)Wine and ale available for some gold coins (no own drinks)Please RS.V.P. before 30 November 2010 (book now to avoid disappointment)Mari : 082 465 2780 or ; OF ECONOMICSDr Xolile Guma,Deputy-Governor of the South African Reserve Bank and Visiting Professor inEconomics at Rhodes University, will present the following seminar:“The Current Trends and Outlook of theSouth African Economy”in theEDEN GROVE SEMINAR ROOM 1onThursday 14 October 2010 at 17:15All who are interested are invited to attend.For enquiries, please contact:Ms Chantelle Fourie on or 046-603

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