NEWS - Grocott's Mail

NEWS - Grocott's Mail

NEWS - Grocott's Mail


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Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010<strong>NEWS</strong>3More water outages expectedPRUDENCE MINIWater outages inJoza and highlying areas remaina problem while Makanacouncillors at the recent OrdinaryCouncil meeting stillquestion the progress onthis matter.Councillor Michael Whissonreferred to the minutesof the Mayoral committeemeeting in May which outlineda report on water outagesin Joza. “Perhaps thecouncil should note that thewater outages in Joza andother parts of that area hasnot been resolved and weare now four months downthe line. I think that this isquite outrageous,” he said.Ward 9 councillorMxolisi Ntshiba commentedthat he has had no water athis home for three weeks.“Water only comes at midnight.”Ntshiba said youmay find certain houses withwater but across the streetsare houses going without.“CFO, my bill is consistant,it does not reflect that thereis a problem with the water,”he said.Executive Mayor VumileLwana said he has heardthat before water is transportedto rural areas it issold before it reaches thepeople. He said when hehears of such allegations,he believes an investigationshould be made. Lwana saidthat there is a lack of informationreaching the com-Report back for the week…Attempted Theft: 2House Break-ins: 2Business Break-ins: 3Arrests: 4Crime TipWhen leaving your house for longperiods, don’t mention it on youranswering machine.RUN DRY... OnThursday JozaStreet residentswho still sufferfrom water outageslined up withtheir containers atNoluthando Hallwhere two largemunicipal trucksdelivered water.The water outagesin Joza have beenlong and relentlessbut the authoritieshave not yet founda solution.Photo: Andile Nayikamunity about the severity ofthis matter. “It is a true whatCouncillor Ntshiba said theyget water at 12 midnight.”The mayor added that theyare at fault for not informingpeople about what plansare in place to mitigate thesituation.Municipal Manager,Ntombi Baart respondedto the water issues raised.“I must indicate that theseissues were discussed atlength during the water indaba,”she said. An actionplan around the resolutionswas formulated at the indabaand has already beendeveloped and will be takento the Land, Housing, InfrastructuralDevelopment andDisaster Management PortfolioCommittee, said Baart.Some of the resolutionshave already been carriedout, such as a recommendationmade by Whisson duringthe indaba that new RDPhouses should be installedwith a rainwater tank.“I think we will continueto experience these problems,”said Baart, seeingas that the Waainek plantis completely dry. She saidthey have been carting waterto supply the high lyingareas. “Unfortunately interms of the locality of someJoza areas, they are in thehigh lying areas and thatcauses a diminishing of waterpressure.”Councillor Les Reynoldssuggested that additionalpipes be used to feed waterto Grahamstown East as“we are in a crisis situationnow”. He added that somethingneeds to be done soonas the council cannot allowpeople to go without water.MUNICIPAL NOTICENOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGThe Municipal Manager, Ms N L Baart, as duly instructed bythe Speaker of the Makana Municipality (Clr R Madinda), herebygives notice that, in terms of Section 19(b) of the Local Government:Municipal Systems Act, Act No. 32 of 2000, a SpecialCouncil meeting of the Makana Local Municipality will be heldin the Council Chamber, City Hall, High Street, Grahamstownon Wednesday, 13 October 2010 at 16h30.MS. N. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGERNotice number: 88 of 2010GIVING YOU MORE& MOREHear Ye Hear Ye!Lords and LadiesLet it be known throughout the landthat there will be on the31st of December 2010 from 19h00 to 24h00New Year’s Eve Medieval BanquetAt Bezali Lodge(7km from Grahamstown, Southwell Off Ramp)All guests are summoned to attend for a night of song and dance in true Medieval attireR350-00 per couple (Payable in advance)Wine and ale available for some gold coins (no own drinks)Please RS.V.P. before 30 November 2010 (book now to avoid disappointment)Mari : 082 465 2780 or info@bezalilodge.co.za ; www.bezalilodge.co.zaDEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICSDr Xolile Guma,Deputy-Governor of the South African Reserve Bank and Visiting Professor inEconomics at Rhodes University, will present the following seminar:“The Current Trends and Outlook of theSouth African Economy”in theEDEN GROVE SEMINAR ROOM 1onThursday 14 October 2010 at 17:15All who are interested are invited to attend.For enquiries, please contact:Ms Chantelle Fourie on c.fourie@ru.ac.za or 046-603 8301www.ru.ac.za

6 EditorialGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010Liberty and ProgressEstablished 1870The value ofindependenceIn by-elections held this week in Kentonon-Sea,an independent candidate, ZacheNgixingo, won Ward 4 with almost 65%of votes cast. This reflects a sharp swingaway from the ANC that in 2006 secured justover 73% of the votes in that ward. It wouldbe foolish to read too much into the resultsof a single ward, after all, the 3 578 voters inKenton are not representative of the nationalpopulation as a whole.On the other hand, on 14 October, wellknown Grahamstown advocate and formerlocal DA Chairperson, Jock McConnachieaims to launch a grouping of independentcandidates to contest next year’s localgovernment elections. He says: “The aimof the New Deal initiative is to de-politiciselocal government and to free it from thegrip of political parties which is stranglingeffective local governance and delivery bothin Makana and elsewhere.”He argues that the initiative to putindependent candidates in council would“re-assert a proper work ethic amongst ourofficials and do away with exorbitant perksand secretive decision-making by a rulingclique behind closed doors”.There is mounting evidence to showthat the politicisation of local government inSouth Africa is having a detrimental effecton service delivery, and there is more thanenough evidence to show that our councillorsare not giving constituents what theydeserve. Even the mayor of Makana Municipality,Vumile Lwana has publicly chastisedcouncillors for not turning up for meetingsthat they are supposed to attend. In fairness,there are some Makana councillors who arevery hard working and diligent, but there areothers – and the mayor knows who you are –who fall way short of required standards.Perhaps the swing vote in Kentonmeans that McConnachie could be ontosomething.South Africa’s Oldest Independent NewspaperIncorporating The Grahamstown Journal(1831 – 1920) Vol. 141 No. 81Published by the David Rabkin Project for ExperientialJournalism Training (Pty) Ltd, 40 High Street,Grahamstown, 6139Telephone: 046 622 7222 • Fax: 046 622 7282/3Website: www.grocotts.co.zaPrinted by PaarlcoldsetE-mAIl AddrESSESNews: editor@grocotts.co.zaWebsite: online@grocotts.co.zaAdvertising: adverts@grocotts.co.za or ronel@grocotts.co.zaSport: sport@grocotts.co.zaletters: letters@grocotts.co.zaGeneral manager: l.vale@grocotts.co.zaEdITOrIAlEditor: Steven LangNews Editor: Abongile MgaqelwaNew media Editor: Michael SalzwedelStaff reporters: Prudence Mini, Andile Nayika,Khanyiso Tshwaku, Olwethu XabanisaStaff Photographer/reporter: Stephen PenneyCommunity news: community@grocotts.co.zaAdvertising manager: Ronél BowlesGeneral manager: Louise ValeGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> is published by theDavid Rabkin Project for ExperientialJournalism, a company wholly ownedby Rhodes University. The contentsof this newspaper do not necessarilyrepresent the views of either body.Code of ConductGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> subscribes to the Press Council’sCode of Conduct, which obliges us to reportthe news truthfully, accurately and fairly (www.presscouncil.org.za). If you think we are not livingup to this, your first step is to contact the Editor.If you are still dissatisfied, we encourage you tocontact the Press Ombudsman at 011 484 3612/8 orpressombudsman@ombudsman.org.zaWhat has happenedto our localbusiness fraternity?‘Local’ refers to the whole of Makana andeveryone with business interests, whether inGrahamstown, Alicedale or Riebeeck-East.It also refers to our agriculturalists and gamefarmers who contribute hugely to the localeconomy.Through the multitude of services theyprovide, the business fraternity have thegreatest influence on the quality of life ofthose living in Makana. Their interests andours are inextricably intertwined. If theyflourish, Makana flourishes. If they wither, wewither.Business people ought to have a direct sayin the management of municipal affairs. Theyshould be represented on council and theirinterests should be informing its decisions.They used to provide key leadership on councilas mayors were very often members of thebusiness fraternity with business expertise.Yet nowadays the businesses have optedout and chosen to ‘leave politics to the politicians’.They’ve done so out of a misguidedsense of self-preservation, believing that theirinterests are best served by going with theflow and being inconspicuous. Hence, for instance,when Grahamstown’s city centre wasreduced to a trash heap during the last municipalstrike, the business fraternity toleratedthe situation and even when one or two werebrave enough to confront the trashers andwere physically assaulted, they were silent.Their timidity is attributable to the tyrannyof the self-proclaimed “ruling party” and itsperceived omnipotence.It explains why, even though most in thebusiness fraternity are unhappy with howMakana is being run, they will not actively andopenly align themselves with opposition to the“ruling party” because they believe they willbecome targets for retribution if they do. Giventhe way the ANC conducts itself in Makanaand elsewhere, the nervousness of the businessfraternity is to some extent understandable,but unless the ANC is challenged or, atthe very least, engaged, it will become moreand more bloated with arrogance and thelevels of efficiency and service delivery, whichare already critical, will continue to decline.The business fraternity needs to once againorganise themselves collectively and to beginexerting direct influence on how our localgovernment functions.They must help to identify suitable independentcandidates to stand in oppositionto the “ruling party” and to represent theirinterests. The Makana New Deal initiativeprovides the business fraternity with a nonpoliticalvehicle to once again involve themselvesconstructively in our local government.They should seize the opportunity. Remainingsupine is detrimental to the economicfortunes of Makana and will, in the end, provedisastrous.Do we have any business leader who isprepared to take up the challenge?Jock McConnachieGreat effort!Congratulations to the group of third yearjournalism students and their helpers fromthe community and from Rhodes for hostinga very successful soccer tournament onSaturday in Joza. With very little resourcesthey managed to create a beautiful space forthe kids and youngsters to display their skillsand to have a pleasant day of recreation. Isincerely hope that this initiative will growand develop into an ongoing endeavour. Whatwas particularly striking is that this group ofstudents did their thing without public praiseor acclaim. Their lecturers and the universitycan truly be proud of them!Community Engagement SupporterSo helpfulIt was only when the funny (or not so funny atthe time) incident of the exhaust pipe fallingoff my car did I realise how great the Grahamstownlocals are! It is a common perception ofstudents to think that there is a definite dividebetween the communities in Grahamstown -that of the residents and that of the students.Write to: The Editor, PO Box 103 Grahamstown 6140Fax to: 046 622 7282Email: letters@grocotts.co.zaThis was proven wrong when local residentswent out of their way to help me. Thanks tothe three gentlemen who temporarily hitchedup the exhaust... in the rain! And thanks toEP Mufflers who did an awesome job free ofcharge!GwenSMS082 049 2146Why is Grocotts <strong>Mail</strong> costingR5? If it could costless, more people wouldafford it as opposed tonow. Come on, the socioeconomicsituation ofGrahamstown does not favourthe R5.Bongani Kolisi.>>>>>>>>>>Leanne's query about pedestrianscrossing BertramStreet is not a STOPas u r not entering HighStreet - Bertram Street isone way from High Streetdown to New Street. Checkit out Janet. Apology?>>>>>>>>>>Brilliant Griffy cartoonin Friday's <strong>Grocott's</strong> ofthe worms in Alicedale'swater. Keep up the goodwork.Jane Duncan.>>>>>>>>>>Pseudonyms may be used, but all letters must be supported by a name, signature and street address. Preference will be given to letters which arenot longer than 400 words and are clearly legible. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject letters/photographs.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 20107Consistentvalueevery day!Asseen onTVClover DanoneNutridayYoghurtsAssorted1kgEach15 99SAVE 4 00TydstroomSpecial Braaipackper kgSAVE 9 00PRICES APPLY TO ALL HYPERS, SUPERMARKETS AND FAMILY STORES IN EASTERN CAPEPRICES VALID6 - 10 Oct 2010HERE’SPROOF!11 49FiRST CHOiCEUHT MiLKASSORTED1.5 LiTRE EACHSAVE 3 00CloverMooi RiverButter500gSpekkoRice2kgNescafeRicoffy750gSAVE 13 00StorkBakeMargarine500g Brick49 99SAVE 3 0019 95 SAVE 2 46SAVE 6 04including William Moffett, Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Jeffreys Bay, East London, Plettenberg Bay, George, Knysna, Mossel Bay,Oudtshoorn, Queenstown, Aliwal North, Grahamstown & Port Alfred.While stocks last. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders please. E&oE.BokomoWeet-Bix900gBrands mayvary per store25 89Top LayLarge Eggs30’s26 99 SAVE 3 10Asseen on11 99EnterpriseFrenchor GarlicPolony1kgEach19 99SAVE 4 00Light& CrispyAssorted15 49 500gEach24 99SAVE 1 50TVAsseen onTV22 99 i & JSAVE 13 99Alsoavailable atCustomer CareToll Free 0800 11 22 88www.pnp.co.za1161577/A

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010Mountain Zebra hikingtrails re-openStaff RepoRteRShort hiking trails in the Mountain Zebra National Park havere-opened to visitors following their closure in mid-July aftera buffalo bull killed a hiker.The one kilometre Imbila Hiking Trail and 2.5km BlackEagle (previously 3km), which start and end at the rest camparea, have re-opened after the entire rest camp area and shorthiking trail area was fenced. A 4.2-kilometre electrified fencewas constructed over a period of two weeks, at a cost of overR250 000. The fence encloses the cottages, reception area,swimming pool, camping ground and short hiking trails and wasconstructed at a low level in front of the cottages so that it willnot interfere with the scenic view.“We are very pleased to be able to once again offer visitorsthe chance to experience the park on foot,” said Park Manager,Lesley-Ann Meyer. She said the short hiking trails, which areavailable to visitors at no extra cost, have always been a popularway to experience the bush and the scenic Karoo landscapes inthe park. Although the fence excludes large wildlife, visitors willstill be able to look out for spoor and signs of animals such askudu, common duiker and steenbok on the short hiking trails.Small mammals like rock dassie, scrub hare, cape hare, porcupine,ground squirrel, meerkat, grey and yellow mongoose arealso found in the area as well as vervet monkey and baboon.The two longer hiking trails: the 10-kilometre Idwala Trailand three-day, 25-kilometre Impofu Trail remain closed atpresent and will re-open later in the year as guided hiking trails.Visitors will be accompanied by an armed guide on these trails.Although the three-day hiking trail is closed, the two mountainhuts which provide overnight stops on the hike are stillavailable for bookings and can be accessed with a high clearancevehicle. The two mountain huts each accommodate 10 peoplein two bedrooms and a “hikers bedroom” with six bunk bedswhere own bedding must be provided. The huts are equippedwith solar-powered fridges, gas stoves, kitchen equipment, abraai area and ablutions.Mountain Zebra National Park is located near the townof Cradock in the Eastern Cape and conserves over 28 000hectares.NewsSOCIAL DRINKING... A family of elephants quench their thirst at Addo Elephant Park. The park itself is dry because of thedrought so most animals would not be able to survive without the artificially created pans such as this one.Photo: Steven LangERRATUM9FATHER MOSES... Pensioner, Moses Komsana of Extension8 shows his love for animals as he feeds the goatsin the area. The second annual Animal Rights AwarenessWeek was marked from 4 to 8 October.Photo: Andile NayikaLEARNER AIDE / SHADOWA vacancy exists for a student or young person passionateabout working with children to work with and facilitatethe integrationof a special needs pupil into themainstream high school enviroment here in Grahamstown.The role of such a person would be to attend school andassociated activities with the pupil and to ensure that heis interacting with his peers, participating in the class andsetting up the enviroment in such a way that the pupilgains the most from the class.The position would suit any person (gap year included)interested in eventually further his/her studies in areas ofchild development, special needs teaching or psychology.This is a rewarding and fulfilling opportunityfor the right person.Salary negotiable. Please forward applications togetherwith a detailed CV to:LEARNER AIDE, PO BOX 2160, GRAHAMSTOWN 6140Applicants who have not been contacted by29 October 2010are to assume that their applications were unsucessful.“As advertised in the Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> on Friday, the 1 st of October2010 and in The Herald and Daily Dispatch on Monday the 4 th ofOctober 2010 take note: that the Makana Municipality is recruitingfor 3 Artisans (Electricians) instead of one. Secondly the suitable incumbentshould have a NTC II – NTC 6 and not a Bachelor Degree inElectrical Engineering. Must be a qualified electrician with trade test.Must have at least 2 years practical experience in the electrical distributionfield. Alternatively a National Diploma (Heavy Current) with 1year experience. Knowledgeable in the operating and maintaining ofswitchgear up to 66 kV. Good electrical distribution network experience.Good management skills”.The Key Performance Areas also include: Construction of undergroundand overhead lines MV and LV. Repair distribution and reticulationfaults.MS. N. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGERREQUEST FOR NOMINATIONS:NAME CHANGE PANELMakana Municipality invites members of the public to nominateindividuals to serve on its Name Change Panel. The panel will beestablished in order to assist and advise the municipality in takingdecisions on naming or renaming of streets, public places, naturalareas, municipal owned buildings and facilities and any naming orname change related matters. The panel shall meet at least four timesper financial year. No remuneration will be paid for attendance ofmeetings. It is the intention of the municipality to have a panel that isrepresentative of the diversity of its community.Nominations, accompanied by the Curriculum Vitae of the nominee,a letter of consent indicating availability of the nominee to serve inthe panel and motivation by the nominator/s, should be forwarded to:Director: Community & Social ServicesMakana MunicipalityP O Box 176GRAHAMSTOWN6140 orHand delivered to Mr. Mandisi Planga, 86 High Street, City Hall.NB: Faxed and e-mailed nominations will not be considered.Closing date: 29 October 2010 at 15h00.Ms. N.L. BaartMunicipal Manager Notice No: 89 /2010ACCOUNTANTDue to the pending retirement of the encumbent, theGBS is looking for an accountant to start in January 2011,or sooner if possible.Qualifications: relevant qualification with 6 years postqualification experience ( degree preferable); or at least10 years experience in an accounting environment withthe necessary managerial/supervisory experience; mustbe computer literate with knowledge of and experience incomputerised accounting systems ( AccPac )Duties: Preparation of financial statements; overseeaccounts department; liase with external and internalauditors; ensure timeous submission of Reserve Bankreturns; control all SARS related issues; assist managementwith various matters relative to the operations of theBank;Remuneration commensurate with experiencePlease contact Mrs Barbara Smith, 046-6227109, toobtain the necessary application forms.Applications close 22 October 2010FUNDRAISINGFor Settlers Close andOak Haven Old Age HomesBEER FESTIVALSaturday 16 OctoberDrill Hall, Hill street18:00 till LATETickets: R70 ~ IncludingFree Beer & Boerewors RollLive BandBig Screen TV (Rugby)Tickets available at:Signs Un-LTD (Liz Parkins) 046 622 8047Susan Schutte 082 46 08 703Pam Golding (Adele Barnard) 084 509 3889

10NewsGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010Backyard boreholes draw from water tablePrudence MiniThe increase of boreholedrilling in Grahamstowncame up at therecent water indaba. Expertssay that this is robbingGrahamstown of its naturalresources.During the water indaba,Technical and InfrastructuralServices director, DabulaNjilo said a licence is requiredto drill a borehole which isissued by the Departmentof Water Affairs. He addedthat if there is an increase ofdrilling then this also needsto be reported. Makana municipalspokesperson, ThandyMatebese said the municipalitydoes not have a registerfor boreholes which is why itwas recommended during theindaba to develop a policy thatwould deal with the monitoringand approval of new andexisting boreholes. It wasalso suggested that metersbe installed to charge peoplefor depleting the local waterresources.A borehole is sunk deepinto the earth to locate, extractor use underground water.Boreholes around towncan be spotted by signs placedin front of the property. Thisindicates that the people livingon the property use waterfrom the borehole, usually forirrigation purposes. It turnsout that some boreholes aredrilled illegally which may bea reason why some run drylater.A property on BennetStreet has a borehole that wasdrilled in 1986 but is now dry.The owners utilise the waterfor irrigation purposes andhired a contractor two monthsago to drill 150 metres downbut found no water. They saida permit was not required asthey were drilling within theirDRIED UP... This borehole is located at a residence at BennetStreet. It was drilled in 1986, but has since run dry.Photo: Prudence Miniyard. Another resident saidhe also hired a contractorto drill a 90m deep boreholein his yard in February thisyear. “I got quite a lot of waterwhich was found within aTENDER ADVERTISEMENT 2010/11Makana Municipality hereby invites submission of tenders for the following: -TENDER NO. TENDER NAME BRIEF DESCRIPTION BRIEFING SESSIONDATE42/2010 Calls for Proposals-Supply of OverheadBare Conductor(till 30 June 2011)43/2010 Supply and installationpalisade fencing atAlicedale Substation44/2010 Maintenance of substationbuildings46/2010 Supply of 2x Hestia oncurved 16 pole streetlighting for high street inGrahamstown47/2010 Supply and installationof battery in the protectionrelay• Hare & Rabbit• Squirrel• Fox• Ferret• Hyena.• The area is 15mx25m• 1x Pedestrian Gate• 1x 4m sliding Gate• 2300x40x40x4mm rolledpalisade pales•Replace doors•Roof and window repairs•Scrape and repair ceiling andCornice•Smooth walls and repair allwall cracks•Painting as per specification• To be suitable for wind speedsof 120 km/h at sea level•Wind surface area for eachluminare=0.2m 2• Hot dipped galvanized andpainted with a high corrosiveresistant paint.• 60 units of 1DCC IDMTLRelay• Re-testing of the relay oncethe battery has been changedN/A14/10/2010 at 11h30 c/oAlicedale substation,Alicedale13/10/2010 at 11h30 c/oElectricity Department-Trollope Street, SugarloafHill GrahamstownN/AN/Awater-bearing rock, quartz asit fractions easily and watercan easily enter it,” he said.He is however sceptical of thewater quality. He said that heconducted a water quality testCLOSING DATE22/10/2010 before12h00am22/10/2010before 12h00am22/10/2010 before12h00am22/10/2010 before12h00am22/10/2010 before12h00amFurther details are available in the specification documents (at Admin Section) prepared for the above purpose at a non-refundablefee of R200.00 per document to be paid at Finance Directorate. All tenders submitted will be adjudicated in terms of the Council’sSupply Chain Management and Preferential Procurement Policies.THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS MUST ACCOMPANY TENDERS SUBMITTED BY PROSPECTIVE SERVICE PRO-VIDERS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO BE CONSIDERED, (FAILING WHICH THEY WILL BE DISQUALIFIED): -(a) Valid Tax Clearance certificate, (b) Certified copy/ies of Identity Document/s of Directors, (c) Certified copy/ies of CK1 or CK2documents, (d) Valid Certificat of Good Standing with your municipality (with contactable references), (e) Completion of MBD4form (Declaration of Interest), (f) MBD8 form (Declaration of Bidders Past SCM practices) and (g) MBD9 form (Certificate ofIndependent Bid Determination) (h) Service providers within Makana Area of Jurisdiction should provide proper proof of residencesuch a Municipal account or telephone account.Late submitted, faxed, falsified and e-mailed tender documents will not be considered or will be disqualified. No bids will beconsidered from persons in the service of the state. Construction related projects must be implemented in terms of the ExtendedPublic Works Programme (EPWP) guidelines.Completed tender documents must be dropped in the tender box locatedat the Administration Section of the Corporate Services Directorate, City Hall, Grahamstown or be posted to reach the MunicipalManager, P.O. Box 176, Grahamstown, 6140 by not later than the closing time as indicated above.For any enqueries contact MrJonhson Siteto or Xhanti Bokwe at 046-606 6063. The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tenders.MUNICIPAL MANAGERMS. N.L. BAART Notice No 49/2010which revealed a high saltcontent in the water. “I can'treally use it for drinking as thewater is hard and not ideal.I just use it to keep my lawnsgreen,” said the resident.“I do think there are a lot ofboreholes in Grahamstownand you will get a lot of peoplethat will say they starteddrilling because of the waterrestrictions not allowing us towater our lawns with municipalwater,“ he said. The residentsaid he did not obtain apermit to drill the borehole.Another property in Grahamstownhas two boreholesbetween 70 and 100m deepwhich is used to irrigate sixhectares of crops. The residentson the property saythat this does not diminishGrahamstown’s water supplyas they have had to rely onusing borehole water whenthe city’s supply ran dry for afew days. They acknowledgedthat a permit for the Departmentof Water Affairs (DWA)is required but are not awareof the municipality’s requirementsother than waterrestrictions.A 2004 study by SRKEngineers and Scientistsstated that 64% of all groundwaterextracted via boreholesis used for irrigation. DWAcurrently has over 34 000boreholes on their databasefor the Eastern Cape andsome of these are monitored.According to the DWA regionalGroundwater Office, thereare 11 registered boreholesreported in the vicinity ofGrahamstown.Dr Jim Cambray of theKowie Catchment Campaign(KCC) noted that when themunicipality makes the findingsof the water indabapublic we will understandtheir thinking on the useof groundwater within themunicipality. “Groundwatermust be considered as oneof the municipality’s watersources for the future andnow we need to take care ofboth the quality and quantityof this resource,” hesaid. He added that studiesfrom around the worldhave shown that this sourceis being depleted. “We needto know how long it takes torecharge our water table inGrahamstown. I have heardthat boreholes have gonedry in town and that now youhave to drill deeper for water.A proper study needs tobe conducted on our groundwater resource. Can we reallyjust keep putting in boreholeswithout any controls?”According to the lawGeneral authorisation of groundwater use in terms of Section39 of the national Water act, 1998 (act no 36 of 1998), statesthat extraction can be performed in five zones and each zone isentitled to a volume that can be extracted per hectare each year.Under Schedule 1 use of Section 39 of the act, a person can usewater from a borehole without a licence for reasonable domesticuse, small scale gardening and not for commercial purposes ofnot more than 10 cubic metres (m 3 ) or in other words five fullbaths (provided the bath is a maximum of two metres long, onemetre wide and one metre deep).Small industrial users such as people who process or bottlefood or mine on a small scale are also included under Schedule1 and may not use more than 20 cubic metres (m 3 ) per day. aborehole drilled for Schedule 1 use does not have to be registeredwith Department of Water affairs (DWa). DWa asks that individualsdo this on a voluntary basis so that they may have data onthe groundwater use of the country. If the General authorisationvolumes are exceeded, a license to use groundwater is required.Grahamstown’s regulationsThe country is divided up into different zones according to availablewater. The Grahamstown area falls under Zone C, where aperson can extract 75 m 3 per hectare each year. Small industrialusers may extract up to 20 m 3 per day.The DWa eastern Cape Groundwater Plan assists the easternCape region management to effectively execute the requiredgroundwater functions. according to the plan, there isn't much extractionmonitoring taking place but groundwater level monitoringis slowly being established.The municipality’s Water and Sanitation Services By-lawsdocument (which you can download from the municipal websitewww.makana.gov.za) states that boreholes are subject to anyrequirement of the national Water act, 1998. It also states thatthe Water Service Provider (an authorised agent) may require theowner or occupier of any premises who intends to sink a boreholeto undertake an environmental impact assessment as no personmay sink a borehole on premises situated in an area wheredolomite is found.according to geologist Dr nick Stavrakis, dolomite areas arefull of caves and tunnels so drilling into it will deplete water resources.It also removes the hydrostatic pressure support underground,creating sink holes where the sub surface falls in. “It isknown to happen that sink holes with underground tunnel systemsare so cavernous that they have been known to drain wholelakes on the surface,” he said.www.grocotts.co.za

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010WATER11Water is life!...report all water related problemsto this toll free number:080 111 88 88WATER-SAVING TIPSINGCEBISO ZOKONGA AMANZI‘Water is life! Save water, save life!’Why should we worry?We have severe water restrictions because our dams are desperately low. We live in a chronically water-stressed area with erratic rainfall and frequent droughts. We need to use less water.Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then re-use it to water houseplants or for cleaningWash your car or pet on the lawn using a bucket and you'll water your lawn at the same time.Take a shower instead of a bath and shorten your shower by a minute or twoFix leaks and/or report all signifi cant water losses to the property owner and or the municipalityReplace your lawn with indigenous shrubsInstall a rainwater tank or two beside your house.Support efforts and programs that create a concern for water conservation among tourists and visitors to your townReport all water-related problems to this toll-free number: 080 111 88 88'Amanzi bubomi! Yonga amanzi,usindise ubomi!'Ngani ukuba sizikhathaze?Kumiselwe uKuminywa kwamanzi kuba umthamo wawo kumadama ethu wehlile kakhulu.Sihlala kummandla osoloko ungenamanzi, omvula singaqinisekanga ukuba zifi ka nini nothandwayimbalela.Kungoko kufanele ukuba sinciphise iindlela esisebenzisa ngazo amanziQokelela amanzi ohlamba ngawo iziqhamo kunye nemifuno, uze uwasebenziseekunkcenkcesheleni izityalo zekhayaHlambela imoto yakho okanye izilwanyana zasekhaya kwibala lengca usebenzisai-emela, wobe unkcenkceshela ingca yakho ngaxeshanyeHlamba eshawareni endaweni yokuhlamba ebhafi ni ze unciphise nexesha lokuhlambangomzuzu okanye emibiniNgciba okuvuzayo okanye yazisa umninimhlaba (mastandi) okanye uMasipali ngenkcithoeyenzekayo yamanziEndaweni yebala lengca, lima imithana yemvelo (indigenous shrubs)Yiba netanki elinye/ezimbini zokuqokelela amanzi emvula.Xhasa imizamo neenkqubo ezivuselela inkxalabo yokongiwa kwamanzi kubakhenkethinabatyeleli bedolophu yakhoChaza zonke iingxaki ezimalunga namanzi kule nombolo isimahla: 080 111 88 88‘Water is lewe! Bespaarwater, bewaar lewe!’WATER-BESPARINGS WENKEWaarom moet ons bekommerd wees?Ons het streng water beperkings omdat ons damme se water vlakke baie laag is. Ons woon in‘n gebied waar daar chroniese water tekorte is as gevolg van wisselvallige reënval en gedurigedroogtes. Ons moet minder water verbruik.Hou die water waarmee jy groente en vrugte afspoel en hergebruik dit om die huisplantewater te geeWas jou motor en troeteldiere op die grasperk en gebruik ‘n emmer sodat jy terselfdertydjou grasperk natleiStort eerder as om te bad en verkort die duur van jou stort met ‘n minuut of twee.Maak alle lekplekke reg en meld alle beduidende water verliese aan by die eienaar en/ofdie munisipaliteitVervang jou grasperk met inheemse struikeRig ‘n reënwater tenk of twee op langs jou huis.Ondersteun pogings en programme wat ‘n bewustheid oor waterbesparing onder toeriste enbesoekers kweek.Meld alle water-verwante probleme aan by die volgende tolvrye nommer: 080 111 88 88Valid from 1 October to 15 December 2010Jojo watertank2500LtYebo water tanks2 500LtR1 195.955000LtR2 299.9546 Bathurst Street, Grahamstown Tel: 046 636 2127 Fax: 046 636 1825R&SPLUMBINGSERVICES8 Howse St, GrahamstownTel: 046-622 6373 all hoursFax: 046-636 1082Cell: 082 555 9171MariusBarnardPlumbing & renovations.Roof, gutters, watertank,driveway steamcleaningand Building contractors.24hr service.Cell: 079 968 7299Water tip: Buy a watertank and save waterD & A Timbers• 34 Bathurst Street •Tel 046 622 7301 • Fax 046 622 8739Save waterMake sure your taps are correctly closedUse water wisely.Water Tips:• Home owners to fitRainwater Tanks andPressure pumps and userainwater when Municipalwater supply fails.• Utilise Grey Water tomaintain gardens, eitherby gravity or fitting a smallGrey Water Tank and pump

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010WHAT’S ON15What to do, Where to goDon’t forget to send us your weekly listings so that you can stay up to date with all the exciting events Grahamstown has to offer! Let us know by faxing us on046 622 7282, by dropping off the information at 40 High Street or emailing community@grocotts.co.za. Please ensure that all information reaches us by the Tuesday before publication.Also please note that the inclusion of Forthcoming Attractions is dependent on space. – Susan PowersFRIDAY, 8 OCTOBERCARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALSWhen 7.30 until around 8.30pmWhere Beethoven Room, Rhodes Music DepartmentWhat Presented by the Rhodes University piano students in collaboration with the Rhodeschamber orchestra. Suitable for children and adults alike. All proceeds from the concert will bedonated to the sponsor-a-key fund, a student fundraising initiative for a concert grand piano forthe Rhodes Music Department. Tickets cost R50 for adults, R20 for students/pensioners andR10 scholars in uniform.Who 046 603 8489FRIDAY, 9 APRILSATURDAY, 9 OCTOBERDIAZ CROSS BIRD CLUB OUTINGWhen 6.15am for 6.30am departureWhere Meet at the Albany MuseumWhat Visit to Featherstone Kloof. We hope to see some returning migrant birds. Bring a hat,refreshments and binoculars.Who Jenna Holmes at 046 622 3000FARMERS MARKETWhen 9am – 1pmWhere Old Gaol, Somerset StreetWhat Fresh produce, dairy products, food stalls, pottery, garden- and potted plants, roses,homemade preserves, crafts and many other stalls.Who Lungi on 082 510 4125TUESDAY, 12 OCTOBERCLIMATE CHANGE LECTUREWhen 5pmWhere Eden Grove Blue, Rhodes UniversityWhat “Can we control rising atmospheric greenhouse gasses and climate change?” byDr Bert G Drake.Who Brad Ripley at B.Ripley@ru.ac.zaFRIDAY, 9 APRILINTERNATIONAL FILMFESTWhen 7pmWhere Eden Grove Red Lecture Theatre, Rhodes UniversityWhat Presented by the School of Languages and theInternational Office.Mugabe and the White African (2009)Admission is free. Duration: 90 minutesWho http://www.ru.ac.za/fi lmfestWEDNESDAY, 13 OCTOBERPRAYERS FOR GRAHAMSTOWNWhen 1.15pm – 1.45pmWhere Cathedral of St Michael and St GeorgeWhat To pray for Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa and the world.Who Richard or Hazel on 046 622 4006FRIDAY, 9 APRILST JOHN AMBULANCE BAZAARWhen 9am to 12pmWhere 24 Hill StreetWhat Individual stalls selling baking, preserves, woodwork, vintage and secondhand clothing,books, LPs, plants, jewellery and white elephant. There will also be a tea garden, pancakes andboerewors rollsWho Mario or Carolene on 046 636 1650CIRCLE DANCINGWhen 7.30pm – 9.30pmWhere The Scout Hall, African StreetWhat Dance to traditional music from all over the world; bothtraditional steps and modern choreographies.Who Anthea Ribbink at 072 132 2376 or Jeanne Berger at046 622 2588FOUNDERS CHALLENGEWhat A triathlon type event for teams or individuals with four legs in the race: swimming (600mat Grey Dam), cycling (20km), orienteering (5km) and running (10km).Entry forms can be collected at the Student Bureau, the Founder's Hall secretary, or requested byemail and must be submitted to the Founder's Hall secretary. Entrance fees are R160 for teamsand R50 for individuals. Entries will be allowed on the day at Union lawns at 11.30am.Who Chris Sewry at csewry@gmail.comPORT ALFRED FLORAL ART GROUPWhen 1.30pm for 2pmWhere Settlers ParkWhat Theme: New Beginnings. There will be a demonstration by Marietjie Bezuidenhout on thetheme Mellow Yellow.Who Joy Venter on 046 624 4464QUIET AFTERNOONWhen 1.30pm – 5pmWhere Meet at the Cathedral for lifts to Mariya uMama weThemba Monastery.What R10 including tea. Programme ends with the Office of the Vespers.Who Cathedral Parish Offi ce on 046 622 2445 (mornings)MANLEY FLATS BARN DANCEWhen 7pmWhere Manley Flats HallWhat R90 per person including a spitbraai, dessert and wine. Cash bar. Free transport available.Theme: Denim & Diamonds.Who Andrea Parker on 083 415 4056SUNDAY, 10 OCTOBERGREEN FUND RUN/WALKWhen 8am (late registrations) for 8.30am (starting time)Where Bicycle sculpture in front of Botanical Gardens (Lucas Avenue)What A fun relay event (only 1 km per team member / 5km total); individual entries are alsowelcome. There will be a prize for the most novel baton and for the most eye-catching outfit.Entries (teams or individuals) will be accepted on Friday 8 October outside Eden Grove (LucasAvenue).Who http://www.ru.ac.za/environment/committee/greenfund/funrunFRIDAY, 9 APRILVisitwww.grocotts.co.zafor youronline fixMONDAY, 11 OCTOBERSCOTTISH COUNTRYDANCINGWhen 8pmWhere St George's Hall, HighStreetWho Val Hodgson on 046622 2308

16homeFINDERPROPERTY SUPPLEMENTGill Meyer082 651 9976Chris Armitage084 444 7884www.armitageestates.co.zawww.grocotts.co.zaSTEWART ARMITAGE ESTATES81 CHURCH SQUARE TEL. 046 622 4134E-mail: armitageestatesgill@telkomsa.netFriday, 8 October 2010Chris has hadover 30 yearsexperience in theGrahamstownproperty market.SOLE MANDATEOATLANDS - R2 600 000CENTRALSUNNYSIDE - R1 250 000African Street property.Home with garden flat.CENTRAL - R2 200 000NEW RELEASE SOLE MANDATELarge well maintained 4-bedroomed homeSUNNYSIDE - R520 000Large period home in prime locality.NEW RELEASECENTRAL - R2 200 000DUAL MANDATETerraced home built in 1830’s. Close toSt Andrews and DSG.ALLEN PLACE - FROM R897 5002-bedroomed flat in secure complexOATLANDS NORTH - R300 0003-Bedroomed terraced home with 1830scharm. Close to St Andrew’s and DSGEXCITING NEW DEVELOPMENT CLOSE TORHODES. 2 AND 3 BEDROOMED UNITSPlot with view. 1 260 square metresTel: 046 622 5546 Fax: 046 622 5548m.gaybba@imaginet.co.zawww.propertygrahamstown.co.zaMULTI AWARD WINNING AGENTFOR INSTITUTE OF ESTATE AGENTS AND IPC2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009MONIKA GAYBBA082 855 0015JACOBUS UYS WAYFRIDAY 8 th OCT,11h00 – 14h00Home for busy parents & activechildren. Also has student unit.HARRISMITH ST ROSS STREET SOMERSET STREET CRADOCK HEIGHTSONSHOWONSHOWONSHOWONSHOWSOLEMANDATEMILNER STREETONSHOWSATURDAY 9 th OCT,11h00 – 14h00Exquisite Victorian Villa tastefullymodernised for the family whoenjoy space & lifestyle.NEW RELEASEJUSTRELEASEDWILLSHIRE CRESONSHOWSATURDAY 9 th OCT,14h00 – 17h00Nestled in a tranquil suburb, thisproperty offers more than just ahome.CENTRALSOLEMANDATESUNDAY 10 th OCT,14h00 – 17h00Classic charm from a bygoneera, a stone’s throw from SAC,DSG, Prep & Rhodes.CENTRALSOUGHT-AFTER UNITS INNEW DEVELOPMENT close toP’nP. 2 Bedrooms, secure, offstreetparking. Rental: R6 000/month. R897 500SUN 10 th , 11h00 – 14h00WED 13 th , 11h00 – 14h00Stately home with executive office& guest cottage and, and, and…SUNNYSIDEDUALMANDATEFILL THIS SPACE WITH FAMILY.Recently renovated home withmany home comforts and privacy.R2 380 000TUESDAY 12 th OCT14h00 – 17h00A piece of the history ofGrahamstown, right oppositeRhodes. Ideal as lock-up & go!SUNNYSIDESOLEMANDATEBUILD IT AS YOU WANT IT.A clean slate for a beautiful homewith a picturesque outlook.ONLY R295 000DELIGHTFUL LOWMAINTENANCE HOME with 4Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, in quietarea with views over town.R1 300 000KINGSWOODDUALMANDATECALLING PARENTS: Closeenough for the kids to walk toschool. Ideal for entertaining yourfamily and friends all year round.R1 500 000PRIME POSITION SPACIOUSFLAT with secure, off-streetparking. Finished & FURNISHEDwith a modern flair.R849 000WESTHILL/HILL 60DUALMANDATENOTHING SMALL ABOUT IT:Substantial home amidst spacious,park-like garden. Close to DSG,SAC & PREP.POAUNIQUE INVESTMENTCentrally located, upmarketstudent accommodation. Incomeof R19,200 per month! Phonetoday. R1 920 000OATLANDS NORTHTREAT YOURSELFTO EXCLUSIVITY.Modern home inprivate estate, withoutdoorentertainment area &views over town.R2 200 000WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL REFERRAL NETWORK. CONTACT US IF YOU ARE MOVING OUT OF TOWN.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010 17HOMEFINDERFrontierweb: www.remax.co.zaemail: property@remaxfrontier.co.za22 African StreetP.O. Box 7090, Grahamstown North, 6148Tel: 046 622 6061Fax: 046 622 3741Broker/OwnerDavidRodgersonGail Shanley 083 307 0852For more info & images on our properties SMS web ref# to 33418 R1.50/SMS mobiletc.co.zaDUAL MANDATEKINGSWOOD R1 750 000SHOW HOUSESAT 9 OCT 10AM - 12PMNEW RELEASESOLID COMPACT HOMECLOSE TO EVERYTHING.This home is peaceful,private and perfectlypositioned between KingswoodCollege and Graeme College.Superbly spacious family home on1497sqm stand with swimmingpool and double garage.WEBREF: 300314811JEAN 082 772 0396SUNNYSIDE R1 250 000SOLE MANDATESHOW HOUSESAT 9 OCT 10AM - 12PMPERFECT FOR STUDENT INVESTMENT/SETTLER FAMILY HOME. Unique double storeyproperty, immaculate with beautiful character finishes.This large fully furnished 4 bedroomed home boastswooden floors and wooden spiral staircase, plus flatlet.WEBREF: 300304360JEAN 082 772 0396DUAL MANDATEWESTHILLON SHOW BY APPOINTMENTMONDAY TO THURSDAYPOAA DECADENT SYMPHONY OF STYLE ANDELEGANCE.A truly exceptional property with post card views of our citylocated in a superb location. A home of distinction built toperfection with exquisite features. Comprising of UPSTAIRS:4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a sunroom. DOWNSTAIRS:Guest toilet, stately diningroom, elegant formal lounge, largeTV lounge with home theatre system leading onto enclosedbraai/entertainment area with a sparkling pool and gamesroom which has its own shower and toilet. It has a largeCorden Bleu kitchen with a separate breakfast room and aseparate scullery/laundry. Staff accommodation has beenprovided and also a double automated garage leading directlyinto the home. The magnificent garden comprises ofwide open spaces that creates a feeling of infinity.WEBREF: 300293338JEAN 082 772 0396WIN WITHRE/MAXR100 000 Roommakeover plus loadsof instant prizes. Formore information visitwww.remax.co.zaSUNNYSIDE R736 000ADORABLE COTTAGE. Cute & cosy home withunique charm, wooden floors. Home recentlyrenovated. Comprises of 3 bedrooms, study, openplan living and 1 full bathroom.WEBREF: 300184363JEAN 082 772 0396KINGSVIEW ESTATE R1 495 000SOLE MANDATESmall UnitPERFECT FOR SUNDOWNERS. Live in this stunningunit comprising of 2 bedrooms en suite, bedroom/study. 3 Bathrooms, open plan living leading onto patiowith awesome views. Automated garage and underfloor heating.WEBREF: 300288791JEAN 082 772 0396ALLEN PLACEFrom R897 500EXCLUSIVE NEW DEVELOPMENT ISIN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO RHODESUNIVERSITY CAMPUS. 3 X2 BedroomUnits. Call me for more informationWEBREF: 300305403JEAN 082 772 0396AUCTION AUCTION, RESERVED PRICEBUSHMANS RIVER MOUTH, CENTRALJean Rodgerson082 772 0396PLOT: 1036sqm Building: 317sqmPart of building currently rented. Two liquorlicensesDate: Thursday 29 October 2010Time: 10AMVenue: 24 MAIN STREET5% Deposit , 10% Auctioneers CommissionDave Mullins082 299 7953SUNNYSIDE From R495 0003 X 2 BEDROOM FLATS - for sale in this newlyrenovated complex. Well worth viewing.WEBREF: 300189440JEAN 082 772 0396CRADOCK HEIGHTSR275 000SOLE MANDATELovely flat plot for sale measuring 760sqm. Fencedon 3 sides and beautiful views. Established lawn andshade trees.WEBREF: 300318744ALEXIS 083 461 5572KINGS HEIGHTS R280 000SOLE MANDATESITUATED WITHIN EXCLUSIVE SECUREESTATE: Lovely views over the city ofGrahamstown, you can see the city lights twinklingat night time. Plots ± 1 000m²WEBREF: 300194322JEAN 072 772 0396SUNNYSIDER1 200 000STUNNING CHARACTER HOME: situated in a tranquilenvironment, spacious living, 3 bedrooms, large loungewith fireplace, 2 bathrooms. Open plan dining / kitchenarea with newly renovated kitchen. Large secludedgarden area and flat.WEBREF: 300309758ALEXIS 083 461 5572BUSHMAN SANDS R1 400 000SOLE MANDATECENTRAL R2 400 000KINGSWOOD FROM R345 000SOLE MANDATENEAR METRO R650 000NEAR METRO R2 320 000MAGNIFICENT HOME within Golf Estate.Ideal retreat for Golf and Game enthusiast. Offersconsidered.WEBREF: 300268394ALEXIS 083 461 5572IDEAL BUSINESS PREMISES – Character home& Garden flat. Good street frontage – Let as a digstill Nov 30. African Street properties are like gold –come and see!WEBREF: 300299859PLOT TO BUILD: Choice of 3 from 850 to 1 000m²in upmarket, secure neighbourhood. This is the wayto go, great value and no transfer duty.WEBREF: 300194322ALEXIS 083 461 5572 ALEXIS 083 461 5572OFFICE SPACE. New office space of 100sqm. Freestanding with parking and secure perimeter fence.WEBREF: 300301269ALEXIS 083 461 5572INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE in very tidycondition, situated in good area near MetroCash & Carry. 940sqm with separate 40sqmoffice space. Brick & Iron construction.WEBREF:ALEXIS 083 461 5572FRANCHISEOPPORTUNITYR380 000 -Sole MandateServicing the Building Industry -for over 20 years this successfulcompany in now offering a franchisein Grahamstown area.Complete support &training provided in a topquality, professionalbusiness.Call me for further detail.ALEXIS 083 461 5572CENTRAL R495 0005 x 2 bedroom brand new flats.Close to everything.Call me for more information.PAMELA 072 458 9255PRICE REDUCEDR620 000CATCH ME QUICK!!! 4 bedrooms, lounge, bigdiningroom. Double garage and a lot of space tobuild on.WEBREF: 300306526PAMELA 072 458 9255PROPERTYMANAGEMENTOF• BODY CORPORATES• HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONS• RENTALSNeeding more detail?Contact Gwyneth ataccounts3@remaxfrontier.co.zaCell no: 076 239 8583Office hours: 046 622 6061RENTALDIVISIONDIGS LIST AVAILABLEFOR 2011Bachelor fl ats and 2 bedroomfl ats available!!!KINGS TERRACE –NEW DEVELOPMENT4 Bedroom townhouses.All bedrooms have en-suite bathrooms.LOOKING for a good quality family homewith secure off-street parking to rentfrom 1st December 2010.Preferably close to Graeme College.Contact: 083 461 5572CHARMAINE 079 491 8355Jean RodgersonSales AssociateManageressAlexis BowkerSales AssociateLeon KrugerFarming & LifestyleAssociateMeyrick BowkerFarmingAssociateDave MullinsAuctioneerFarming AssociatePamelaZondaniSalesAssociateDeeSalesAssociateCharmainevan StadenRentalAssociate

18•HOMEFINDERGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010NEW DEVELOPMENTKINGSWOOD MEWS FROM R 465 000“Artfully uniting extraordinary properties with extraordinary lives”INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIESThis fantastic investmentopportunity offers youeverything! The layout andsecurity arrangements all indicatethat a great deal of thought hasgone into the design! It offerscomfortable living in a securedevelopment!Kingswood Mews is accessed fromRoberts Street and has CaldecottStreet on its northern boundary.SHOW DAY on site12 OCTOBER 2-4pmPlease visit our website atwww.kingswoodmews.co.zaCENTRAL R 395 000 AND R 350 000Web Ref No: 0000 621 061Web Ref No: 0000 433 078Sole MandateIdeal LocationBrilliant student investment!OATLANDS NORTH - R750 000Web Ref No: 0000 615 688SUNNYSIDE - R1 895 000Web Ref No: 0000 622 209Sole MandateLovely treed property in a quiet part ofSunnyside. It offers a huge rental income andgreat potentialSTUDENT DIGS - R1 100 000Web Ref No: 0000 629 331Sole MandateA MUST SEE!2 bedroom unit in secure complex.Enclosed garden areaSole MandateThis 4 bedroom house, offers great rentalpotential for the investor. Perfect for studentdigs in beautiful Sunnyside. It also offers anoutside flat for more rental incomePLOT AND PLAN.In the JOZA, Extention 4 area.For only R 424 000Please call Mzoli Luzipo078 527 5465KINGSWOOD - R1 750 000Web Ref No: 0000 630 563WESTHILL - R1 895 000Web Ref No: 0000 622 464OATLANDS NORTH - R1 350 000Web Ref No: 0000 627 714SUNNYSIDE R830 000Web Ref No: 0000 591 208FOR SALETakeaway Business inBeaufort Street. Keen seller.Contact us for detailsOffice: 046 636 1388Joy Miles084 320 9238Marinda van Achterbergh082 598 7776Heather Rader071 445 7937Dual MandateCharacter home with large land,spacious living areas and poolON SHOWTUESDAY 12 Oct 2-4pmPeppergrove Mall, African Street, Grahamstown. Tel: 046 636 1388 office@sirg.co.zawww.sothebysrealty.co.zaEach Offi ce is Independently Owned and OperatedMakana Sona beat Manley FlatsCHESLEY DANIELSDual MandateNorth facing sunny family home with theright address to St Andrew and DSG.ON SHOW TUESDAY12 Oct 2-4pmSole MandatePristine property at Kings Manor, twoseparate dwellings each comprising 2bedrooms, 1 bathroom and lovely open- plan living area and kitchenSole MandateOriginal Wagon house in Cross Street.Two separate units both with own kitchenand bathroom. Rare off street parkingavailable. Wonderful location within walkingdistance to town and CampusSteve Birt083 656 8810Mzoli Luzipo078 527 5465AspArAgus And AvocAdo WrApsIngredients:24 spears asparagusR5.00 per pnnt1 ripe avocado, pitted andpeeled R5.001 tablespoon freshsqueezed lime juice R6.991 clove garlic, mincedR79.99 p/kg1 1/2 cups cooked coldlong-grain white rice3 tablespoons plain nonfatyogurt R8.99 500kl3 (10-inches in diamet e r ) w h o l e w h e a t t o r t i l l a s1/3 cup fresh cilantroleaves2 tablespoons choppedred onionPhone Number: 046 622 3258Method:In a medium-sized saucepan overhigh heat, bring 2 inches water to aboil. Place the asparagus in a steamerbasket, cover, and steam until justtender, approximately 5 minutes.Remove the asparagus and immediatelyrinse in cold water to stop thecooking process. Drain thoroughly.Ina small bowl, mash the avocado, limejuice, and garlic into a coarse puree.In another small bowl, stir togetherthe rice and yogurt to mix well.Heata large dry frying pan (not one with anonstick surface) over medium heat.One at a time, heat the tortillas in thehot pan until softened, approximately20 seconds per side.Lay the tortillasflat on a clean work surface. Spreadthe avocado mixture equally amongthe tortillas. Top each with an equalamount of the rice mixture, asparagus,cilantro, and onion.Fold in both sidesand the bottom of each tortilla up overthe filling; then roll to close. If made inadvance, cover with plastic wrap andrefrigerate for up to 1 hour. Return toroom temperature before serving.To serve, cut each wrap in halfcrosswise.Makes 6 servings.Source: http://www.taste.comMakana Sona cricket team beat Manley Flats by 20 runsin the Duckworth/Lewis (D/L) method during theirGrahamstown Cricket Board 1st League fixture matchplayed on Manley Flats Farm on Saturday.Manley Flats batted first and made a total of 185 runs all out.Mthunzi Antoni was the top wicket-taker with three wickets andSiyabulela Mangele took two wickets. The visitors got off to a goodstart before the rain stopped the match. With calculations done accordingto the D/L method, Makana Sona were named the winnersas they had scored 145 runs for two wickets at that stage.This meant that the Sona was 20 runs ahead of their opponents,according to the D/L method. The method is usedin cricket matches internationally to calculate the outcome ofa game in the event of adverse weather conditions or otherfactors which may lead to the stopping of a game.Neville Botha wasat the crease at 58 runs not out and Makana Sona will now faceSalem in an away match on Saturday.Chesley Daniels is is an independent citizen journalist forGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>.WESTHILL - POAAGE OLD ELEGANCE!Enjoy the luxury of large-sized rooms.OATLANDS NORTH - R1 995 000LUXURY WITHOUT UPKEEP - this isfor you! Space and Security.SUNNYSIDE - R340 000BYO! Build Your Own dream house. Plot ingood area (Quiet Street).CRADOCK HEIGHTS - R966 000LIVE MODERN! Recently built splitlevel home.KOTA INTEN - R520 000LET YOUR TENANT PAY THEMORTGAGE! Ground floor, 2-bedrooms.KING’S GARDENS - R740 000DO YOU FIT? Student? Career woman? Bachelor?Newlyweds? Retired? 2-bedroom townhouse, parking andcommunal pool.SILvEROAKS - R596 000BUSINESSESTHE PERFECT PACKAGE -Tribes R140 000beautifully refurbished flat in city centre. Grahamstown Accommodation R160 000Call Marion on 083 244 6409 or Andrea on 079 284 6265Postnet Suite 71st Floor Eskom BuildingPrivate Bag X1672Tel/Fax: 046 636 2636110 High StreetGrahamstowninfo@ginn-properties.co.zaGrahamstownpropshop@telkomsa.net+28a Hill Street (Cnr Hill & Beaufort St)g 046 636 1174 • Fax: 046 636 1186Jeff 082 940 1418African Street, 1 room available in 3 b/r flat in secureblock (mature female student).R2 100/mCampbell Street2 bedroom house R4 000/m1 bedroom flat R2 000/m2011 DIGSLIST AVAILABLEE-mail us, ring us, or come see us at our officeVisitwww.grocotts.co.za

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010Homefinder19GRAHAMSTOWNOFFICE 046 622 2778FAX 046 622 7877EMAIL grahamstown@pamgolding.co.zaSHOW HOUSES: A COLLECTION OF HOMES ON SHOW BETWEEN FRIDAY 8 AND MONDAY 18 OCTOBERFeel free to pop in and view these homes over this period. Bring a friendwith you and chat with us about the market trends today. Please followour show boards from Somerset, African, Milner, or Fitzroy Street, and ParkRoad. These boards will list the relevant times and days for public access.WORCESTER PLACEPARKER STREETROSS STREETGOWIE COURTMILES STREETOATLANDS ROADST AIDAN’S AVENUELEICESTER STREETCLOSE TO MARY WATERS R595 000CLAIRE VALLEY R545 000OATLANDS NORTH R340 000SUNNYSIDE R645 000RHINI R245 000Bedrooms 4 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1002264NEEDS A FINISHING TOUCHLarge and modern family home in need ofsome fi nishing touches. Children can easilywalk to school and play safely in this quietneighbourhood.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1025842ADD YOUR OWN STYLEAn ideal starter home for a young couple –a cottage with huge potential situatedin a quiet street. Includes additional fl at –rent it out to subsidise your bond.Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1004615VACANT ERFThis stand has awesome views overGrahamstown. Build your dream home in thissecure estate, close to Graeme College.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1017603CLOSE TO CAMPUSBest value in town; more spacious andintimate than anything else on the market.Don’t miss this brilliant investmentopportunity in a quiet cul-de-sac.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1033013EXTENSION 9This brand new house in Extension 9 has twobedrooms, an inside bathroom with a hotwater geyser, and a fenced garden.Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Kim Webber 082 523 8277SUNNYSIDER2.38 MILLIONCENTRAL R865 000WESTHILLR3.2 MILLIONALICEDALE R475 000RIEBEECK EAST R145 000Bedrooms 5 | Bathrooms 4 | Garage 1 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1005852BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATEDSecure family home with modern fi nishesand sweeping views over Grahamstown.A stunning home that is ideal for a largefamily or an upmarket guesthouse.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC10301573rd ON MILNERSet in the student hub, this brand new fl atwill have security, luxury fi nishes and afi tted stove, under-counter oven, fridge andwashing machine.Bedrooms 4 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 1 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1022819LARGE GROUNDS TO EXTENDLarge family home on a double plot withsweeping views of Rhodes and the 1820Settlers Monument. Includes a two-bedroomfl at for extra rental income.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GT432539PERFECT GETAWAYEscape the city and relax with a game of golffollowed by sundowners on this Gary Playersignature course. Enjoy the pristine beauty ofthe Eastern Cape bushveld.Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 304350A PIECE OF PARADISESurrounded by game farms, just 40km fromGrahamstown, this is the ideal place to getaway from manic city living. Approved plansfor a residence of 220m 2 available.Debi Brody 083 656 4697 Debi Brody 083 656 4697 Debi Brody 083 656 4697 Cary Clark 074 618 8747 Cary Clark 074 618 8747RENTAL Adrian Frost 083 556 7481 | Roxy Pugh 079 066 3716HOUSES:3 bedrooms R8 0003 bedrooms R6 8003 bedrooms R6 600ROOMS:1 bedroom R2 5001 bedroom R1 870FLATS:2 bedrooms R5 000AVAILABLE 2011:2 bedroom fl ats R3 600-R5 7003 bedrooms R7 2604 bedrooms R7 9205 bedrooms R10 7306 bedrooms R11 0006 bedrooms R13 900SUPERBRANDS IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK.www.pamgolding.co.za/grahamstownDesigned by www.creativesonclick.com | 082 454 8242PGP_Grocotts_20101008.indd 1Contact ooba today. Call us on 0860 00 66 22.10/5/10 4:31 PM

20classifieds 1. Personal 2. Announcements 3. Sales & Services 4. Employment 5. Accommodation 6. Property 8. Motoring 9. LegalsFriday, 8 October 20101. PERSONALBirthday GreetingGUESS WHO’S 21CHANELL KROUKAMas sweet as can be. Yourlovely smile has painted ourworld brighter. Thank youfor being such a wonderfuldaughter, sister, granddaughterand niece in ourlives. With love Charmaine,Charlene and family.CondolencesMORRISON. Auntie Sukie, Pamand family - be assured - Godblesses those who believe. LoveDampies and family.DeathKENT Isabel, dearly loved motherand grandmother of Beverley,Kathryn, Bomber and familiespassed away peacefully on the30th September 2010. She willbe remembered always, for hercourage, fi ne sense of humour,boundless love and support.ROSE “Noenoe” Hopshirepassed away peacefully05/10/10. Will be sadly missedby the family. Rest in peace.FuneralCOLLETT Ros. Passed away on3 October 2010. Ros will bedeeply missed by her familyand friends. A memorial serviceto be held at CommemorationMethodist Church on Saturday9 October 2010 at 10am. Inlieu of fl owers make donationto Ethembeni Old Age Centreor Brookshaw Home. Funeralarrangements by Inggs FuneralHome, Tel 046 636 1528LUCEY LORRAINEABRAHAMSdied peacefully on02/10/2010 after a longillness. She will be missedsadly by her children andfamily. Funeral services willbe held at St Mary’s Churchon Saturday 10amGAY Mary. Beloved wife of thelate John Gay passed awaypeacefully in her sleep on themorning of the 3rd October 2010at Brookshaw Home in Grahamstown.She will be missed bymany but especially Andrew & Angelaand her 4 grandchildren and6 great grandchildren - childrenfor whom she was the centre offamily life. A memorial servicewill be held at the Cathedral of StMichael and St George on Tuesday12 October 2010 at 2.30pm.Donation in lieu of fl owers toBrookshaw Home, Grahamstown.Funeral arrangements by InggsFuneral Home Tel 046 636 1528PHINDILE ROOIMQAWUPassed away on28 September 2010.Funeral held: Faith Mission,‘Z’ StreetDate: 10-10-2010Time: 10am - 12pmRest in peace MvulaneIn MemoriamTAYLOR. All my love on yourbirthday darling. Forever in myheart. Joan.RYAN JOYIn loving memory of ourmother who passed away onOctober 9, 2008. Deep in ourheart, precious memoriesare cherished. You will alwaysbe in our thoughts. Lovinglyremembered by your children,Anthony, Michael, Donald,Kathleen and families.Thank YouWE would like to express ourheartfelt thanks to the familyand friends during our sad bereavementof our loved one. Godbless you. The Morrison family.2. ANOUNCEMENTSNoticesAA PROTEA GROUP. Antic Hall,7.30pm Monday nights. 22 AlbanyRoad, next to New Apostolic Church.Cell: John 071 984 1379. Wilfred073 292 6057 and Antony 082682 1234. If anyone, anywherereaches out for help we want thehand of the AA to be there.MAKANATOURISMAGMWEDNESDAY28 OCTOBER 201017:30 for 18:00AT MAKANA ROOM -GRAHAM HOTELGuest Speaker :Tony LancasterAll welcomeST JOHN AMBULANCEFOUNDATION70th ANNUAL GENERALMEETINGTuesday 12 October 2010at 6.30pmat theGrahamstown Centre24 Hill StreetAll welcomeTHE RAPHAEL CENTRE (11Donkin Street, Grahamstown)would welcome donations ofwool and knitting needles foruse by our support group forpeople living with HIV/Aids3. SALES AND SERVICEBooks & StationeryMARANATHABooksellers & Stationers37 High StreetGrahamstownTele/fax: 046 622 8029SUPPLIERS OF:TextbooksStationery& Cleaning Material.Driving Schools(24 hrs)FinanceDrivingSchoolMike082 430 9855WIN A CORSABAKKIE!DEBT! DEBT! DEBT!Phone Shirley Robinson @ AlphaDebt Counselling on082 083 5709 or 046 622 8064.101 High Street(TTS offices)FurnitureBuyers & SellersbentwoodsSelect 2 nd Hand FurnitureAntiques & Collectables2A Cawood Street(Up the road from Village Green)Tel: 046 622 5171BIRITE27 Bathurst StreetTelephone 622 2983Buyers & Sellers of• New and SecondhandFurnitureThe Knock ShopCottage FurnitureAntiques2nd Hand FurnitureFurniture Removalsetc.TEL: 622 3473CELL: 072 399 1678GardeningGRASS CUTTING. Once-offcuts, Refuse removal, Tree felling/Pruning,Hedge trimmimg,Painting and water tank installations.082 696 6831/071897 6569.Home MaintenanceClassic Blinds7 Beadle Street, Grahamstown083 468 0887 046 622 3553Office Hours After HoursFor Professional andAffordable BlindsVenetian Blinds / Vertical BlindsGrass & Bamboo BlindsRepairs to BlindsWe render services in andaround Grahamstown/PortAlfred/Kenton-on-Sea etcFor free quotations contact BennieDAVID’S WORKSHOP. All alterations/renovations,fl atlets, extrarooms, boundry walls, plumbing,tiling, paving, fl ooring, ceilings,painting and waterproofi ng. 084658 6463.&CleaningServicesMobile Auto Valet ServiceCarpets/Upholstery/WindowsHousehold/Office CleaningMaid Service046 636 1214 * 073 217 8258WATERDRILLINGTHEHANDIMANCALL BRIAN082 954 5925The SunshineCleaningCom pa nyCell: 082 820 5598Tel: 046 622 3937Personal Supervision• Carpets • Upholstery• Windows • Offi ce Valet• Car Valet• Maid service - su per visedCommercial and DomesticFOR THEWATERPROOFINGof all CementReservoirs andTroughs and EarthDams.Guaranteed SolutionsPlease contactDoug 083 267 8016Email:doug@wilcote.co.zafor a quotation orassistanceWe cover all areasThe ProfessionalSolutionFor repair ofwheelchairs, contactthe Society for thePhysically Disabled,Day Hospital GroundsTel: 046 622 5359Jewellery70 High StreetGrahamstownTel/Fax 046 622 3115Services Offered• Engraving• Watch & JewelleryRepairsStockists of:• Watches• Jewellery• Trophies• Medals• Gifts• African Curios• Zippo LightersMiscellaneous SalesTOPSOIL R280 per bakkieload - delivered. Phone082 857 8166/7.PetsFAIRBAIRNKENNELS& CATTERYTel: 046 622 3527Cell: 082 552 3829For Well Cared-for,Happy PetsSPCATel: 046 622 3233, 072 191 2173Emergency: 079 037 3466ANIMALS FOUND• Donkeys and one white cow foundaround Grahamstown & surroundingareas.• Small black and tan dog found PortAlfred Road.• Small dog found near the SPCA.• Black cat found in Wedmore Street.• Afrikanus black and tan male, found onthe N2 near the SPCA.ANIMALS FOR ADOPTION• A lovely small dog, looks like a miniatureblack bear, still a puppy.• Lucy, female Boerboel, lovely dog.• Scamp, male Boerboel, very handsome.• Small smooth haired dog with spottyears, could be related to a Jack Russell.• X Wire Haired Terrier, called Scraffieand her female companion, a blue-eyedBorder Collie, Tippy, bother looking forloving homes or home.• Another Lucy, Boerboel, good healthdog, nice nature.• We have several adorable puppies, veryplayful and too gorgeous for words.• We have several family orientated cats.Penny, a ginger female, Stripes a beautifultabby, Mango a black and white spayedcat, Pirate, another black and white male.Thank you to J Stewart for clothing andsporting bags. Alice McKay for blankets.Rhodes Archery Club for the massivedonation of dog and cat food, dog toysand balls, a truly wonderful donation, theSmiths, Kemps and L Maggs for blanketsand dog food. M Grey for dog food and alitter tray. We really are most appreciativefor these wonderful donations. Thank you.To advertise onthis pagecontactSivuyile on046 622 7222

classifieds 1. Personal 2. Announcements 3. Sales & Services 4. Employment 5. Accommodation 6. Property 8. Motoring 9. Legals21Friday, 8 October 2010SecurityEast CapeAccess Systems“For all your access controland vehicle security needs”Electic gates, burglar bars,pallisade fencing, VESAapprovedcar alarms/immobilisers/gearlocksCall 046 622 5668 or visitus in Anglo-African Streetfor a free quotationSwimming PoolsEAST CAPE POOLSFor everything your pool needs.• Construction andFibre-glassing - Design yourown pool.• Pre-moulded fibre-glassmoulds - 24 to choose from.• Repairs - Re-fibre-glass andre-paint your old pool.• Pool maintenance contracts.• Pumps, filters, heaters, poolcovers, etc.All materials are SABS approved.Emile 073 321 9944We manufacture thewidest rangeof quality affordablefiberglass swimming &splash pool shells andoffer installationthroughout the EasternCape.DIY KITS AVAILABLE046 624 2128 /082 719 5285Philip or Melinda Smitwww.hitecpools.co.zaSIYAZAMASwimming Pool Servicesfor all your pool problems.We will solve them for you.Please contact:L S. May 073 8682 389A. Siyazi 071 0178 811Highly recommendedby satisfi ed clientsSPARROW POOLSFor All Your Swimming PoolRequirements!Brendon Bessinger076 647 95454 Hill St, GrahamstownTel: 046 622 43207 My Pond Hotel, Port AlfredTel: 046 624 8618TransportSECOND TO NONEMoving house.Transport local andnationwide. Contact046-648 2977 or082 833 02454. EMPLOYMENTEmployment OfferedGAME Reserve seeks experiencecaterer/cook to oversee 3lodge kitchens and conferencefacility kitchen. Irregular hoursincluding weekends. Contact082 312 2533 and fax CV to046 622 4808.QUALIFIED pharmacist neededfull time or part time. Excellentsalary and pleasant workingconditions. Retail experiencerequired. Contact Wimpie Boschat 083 228 2191.Office Assistant/BookkeeperMornings onlyA property and rentalbusiness requires theservices of a mature officeassistant/bookkeeper,whois good with people, towork mornings only.The successful applicantneeds to be familiar withthe following1. Microsoft Office2. Pastel Payroll3. Pastel AccountingPlease fax or emailapplication and CurriculumVitae to the followingFax NumberFax: 086 694 8580Closing Date: 31 October2010-10-04Receptionist/Admin assistantA busy dental practiceneeds an efficient, honest& reliable person for a fulltimeposition. This positionincludes data entry, clientservices, correspondenceand other admin.The following are essentialrequirements:• Communication in Englishand isiXhosa (speak,read, write), computerliteracy,• 3 years administrativeworking experience(health sector adv.).Kindly forward your C.V toPostnet Suite 294,Private Bag X1672,Grahamstown, 6140.STOCKROOMCONTROLLERA mature person withexperience in costing andstock pricing would be anadvantage. Salary will becommensurate with previousexperience, qualificationsand proven ability.E-<strong>Mail</strong> CV togtownstaff@gmail.com by22 October 2010An application will not automaticallyresult in an interview, and ifno reply is received by the 1st ofNovember you must consideryour application unsuccessful.www.grocotts.co.zaVACANCIES!PE JOBSUrgently wanted Secretaries,Cruise ship/flight Attendants,Airhostess, office Admins,Receptionists Bookkeeping,Data Capture, Bank Clerks,chefs, waiters,bartenders,account clerks projectmanagers,customs clearingand forwarding. We train u2wks and Place u into job, Toregister visit Rank PersonnelConsult@IBMIT. NO 82 on 6thAvenue Newton Park, oppositeCheckers, Port Elizabeth.Register today,training beginsMonday 11/10/20100413640755, 0716123898,0724117028, 0724113619,0769316023, 078 825 5567,0730891268www.rankpersonnelconsult.co.za,www.ibmit.co.za,5. ACCOMMODATIONAccommodationWantedI’M looking for a 2 or 3 bedroomhouse to rent asap. ContactBernard 074 672 7441.MATURE couple with smalldog looking for a garden fl at inour outside of Grahamstown.Tel 078 384 2381 or 073 1422404House for saleLOVELY 2 bed house in AfricanStreet for sale. Owner hasemigrated. 1.5 bathrooms, largeliving area. R700 000neg.Please call Leanne 083 3113108.To LetFURNISHED room in digs oppRhodes available 1 December2010. Rent: R2 850pm. Contact072 325 2020 or 082 8222764 for further info.RELIABLE family wanted.Large family house in SomersetHeights, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,2 lounges, diningroom,kitchen, scullery, pool, largegrounds, fully furnished, to letfor 1 year, with domestics, whilewe are away. Telephone 046622 5065STUDENT Accommodation - Secureupmarket digs available for2011. Excellently located andincludes off street parking. Toview 072 325 2020.8. MOTORINGMotoring SalesR114 980R130 080Motoring ServicesPARKHILLMOTORSYOUR VOLKSIE SPECIALISTS046 622 2978082 730 1527083 760 0576MIKE & GRANTREPAIR & SERVICEALL MAKES OF CARS9. LEGALSBOEDELIn die boedel van wyleIRMA WHITEHORNIdentiteitsnommer450930 0008 089Datum van dood:2009-08-06Huwelikstatus:Getroud in gemeenskap vangoed met Tom John Whitehorn,ID 430514 5019 088Laaste adres:Wedmoreweg 22, GrahamstadBoedelnommer: 4061/2009Kennis geskied hiermee dat dieEerste en Finale Likwidasie- enDistribusiererekening in bogemeldeboedel ter insae sal lêin die kantoor van die Meestervan die Hooggeregshof, Grahamstadvir ‘n tydperk van 21dae vanaf datum van publikasiehiervan.LEON KEYTERPosbus 720Grahamstad6140Tel: 046 622 9401Faks: 046 622 9402SA RED CROSSSOCIETYGrahamstown LocalCommitteeWe hire outwheelchairs, crutches,toilet equipmentESTATE LATEEstate lateC A HOLTZHAUSENEstate Number: 3152/2008LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBU-TION ACCOUNT IN DECEASEDESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION.First and Final Liquidation andDistribution Account in theEstate of the late CORNELIUSABRAHAM HOLTZHAUSEN(Identity Number 3201145020 089) who was married incommunity of property to ANNAMARIA MARTHA CHARLOTTEHOLTZHAUSEN, last known address:No 14 NAPIER STREET,GRAHAMSTOWN, who died on30 SEPTEMBER 2008.Notice is hereby given in termsof Section 35 of Act 66 of 1965that copies of the First andFinal Liquidation and DistributionAccount in the above estatewill be open for inspection of allpersons with an interest thereinfor a period of 21 days from the8th day of October 2010 at theOffi ce of the Master of the HighCourt, Grahamstown.E BUCHNERFarm BoslaagtePATERSONTel: 083 459 3892Want to read theGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>in your comfy couchat home?Contact Anna-mariefor a subscription on046 622 7222RENTAL AGENTWe are looking for a suitable person to fill this positionas soon as possible. The suitable applicant must• Have a friendly and outgoing personality• Be skilled with Word, Excel and Publisher• Be highly organized in the workplace• Have your own transport and drivers licence.• Have had experience in a similar position beneficial.Commencement as soon as possibleChristmassupplementA FULL COLOUR8-pagesupplement willbe publised onTuesday14/12/ 2010Deadline foradvertising is24 NovemberContact: Mike,Ronél or Sivuyileon 046-622 7222Please send your CV to 046 622 9735 (fax) or tooffice@sirg.co.za or deliver to shop 20, Pepper GroveMall, African Street. (Att: Jillian)CANDIDATES NOT CONTACTED CAN ASSUMETHEIR APPLICATION WAS UNSUCCESSFULSOTHEBY’S GRAHAMSTOWNShop 20, Peppergrove Mall, P O Box 34, Grahamstown 6140tel: 046 636 1388 Fax: 046 622 9735Email: office@sirg.co.za web: www.sotheby’srealty.co.zaEach office is Independently owned and operated

22 MOTORING <strong>NEWS</strong>Number onetaxi driverwww.grocotts.co.zaGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010STAFF REPORTERThe number one taxi driver is a campaign that is targetedat the taxi industry and is aimed at taxi drivers who arecommitted to being the best drivers on the road and educatesthem about road and commuter safety. This initiative iscurrently in its second phase, that of theory and practical testing,throughout all the provinces. This entails all participatingdrivers being tested on their theory and practical knowledge,as well as being taken through advanced and defensive drivingprocedures.In 2004 Brandhouse Road Traffic ManagementCorporation(RTMC) created and implemented the brandhouse/RTMC Number One Taxi Driver Campaign and formulated itwith its policy of community enrichment and not drinking anddriving, as it seeks to educate taxi drivers and other road userson road safety and highlights including driver fatigue, disregardfor traffic rules, drinking and driving, high speed driving, unroadworthinessof vehicles.This year the campaign has adopted the slogan PuttingRoad Safety First, as this encapsulates the essence of the campaign,which aims to deliver responsible role models to the taxiindustry.The campaign is carried out with the endorsement of theDepartment of Transport who has in turn linked the programmeto regional municipalities and taxi associations and this year itis once again endorsed and supported by the South African NationalTaxi Council (Santaco) as well as the National Taxi Alliance(NTA). Toyota SA is a partner of this campaign and theyfurther enhance it by providing the Toyota Advanced DrivingAcademy that carries out the testing phases of this initiative.DEMOS2010 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 D-4D D.CAB AUTO 4X4 R339 0002010 TOYOTA VERSO 160S R219 9002009 TOYOTA PRIUS HYBRID R279 9002009 TOYOTA YARIS T3 SEDAN R139 900USED COMMERCIAL2008 TOYOTA HILUX 2.5 D-4D LOW R123 9002008 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 4.2 D P / UP R259 9002007 OPEL CORSA 1.8 R 84 9002007 NISSAN HARDBODY 3.0TDI SE R105 9002006 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 4.2D P/UP 9 SEATERGAMEVIEWER R229 9002006 TOYOTA HILUX 2.7 PETROL D.CAB 4X2 R179 900Charmaine King 082 496 9081Warren Henry 083 391 1177Headman Ndwendwe082 434 5310Clint Roesstoff 079 746 5993USED PASSENGER2009 VW CITI 1.4I SPORT R 81 9002009 MERCEDES BENZ C180 K BE CLASSIC R274 9002009 HYUNDAI GETZ 1.4 R104 9002009 TOYOTA YARIS SEDAN R127 0002009 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 PROFESSIONAL R142 5002009 TOYOTA YARIS T3+ R127 9002009 VW POLO CLASSIC 1.6 T/LINE SEDAN R129 9002009 VW POLO 1.4I H/B T/LINE R129 9002008 TOYOTA QUANTUM 2.7P 14 SEATER R239 0002005 TOYOTA RAV 4 180 R149 900COME AND VIEW OUR NEW USED ANDNEW VEHICLE SHOWROOMSSETTLER CITY TOYOTATEL: 046 622 7017THINK you can’t afford to service your outof warranty Volkswagen?GM KENRICH 046 622 7312USED LDVS18 AFRICAN STREETUSED CARS2010 ISUZU KB300D-TEQ D/CAB 4X4 R340 0002010 CHEVROLET CORSA UTILITY 1.8 CLUB R143 0002010 CHEVROLET CORSA UTILITY 1.4 A/C R115 0002009 ISUZU KB300D-TEQ D/CAB 4X2 R279 9002009 ISUZU KB250D-TEQ D/CAB 4X2 R249 9002004 ISUZU KB300 TDI LX 4X2 LWB R 84 9002010 CHEVROLET SPARK R 69 9002009 TOYOTA FORTUNER 3.0D R349 9002009 MAZDA 2 1.3 ACTIVE R126 9002009 OPEL CORSA ESSENTIA 1.4 R119 9002006 OPEL ZAFIRA 1.6 7 SEATER R112 9002005 CHEV SPARK BASE R 44 900Market Square Volkswagen is offering our valued Volkswagen drivers a15% discount on Parts and Labour plus a Free Health Check.Think about it, this is a great deal!Service with us and maintain your re-sale value.Terms and conditions apply, vehicle must have:*A Full Service History. *Less than 165 000km.*Be Out of Warranty.Cnr Bertram Street,Grahamstown, 6140Tel: 046 622 2302Part of the Kelston Motor GroupTHINK Again!Valid until the end October 2010Discount excludes oilMarket Square VolkswagenGrahamstownSPECIAL OFFER:Air-conditioner unit Service R250.00Air-conditioner unit Repair: R350.00We make the Dif fer ence24-HR BREAKDOWN SERVICE082 557 4706Contact : • KENRICH GRAHAMSTOWN 046 622 7312 • KENRICHPORT ALFRED 046 624 1136 • DEAN KENT 082 573 3379 • RICHARDAXE 082 788 2794 • YOSHIKA NAIDOO 082 940 2973WWW.KENRICHMOTORS.CO.ZAJW AUTO - Grahamstown•Tel: 046 622 8600 •Fax: 046 622 8601•40 Beaufort Street •Riaan van der Nest 078 655 8258Demos2010 Ford Everest 3.0 4X4 Auto F/H R379 9502010 Mazda MX-5 Roadster Coupe R299 9502010 Ford Ranger 3.0 4x2 Super R249 9502010 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Trend A/C R/CD R159 9502010 Mazda 2 1.3 Active A/C R/CD R139 9502010 Ford Bantam 130 R 99 9502010 Mazda 3 R179 9502010 Ford Ikon 160 Ambiente R129 9502009 Mazda 3 1.6 Original Sedan R159 9502009 VW T5 Kombi 1.9 TDi R299 9502009 Dodge Caliber 2.0 CRD R199 9502009 Nissan Lavina 1.6 Acenta R145 9502009 Cam Inyathi High Roof Taxi R129 9502009 Mazda BT 50 3.0 Freestyle R245 9502009 Chana Maxi Star R 84 9502009 Chev Cruze 1.6 A/C R/CD R154 9502009 Ford Fiesta Ambiente R139 9502009 VW Citi Sport R 84 9502009 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Ambient A/C R/CD R139 950Used Vehicles2009 Smart Coupe Pare A/C E/W R112 9502008 FWM 2.2 Lux D/Cab + Kappie R 99 9502008 GoNow 2.2 Lux LWB & Canopy R 79 9502008 Toyota Hilux 2.4 D 4D SRX 4X4 LWB R209 9502007 Mazda 3 1.6 Sport Active R109 9502007 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Ambiente R 79 9502007 Lexus IS 250 A/T Full House R199 9502006 Ford Ka 1.3 Trend R 54 9502006 Ford F250 4.2 TDI 4X4 A/C R/CD R249 9502004 Mercedes S500 Full House R279 9502004 Ford Focus 1.8 TDCi R 74 950

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 8 October 2010 23sport NewsNew leagueunderwayStephen penneyCity Pirates are off to the perfect start in the South AfricanFootball Association, SAB Cacadu 2010/2011 soccerleague.The new Cacadu season kicked off on Saturday and the newside in the league, City Pirates of Grahamstown showed offtheir talent as they went on to beat everton Football Club sevengoals to two.City Pirates were promoted to the Cacadu league afterfinishing top of the Makana Local Football Association (LFA)League. Phoenix Pioneers, who were part of the Cacadu leaguelast season, finished bottom of the log and were dropped back tothe Makana (LFA) league. According to Buyisile Jonas of SafaCacadu, Pioneers were automatically relegated after finishingbottom of the log.Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> eleven Attackers were not affected with thepromotion and relegations after the last season and will enjoyanother season in the Cacadu league. They will however be hopingto finish better than their fifth spot in their stream after thecurrent season.City Pirates top the stream A league after their first match,with three points. eleven Attackers, who also won their firstleague match, are in third spot, also on three points. eleven Attackerswon their match against Young Chiefs 3-2.The Cacadu region is split into two Cacadu league streams,stream A and stream B.City Pirates and eleven Attackers are in stream A, togetherwith Mighty Forest (Port Alfred), Tigers (Alexandria), YoungChiefs (Marselle), Teenagers (Kenton-on-Sea), Friendly City(Alicedale) and everton (Aberdeen).This week sees City Pirates coming up against Teenagersat Kenton-on-Sea at 1pm. eleven Attackers travel to Aberdeenwhere they face everton.The new Safa Cacadu leadership for the period 2010 to 2014sees Mziwanele Wopa from Ndlambe as the presidents. Firstdeputy president is Anthea Saaiman (Camdeboo), second deputypresident is Mfundiso Ntabeni (Ndlambe), secretary is LuvuyoBayeni (Blue Crane Route) and the treasurer is BuyisileJonas (Makana).Swallows losequarterfinalsStaff RepoRteRIN a must win game for the Swallows Rugby Club fromGrahamstown, the side were unable to win their match againstLoerie Blues rugby club.The match was an eastern Province Rugby Union Wellmanharmse Super League quarter final match which Swallowswere hoping to win to make it through to the semi-finals.however, they were unable to match their opponents as theywent down 22-15 against Loerie Blues at Adcock Field in Portelizabeth.First to score was Loerie Blues who added a penalty kick afew minutes later. Swallows flyhalf Luvane Daniels succeededwith a penalty kick just before halftime, with Loerie Blues goinginto the break with an 8-3 lead.The second half started with Loerie Blues succeeding withanother penalty kick before Swallows centre hilton Fillis divedover for his side’s first try of the match, narrowing the gap to8-11 in favour of Loerie Blues.Shortly after another penalty kick from the Loeries, SwallowsJacko Buys went over for his sides second try for BrianGoliath to convert and put Swallows in the lead for the first timein the match with 15-14. Loerie Blues felt the urgency and putover a drop goal to reclaim the lead. With minutes left on theclock, a handling error by the Swallows players resulted in aLoerie Blues player kicking the ball forward to score. Swallowslost 15-22.Swallows coach, Phillip Oerson said he was happy with theteam as they showed “a good performance throughout the seasonby maintaining the top positions in the 1st, 1st reserve and2nd team leagues.” This was a great improvement from lastyear where they finished fourth. Oerson believes the side can“do much better next year because we’ve got talent, speed andexperience in our club”.HAVING A BALL... A number of Mass Participation Programme co-ordinators from DSRAC were involved in a four dayhandball coaching course held at the Indoor Sports Centre recently. Here the group of over 40 participants are photographedwith German handball coaches Jürgen Warnholtz (left, back row) and Linda Wein (front right). Photo: Andile NayikaHaving a (hand) ball at Indoor Sport Centreandile nayikaOVeR 40 Mass Participation Programmeco-ordinators from the districtDepartment of Sport, Recreation, Artsand Culture (DSRAC) took part in ahandball coaching course at the IndoorSports Centre in Joza this week.The coaching course is one of theinitiatives to stem from a business dealbetween the eastern Cape governmentand Lower Saxony, a region in Germanyto fund and support recreational, sports,arts and cultural developments in theprovince.Staff RepoRteRThe Rhodes University environmentalCommittee is organising a Green FundRun to coincide with the 10/10/10 WorldWork Party being organised by 350.org togalvanise action around climate change.The run/walk takes the form of a relay –five members per team, each completinga leg of only 1km. “everyone is encouragedto participate in such a globally importantinitiative that should be loads ofThe co-ordinators were engaged inintensive exercises on and off the handballin the event which started on Mondayand finished yesterday.The course started in 2007 as anannual programme and this year, unlikeprevious years, the duration ofthe course has stretched from one tofive days.German handball coaches, LindaWein and Jurgen Warnholtz were sentby the Deutscher Olympischer Sportbundto present the course. “handballis not well known, so we aim to teachthe teachers of handball the rules onfun,” said organiser harriet Knight.The goal of the Vice Chancellor’sGreen Fund is to make Rhodes the leadinghigher education institution nationallyin terms of its ecological footprint.Teams are expected to provide theirown batons as there will be a prize for themost novel baton.There will also be a prize for the bestdressedperson symbolising the lack ofprogress by world leaders in not payingdue attention to the important issue ofhow to play and the technicality in thesport. We aim to have the programmelonger so we can build structures for thesports, like active clubs and leagues,”said Wein. In Germany, handball closelyfollows after soccer as the second mostpopular sport, with established clubsplaying in professional leagues of differentages and gender categories.Wein said that the lack of popularityin the sport follows the country’s racialbackground. She concluded, “It’s greatto see that the participants are interestedand engaged and we are impressedand confident in them.”Go green at the Green Fund Runclimate change.entries (teams or individuals) willbe accepted on Friday 8 October outsideeden Grove (off Lucas Avenue), Saturday9 October outside Pick n Pay and halfan hour before the start on Sunday, 10October.The run starts at 8.30am at the bicyclesculpture in front of Makana BotanicalGardens in Lucas Avenue. ContactNikki Köhly on 046 603 7205 for more information.Send all sports news and results tosport@grocotts.co.za

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