Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias

Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias

Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias


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28 The TOPSPIN InterfacemenubaruppertoolbarlowertoolbarDONEtitle barINDEXINDEXminimizebuttonmaximizebuttonclosebuttonbrowserdataareascrollarrowscommand linestatus bar1D data window2D data windowFigure 2.1Note that the menus and toolbars <strong>de</strong>pend on the data dimensionality. The <strong>de</strong>scriptionsbelow hold for 1D data. For 2D and 3D data, the menus and toolbars are similarand will be discussed in the chapters 9, 10 and 12, respectively.How to Use Multiple Data WindowsTOPSPIN allows you to use multiple data windows. Data windows can be openedfrom the browser or from the Window menu. They can contain the same of differentdatasets. Data windows can be arranged from the Window menu. One ofthem is the active (current) data window. The active window:

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