Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias

Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias

Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias


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26 Getting Starteda new name and modify it to your needs. The chosen name is now available as anew TOPSPIN command. Alternatively, you can open a new file from the AU dialogbox and write your AU program from scratch. INDEXFor <strong>de</strong>tails on Bruker AU programsDONEand writingINDEXyour own AU programs, clickHelp " Programming " AU Programming.How to Create Python ProgramsWriting a Python program is yet another way of creating a new TOPSPIN command.Python is a new generation scripting and object oriented programming language.Python programs are even more powerful than AU programs. They areeasy to use and allow you to execute TOPSPIN commands, handle NMR data andparameters, generate graphics, and interact with the TOPSPIN user interface via dialogs,windows etc. To create a Python program, enter the command edpy, selecta file and insert your Python statements. Graphics and interface features programmedin Python look and work the same as regular TOPSPIN features.For <strong>de</strong>tails on Python programming, click Help " Programming " Python Programming.The examples mentioned there, like pycmd1, are <strong>de</strong>livered with TOP-SPIN. Just enter their names on the command line to execute them.The Python dialog window is also available from the TOPSPIN menu:! Click File " Open...and select Open other file " Python program.1.17 How to Automate Data AcquisitionTOPSPIN provi<strong>de</strong>s special user interfaces for automation, walk-up, bio-molecularexperiments, etc. To open these interfaces:! Type iconnmr or click Spectrometer " ICONNMR.

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