Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias

Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias

Users Guide - Facultad de Ciencias


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170 1D Interactive Manipulation3. Enter the <strong>de</strong>sired sum of all integrals and click OKINDEXDONEINDEXFigure 11.5Calibrating and normalizing only effects the current dataset. To scale integralswith respect to a reference dataset, choose lastscal from the right/click popupmenu (see below).How to Scale Integrals with respect to Different SpectraIntegrals can be scaled with respect to the last spectrum that was integrated interactively.To do that:1. Right-click in the reference integral region.2. Choose Lastscal from the popup menu (see Fig. 11.5).As such, you can compare integrals of different spectra. Note that this only makesense for spectra which have been acquired un<strong>de</strong>r the same experimental conditions.The scaling factor is stored in the file:/prog/curdir//intscaleHow to Delete Integral Regions from the DisplayTo <strong>de</strong>lete the selected integral regions from the display:! Click the following button:Delete selected integral regions from the display.To <strong>de</strong>lete a single integral region from the display:1. Right-click in the integral region.2. Choose Delete from the popup menu (see Fig. 11.5)To <strong>de</strong>lete all integral regions from the display:! Click the following buttons:

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