Technicians Handbook - Historic Naval Ships Association

Technicians Handbook - Historic Naval Ships Association Technicians Handbook - Historic Naval Ships Association
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Conversion and Equivalent TablesTable 1-24 provides the multiplying factors necessary to convert from one unit of measure to anotherand vice versa.Table 1-24.—Conversion ChartTo Convert To Multiply ByConversely,Multiply ByAcres Square feet 4.356 x 10 4 2.296 х 10 -5Acres Square meters 4047 2.471 х 10 -4Ampere-hour Coulombs 3600 2.778 х 10 -4Amperes Microamperes 1,000,000 0.000,001Amperes Milliamperes 1,000 0.001Amperes per sq cm Amperes per sq in 6.452 0.1550Amperes-turns Gilberts 1.257 0.7958Amperes-turns per cm Amperes-turns per inch 2.540 0.3937Amperes-turns per cm Oersteds 1.257 0.7958Ampere-turns per in Oersteds 0.495 2.02Ampere-turns per meter Oersteds .01257 79.58Ampere-turns per weber Gilberts per maxwell 1.257 х 10 -8 7.958 х 10 7Atmospheres MM of mercury at 0º C 760 1.316 х 10 -8Atmospheres Feet of water at 4º C 33.90 2.950 х 10 -2Atmospheres Inches of mercury at 0º C 29.92 3.342 х 10 -2Atmospheres Kilograms per sq meter 1.033 х 10 4 9.678 х 10 –5Atmospheres Pounds per sq inch 14.70 6.804 х 10 -2BTU Foot-pounds 778.3 1.285 х 10 -3BTU Joules 1054.8 9.480 х 10 -4BTU Kilogram-calories 0.2520 3.969BTU per hour Horsepower-hours 3.929 х 10 –4 2545Bushels Cubic feet 1.2445 0.8036Celsius (Centigrade) deg Fahrenheit deg (º C х 9/5) + 32 (º F - 32) х 5/9Circular Mils Sq centimeters 5.067 х 10 -6 1.973 х 10 5Circular mils Square mils 0.7854 1.273Cubic feet Cords 7.8125 х 10 -3 128Cubic feet Gallons (liquid US) 7.481 0.1337Cubic feet Liters 28.32 3.531 х 10 -2Cubic inches Cubic centimeters 16.39 6.102 х 10 -2Cubic inches Cubic feet 5.787 х 10 -4 1728Cubic inches Cubic meters 1.639 х 10 -5 6.102 х 10 -4Cubic inches Gallons (liquid US) 4.329 х 10 -3 231Cubic meters Cubic feet 35.31 2.832 х 10 -2Cubic meters Cubic yards 1.381 0.7646Degrees (angle) Radians 1.745 х 10 -2 57.30Dynes Pounds 2.248 х 10 -6 4.448 х 10 5Ergs Foot-pounds 7.367 х 10 -8 1.356 х 10 7Fards Microtarads 1,000,000 0.000,001Farads Picofarads 1,000,000,000,000 0.000,000,000,001Fathoms Feet 6 0.166661-80

Table 1-24.—Conversion Chart—ContinuedTo Convert To Multiply ByConversely,Multiply ByFeet Centimeters 30.48 3.281 х 10 -2Feet Varas 0.3594 2.782Feet of water at 4º C Inches of mercury at 0º C 0.8826 1.133Feet of water at 4º C Kilograms per sq meter 304.8 3.281 х 10 -3Feet of water at 4º C Pounds per sq foot 62.43 1.602 х 10 -2Foot-pounds Horsepower-hours 5.050 х 10 –7 1.98 х 10 -6Foot-pounds Kilogram-meters 0.1383 7.233Foot-pounds Kilowatt-hours 3.766 х 10 -7 2.655 х 10 6Gallons Cubic meters 3.785 х 10 -8 264.2Gallons (liquid US) Gallons (liquid Br Imp) 0.8327 1.201Gausses Lines per sq inch 6.452 0.1550Gilberts per cm Oersteds 1 1Grains (for humidity Pounds (avoirdupois) 1.429 х 10 -4 7000calculations)Grams Dynes 980.7 1.020 х 10 -3Grams Grains 15.43 6.481 х 10 -2Grams Ounces (avoirdupois) 3.527 х 10 -2 28.35Grams Poundals 7.093 х 10 -2 14.10Grams per cm Pounds per inch 5.600 х 10 –3 178.6Grams per cu cm Pounds per cu in 3.613 х 10 -3 27.68Grams per sq cm Pounds per sq ft 2.0481 0.4883Hectares Acres 2.471 0.4047Henrys Microhenrys 1,000,000 0.000,001Henrys Millihenrys 1000 0.001Henrys per meter Gausses per Oersted 7.958 х 10 5 1.257 х 10 –6Horsepower (boiler) BTU per hour 3.347 х 10 4 2.986 х 10 -5Horsepower (metric) BTU per minute 41.83 2.390 х 10 -2(542.5 ft-lb per sec)Horsepower (metric) Ft-lb per minute 3.255 х 10 4 3.072 х 10 -5(542.5 ft-lb per sec)Horsepower (metric) Kilogram-calories 10.54 9.485 х 10 -2(542.5 ft-lb per sec) per minHorsepowerBTU per minute 42.41 2.357 х 10 -2(550 ft-lb per sec)HorsepowerFt-lb per minute 3.3 х 10 4 3.030 х 10 -5(550 ft-lb per sec)HorsepowerKilowatts 0.745 1.342(550 ft-lb per sec)HorsepowerWatts 746 1.342 х 10 -3(550 ft-lb per sec)Horsepower (metric) Horsepower0.9863 1.014(542.5 ft-lb per sec)Horsepower(550 ft-lb per sec)(550 ft-lb per sec)Kilogram-calories per min 10.69 9.355 х 10 -21-81

Conversion and Equivalent TablesTable 1-24 provides the multiplying factors necessary to convert from one unit of measure to anotherand vice versa.Table 1-24.—Conversion ChartTo Convert To Multiply ByConversely,Multiply ByAcres Square feet 4.356 x 10 4 2.296 х 10 -5Acres Square meters 4047 2.471 х 10 -4Ampere-hour Coulombs 3600 2.778 х 10 -4Amperes Microamperes 1,000,000 0.000,001Amperes Milliamperes 1,000 0.001Amperes per sq cm Amperes per sq in 6.452 0.1550Amperes-turns Gilberts 1.257 0.7958Amperes-turns per cm Amperes-turns per inch 2.540 0.3937Amperes-turns per cm Oersteds 1.257 0.7958Ampere-turns per in Oersteds 0.495 2.02Ampere-turns per meter Oersteds .01257 79.58Ampere-turns per weber Gilberts per maxwell 1.257 х 10 -8 7.958 х 10 7Atmospheres MM of mercury at 0º C 760 1.316 х 10 -8Atmospheres Feet of water at 4º C 33.90 2.950 х 10 -2Atmospheres Inches of mercury at 0º C 29.92 3.342 х 10 -2Atmospheres Kilograms per sq meter 1.033 х 10 4 9.678 х 10 –5Atmospheres Pounds per sq inch 14.70 6.804 х 10 -2BTU Foot-pounds 778.3 1.285 х 10 -3BTU Joules 1054.8 9.480 х 10 -4BTU Kilogram-calories 0.2520 3.969BTU per hour Horsepower-hours 3.929 х 10 –4 2545Bushels Cubic feet 1.2445 0.8036Celsius (Centigrade) deg Fahrenheit deg (º C х 9/5) + 32 (º F - 32) х 5/9Circular Mils Sq centimeters 5.067 х 10 -6 1.973 х 10 5Circular mils Square mils 0.7854 1.273Cubic feet Cords 7.8125 х 10 -3 128Cubic feet Gallons (liquid US) 7.481 0.1337Cubic feet Liters 28.32 3.531 х 10 -2Cubic inches Cubic centimeters 16.39 6.102 х 10 -2Cubic inches Cubic feet 5.787 х 10 -4 1728Cubic inches Cubic meters 1.639 х 10 -5 6.102 х 10 -4Cubic inches Gallons (liquid US) 4.329 х 10 -3 231Cubic meters Cubic feet 35.31 2.832 х 10 -2Cubic meters Cubic yards 1.381 0.7646Degrees (angle) Radians 1.745 х 10 -2 57.30Dynes Pounds 2.248 х 10 -6 4.448 х 10 5Ergs Foot-pounds 7.367 х 10 -8 1.356 х 10 7Fards Microtarads 1,000,000 0.000,001Farads Picofarads 1,000,000,000,000 0.000,000,000,001Fathoms Feet 6 0.166661-80

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