Excellence - Wyoming Seminary

Excellence - Wyoming Seminary

Excellence - Wyoming Seminary


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2011 FacultyThe majority of our faculty andconductors at the Performing ArtsInstitute have been working togethereach summer for a number of years.They continue their close associationwith each other for two reasons:their mutual respect for each otherand a shared passion for teaching.Representing symphony orchestras andconservatories across the country, theyhave trained at the Juilliard School,The Curtis Institute of Music, EastmanSchool of Music, Yale and The RoyalAcademy of Music (England), to namea few. Resident Assistants also cometo PAI from leading universities andconservatories, where they are pursuingcareers in the arts. All of our teachers,conductors and counselors haveundergone strict security clearances,including fingerprinting, child abuse andcriminal background checks.Throughout the summer, teachers coachchamber groups, play side-by-side withstudents in large ensembles, teachmasterclasses and perform in recitals.This extensive contact provides studentswith excellent professional role models.These talented teachers are not onlyvaluable resources; they become lastingfriends and mentors who help guidestudents’ careers.Special Guest Artist, T. Doyle LeverettThe following is a list of faculty from thesummer of 2011, of which most will bereturning in 2012. It is important thatyou and your private teacher reviewtheir credentials.Daily ScheduleWhen selecting a schedule, students must include time each day for individual practice.8:40 – 9:00CommunityMeeting9:00 – 9:30BeginnningJazz Piano9:00 – 10:25MasterworksChoraleWind Ensemble9:30 – 10:25StringMasterclassPianoEnsemblesMusicHistoryJazz Workshop10:30 – 11:25ChamberOrchestraBrass, WindMasterclassIntro toOperaTheaterWorkshopJazzMasterclass11:30 – 12:15MusicTheoryJazzImprovisationBasic Musicianshipfor Theater StudentsBeginningJazz TheoryLunchLunch1:00 – 1:55Institute Chorus14

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