our great sporting moments remembered - Melbourne Cricket Club

our great sporting moments remembered - Melbourne Cricket Club

our great sporting moments remembered - Melbourne Cricket Club


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A GRADE RESULT FOR CATEGORY CThe club’s decision to relaxregulations at AFL fixtures ratedas Category C matches isproving popular. Witness theextraordinary situation in the Reservefor the Western Bulldogs-Brisbanematch on Saturday afternoon, June 14(see president’s report P3).Designated as a Category C matchat the beginning of the season, anattendance of 2350 was forecast forthe Reserve and 24,000 overall, butthe game attracted 5376 and 39,320respectively.At Category C fixtures, Restrictedmembers may obtain up to two LongRoom passes when normally they’renot eligible for any. Full members canobtain two passes (normally one) andboth categories of membership canapply for up to f<strong>our</strong> Balcony passesfor guests.The upshot on June 14 was thatmembers and guests took advantage ofmore liberal access to the club’s finefacilities and the Long Room carveryexperienced its second busiest day of theseason to that point.The Saturday afternoon match alsofilled the Members Dining Room andthe Committee Room, a remarkablesituation given the clubs’ support baseamong MCC members is two per cent(Bulldogs) and 1.8 per cent (Brisbane).On the following day, the Category BCollingwood-Carlton match drew80,000-plus and attendance in theReserve was up 8000 on the Bulldogs’home game, but there were 55 fewer“covers” in the carvery.The figures surprised everybody,especially because at the Collingwoodgame 75 per cent of members werebarracking for one team or the otherversus only 35 per cent in the case of theBulldogs and the Lions.“It tells us that Category C gamescan be very attractive to membersregardless of their allegiance, becausethey can entertain more guests in theinner sanctum,” says club managerMark Anderson.“When you consider thatCollingwood supporters account for 11per cent of MCC members and Carltonnine per cent, you can only concludethat the Bulldogs game was a ringingendorsement for the facilities we offer<strong>our</strong> members.“As an aside, the match obviouslywas also appealing to the 341Melb<strong>our</strong>ne-supporting memberswho attended the Reserve when theDemons were doing battle at TelstraDome that day.”2008 HIGHEST AFL ATTENDANCES(As at end of Round 14) ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||88,999 Coll v Ess April 2580,310 Coll v Carl June 1578,206 Coll v Geel May 2377,873 Carl v Coll April 1376,048 Haw v Coll May 373,503 Rich v Carl June 2872,552 Carl v Rich March 2070,802 Rich v Coll April 6Note: No Long Room or Balcony passesare issued for Category A matches buttwo visitor tickets may be purchased.For Category B games, up to f<strong>our</strong> visitorticket are available. Full members canobtain either one Long Room pass ortwo Balcony passes for guests whileRestricted members are entitled to twoBalcony passes.NEW BOARD FOR OUR BESTHonorary Life Membership (HLM) ofthe MCC is a rare hon<strong>our</strong>. Only 81have been conferred since 1861 and they’vebeen harder to come by in recent times,with only 22 awarded since the war.In the early days, HLMs were bestowedon various people such as visitinginternational amateur cricketers, with theemphasis on amateur. Royalty was wellserved, too.But within the club, some queries wereraised about those appearing on thehon<strong>our</strong> board in the old Pavilion, so itwas time to do some cross checking.In 2003, then volunteer, now assistantlibrarian, Trevor Ruddell took upthe challenge, beavering awayresearching newspaper archives and examining MCC minutes and annual reportson microfilm.The upshot was a heap of anomalies and a need for a new hon<strong>our</strong> board, whichnow hangs resplendent in the gallery leading to the Committee Room on Level 2.Footy fans enjoy a rare opportunity to havea post-match kick on the MCG turf after theMelb<strong>our</strong>ne v Fremantle match on May 4.JULY 2008 MCC NEWS9

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