our great sporting moments remembered - Melbourne Cricket Club

our great sporting moments remembered - Melbourne Cricket Club

our great sporting moments remembered - Melbourne Cricket Club


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CLUB NEWSA GREAT STADIUM’SCHANGING LANDSCAPEWith just two magnificentgrandstands completing theMCG canvas after the recentredevelopment project, it is timely torecord the grandstands of an earlier era,when new projects commenced relativelyfrequently as public demand warranted.Our 1925 aerial shot of the groundshows (clockwise from lower right)the much-loved Grey Smith Stand(1906-66) next to the second Pavilion(1881-1927), which offered memberssuperb behind-the-wicket views. Rooftopcapacity was 250.Further around is the 1886 Grandstand– part members, part public – that servedso well until 1954 when it made way forthe Northern (later Olympic) Stand. Theawnings were erected as sun screensduring the cricket season.There’s a raised bank of plinth seatingto the left of the scoreboard, which waserected in 1908. The board was a <strong>great</strong>survivor, moving first in 1936 to makeway for the Southern Stand and to sitatop the open concrete stand (1927-66)at the western end of the ground.From 1967 it adorned the Western(later Ponsford) Stand until it wasrelocated to Manuka Oval, Canberra,when the first electronic scoreboard wasinstalled in 1982.There was a bar beneath the scoreboardand perhaps that was also thefunction of the small building between itand the Harrison Stand (1908), but we’re2008 QUEEN’S BIRTHDAYHONOURSMCC MEMBERS HONOURED ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||AO - General DivisionMYER, Martyn KennethAM - General DivisionCLEARY, Raymond LeslieCORRIGAN, Peter RussellDAWSON, John KelvinDOWNEY, Esmond JosephGARDNER, Paul AlbertGRIFFIN, Peter JohnHANSKY, JackMCGALLIARD, Andrew Johnunsure. The Harrison Stand was built forthe 50th anniversary of football andfeatured large steps that doubled as seats.To its right is a substantial refreshmentbooth and completing the picture is asmall section of the 1911 Wardill Stand,which was about twice the length of theHarrison Stand.You’ll note that Brunton Avenue isnowhere to be seen (it appeared duringWorld War II) and the practice wickets,in the south-east corner, were latermoved to the south-west.The match in progress is the SecondTest, Australia v England, January 1-8,MCKENZIE, Cathryn RosemaryO’BRYAN, Norman JohnTRONSON, Richard KinsleyWRIGHT, Andrew StuartOAM - General DivisionBROWN, Kevan LeslieCLARK, Trevor MortonGIDDY, Sidney DennisJARVIS, Kenneth EdwardTHOMAS, Robert John SheddonWELLS, Lawrence David1925, which attracted a record aggregatecrowd of 236,258.“Johnny Won’t Hit Today” Douglas isbowling to another Johnny, Australia’sTaylor, who made 72. His battingpartner, the redoubtable Ponsford,upstaged him with 132, becoming thefirst batsman to score a century in eachof his first two Tests.TOO MANY ON THE MATThe club’s Discipline Sub-committeehas been disappointingly busy over thepast 12 months. Thirty-six memberswere charged with misconduct duringthat period.In one case before the committee,no action was taken. In another, amember was reprimanded but theremaining 34 received suspensionsranging from three months to fiveyears, with five expelled from the club.Far too many of the penaltiesconcerned the behavi<strong>our</strong> of guests, forwhom the introducing member isresponsible, and members are againreminded that guests should be fullyaware of club rules regardingbehavi<strong>our</strong> in the Reserve.Those people serving lengthysuspensions will find reinstatement anexpensive proposition. Subs for eachyear of suspension must be paid at thecurrent rate of renewal.6 MCC NEWSJULY 2008

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