October 2012 - Moreno Valley Unified School District

October 2012 - Moreno Valley Unified School District

October 2012 - Moreno Valley Unified School District


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O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2P A G E 6The first priority for the start of anew school year is to assure thatyour end-of-the-year financialresponsibilities were fulfilled.Make sure the financial bookswere audited before the newboard conducts any newbusiness.Three Keys for SuccessfulAuditing*Complete a review of all financialdocuments to ensure your PTA is infull compliance with alldocumentation requirements. Clickhere to download a FinancialDocument Review Checklist.Complete an end-of-the-yearfinancial report. This will beessential in completing any taxfilings (due on the 15th day of thefifth month after the end of yourfiscal year). According to state andfederal laws, all PTAs must file taxreturns. Click here for a sampleannual financial report.File new signature cards at yourbank so the new officers authorizedto sign checks are able to do so.Check the status of yourCharitable Trust (CT) numberapplication (if you do not alreadyhave a CT number).PTAs must now have a charitabletrust number.The State Attorney General's Officerequires that all PTA units must beregistered with the AttorneyGeneral's Office, Registry ofCharitable Trusts and must startfiling the RRF-1 form annually,beginning no later than December<strong>2012</strong>. PTAs that do not register bythis date, will be required by theAttorney General's office to providefive years of information filings, feesand possible fines. If you do nothave a CT number yet, FILE NOWas the process takes approximately90 days to complete.Be sure to discuss and developgoals; plan programs andactivities to meet those goals; andcreate a budget that includesadequate fundraising to hold theprograms and activities you haveplanned.Remember, PTA is not a fundraisingassociation. PTAs should only raisemoney to meet annual activities andprojects as outlined in your budget.Also, remember: Copies of youraudits, end-of-the-year financialreports, budgets and tax filings areto be submitted, through channels,to your council or district PTA.Reprinted, Leadership Essentials,Back-to-school EditionThe Ready, Set…RemitAward is earned by unitswho remit membershipdues through channelsfor at least 30 membersthat reach the state officeby <strong>October</strong> 30.Please check with yourcouncil and/or district forthe due dates they have setthat allow them to submityour membership dues ontime. Membershippromotion is a year-roundactivity but every PTA mustremit membership for aminimal amount of membersthat reaches the state officeby December 1 in order tostay a unit "in goodstanding."Every PTA should include amembership report at everyboard meeting and promptlysubmit membershipsreceived during the month.

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