October 2012 - Moreno Valley Unified School District

October 2012 - Moreno Valley Unified School District

October 2012 - Moreno Valley Unified School District


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O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2P A G E 5Our Safe Routes to <strong>School</strong>program has really takenoff! Nine schools in <strong>Moreno</strong><strong>Valley</strong> will be formallylaunching their programssimultaneously. They are:Mountain View M.S.Time (7-8:20 am)Armada ElementaryTime (7-8:20 am)Honey Hollow ElementaryTime (8-9 am)Cloverdale ElementaryTime (7-8:20 am)Palm M.S.Time (8-9 am)Badger Springs M.S.Time (8-9 am)Chaparral Hills ElementaryTime (7-8:20 am)Hendrick Ranch Elementary Time(7-8:20 am)Sunnymead M.S.Time (8-9 am)Bear <strong>Valley</strong> ElementaryTime (7-8:20 am)We meet once per month atBob's Big Boy in <strong>Moreno</strong><strong>Valley</strong>. They sponsor ameeting/breakfast for all theSafe Routes to <strong>School</strong>volunteers in <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.The City of <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> hasgiven great support withbackground checks andvolunteer training, as well asofficially adding Safe Routes to<strong>School</strong> to their city volunteerprogram. The City of <strong>Moreno</strong><strong>Valley</strong>, <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> CouncilPTA, and the MVUSD haveteamed up to providevolunteer city crossing guardtraining at the parent resourcecenter Thursday, September20th at 9:00 a.m.This great volunteer program ishelping to keep our childrensafe while encouraging ahealthy lifestyle of walking andbiking to school. With cuts toeducation/transportation theneed for a safe route to school isever more important. Look intoa program for your school/community at the National SafeRoutes to <strong>School</strong> website http://www.saferoutespartnership.org/or contact <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>'srepresentative for <strong>Moreno</strong><strong>Valley</strong> information.Shor Denny<strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Council2nd VP Community ConcernsIMPORTANT: Every PTAmust have a CharitableTrust number.The State AttorneyGeneral's Office requiresthat all PTA units must beregistered with the AttorneyGeneral's Office, Registry ofCharitable Trusts and muststart filling the RRF-1 formannually, beginning no laterthan December <strong>2012</strong>.PTAs that do not register bythis date will be required bythe Attorney General'sOffice to provide five yearsof information filings, feesand possible fines. If you donot have a CT number yet,FILE NOW as the processtakes approximately 90 daysto complete.If your PTA has alreadyapplied for/received a CTnumber—please make sureyour district PTA knowswhat it is!Reprinted from LeadershipEssentials, California State PTA,OCT <strong>2012</strong>

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