Takashi Noiri and Valeriu Popa - anubih

Takashi Noiri and Valeriu Popa - anubih

Takashi Noiri and Valeriu Popa - anubih


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136 TAKASHI NOIRI AND VALERIU POPAProof. Suppose that A is a wmng-closed set. Let F be an m X -closed set<strong>and</strong> F ⊂ nCl(nInt(A)) − A. Then A ⊂ X − F <strong>and</strong> X − F ∈ m X <strong>and</strong> hencenCl(nInt(A)) ⊂ X −F . Therefore, we have F ⊂ X −nCl(nInt(A)). However,F ⊂ nCl(nInt(A)) <strong>and</strong> F ⊂ nCl(nInt(A)) ∩ (X − nCl(nInt(A))) = ∅.Conversely, suppose that A is not wmng-closed. Then ∅ ̸= nCl(nInt(A))−U for some U ∈ m X containing A. Since n X ⊂ m X <strong>and</strong> both n X <strong>and</strong>m X have property B, nCl(nInt(A)) − U is m X -closed. Moreover, we have∅ ̸= nCl(nInt(A)) − U ⊂ nCl(nInt(A)) − A. Therefore, nCl(nInt(A)) − Acontains a nonempty m X -closed set.□Remark 4.11. Let (X, m X , n X ) be a bi-m-space <strong>and</strong> τ a topology for X.Then, by Theorem 4.7, the following hold:(1) If n X = τ <strong>and</strong> m X = SO(X) (resp. π(X)), then we obtain Theorem3.12 of [38] (resp. Theorem 3.19 of [40]).(2) If n X = τ, then we obtain Theorem 5.5 of [29].(3) If n X = m X , then we obtain Theorem 2.8(ii) of [31].Definition 4.8. Let (X, m X , n X ) be a bi-m-space. A subset A of X is saidto be weakly mng-open (briefly wmng-open) if X − A is weakly mng-closed.The family of all wmng-open sets in (X, m X , n X ) is denoted by wmnGO(X).Remark 4.12. Let (X, m X , n X ) be a bi-m-space <strong>and</strong> τ a topology for X.(1) If n X = τ <strong>and</strong> m X = τ (resp. SO(X), π(X), RO(X)), then a wmngopenset is weakly g-open (resp. weakly ω-open [38], weakly πg-open[40], weakly rg-open [23]).(2) If n X = τ, then a wmng-open set is wmg ∗ -open [29].(3) If n X = m X , then a wmng-open set is mwg-open [31].The family of weakly g-open (resp. weakly ω-open, weakly πg-open,weakly rg-open, wmg ∗ -open) sets is denoted by wGO(X) (resp. wω(X),wπGO(X), wrGO(X), wmG ∗ O(X)). These families are obviously minimalstructures on X <strong>and</strong> they are called wmng-structures on X. In general,wmng-structures do not have property B.Definition 4.9. Let (X, m X , n X ) be a bi-m-space <strong>and</strong> wmnGO(X) a wmngstructureon X. For a subset A of X, the wmng-closure <strong>and</strong> the wmnginteriorof A are defined as follows:(1) wmnCl g (A) = ∩{F : A ⊂ F, X − F ∈ wmnGO(X)},(2) wmnInt g (A) = ∪{U : U ⊂ A, U ∈ wmnGO(X)}.5. Weakly mng-continuous functionsDefinition 5.1. Let (X, m X , n X ) be a bi-m-space <strong>and</strong> wmnGO(X) a wmngstructureon X. A function f : (X, m X , n X ) → (Y, σ) is said to be

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