CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD Citizen's Charter - It works!

CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD Citizen's Charter - It works!

CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD Citizen's Charter - It works!


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<strong>CAREER</strong> <strong>EXECUTIVE</strong> <strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong>Citizen’s <strong>Charter</strong>1

VISIONA CES that provides leadership and continuity in governance, imbues relevance,builds collaboration and inspires trust in achieving national development goalshand in hand with political leaders, the bureaucracy and the citizens.MISSIONWe will maintain continuity and stability in the civil serviceand serve as a critical link between government and the Filipino people.We will infuse our ranks with well-selected and development-oriented leadersand through them, bring change, expertise and leadershipfor a responsive public service.2

CORE VALUESWe will be known for:PROFESSIONALISM. We will serve with the relevant knowledge, skills andattitude.INTEGRITY. We will work with adherence to the highest standards of ethicalconduct.INNOVATION. We will continuously seek new ideas, strategies and tools toimprove public service.COMMITMENT. We will remain focused in carrying out the CES mission inpartnership with stakeholders to respond to emerging challenges.EXCELLENCE. We will nurture our talents and do our best for the Filipino people.3

FEEDBACK AND REDRESS MECHANISMS:Please let us know how we have served you by doing any of the following:• Accomplish our Feedback Form and put in the drop box at the Reception Area• Send your feedback to HR Officer, Mr. Michael G. Dolar at email address:( mgdolar@cesboard.gov.ph)• Talk to our Officer of the DayIf you are not satisfied with our service, your written/verbal complaints shall immediately be attended to bythe Officer of the Day at the Reception Area.4

TABLE OF CONTENTSList of Frontline ServicesServiceProviderDuration of Activity(Under NormalCircumstances)Division inCharge1 Assistance on Public Service Matters 7 minutes FAD FeedbackForm2 Records Management 22 mins and 30 secs FAD3 Database Extraction Query 2 days, 1 hour and 3minutesPPLD c/oMIS4 Reply to Written Queries on Policy and Legal Matters Within 7 days PPLD5 Counseling/Assistance on Policy and Legal Matters 30 minutes PPLD6 Issuance of Certified True Copy of CESPES Feedback Report (For Requests Sent1 hour and 45 minutes PMADThrough Mail)7 Issuance of Certified True Copy of CESPES Feedback Report30 minutes PMAD(For Walk-In Requests)8 Issuance of CESB Referral/Endorsement Letter for its Placement Program Within 48 hrs PMAD9 Written Examination• Receipt and Processing of Applications• Preparation of Masterlist of Examinees and Printing of Test Bookletsand other Examination Materials• Conduct of Examination20 minutes2 weeks beforeconductHalf-dayFeesFormERAD 1,000.00 WE Form• Release of Results10 Assessment Center2 months after conduct17,000.00*8,500.00**ACApplicationFormLetter of• Preparation of Letter of Invitation and Receipt of Invitation 1 month beforeconductERADInvitationandConfirmationSlip5

• Preparation of Masterlist of Examinees, Examinee Materials, Assessorsand Administrator’s Kits• Conduction of Assessment Center3 days before conduct1 dayERAD• Processing of examination results and release of examination results2 months after conduct* Retakers, CSEE in Non-CES positions, MNSA/MPSA Graduates, SSL-ExemptCandidates and candidates from the private sector** First Timers11 Validation• Preparation of 201 Folders• Publication of List of Candidates in the Philippine Daily Inquirer• Request for Issuance of clearances from concerned agencies• Assignment of Candidate’s Folders to Validators• Conduct of validation of performance on-the-job1 day1 day1 day1 day1 day (RVP) / 3 days(IVP)ERAD800.00PDF andcandidateprofile• Review of Validation Reports and Payment of Honorarium toValidators12 Board Interview1 day2,500.00(RVP)8,000.00(IVP)• Preparation of 201 Folders• Preparation and sending of letter of invitation to candidates• Identification / Invitation of Panel of Interviewers• Review of Panel’s Recommendations and Payment of honorarium ofinterviewers• Preparation of agenda for those who have completed the eligibilityprocess• Preparation of resolution on conferment of CES eligibility• Preparation of notice of conferment• Preparation of certificates of eligibility1 day1 day1 day1 day1week1 day1 day1 dayERAD500.00 percandidate6

13 • Issuance of Certification of Eligibility (Walk-in)• Authentication of Certificate of Eligibility (Walk-in)• Response to Inquiries on Exam Results and Concern on Other CES Matters(Phone-in queries)• Response to Inquiries on CES Eligibility Examinations and Other CESMatters (Written queries)• Counseling/Assistance on CES Eligibility and Other CES Matters (Walk-in)14 Request for Accreditation/Equivalencya. Program Accreditation / Equivalency submitted by an individual officialb. Program Accreditation / Equivalency submitted by Training Institutions20 minutes20 minutes20 minutesMinimum of 1 dayMaximum of 7 days30 minutes to 1 hour8 to 12 days10 to 14 days15 Participation in CES Trainings/Seminars/Fora 1 hr and 30 minutes PDD varies16 Request for Refund of Fees 1 hr PDDERADPDD7

ASSISTANCE ON PUBLIC <strong>SERVICE</strong> MATTERSSchedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:00 am – 5:00 pm without noon breakWho May Avail of the Service: General PublicWhat are the Requirements: Accomplished Feedback FormDuration: 7 minutesHow to Avail of the Service:Applicant/Client Service Provider Duration of Activity Person in Charge Fees Form(Under NormalCircumstances)1 Proceed to Reception Area Provide and ask2 minutes Mr. Michael G Dolar Feedback Formclient to fill outFeedback Form2 Accomplish5 minutes ClientFeedback Form3 Insert Feedback Form in theClientSuggestion box located atthe Reception Area4 Summarize all comments3 hours Mr. Michael G Dolarindicated in the FeedbackForm5 Report to ManagementMr. Michael G DolarresultsEND OF TRANSACTION8

RECORDS MANAGEMENTSchedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:00 am – 5:00 pmWho May Avail of the Service: General PublicWhat are the Requirements: NoneDuration: 22 mins & 30 secsHow to Avail of the Service:Applicant/Client Service Provider Duration of Activity(Under Normal Circumstances)Person in Charge Fees Form1 Secure visitor’s pass Advise client to proceed toReception Area2 Submitdocuments/papersReceive documents/papersfrom client1 minute Guard on Duty:Mr. Samuel Maboloc/Mr. Raymund De Leon1 minute Mr. Agustin G.Moquite3 Wait for copy ofreceived documents/papersGive copy of received documents/papers 30 seconds Mr. Agustin G.Moquite4 Record in the logbook documents/papersreceiveda.) If Query – attach routing slip and forwardto ED for commentb.) Documents other than Query (e.g.,clearances, occupancy report, etc.) aredirectly forwarded to concerned divisions5 Documents/papers coming from ED’s officeare distributed to concerned divisions perinstruction of EDEND OF TRANSACTION10 minutes Mr. Agustin G.Moquite10 minutes Mr. Agustin G.Moquite9

DATABASE EXTRACTION QUERYSchedule of Availability of Service:8:00 AM – 5:00 PM with noon breakWho May Avail of the Service:All government Departments and AgenciesWhat Are the Requirements:noneDuration: 2 days, 1 hour and 3 mins.How to Avail of the Service:Step Applicant / Client Service Provider Duration of Person in Charge Fees FormActivity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 Send a formal request via3 minsletter on the type andcontents of the report.2 Conduct data extraction. 30 mins to 1 hr. Mr. Michael F.LaguioMr. Ryan M.Domingo34 Reports are attached to thecover letter and sent to therequesting Department orAgency.1 day Ms. Carmela M.Conti10

REPLY TO WRITTEN QUERIES ON POLICY AND LEGAL MATTERSSchedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:00 am – 5:00 pm without noon breakWho May Avail of the Service: General Public particularly government officials and employeesWhat are the Requirements:A client presents his/her written queryDuration: Within 7 daysHow to Avail of the Service:Phone-In-ClientsApplicant/Client Service Provider Duration of Activity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 The client writes the CESBand presents his/her concernor issueThe Records Officer receivesthe written query2 The Records Officer logs thewritten query in the log book.1 Minute Mr. Agustin G.Moquite10 Minutes Mr. Agustin G.MoquitePerson in Charge Fees Form3 The written query isforwarded to the ExecutiveDirector for appropriatedirection.The Executive Director4indicates her instruction toPPLD5 The Records Officer notes theinstruction in the log bookand refers the query to PPLD.6 The PPLD Chief assigns thequery to the staff in charge7 The PPLD Chief or staff willanswer the issue or concern2 Minutes Mr. Agustin G.Moquite5 minutes Executive DirectorMaria Anthonette V.Allones3 Minutes Mr. Agustin G.Moquite1 Minute Atty. Catherine SocorroO. EstradaWithin 7 days Atty. Giselle G. DuranaMs. Carmela M. ContiDocument TrackingSlipDocument TrackingSlip11

8 The PPLD Chief reviews thewritten reply9 The written reply isforwarded to the DeputyExecutive Director for PPLDand ERAD cluster for review.10 The written reply isforwarded to the ExecutiveDirector for review.11 The written query is finalizedand signed by the ExecutiveDirector.Atty. Catherine SocorroO. Estrada1 hr. Atty. Catherine SocorroO. Estrada1 hr. Deputy Exec. DirectorArturo M. Lachica30 minutes Executive DirectorMaria Anthonette V.Allones10 minutes Executive DirectorMaria Anthonette V.AllonesEND OF TRANSACTION12

COUNSELING/ASSISTANCE ON POLICY AND LEGAL MATTERSSchedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:00 am – 5:00 pm without noon breakWho May Avail of the Service: General Public particularly government officials and employeesWhat are the Requirements:Phone-in ClientA client identifies himself/herself in the phone and presents his/her issue or concernWalk-in ClientA client proceeds to the CESB office and presents his/her issue or concern to the Officer-on-Duty (OD)How to Avail of the Service:Phone-In-ClientsApplicant/Client Service Provider Duration of Activity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 The client calls the PPLD andpresents his/her concern orissue2 The client presents his/herissue or concern to PPLDThe PPLD Point Personreceives the phone in queryand determines his/her issueor concernThe PPLD Point Person willanswer the issue or concern3 Minutes Atty. Giselle G. DuranaMs. Carmela M. ContiAtty. Catherine SocorroO. Estrada24 Minutes Atty. Giselle G. DuranaMs. Carmela M. ContiAtty. Catherine SocorroO. EstradaEND OF TRANSACTIONPerson in Charge Fees Form13

Walk-In-ClientsApplicant/Client Service Provider Duration of Activity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 The client goes to the PPLD The PPLD Point Personreceives the client anddetermines his/her issue orconcern.3 Minutes Atty. Giselle G. DuranaMs. Carmela M. ContiAtty. Catherine SocorroO. EstradaPerson in Charge Fees Form2 The client presents his/herissue or concern to PPLDThe PPLD Point Personanswers the issue or concern24 minutes Atty. Giselle G. DuranaMs. Carmela M. ContiAtty. Catherine SocorroO. EstradaEND OF TRANSACTION14

ISSUANCE OF CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF CESPES FEEDBACK REPORT(FOR REQUESTS SENT THROUGH MAIL)Schedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:00 am – 5:00 pmWho May Avail of the Service:CES Incumbents, CESOs, Eligibles and HR Officials. The request shall be facilitated only when CESPES ratings of concerned CES Officials have been completeand processed and the corresponding Feedback Report furnished the CES Official and the HR Official of his respective Agency.What are the Requirements:Written request of concerned Official should indicate the following information 1) name of the person to whom the Report shall be sent if other than theconcerned CES Official;2) the contact telephone number if the Report shall be sent through fax or 3) postal address if the Report shall be sent through snail mail.Duration: Within 24 hours from receipt of the written requestHow to Avail of the Service:Step Applicant/Client Service Provider Duration ofActivity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 File written request with the CESB Records Unit CESB Records Unit logs in the request, preparesrouting slip and sends to the Office of the ExecutiveDirector to identify the division concerned for therequest.11 minutes & 30secondsPerson inChargeMr. AgustinG. MoquiteFeesForm2 Person-in-charge logs in the request. 2 minutes Ms. RebeccaD. Villas3 Person-in-charge validates in the RIS database theexistence of the record, retrieves file copy of CESPESFeedback Report, photocopies it and stamps“Certified true copy” on the photocopy for signatureof the division head.26 minutes Ms. RebeccaD. Villas15

4 Person-in-charge packages the Report in anenvelope and logs the release in the tracking system.2 minutes & 30secondsMs. RebeccaD. Villas5 Person-in-charge prepares a request for mailing andtransmits the packaged Report and request to FAD3 minutes Ms. RebeccaD. Villas6 FAD mails the letter 60 minutes Mr. EduardoS. Bargo Jr.END OF TRANSACTION16

ISSUANCE OF CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF CESPES FEEDBACK REPORT(FOR WALK-IN REQUESTS)Schedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:00 am – 5:00 pm without noon breakWho May Avail of the Service:CES Incumbents, CESOs, Eligibles and HR Officials. The request shall be facilitated only when CESPES ratings of concerned CES Officials have been completeand processed and the corresponding Feedback Report furnished the CES Official and the HR Official of his respective Agency.What are the Requirements:Written request of concerned Official. If the bearer of the request is not the concerned CES official, the request should indicate the name of the personauthorized to receive the Report.Duration: Within 30 minutesHow to Avail of the Service:Step Applicant/Client Service Provider Duration ofActivity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 File written request with the CESB Person-in-charge records the requestPMADIn the logbook2 Person-in-charge then validates in the RIS database the existence of therecord, retrieves file copy CESPES Feedback Report, photocopies it andstamps “Certified true copy” on the photocopy for signature of thedivision head.Person inCharge2 minutes Ms. RebeccaD. Villas26 minutes Ms. RebeccaD. VillasMs. NenethV. BargoFeesForm3 Client signs in the release portion ofthe request logbook.Person-in-charge logs the Report and releases it to requesting party. 2 minutes Ms. RebeccaD. VillasEND OF TRANSACTIONISSUANCE OF CESB REFERRAL/ENDORSEMENT LETTER FOR ITS PLACEMENT PROGRAM17

Schedule of Availability of Service:Monday - Friday8:00 am - 5:00 pmWho may avail of the Service:CESOs and EligiblesWhat are the requirements:Written request from the concerned CES OfficialDuration:Within 48 hours from receipt of the request.How to avail of the service:Step Applicant/Client Service Provider Duration ofActivity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 Files request with the CESB CESB Records Unit logs in therequest, prepares routing slipand sends to the Office of theExecutive Director to identifythe division concerned for therequest.11 mins & 30 sec Mr. Agustin G.MoquitePerson in Charge Fees Form2 Person-incharge logs in therequest.Person-in-charge assignstherequest to the PlacementProgram Officer3 Person-in-charge validates thename of the concernedofficial requesting for referraland or endorsement in theMs. Rebecca D. VillasMs. Bettina MargaritaL. VelasquezMr. Donan L. Sazon18

Database4 Person-in-charge then gathersinformation regarding theOfficial and prepares draft ofthe referral/endorsement letterfor review by the DivisionCluster Head and then by theExecutive DirectorMr. Donan L. SazonReview by Division ClusterHeadMs. Bettina MargaritaL. Velasquez5 Person-in-charge finalizes theMr. Donan L. Sazondraft for signature of theExecutive Director6 Person-in-charge thenMr. Donan L. Sazonpackages the signed letteraddressed to the DepartmentSecretary/Agency Head, copyfurnished the concerned CESOfficial and accomplishes themailing request form andtransmit the same to FAD7 FAD mails the letter Mr. Eduargo S. BargoJr.8 Person-in-charge records theMs. Rebecca D. Villastransmittal in the logbookEND OF TRANSACTION19

LIST OF ERAD FRONTLINE <strong>SERVICE</strong>SType of Frontline ServiceEXAMINATIONS & ELIGIBILITIESProcessing Time(Under NormalCircumstances pertransaction)Person-in-charge Fees FormsWritten ExaminationP1000.00Written ExaminationFormReceipt and Processing of ApplicationsPreparation of Masterlist of Examinees andPrinting of Test Booklets and otherExamination MaterialsConduct of ExaminationProcessing of examination results andissuance of Notice of results20 minutes2 weeks before conduct½ day2 months after conductErcee M. CapatiErcee M. Capati/AgustinG.MoquiteExaminers/ProctorsErcee M. CapatiAssessment CenterP17,000.00*P8,500.00**Assessment CenterApplication FormPreparation of Letter of Invitation andReceipt of Confirmation1 month before conductNarciliza O. JuanLetter of Invitation andConfirmation slipPreparation of Masterlist of Examinees,3 days before conductNarciliza O. Juan20

Examinee Materials, Assessors andAdministrators’ KitsConduct of Assessment Center1 dayAssessors/AdministratorsProcessing of examination results andrelease of examination results2 months after conductAssessors/Narciliza O. JuanValidationPreparation of 201 Folders1 daySharina Mae E. PonferradaPersonal Data Formand Candidate’s ProfilePublication of List of Candidates in thePhilippine Daily Inquirer1 daySharina Mae E. PonferradaP800.00Request for issuance of clearances fromconcerned agencies1 daySharina Mae E. PonferradaAssignment of Candidate’s Folders toValidators1 daySharina Mae E. PonferradaConduct of validation of performance onthe-job1 day for RVP/3 days for IVPSharina Mae E. Ponferrada /Darius R. Maya/ CESB Certified ValidatorReview of Validation Reports andPayment of Honorarium to Validators1 daySharina Mae E. PonferradaRVP-P2,500.00IVP-P8,000.00Board Interview and Conferment21

Preparation of 201 foldersPreparation and Sending of Letter ofInvitation to CandidatesIdentification/Invitation of Panel ofInterviewersReview of Panel’s Recommendations andPayment of honorarium of interviewersPreparation of agenda for those who havecompleted the eligibility process.Preparation of resolution on conferment ofCES eligibilityPreparation of notice of confermentPreparation of certificates of eligibility1 day1 day1 day1 day1 week1 day1 day1 dayYvonne C. DelaCruz/Frederick Kin M.FajiculayYvonne C. DelaCruz/Frederick Kin M.FajiculayYvonne C. DelaCruz/Frederick Kin M.FajiculayYvonne C. DelaCruz/Frederick Kin M.FajiculayYvonne C. DelaCruz/Frederick Kin M.FajiculayYvonne C. DelaCruz/Frederick Kin M.FajiculayYvonne C. DelaCruz/Frederick Kin M.FajiculayYvonne C. DelaCruz/Frederick Kin M.FajiculayP500 percandidate*Retakers, CSEE in Non-CES position, MNSA/MPSA Graduates, SSL-Exempt Candidates and Candidates from the Private Sector**First Timers22

PROCESSING OF EXAMINATION APPLICATION(WRITTEN EXAMINATION)Schedule of Availability of Service:Upon announcement of ERAD through the CESB Website8:30 AM – 5:30 PM1. An applicant must be a Filipino Citizen of good moral character and possesses the following requirements:A. Government Sector, Career ServiceA.1 He/she must have been appointed to a CES position; orA.2 He/she must have been designated in an Acting Capacity or Officer-In-Charge (OIC) of a CES position for at least six (6)months; orA.3 He/she must have been appointed to at least a Division Chief position (SG-24) and possesses at least three (3) yearsmanagerial experience.B. Government Sector, Non Career ServiceHe/she must have been appointed to a non-career position whether under coterminous or contractual status in anydepartment or agency of the government with at least three (3) years managerial experience, and has served the governmentfor the same period at the time of his/her application; provided he/she must have been occupying a position equivalent orhigher than a Division Chief (SG-24).C. Private SectorOutstanding men/women from outside the government maybe allowed to take the written examination; provided he/shefalls under any of the following categories:23

C.1 A proprietor who is performing managerial/supervisory functions for at least three (3) years; and,C.2 An incumbent of a managerial position exercising supervisory functions, as defined under these rules, for a minimumperiod of three (3) years.2. The following documents shall accompany the application form upon filing:A. Copy of appointment paper to present position authenticated by the office personnel / administrative officer;B. Service record authenticated by the office personnel/administrative officer;C. Copy of the designation order duly authenticated by the office personnel/administrative officer in case the applicantis presently designated in an acting capacity or officer-in-charge of a CES position for at least six (6) months;D. Three (3) identical photographs, (size 2” x 2”) with full name tag that includes the first name, surname and middleinitial taken not more than six (6) months before the filing of the application. Only two (2) of the three (3) 2” x 2”photographs shall be submitted upon filing of the application. The applicant shall keep the third 2” x 2” photographand shall bring the same on the day of the examination for posting in the examinee seat plan. Pictures that arescanned, photocopied or computer-enhanced will not be accepted.E. Admission fee of ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P1,000.00) either in CASH or in POSTAL MONEY ORDER payable tothe <strong>CAREER</strong> <strong>EXECUTIVE</strong> <strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong>. PERSONAL CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED; and,F. Photocopy of a valid Identification Card (ID) containing the applicant’s picture, signature, birth date and signed by theauthorized Official.3. Accomplished application forms must be filed directly with the Career Executive Service Board, No. 3 Marcelino St., HolySpirit Drive, Diliman, Quezon City either personally or by mail.Duration: 20 minutesHow to Avail of the Service:Step Applicant / Client Service Provider Duration ofActivity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 Register with the guard(Lobby)Give client ApplicationForm with correspondingPerson in Charge Fees FormMr. Samuel Maboloc/ Me. Raymund DeWritten Examination Form(Revised Form.2008)24

and get priority servicenumbernumber Leon May be downloadedfrom CESBwebsite(www.cesboard.gov.ph)Step Applicant / Client Service Provider Duration ofActivity(Under NormalCircumstances)2 Go to ERAD, fill-out the Call priority service numberapplication form, attachpicture and photocopy ofvalid ID, and wait for thenumber to be called.3 Submit to Processor the fullyaccomplished applicationform with pictures andphotocopy of valid ID.4 Wait to be called by theProcessorScreen the application form andthe requirements.If applicant is qualified to takethe examination, process theapplication form and adviseclient to pay the examinationfee to the cashier.Person in Charge Fees FormProcessor10 minutes ProcessorProcessor5 Pay to the Cashier Process payment and issue O.R. 5 minutes Cashier P1,000.006 Go back to ERAD and present Indicate the schedule of5 minutes Processorto Processor the O.R. withthe processed applicationformexamination in the applicationform and application receipt;detach and give applicationreceipt to applicant.END OF TRANSACTION25

ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY (WALK-IN)Schedule of Availability of Service:Monday - Friday8:30 am - 5:30 pmWho may avail of the Service:Those who passed the examination but lost their certificate of eligibility/simply wish to secure a certification of eligibility.What are the requirements:1. Two valid IDs2. If the request is filed through a representative, an Authorization Letter and/or Special Power of Attorney (SPA) and one valid ID of the representativeshould be presented together with the other requirements.Duration: 20 minutesAUTHENTICATION OF CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY (WALK-IN)Schedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:30 am – 5:30 pmWho May Avail of the Service:Eligibles who want to have their certificate(s) of eligibility authenticatedWhat are the Requirements:1) Original Certificate of Eligibility.2) Two valid IDs.3) If the request is filed through a representative, an Authorization Letter and/or Special Power of Attorney (SPA) and one valid ID of the representativeshould be presented together with the other requirements.26

Duration: 20 minutesRESPONSE TO INQUIRIES ON EXAMINATION RESULTS AND CONCERN ON OTHER CES MATTERS(Phone-In)Schedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:30 am – 5:30 pmWho May Avail of the Service: General PublicDuration: 20 minutesRESPONSE TO INQUIRIES ON CES ELIGIBILITY EXAMINATIONS AND OTHER CES MATTERS(written queries)Schedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:30 am – 5:30 pmWho May Avail of the Service: General PublicDuration: minimum of 1daymaximum of 7 daysCOUNSELING/ASSISTANCE ON CES ELIGIBILITY AND OTHER CES MATTERSSchedule of Availability of Service:Monday – Friday8:30 am – 5:30 pm27

Who May Avail of the Service: General PublicDuration: 30 minutes 1 hourLIST OF PDD FRONTLINE <strong>SERVICE</strong>SType of Frontline Service1. REQUEST FORACCREDITATION/EQUIVALENCYa. Program Accreditation /Equivalency submitted by anIndividual Officialb. Program Accreditation/Equivalencysubmitted by Training InstitutionsProcessing Time(Under NormalCircumstances pertransaction)eight (8) to twelve (12)days*ten (10) to fourteen(14) days*Person-in-charge Fees FormsVeny Geronimo/ ChrisCalugay/ EdithVillegas2. PARTICIPATION IN CESTRAININGS/SEMINARS/FORA3. REQUEST FOR REFUND OF FEESOne (1) hour andthirty (30) minutes perapplication (PDDAction only)one (1) hour• - Duration will apply only if all required documents are submitted on timeSALAMIN-DIWA:Bok Gantiga/ EdithVillegasGABAY: Luz Arbutante/Edith VillegasLEADERSHIP andWELLNESS CAMP: VenyGeronimo/ LuzArbutante/ Edith VillegasCIRCLE FORUM SERIES:Kristine Labao/ EdithVillegasEdith VillegasVARIESTraining Registration Forms28

1. Request for Accreditation/EquivalencySchedule of Availability of Service:8:00 AM – 5:00 PM without noon breakWho May Avail of the Service:All CESOs and CES EligiblesTraining InstitutionsWhat Are the Requirements:a. For Program Accreditation / Equivalency submitted by an Individual Official:1. a letter-request addressed to the Executive Director2. detailed day-to-day program schedule;3. instructional aids (e.g., toolkits, <strong>works</strong>hop templates, instruction briefs/ guides, scorecards, structured learning exercises, and other materials);4. course and module references (e.g. lecture notes, hand-outs, readings and all supplementary learning materials) and audio-visual learning aids (e.g.PowerPoint slides, CDs/DVDs, films, audio-tapes and others);5. facilitators’ session training guides;6. pre- and post-program, reaction-evaluation, impact-results and other monitoring and evaluation instruments; and the7. profile of all resource persons.Duration: eight (8) to twelve (12) days from receipt of requestHow to Avail of the Service:Step Applicant / Client Service Provider Duration of Activity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 Client submits letter to the Executive Directorrequesting for accreditation/equivalency of a traininghe attended within the last five years , attaching allpertinent documents2 The Office of the Executive Director (OED) forwardsthe letter-request to PDD for review/recommendation3 PDD reviews technical documents and rendersFive (5) daysfindings / recommendations and forwards to theDeputy Executive Director.Person in Charge Fees FormVeny Geronimo/ ChrisCalugay/ Edith Villegas29

4 The Deputy Executive Director reviews therecommendations of PDD and submits comments tothe Executive Director.5 The Executive Director renders decision on PDD’srecommendations.6 If approved, PDD prepares agenda for Board’sdiscussion and approval.7 Agenda is reviewed by the Deputy Executive Directorand forwards to the Executive Director8 Executive Director reviews the agenda and forwards tothe Board Secretary for inclusion in the agenda9 Upon approval of the Board, PDD prepares actiondocument to be signed by the Executive Director.PDD releases the document and forwards to therequestor.10 If request is disapproved, PDD prepares letter – replyto the official to be signed by the Executive Director.PDD releases the letter and forwards to the requestor.One (1) dayOne (1) dayTwo (2) daysOne (1) dayOne (1) dayOne (1) dayOne (1) dayEND OF TRANSACTIONVeny Geronimo/Chris Calugay/ EdithVillegasVeny Geronimo/Chris Calugay/ EdithVillegasVeny Geronimo/Chris Calugay/ EdithVillegasb. Program Accreditation / Equivalency submitted by a Training Institution:1. a letter-request addressed to the Executive Director2. detailed day-to-day program schedule;3. instructional aids (e.g., toolkits, <strong>works</strong>hop templates, instruction briefs/ guides, scorecards, structured learning exercises, and other materials);4. course and module references (e.g. lecture notes, hand-outs, readings and all supplementary learning materials) and audio-visual learning aids (e.g.PowerPoint slides, CDs/DVDs, films, audio-tapes and others);5. facilitators’ session training guides;6. pre- and post-program, reaction-evaluation, impact-results and other monitoring and evaluation instruments;7. profile of all resource persons; and8. company portfolio and SEC registration.Duration: ten (10) to fourteen (14) days from receipt of request30

7 PDD forwards letter of confirmation to the ExecutiveDirector for signature. PDD sends letter to theapplicant.END OF TRANSACTIONOne (1) dayProgram/ CourseDirector assigned/Edith Villegas3. Request for Refund of FeesSchedule of Availability of Service:8:00 AM – 5:00 PM without noon breakWho May Avail of the Service:All CESOs and CES Eligibles/CSEEsWhat Are the Requirements:1. A letter addressed to Executive Director requesting for refund of training fee;2. Signed training application form indicating training rules/guidelines;3. Letter of invitation/confirmation from the CESB;4. Official receipt/sDuration: one (1) hourHow to Avail of the Service:Step Applicant / Client Service Provider Duration of Activity(Under NormalCircumstances)1 Client submits letter to the Executive Directorrequesting refund of payment made and otherpertinent documents/attachments2 Executive Director forwards letter to PDD for review /actionPerson in Charge Fees FormEthelwyn G. Rapatalo /Elaine Grace G.AntenorEdith Villegas3 PDD reviews request and submits memo to FADrecommending action on the request1 hour (if nodiscrepancy)4 FAD prepares check and releases to client Magdaleno T.33

END OF TRANSACTIONSeachon, Jr.*Form is available FREE OF CHARGE34

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