Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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Subsection91Your RoleMuch of the power of the Studio outcomes derives from thefact that the Studio team is free to recommend whatever theyfeel is the most appropriate response to the challenge. For thisreason the Studio team should be as independent as possibleso that their recommendations are truly their own. Althoughyou can play an active role in the Studio team, and in somecases this may be important, in our own HDL Studios wedecided from the start that Sitra's role would be supportiverather than actively participative. However, just because youare not part of the Studio team does not mean that you areabsent.As the host of the Studio, there is plenty <strong>for</strong> you to do. TheStudio team will be in a state of awe-inspiring frenzy most ofthe week, so your role is to stay two steps ahead and attendto any details that need attention. Your number one goal isto ensure that nothing breaks the Studio’s momentum. Inpractical terms this means everything from monitoring thetemperature of the room and discretely opening a windowwhen it gets too stuffy, to making quick introductions whenguest speakers arrive, being available to counsel the teamwhen they hit a roadblock, and having the time to handleother needs as they come up.You are likely to be called in as a sounding board as theStudio team works through the ever-multiplying issues atplay. When this happens, your in<strong>for</strong>med neutrality will bea key asset. Try to help the Studio determine what is mostrelevant without imposing your own point of view.By playing a supportive role you also gain the freedomto focus on the relationship between the Studio team andyour own organization. Take the opportunity, <strong>for</strong> instance,to build connections between the Studio team members andrelevant parts of your organization who could benefit fromtheir involvement at a later date, or invite your co-workers todrop by the Studio and see <strong>for</strong> themselves strategic design inaction. Also ensure that you are orchestrating the ongoingdocumentation of the Studio.Most importantly, you are there to keep track of theoverall aim and goals of the Studio as it relates to a larger arcof work. How does the Studio as a self-contained engagementfit into the big picture of your project or programme to helpyour organization meet its objectives?PeopleProcessProblemPlace

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