Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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330BibliographyAdditional worksof interestAdams, John. "John Adamsdiary 22, 4 September - 9Meadows, Donella H., andDiana Wright. Thinking inBarber, Michael. Instruction toDeliver: Fighting to Trans<strong>for</strong>mNovember 1774." Adams FamilySystems: A Primer. White River Britain's Public Services. London:Papers. http://www.massh-ist.org/digitaladams/aea/cfm/Junction, VT: Chelsea Green,2008.Methuen, 2008.doc.cfm?id=D22&mode=popupBason, Christian. Leadingsm&pop=D22_1 (accessed July Pollock, David C., and Ruth Public Sector Innovation: Cocreating4, 2011).Campbell, Emily. "You KnowMore Than You Think You Do:<strong>Design</strong> as Resourcefulness &Self-reliance." <strong>Design</strong> & Society.www.thersa.org/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/215457/RSA_designandsociety_pamphlet.pdf(accessed July 4,2011).Cross, Nigel. <strong>Design</strong>erly Waysof Knowing. Basel: Birkhäuser,2007.E. Reken. Third Culture Kids:Growing Up Among Worlds.Boston: Nicholas Brealey, 2009.Snow, C. P.. The Two Cultures.Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1998.Sparke, Penny. Consultant<strong>Design</strong>: The History andPractice of the <strong>Design</strong>er inIndustry. London: PembridgePress, 1983.University of Cambridge."Department Directory."<strong>for</strong> a Better Society.Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2010.Brand, Stewart. How BuildingsLearn: What Happens AfterThey're Built. New York: PenguinBooks, 1994.Fletcher, Alan. The Art ofLooking Sideways . London:Phaidon, 2001.Johnson, Steven. The GhostMap: The Story of London'sMost Terrifying Epidemic--andHow it <strong>Change</strong>d Science,Geddes, Norman Bel. Horizons. Schools, Faculties & Departments.Cities, and the Modern World.Boston: Little, Brown, andhttp://www.cam.ac.uk/ New York: Riverhead Books,Company, 1932.Hamel, Gary and Prahalad, C.K."Strategic Intent." HarvardBusiness Review May-Jun.1989: 63-76. Print.Johnson, Steven. Where Gooddeptdirectory/ (accessed July4, 2011).University of Cambridge."The Medieval University." Abrief history of the University.http://www.cam.ac.uk/univ/history/medieval.html2006.Latour, Bruno, and PeterWeibel. Making Rhings Public:Atmospheres of Democracy.Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,2005.Ideas Come From: the Natural (accessed July 4, 2011).History of Innovation. NewMulgan, Geoff. The Art of PublicStrategy: Mobilizing PowerYork: Riverhead Books, 2010. Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice.World-systems Analysis:and Knowledge <strong>for</strong> the CommonGood. New York: Ox<strong>for</strong>dKaskinen, Tuuli, Outi Kuittinen, An Introduction. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009.Aleksi Neuvonen, and Roope University Press, 2004.Mokka. "Gatekeepers: ChangingConsumers' Behaviour inEnergy Consumption." Demos<strong>Helsinki</strong>. www.demos.fi/files/FFRC2009_Neuvonen_Stickdorn, Marc, and JakobSchneider. This Is Service<strong>Design</strong> Thinking: Basics, Tools,Cases. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers,2010.REVISED.pdf (accessed July4, 2011).Thomas, Douglas, and JohnSeely Brown. A New Cultureof Learning: Cultivating theImagination <strong>for</strong> a World ofConstant <strong>Change</strong>. Lexington:CreateSpace, 2011.Tufte, Edward R. EnvisioningIn<strong>for</strong>mation. Cheshire, CO:Graphics Press, 1990.Tufte, Edward R.. The VisualDisplay of Quantitative In<strong>for</strong>mation.Cheshire, CO: GraphicsPress, 2001.Additional links to designethnography resources areavailable on our website atwww.helsinkidesignlab.org/dossiers/design-ethnography

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