Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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328ChapterGlossary/IndexAgeing—p 74-83, 273-323Agility—p 19, 137-138Alexander, Christopher—p 16Analysis—p 33, 36-37, 40, 48Architecture of solutionsOne of the outcomes ofthe HDL Studio model. An“architecture of solutions” isEcology of the problemOne of the outcomes of theHDL Studio Model. An “ecologyof the problem” is a wayof describing the connectionsand interdependencies of asystemic challenge.—p 113-115Education—p 54-63, 141-203Elevator pitch—p 41, 117EmpathyHDL Global 1968—p 16HDL Global 2010—p 43HDL Studio ModelA lightweight tool to enableinstitutions to quickly sketchnew solutions to the challengesthey face, thereby kickstartingthe trans<strong>for</strong>mationprocess. Executing a studioinvolves considerations aboutpeople, place, problem, andprocess.IterationThe process of taking multiplepasses at a question to helpgenerate a broader range ofpossible solutions or perspectives.In design, iteration isgenerally an early to mid phaseprocess of cycling through newtakes on the same question ina quick manner.—p 21, 32-33, 35, 36-37, 139Kosonen, Mikko—p 137-139Leadershipa balanced portfolio of actions —p 46-47, 62that are designed to produce—p 87-89—p 19-20, 23, 103positive impact in concert.—p 113-115See 62-63, 72-73, 82-83 <strong>for</strong>examples described in anabbreviated <strong>for</strong>m.Carbon neutrality—p 33, 39, 64-73, 205-271Clients—p 17, 24, 26, 139Ethnography—p 15, 35Final reviewThe “final review” comes atthe end of the studio week.While the <strong>for</strong>mat is flexible,every review involves a 10-30minute presentation by theStudio team using audiovisualmaterial that they havecreated, followed by a 60-90Hospitality—p 121-122, 131-132Inertia—p 21, 73, 115, 137-138Innovation—p 15, 17, 21-22, 27, 32, 33, 47,82, 137IntegrationThe process of bringing disparateLead userA term coined by MIT ProfessorEric von Hippel to describeusers that have needs thatlead current market offeringsand thus can be leveragedto help create new markets,products, and services.—p 141Learning—p 26, 32, 40, 54-63minute conversation. Thecultures, knowledge, andComplexityteam presents to a group of perspectives together to create Lincoln, Abraham—p 16, 17, 20, 32, 36, 48, 57, 138 3-5 invited review guests whohave a deep understanding ofa common conversation.—p 47, 57, 73, 77—p 23-24Consultancy relationship—p 40Decision makingthe topic at hand. Followingthe presentation, the studioteam and their guests discussthe positives, negatives, andSee also: synthesisIntuitionLow2NoSitra’s model of sustainableurban development that seeksto retool the practice of citymaking—p 19-21, 25, 27, 33, 35, 121, areas of opportunity within the The act of unconsciouslyto thrive in a carbon138<strong>Design</strong>, short history ofcontent presented.—p 88, 110-111, 116-119recognizing patterns andrelationships based onaccrued experience. Intuitionneutral economy. CurrentlySitra is prototyping the firstiteration of this model by leading—p 28Formatting, importance of the development of a blockis frequently leveraged in early—p 41, 42-45phases where in<strong>for</strong>mation or of five buildings in central<strong>Design</strong> thinking—p 15-16, 26, 40Dropout students—p 54-63, 141-203<strong>Helsinki</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> (HDL)An initiative by Sitra, TheFinnish Innovation Fund, toadvance strategic design as anew discipline in tackling theproblems of the interdependentworld. We advance knowledge,skill-set, and achievementin strategic design usingthree main tools: our website,our Studios, and the HDLGlobal event and network.complexity is overwhelmingor absent.—p 36-37Investment—p 17, 24, 73, 83, 114, 137<strong>Helsinki</strong> that strive to meetrigorous carbon standardsand support carbon-neutrallifestyles.—p 22, 33, 39Mulgan, Geoff—p 15-17Nordic Model—p 77, 138, 275, 277

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