Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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Dietz, Thomas, Elinor Ostrom, and Paul C. Stern. “The Struggle to Governthe Commons.” Science Vol 302, 12 Dec. 2003: 1907-1912.Sabel, Charles F. “<strong>Design</strong>, Deliberation, and Democracy: On the New Pragmatismof Firms and Public Institutions.” Presented to the conference onLiberal Institutions, Economic Constitutional Rights, and the Role of Organizations,European University Institute, Florence. December 15-16, 1995.Sabel, Charles, and AnnaLee Saxenian. Fugitive Success: Finland’s EconomicFuture. <strong>Helsinki</strong>: Sitra, 2008.Sabel, Charles F., and Jonathan Zeitlin. “Learning from Difference: TheNew Architecture of Experimentalist Governance in the EU.” EuropeanLaw Journal Vol. 14, No. 3, May 2008: 271–327.Sabel, Charles F. “Globalisation, New Public Services, Local Democracy:What’s the Connection?” Local Governance and Drivers of Growth. OECD,2005.Facts about Social Welfare and Health Care in Finland 2007. <strong>Helsinki</strong>:STAKES, 2007.Statistical Yearbook on Social Welfare and Health Care 2008. <strong>Helsinki</strong>:STAKES, 2008.Wismar, Matthias, et al., eds. The Effectiveness of Health Impact Assessment- Scope and Limitations of Supporting Decision-Making in Europe.Denmark: World Health Organization, 2007.Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide. Geneva: World Health Organization,2007.Diamond, Patrick. Conundrums of Re<strong>for</strong>m. London: Policy Network, 2006.Finland. Ministry of Education and Ministry of Employment and the Economy.Evaluation of the Finnish National Innovation System: Policy Report.<strong>Helsinki</strong>: Taloustieto Oy, 2009.Aromaa, Arpo, and Seppo Koskinen, eds. Health and Functional Capacityin Finland – Baseline Results of the Health 2000 HealthExamination Survey.<strong>Helsinki</strong>: KTL-National Public Health Institute, Department of Healthand Functional Capacity, 2004.Jaeger, Birgit, and Ari Salminen. “Social Security in Denmark, Finland, andOther Nordic Countries: The Welfare State is Still Alive.” Trans<strong>for</strong>mationsin Social Security Systems. Eds. IIAS Working Group on Social SecuritySystems. Amsterdam: IIAS, 1997. 43-58.317

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