Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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D5—Government Initiatives and Re<strong>for</strong>msCurrently, there is considerable desire <strong>for</strong> re<strong>for</strong>m at all levels of the welfaresystem, from the highest levels of government to the most local cornersof the care network. There are many systemic changes now in various stagesof design and implementation, from legislative actions to municipal pilotprogrammes to local initiatives.Such re<strong>for</strong>ms are relevant to this studio because they represent themost meaningful attempts at producing the kind of results necessary <strong>for</strong>the improved welfare of the elderly population in Finland.The nature of these re<strong>for</strong>ms differ depending on which part of the welfaresystem they are targeting. They include “bottom-up” re<strong>for</strong>ms aimedat improving the horizontal functioning of the municipal system, “topdown”re<strong>for</strong>ms focused on vertical structures of the national government,and “local” re<strong>for</strong>ms that target particular structures within the finer grainof the welfare system.D5.1 Bottom-Up Re<strong>for</strong>m: Municipal MergersAt the municipal level, regional oversight mergers and innovative carecooperatives are attempting to bridge perceived gaps in horizontal communicationsand inefficiencies in delivery networks. Such mergers are anattempt to counteract the fragmentation that occurs at the finer scale ofmunicipal agencies, as compared to the necessarily large scale of social andmedical care delivery.The Kainuu regional governance experiment is one of a number of suchexperiments in improving organization, structure, and communication atthe municipal level of the welfare system. Others examples include the currentintegration of Health and Social Services in <strong>Helsinki</strong> and Sitra’s ongoingMunicipal Programme.D5.2 Top-Down Re<strong>for</strong>m: Fighting ‘Siloing’ In TheMinistriesAt the ministry level, government re<strong>for</strong>ms driven by“per<strong>for</strong>mance management” and “in<strong>for</strong>mation steering” areattempting to overhaul the operation of the upper tiers ofthe welfare system. Such ministerial re<strong>for</strong>ms are tasked withbreaking down communication barriers that hamper effectiveness.The Kainuu RegionIn an attempt to combat the ineffective “siloing” of programmesthat results from intensive vertical control withinministries, these re<strong>for</strong>ms embrace value- and result-basedapproaches, rather than procedural and hierarchal ones. For300

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