Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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D6.3 Domestic Scales of GovernanceFinland's Parliament and Government are the primary decision makers<strong>for</strong> issues of climate change and policy. The Parliament is responsible<strong>for</strong> shaping Finland's international relations and commitments, especiallywith regard to the EU. It is responsible <strong>for</strong> determining how to implementits international commitments according to the constitution.The Ministry of the Environment leads much the government'sresponse to climate change and is the administrative body responsible <strong>for</strong>dealing with the UNFCCC. All ministries have some role in addressingclimate change, although only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry ofAgriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Transport and Communications andMinistry of the Environment <strong>for</strong>mulate climate-related policy.The responsibilities and policy areas of ministries related to climate issuesMinistry Responsibility in climate policy Policy areas that have links to climate issuesPrime Minister’s OfficeCoordination of government programmesMinistry of Foreign Affairs CDM projects Development aid; Trade policy; Foreign relations;Extended security policyMinistry of JusticeMinistry of Internal AffairsMinistry of DefenceMinistry of FinanceMinistry of EducationMinistry of Agriculture andForestryMinistry of Transport andCommunicationsMinistry of Employmentand EconomyMinistry of Social Affairsand HealthMinistry of the EnvironmentMain responsibility in the adaptation toclimate changeTransportMain responsibility <strong>for</strong> climate changemitigation, energy, industry, services, households,markets, technology developmentMain responsibility <strong>for</strong> international climatechange negotiations, JI projects, communitystructure, construction, wasteGeneral guidance of legislative preparationRescue services; Guidance of provincialplanning: particularly the provincial plansand the regional development programmesof provincesPublic procurement (26%)*: procurement anduse policies of equipment, energy consumption;Security policyState finances (budget proposals and guidelines<strong>for</strong> the ministries); Guidance of publicprocurement at state level; Energy taxes andsupport; Other taxation and general supportpolicies; Municipal structureEducational policy; Research and sciencepolicy; Public procurement (17%)*Agriculture and <strong>for</strong>estry; Water supply andthe use of water resourcesTransport infrastructure; Transport and communicationservices; Public procurement(22%)*Energy policy; Emissions trading, Industrialpolicy; Technology and innovation policy;Monitoring and guidance of public procurementEnvironmental healthGuidance of land use and construction; Generalguidance of sustainable development;Environmental legislation, permits, wastes* Share of the total value of all public procurementFinland's regions and municipalities also play a significant role inaddressing climate change at the sub-legislative level. Land use, transportation,waste processing, and energy production are often directly controlledat the municipal level and thus can have a significant impact in Finland's255

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