Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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The Land Use, Land-Use <strong>Change</strong> and Forestry (LULUCF) mechanismunder the Kyoto Protocol outlines provisions <strong>for</strong> countries to include someof the net changes in national carbon sink capacity towards their final emissionslevels. For Finland, LULUCF acts as a net sink as carbon removals aremuch higher than any emissions from the sector and removals have grownby over 120% since the Kyoto base year. Under the UN Framework Conventionon Climate <strong>Change</strong>, emissions removals from the LULUCF sector canbe reported in their entirety.-54,71% 0,00% 119,12% -478,29%0,00%136,74%Total <strong>Change</strong> in Emissions of Annex I Countries with & without LULUCF 1990-2007SourceUNFCCCMillion tonnes CO ² eq.Finland's greenhouse gas emissions, 1990-2007, excluding the LULUFC sector (vertical bars)and including the LULUFC sector (blue line). The horizontal lines shows the net removals in theLULUFC sector.9080706050403020100-10-20-30Net sink of theLULUCF sectorGreenhouseGas Emissionswithout theLULUCF sectorGreenhouseGas Emissionswith theLULUCF sector|1990|1992|1994|1996|1998|2000|2002|2004|2006Carbon sink potential of LULUCF sector 1990-2007SourceUNFCCCFrom a more global perspective, Finland's removals from the LULUCFsector give it a substantial advantage in meeting its Kyoto commitmentlevels. Among Annex I countries, Finland's LULUCF was the fourteenthlargest net sink in 2007, only second to Norway, and ahead of its Nordicneighbours and most of Europe.While the LULUCF sector removals (and carbon sink capacity) are usefulin determining a national carbon footprint, carbon sinks are unstable222

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