Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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Each year, about 12,500 young people are in danger of remaining outsidethe public education system. They complete basic education with poorgrades, dropout from basic education, do not apply <strong>for</strong> upper secondaryeducation or drop out during the first year. There are an increasingnumber of students who have completed basic education but who lack theknowledge and skills required in future society, the world of work and ahigh-quality life. Problems can be seen in their insecurity in selecting theeducational route or field and in dropout rates.From Education and Research 2007-2015: Development PlanNearly all children in Finland complete the compulsory nine years ofcomprehensive school. In 2008 a large majority, or 92.5% of all students,continued directly to upper secondary school. 3,600 students (or 5.6%)elected not to continue to the next level of education. 1,300 students (or2.0%) enrolled in an additional tenth grade in comprehensive school, a“second chance” to master a poor or failing subject and have more time toprepare <strong>for</strong> upper secondary school.Students %Completers of 9th grade of comprehensive school 64,740 100Continued studies in year of graduationIn upper secondary general education 32,740 50.6In upper secondary vocational education 27,100 41.9In 10th grade of comprehensive school 1,300 2Did not continue 3,600 5.6Source: Statistics Finland, Education StatisticsThere is a significantly larger fall-off or discontinuation among studentsat the completion of general upper secondary school. Even amongthe achievers, or the 32,900 students who passed the matriculation examinationin 2008, a majority of them did not continue directly onto highereducation.Students %Completers of the matriculation examination 32,900 100%Continued studies in year of graduation...In upper secondary vocational school 1,400 4.2%...In polytechnic education 6,000 18.5%...In university education 6,300 19.1%...Did not continue studies 19,200 58.2%There are a variety of reasons students may choose not to continuedirectly onto higher education. One segment of this group simply wantsa break, especially after all the preparation <strong>for</strong> the matriculation examination.Some will travel while others will take the time to weigh academic orSourceStatisticsFinland,EducationStatistics170

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