Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab

Recipes for Systemic Change - Helsinki Design Lab


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Subsection107Organizing a WeekThe flip side of assembling a talented group of people is thatthey tend to be incredibly busy, meaning that you will belucky to get a solid week of their time. A week is just barelyenough time to properly conduct a Studio. Setting aside a fivedays <strong>for</strong> an engagement like this might seem like a luxury, butit is actually a fundamental requirement. While it is certainlypossible to apply the Studio methodology over a longer periodof time (academic architecture and design studios usually lasta couple months), every hour you shave off a full week willimpact the outcomes. The accelerated schedule ensures thata mood of urgency keeps things moving. Remember, this is asketch of the problem and an attempt to find ways of addressingit—the outcomes of the Studio are meant to be a solidstarting point <strong>for</strong> what comes afterwards.In this short window of time, the Studio members haveto meet and get to know each other, acclimatise to your localculture and context, and soak up the specifics of the Studiochallenge. They also need some time to work togethertowards developing a holistic, integrated framework <strong>for</strong>thinking about the challenge and then document it in a waythat will spur conversation at the final review. With only aweek to accomplish all of this, you will have to make everyminute count.PeopleProcessProblemPlaceDay by DayWe structure the first half of the week so that the Studioteam has some time to develop their own rhythm withoutspinning their wheels, but leave the second half fuzzy withthe understanding that the final review on Friday is a fixedtarget.SundayMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayWelcome:quick, social,and casualIntroduction:what does successlook like?Guest speakerw/ conversationx 3Field tripx 2-3Guest speakeras ‘sparringpartner’ <strong>for</strong>studioTime to be usedas needed by thestudio, guided by<strong>Design</strong> LeadPre-review withHDL teamTweaks topresentation andfinal production“Final review”Studio presentsoutcomes…Days officially end at 4pmGroup dinners organized each nightConversation& meal

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