Schneider Electric Training Courses 2012

Schneider Electric Training Courses 2012 Schneider Electric Training Courses 2012
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74General Terms andConditions for TrainingApplications for enrolmentRegistration, together with payment, should be made10 working days prior to the course commencement datevia online at or viathe methods specified on the Course Enrolment Form.Confirmation of acceptance will be made 10 workingdays prior to the course commencement date by email,fax or mail.Waiting list - if a class is filled, you will be placed on thewaiting list or offered a later course. In any event, youwill be kept notified of your status.Tuition FeeCourse fees are payable in advance. A cheque, creditcard or purchase order made out to Schneider Electricfor the full amount of tuition must accompany theenrolment application.The supplying of all course writing materials, all relevanttechnical reference material, lunches, refreshments,and the use of training equipment are included in thetuition fee.All course fees are inclusive of GST. Prices are shown inAustralian dollars and are subject to change without notice.Provisional reservations without payment are subjectto cancellation ten working days prior to the coursecommencement date in order to accommodate thoseon the waiting list.Requests for cancellation of a confirmed registration, ortransferring to another course, must be made in writingand acknowledged by Schneider Electric. Full refund ofcourse fees will be given for cancellations received up to10 working days prior to course commencement. The fullcourse fee will be charged for cancellations received within10 working days prior to course commencement. Suitablyqualified replacements are welcome, provided they registerprior to commencement on the first day of the course.ExpensesTrainees are to pay their own travel, hotel and livingexpenses.GeneralInsufficient enrolment - Schneider Electric reserves theright to cancel any course. In this event, you will benotified immediately, and either fully refunded, or thetuition applied to a future course.It is the responsibility of your organisation to ensure thatthe trainees attending have sufficient prior knowledgeand experience to benefit from attendance at thecourse. Please note the prerequisites shown in thedetailed descriptions of the courses.On-site courses - for further information and costings,please submit• online, or• Electric reserves the right to change courseschedules, discontinue courses, modify course content,limit class size, and cancel courses.Endorsement and publicstatementsYou must not directly or indirectly represent that youare endorsed, certified, sponsored, approved oraffiliated with Schneider Electric in any way as a result ofattending any training provided by Schneider Electric.CopyrightCourse documentation, hand-outs, software programsand any other teaching aids provided as part of thecourse are subject to the normal laws of Copyright.Attendance at a course does not confer any right toreproduce such information, or to disclose it to a thirdparty, without the prior written permission of SchneiderElectric (Australia) Pty Limited. No audio or visualrecording of Schneider Electric training courses, or ofSchneider Electric personnel teaching such courses,may be taken or reproduced electronically without priorwritten consent.Hotel and LocalTransportationInformation on local hotels and transportation is availableupon request.>Easy waysto 369 233

Course Booking Form75To book one of Schneider Electric’s Automation Training courses simply complete this form and send a scannedcopy to, visit and complete the booking request form online.Course DetailsCourse NameCourse LocationCourse DateContact DetailsGiven NameSurnamePosition in CompanyCompanyContact NameEmailAddressSuburb State Post CodeCountryTelephoneFaxPaymentCourse CostAUD$Payment/Credit Card Type Purchase Order Cheque Master Card VISA Diners AMEXPO Number or Cheque Number orCredit Card NumberName on Credit Card Credit Card Expiry (MM/YYYY)Comments

Course Booking Form75To book one of <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s Automation <strong>Training</strong> courses simply complete this form and send a scannedcopy to, visit and complete the booking request form online.Course DetailsCourse NameCourse LocationCourse DateContact DetailsGiven NameSurnamePosition in CompanyCompanyContact NameEmailAddressSuburb State Post CodeCountryTelephoneFaxPaymentCourse CostAUD$Payment/Credit Card Type Purchase Order Cheque Master Card VISA Diners AMEXPO Number or Cheque Number orCredit Card NumberName on Credit Card Credit Card Expiry (MM/YYYY)Comments

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