Pulsatilla: tonsillitis - Dr. Gheorghe Jurj - Homeopatie

Pulsatilla: tonsillitis - Dr. Gheorghe Jurj - Homeopatie

Pulsatilla: tonsillitis - Dr. Gheorghe Jurj - Homeopatie


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<strong>Dr</strong> <strong>Gheorghe</strong> <strong>Jurj</strong>, MD, DScCourse: Visual SemiologyXXIX Brazilian Congress of HomeopathySão Paulo, 2008

• 6 year-old girl, consults with fever (39.4 oC) and erythematous<strong>tonsillitis</strong>.• Frequent colds with running nose and inflammation of the throat.• Nasal obstruction, cannot breath at night and sleeps with openmouth. Cough “from the throat”, as if trying to eliminate a lump.During consultation, coughed rarely, dry cough.• NET doctor has suggested adenoidectomy.• 2 or 3 episodes of middle ear infection.• In the past year took ATB 10 times.

• All along theconsultation, tossingon the chair.• Notice her posture

• Every time, beforeanswering aquestion, turns toher mother

• Cannot breaththrough the nose,the mouth is open allthe time• <strong>Dr</strong>y lips, cracks onthe angles. On theleft side,eczematization

2 GesturesLicks the corners of the mouthBites the lower lip

• Red tongue, papillaeincreased in anteriorpart, whitish coatingin the posterior part;Crack on the middleline and transversally(“cross-like”)

• Pharynx congestive;large tonsills(touching in themiddle line); whitespots of suppuration

• NATRIUM: dry lips; nasal obstruction; well-behaved, quiet... But,usually with much secretions, thirst, suppurated <strong>tonsillitis</strong> is lessfrequent, congestion is not as intense.• CARBON: perspiration of the scalp, wet hands, cold-blooded• MERCURIUS: important remedies of suppurated <strong>tonsillitis</strong> inchildren, high fever, copious perspiration, thirst, copious yellowwhitishsuppuration in tonsillsc• REMEDIES OF ACUTE INFLAMMATION (Phyt, Bell, Acon, etc.):presentation is more dramataic, much more congestion

1 MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Centre2 MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured3 FACE - CRACKED - Lips4 FACE - CRACKED - Lips - Lower5 MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - heavily coated6 THROAT - DISCOLORATION - redness - Tonsils7 THROAT - DISCOLORATION - redness - Uvula8 THROAT - INFLAMMATION – accompanied by - cough9 THROAT - INFLAMMATION - Tonsils10 FACE - DRYNESS - Lips - licks them frequently11 FACE - DRYNESS - Lipspuls. sulph. merc. nit-ac. bapt. apis cham. mez. nux-v. bell.10/17 8/15 7/15 7/15 7/14 7/12 7/12 7/9 7/8 6/141 - 1 - 2 1 - - 2 - -2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 23 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 14 2 1 - 2 - 1 1 1 1 -5 3 - 3 - - - - 1 1 -6 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 - - 37 2 1 1 - 3 2 - - - 38 1 - - - - - 2 - 1 -9 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 310 1 - - - - - - - - -11 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2

• Calm, quiet, “perhaps too quiet”• Cries easily; always asks permission to doanything• Thirstless, esp during fever• Sleeps rolled up or on the back, with the handson the head

<strong>Pulsatilla</strong> 30x e/6-8 hours until resolution of <strong>tonsillitis</strong>, then 200CH for 1 month.No further recidives appeared; tonsillectomy was ruled out

1. “Mental atmosphere”, reflected also in her posture: sitting on the edge of the chair,with fixed hands; turning always to look for her mother2. Nasal obstruction, esp in the night – constant of <strong>Pulsatilla</strong> in children. Although ageneric sign of adenoidism, according to the context its value may increase.3. Licking the lips – its value is increased by the local context (lips, tongue, pharynx)4. Although <strong>tonsillitis</strong> is suppurative, secretion is white, in relatively welll delimitatedareas, on a background of intensely red congestion, but not as in Bell, Lac-c, Merc orLach. Moreover, as in Apis, tonsills are swollen, touching each other on the middleline (Bar-c) but no other symptoms of these remedies are present.

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