Grado cartridge brochure - Cool Gales Audio

Grado cartridge brochure - Cool Gales Audio Grado cartridge brochure - Cool Gales Audio
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Vol.11CelebratingOver 50 Yearsof Tradition...GRADO PHONO CARTRIDGES REFERENCE & PRESTIGE SERIESGrado, the oldest family-owned company in the Audio industry,has for over half a century been the leaders in designengineering in the high-end audio and recording industries. Gradois famous for their remarkable headphone and phono cartridgedesigns and holds over forty-eight patents. Company founder, JoeGrado, is the inventor of the moving coil phono cartridge and isresponsible for more innovations in phono cartridge design thanany other person in our lifetime. He was inducted into the AudioHall of Fame in 1982.All Grado cartridges now use a derivation of the moving iron principlewhich feature patented OPTIMIZED TRANSMISSION LINEcantilever technology, PIVOTED FIXED AXIAL STYLUS-GENERA-TOR MODULE, and Grado's FLUX-BRIDGER GENERATORSYSTEM.To quote John Grado, President of Grado, "Grado cartridges are themost advanced phono pickups ever offered."OPTIMIZED TRANSMISSION LINE(OTL) STYLUS/CANTILEVERThis system of support is mechanically more accurate (more linear)than conventional "teeter-totter" designs that utilize an iron armatureto balance the mass of the cantilever. The teeter-totter design issupported in the center with a rubber donut mounting.The fixed axial design has a very low tip mass, which resultsin lower distortion, improved transient response, and longerrecord life.This proprietary design allows the implementation of theFlux-Bridger Generator System!FLUX-BRIDGER GENERATOR SYSTEMThe Flux-Bridger design uses four separate magnetic gaps that theminiature element of the cantilever bridges. The miniature elementmoves between opposing flux gaps creating an increase in flux inone gap while reducing it in the other. The four separate magneticgaps create a highly efficient and perfectly balanced system. Thisdesign requires fewer coil turns than conventional designs.Grado's OTL provides an ideal transfer of the signal from point topoint, e.g., stylus to cantilever to magnet to coils, etc. This has beenachieved by eliminating resonance at each of these key junctions.The transmission line cantilever consists of separate sections thatare telescoped into each other. All sections are made of differentalloys, some sections hollow, other sections solid. These sectionsare bonded together with materials that act as dampers, and arecoated with a black proprietary material which controls and absorbsresonances that travel on the surface of the cantilever (known asskin effects).The OTL stylus/cantilever design will make your records soundquieter, improve the height, width, and depth of the soundstage,and offer more detail than previously obtainable. Cartridge Holographydoes exist...and that is what Grado’s OTL technology is allabout, more performance.BobbinGenerator PoleGenerator RingMagnetFront Pole PlateDiamond CantileverRear Pole PlateContact PinCoil Pole PinRear Pole SpacerPivotRubber GrometGap SpacerPIVOTED FIXED AXIAL CANTILEVERSTYLUS-GENERATORThis design feature is basically quite simple. The "OTL" cantilevershaft is brought to a fixed axial pivot that supports the entire cantileverassembly. A miniature element attached to the end of the cantileveris allowed to move freely within the lines of flux of a stationarymagnet and coil structure.A StyliB CantileverC Miniature Generating ElementD Armco Iron DiscE Rubber GrometF Stylus Assembly HousingG Generator Pole PiecesH Fixed Axial PivotFewer coil turns allow Grado cartridges to have lower mass andlower electrical inductance, making them insensitive to tone armcable capacitance. The four gap design is perfectly balanced andeliminates magnetic residue which contributes to increasing distortionover longer time periods. Grado cartridges reduce distortionsthat cause listeners fatigue.HAND-BUILT IN USA WITH 100% QUALITY CONTROLEach individual cartridge manufactured by Grado is hand assembledand tested for frequency response, channel output, channelbalance, phase linearity, inductance and resistance. This meticulouscare in design and construction lavished on each Gradocartridge contributes to an unchallenged consistency of performanceand guarantee of reliability.

Vol.11CelebratingOver 50 Yearsof Tradition...GRADO PHONO CARTRIDGES REFERENCE & PRESTIGE SERIES<strong>Grado</strong>, the oldest family-owned company in the <strong>Audio</strong> industry,has for over half a century been the leaders in designengineering in the high-end audio and recording industries. <strong>Grado</strong>is famous for their remarkable headphone and phono <strong>cartridge</strong>designs and holds over forty-eight patents. Company founder, Joe<strong>Grado</strong>, is the inventor of the moving coil phono <strong>cartridge</strong> and isresponsible for more innovations in phono <strong>cartridge</strong> design thanany other person in our lifetime. He was inducted into the <strong>Audio</strong>Hall of Fame in 1982.All <strong>Grado</strong> <strong>cartridge</strong>s now use a derivation of the moving iron principlewhich feature patented OPTIMIZED TRANSMISSION LINEcantilever technology, PIVOTED FIXED AXIAL STYLUS-GENERA-TOR MODULE, and <strong>Grado</strong>'s FLUX-BRIDGER GENERATORSYSTEM.To quote John <strong>Grado</strong>, President of <strong>Grado</strong>, "<strong>Grado</strong> <strong>cartridge</strong>s are themost advanced phono pickups ever offered."OPTIMIZED TRANSMISSION LINE(OTL) STYLUS/CANTILEVERThis system of support is mechanically more accurate (more linear)than conventional "teeter-totter" designs that utilize an iron armatureto balance the mass of the cantilever. The teeter-totter design issupported in the center with a rubber donut mounting.The fixed axial design has a very low tip mass, which resultsin lower distortion, improved transient response, and longerrecord life.This proprietary design allows the implementation of theFlux-Bridger Generator System!FLUX-BRIDGER GENERATOR SYSTEMThe Flux-Bridger design uses four separate magnetic gaps that theminiature element of the cantilever bridges. The miniature elementmoves between opposing flux gaps creating an increase in flux inone gap while reducing it in the other. The four separate magneticgaps create a highly efficient and perfectly balanced system. Thisdesign requires fewer coil turns than conventional designs.<strong>Grado</strong>'s OTL provides an ideal transfer of the signal from point topoint, e.g., stylus to cantilever to magnet to coils, etc. This has beenachieved by eliminating resonance at each of these key junctions.The transmission line cantilever consists of separate sections thatare telescoped into each other. All sections are made of differentalloys, some sections hollow, other sections solid. These sectionsare bonded together with materials that act as dampers, and arecoated with a black proprietary material which controls and absorbsresonances that travel on the surface of the cantilever (known asskin effects).The OTL stylus/cantilever design will make your records soundquieter, improve the height, width, and depth of the soundstage,and offer more detail than previously obtainable. Cartridge Holographydoes exist...and that is what <strong>Grado</strong>’s OTL technology is allabout, more performance.BobbinGenerator PoleGenerator RingMagnetFront Pole PlateDiamond CantileverRear Pole PlateContact PinCoil Pole PinRear Pole SpacerPivotRubber GrometGap SpacerPIVOTED FIXED AXIAL CANTILEVERSTYLUS-GENERATORThis design feature is basically quite simple. The "OTL" cantilevershaft is brought to a fixed axial pivot that supports the entire cantileverassembly. A miniature element attached to the end of the cantileveris allowed to move freely within the lines of flux of a stationarymagnet and coil structure.A StyliB CantileverC Miniature Generating ElementD Armco Iron DiscE Rubber GrometF Stylus Assembly HousingG Generator Pole PiecesH Fixed Axial PivotFewer coil turns allow <strong>Grado</strong> <strong>cartridge</strong>s to have lower mass andlower electrical inductance, making them insensitive to tone armcable capacitance. The four gap design is perfectly balanced andeliminates magnetic residue which contributes to increasing distortionover longer time periods. <strong>Grado</strong> <strong>cartridge</strong>s reduce distortionsthat cause listeners fatigue.HAND-BUILT IN USA WITH 100% QUALITY CONTROLEach individual <strong>cartridge</strong> manufactured by <strong>Grado</strong> is hand assembledand tested for frequency response, channel output, channelbalance, phase linearity, inductance and resistance. This meticulouscare in design and construction lavished on each <strong>Grado</strong><strong>cartridge</strong> contributes to an unchallenged consistency of performanceand guarantee of reliability.

GRADO'S PRESTIGE SERIES OF PHONO CARTRIDGESThe Prestige series of <strong>cartridge</strong>s are designed for high output and excellentstability under severe use. A considerable tip mass reductionresults in a frequency response to 50 kHz and beyond and trackingforces from 1-2 grams. Acclaimed by experts as virtually the finestpickups in the world at their price.THE PRESTIGE SERIES IS MADE UP OF THREECATEGORIES OF CARTRIDGES.The Black and Green models use a three piece OTL cantilevertechnology, standard oxygen free wire in the coilsand <strong>Grado</strong>'s specially designed ellipticaldiamond mounted in a brass bushing. TheGreen model is selected from the Blackproduction run and meet higher test specifications.Approximately 15% of the productionrun will meet these standards and becomeGreen models.The Blue and Red models use a four piece OTL cantilever technology,standard oxygen free wire in the coils and <strong>Grado</strong>'s specially designedelliptical diamond mounted on a brass bushing. The Red modelis selected from the Blue production run and meet higher testspecifications. Approximately 10% of the production run will meetthese standards and become Red models.The Silver and Gold models use a four piece OTL cantilevertechnology, ultra-high purity long crystal (UHPLC) oxygen freecopper wire in the coils and <strong>Grado</strong>'s specially designed ellipticaldiamond mounted on a brass bushing. The Gold model is selectedfrom the Silver production run and meet higher test specifications.Approximately 5% of the production run meet these standards andbecome Gold models.Prestige models available in both 1/2" mount and P-mount.All styli in the Prestige series are user replaceable.GRADO'S REFERENCE AND STATEMENT SERIESOF PHONO CARTRIDGES<strong>Grado</strong>’s wood bodied <strong>cartridge</strong>s come in two different output levels.The high output Reference Series measures 4.5mV and the low outputStatement Series measures 0.5mV. The wooden series of <strong>cartridge</strong>s area fixed coil design, hand-crafted at our labs from a specially selectedspecies of mahogany. An intricate procedure of curing is donebetween production steps to achieve optimal sonic quality. Unlikethe Prestige series, the wooden series generator/stylus module is notreplaceable allowing a redesigned one piece magnetic circuit and areduction of chassis resonances. The wooden series utilizes manufacturingand assembly techniques of fantastic accuracy and precision,the result is virtual perfection in a phono pickupresulting in the finest pickups in the worldwithout exception. Should be used onlywith the finest equipment. Recommendedtracking force 3/4 to 2 grams.The Platinum and Sonata models use amodified four piece OTL cantilever technologyachieving a 10% tip mass reduction overthe Prestige series and ultra-high purity long crystal (UHPLC) oxygenfree copper wire in the coils. The Platinum model uses <strong>Grado</strong>'sspecially designed elliptical diamond mounted on a brass bushing,and the Sonata model uses <strong>Grado</strong>'s specially designed nudeelliptical diamond.The Master and Reference models use a five piece OTL cantilevertechnology achieving an additional 5% tip mass reduction overthe Platinum and Sonata models. The coils are wound with ultrahighpurity long crystal (UHPLC) oxygen free copper wire. TheMaster model is mounted with <strong>Grado</strong>'s specially designed nudeelliptical diamond, and the Reference model uses <strong>Grado</strong>'s true ellipsoiddesign diamond.All Reference series <strong>cartridge</strong>s are 1/2" mount.All re-tipping on the Reference series will be done by <strong>Grado</strong>.GRADO MAKES THEIR NEW STATEMENT!After years of careful thought and painstaking design, <strong>Grado</strong> isvery pleased to offer a new phono <strong>cartridge</strong>. We are so proud ofthis new <strong>cartridge</strong> and believe that it has so much to say about<strong>Grado</strong> technology, that we have decided to name it the GRADOSTATEMENT. The STATEMENT utilizes gold coil wires, a boroncantilever and a diamond cut specially for <strong>Grado</strong>. All this is handassembledwithin a machined Autralian Jarrah wood housing. Theoutput for the STATEMENT measures at 0.5 mV. The lowest outputever offered by <strong>Grado</strong>. The low frequency information andits portrayal of bass dynamics are solid, powerful and authoritative.The midrange is rich, complex and highly believable. Itstop-end seems to extend forever with speed and remarkable delicacy.Imaging is detailed and precise with a sound stage that wrapsits arms around you and draws you into the music. Michael Fremercommented in his Analog Corner, “It is among the finest <strong>cartridge</strong>sI’ve ever heard at any price”, Stereophile Vol.22 No.3, pg. 41. WhileJonathan Valin stated, “I’m going to keep the Statement in myrefernce system” The Absolute Sound, Issue 118. Anyone who wasimpressed with our previous top-of-the-line effort, the <strong>Grado</strong>REFERENCE, will have their eyes opened wide afterlistening to the new GRADO STATEMENT.GRADO PH-1Yes!!! We are now in production of our <strong>Grado</strong> PhonoPre-Amplifier. After years of relying on other equipment to matchwith <strong>Grado</strong> <strong>cartridge</strong>s, you can now listen and enjoy your recordsthrough our new <strong>Grado</strong> Phono Pre-Amp, the PH-1. Designedfor state-of-the-art performance and specifically to play all<strong>Grado</strong>s, high and low outputs, the new PH-1 will allow you tohear your records like never before. -Wayne Garcia of The Absolute Soundcommented "This is a very goodphono preamplifier. Its sound isvery open, airy and easy with alarge expansive presentation. It'sholographic, warm, and it brings alovely quality to the lower octaves, rendering them with texture,tonal refinement, and, when asked for, power." This new amp ismachined from a solid block of mahogany. It measures a mere 5"wide, 5 1/2" deep, 1 1/2" tall, weighs in at ten ounces and is A/Cpowered. And the sound? Just like all <strong>Grado</strong>s: warm, smooth, fullbodied,non-fatiguing and a rich quality. Hook it up in any analogsystem and allow your <strong>Grado</strong> <strong>cartridge</strong> to reach its full potential.A must for any serious analog listening.GRADO4614 Seventh Avenue • Brooklyn, New York 11220Tel. (718)435-5340 • www.gradolabs.comVisit our website for information on our 78RPM, Mono and DJ Model Cartridges.

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