UFC 3-280-02A Hazardous Waste Land Disposal/Land Treatment ...

UFC 3-280-02A Hazardous Waste Land Disposal/Land Treatment ... UFC 3-280-02A Hazardous Waste Land Disposal/Land Treatment ...


TM 5-814-7Figure 8-1. Monitoring well details.8-3method is 4 inches (2 inches if inserted into hollowstemaugers). However, larger non-continuous auger drillingequipment can be used in primarily finegrained depositsto install shallow wells with casing diameters up to 12inches.(2) If well drilling methods are employed,drilling fluids should be chosen to minimizecontamination, and care should be taken to prevent entryof drilling fluids into aquifer flow zones. Generally, alladditives or drilling fluids are disallowed at DA facilitiesexcept clean water and/or bentonite clay. Whensubsurface or contaminant conditions warrant, avariance should be requested and justification submittedto the Major Command for consideration.(3) Filter packing is used to develop azone of increasedhydraulic conductivity around the samplinginterval and to prevent clogging. The filter pack consistsof gravel or sand placed in the borehole around thesampling interval of the well (see figure 8-2).Selection of the grain-size of a filter pack requiressampling and sieve analysis of the aquifer materials.Proper installation of the filter pack is necessary toprevent separation of the fine and coarse particles andconsequent bridging of the material, which could result information of void spaces. Use of a tremie pipe isrecommended for installation of the filter pack; howeverin shallow wells, slow pouring or shovelling may beacceptable. For wells drilled in soil, the minimum boringdiameter in the filter pack portion of the well should be atleast 4 inches larger than the inner diameCANCELLED

TM 5-814-7CANCELLEDFigure 8-2. Monitoring well installations.8-4

TM 5-814-7CANCELLEDFigure 8-2. Monitoring well installations.8-4

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