UFC 3-280-02A Hazardous Waste Land Disposal/Land Treatment ...

UFC 3-280-02A Hazardous Waste Land Disposal/Land Treatment ...

UFC 3-280-02A Hazardous Waste Land Disposal/Land Treatment ...


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TM 5-814-7REPRODUCTION AUTHORIZATION/RESTRICTIONSThis manual has been prepared by or for the Government and is public property and not subject to copyright.Reprints or reproductions of this manual should include a credit substantially as follows: "Department of the ArmyTechnical Manual TM 5-814-7, <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Disposal</strong>/<strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> Facilities, date."CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7LIST OF FIGURESPageFigure 5-1 Illustrative hazardous waste master plan 5-25-2 <strong>Land</strong>fill operations plan 5-55-3 <strong>Land</strong> treatment area details 5-95-4 <strong>Land</strong> treatment operations plan 5-115-5 Deep injection well 5-146-1 Flood control structures 6-26-2 Base liner details for landfills and surface impoundments 6-56-3 Base liner details for waste piles 6-66-4 Typical clay liner compatibility evaluation 6-106-5 Typical leak detection systems and leachate collection drains 6-136-6 Typical run on control ditches 6-166-7 Typical run-on control ditch for waste units 6-176-8 Typical run-off control ditch for final cover areas 6-186-9 Run-on sedimentation control run-off retention basins 6-206-10 Final cover details 6-238-1 Monitoring well details 8-38-2 Monitoring well installations 8-4LIST OF TABLESTable 3-1 Composition and quantity data resources 3-23-2 Design/operational requirements imposed by hydrogeologic conditions 3-65-1 Design features required by RCRA for DA land disposal and treatment facilities 5-16-1 Requirements for liner systems 6-36-2 Summary of liner types 6-76-3 Seaming provisions for synthetic liners 6-116-4 Requirements for leachate collection and removal systems 6-126-5 Requirements for surface water run on and run-off control systems 6-156-6 Requirements for final cover at closure 6-226-7 Requirements for special design elements 6-2610-1 Summary of unit costs for lined facility 10-1iiCANCELLED

CHAPTER 1TM 5-814-71-1. PurposeThe purpose of TM 5-814-7 is to establish Army designcriteria that comply with the national goal of ground-waterprotection. On the Federal level, subtitle C of theResource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of1976 (42 United States Code [USC] 6901 et. seq.)promulgated standards for the management ofhazardous wastes. Of particular interest to the designengineer in subtitle C of (RCRA) are design standardsfor land disposal/land treatment facilities presented in 40Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 264. This section ofthe law presents two sets of performance standardsapplicable to this technical manual-one for landdisposal/land treatment facilities and the other forground-water monitoring. The performance standardsare directed toward (1) minimization of leachategeneration in the waste management facilities andremoval of leachate produced before it can enter thesubsurface environment (subparts K through N), and (2)backup ground-water monitoring and response programsto remove any detected leachate from the ground water(subpart F).INTRODUCTION1-11-2. ScopeThe regulatory framework for these design standards isdescribed in chapter 2 of the manual; as notedthroughout this manual, where Army criteria are morestringent than other regulatory standards, the Armycriteria are preeminent. Chapter 3 addresses pre-designevaluation of site conditions, the important first step thedesign engineer must take prior to developing designcriteria for a facility. Another essential pre-designconsideration, disposal and handling constraintsimposed by waste composition, is addressed in chapter4. The heart of the design manual lies in chapters 5 and6. Chapter 5 describes landfills, impoundments, landtreatment, deep well injections and waste piles withrespect to waste suitability, disposal constraints,procedures and equipment; chapter 6 presents thespecific engineering design elements for the five disposaloptions. Summarized in chapters 7 through 9 are plansand monitoring requirements for hazardous waste landdisposal/land treatment facilities generally dictated by 40CFR 264. Cost elements for lined hazardous wastefacilities are described in chapter 10.CANCELLED

CHAPTER 2TM 5-814-72-1. Federal regulationsa. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(42 USC 6901 et. seq.) or, as it is more commonlyreferred to, (RCRA), requires all operators of hazardouswaste management facilities to apply to the USEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) or an authorizedstate agency for a permit to operate the facility. Inaddition to providing compliance requirements for theprivate sector, (RCRA) mandates compliance for eachdepartment, agency and instrumentality of the executive,legislative and judicial branches of the FederalGovernment (42 USC 6961, subtitle F). Subtitle F statesthat the compliance is to be "... both substantive andprocedural (including any requirements for permits orreporting or any injunctive relief and such sanctions asmay be imposed by a court to enforce such relief).Neither the United States nor any agency, employee orofficer thereof shall be immune or exempt from anyprocess or sanction or any State or Federal Court withrespect to the enforcement of any such injunctive relief."b. The applicability of (RCRA) as the primaryinstrument regulating the treatment, storage,transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes isunderscored by 42 USC 6905, subtitle A. This part of thelaw instructs EPA to avoid administrative andenforcement duplication by integrating the program of(RCRA) regulations to the maximum extent possible withapplicable provisions of the--• Clean Water Act• Safe Drinking Water Act• Clean Air Act• Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and RodenticideAct• Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Actc. The principal source of design criteria for landtreatment/disposal facilities, is title 40, (CFR) part 264.Other sections of the law and regulatory program, suchas the definitions in part 260 and the hazardous wastecriteria in part 261, may also influence the design offacilities in a less direct manner. Presented in appendixB are the parts of 40 (CFR) and the elements of thoseparts pertinent to this technical manual.d. The (RCRA) part 264 regulations consistprimarily of two sets of performance standards-one forland disposal/land treatment units and the other forground-water monitoring. The first set of standards,contained in subparts K through N of the regulations,enumerates design and operating standards separatelytailored to surface impoundments, waste piles, landREGULATORY FRAMEWORK2-1treatment and landfills, respectively. The second set ofstandards contained in subpart F, establishes criteria fora ground-water monitoring and response programapplicable to land disposal/land treatment facilities.2-2. State and local regulatory requirements.a. state cannot assume the responsibility forregulating hazardous wastes until the administrator ofEPA determines that the state program is equivalent tothe Federal requirements. Thus, the EPA standards areminimum requirements; nothing prevents states fromestablishing additional or more stringent regulations. In anumber of states this is precisely the situation. Forexample, the majority of states have laws which activelydiscourage the use of land disposal for hazardouswastes or ban burial of these materials; New York hasdenied land disposal permits on the grounds thatapplicants failed to provide adequately for alternativetechnologies to landfilling (US Congress, Office ofTechnology Assessment IOTA], 1983). In other statesthe laws may require additional permits for hazardouswaste facilities besides those required by (RCRA), orthey may have commissions authorized to impose morestringent land use controls than the state regulatoryprogram. It is therefore, necessary for the facilitydesigner to review the requirements of the state wherethe facility is or will be located.b. In addition, it is important to determine whetheror not the state is fully authorized to control its hazardouswaste management program. As of February 1983, 16states were operating under cooperative arrangementsor partial authorizations; 34 states and 1 territory hadinterim authorization, while 9 states had partially satisfiedthe Phase II requirements leading to completeauthorization of their program.c. The differences between states will usually berelated to the types and quantities of controlled wastes,exemptions, geotechnical requirements, and the use ofmore specific design criteria to implement part 264performance standards. Early review of applicable staterequirements, and a comparison of their technical andregulatory elements with the EPA program can discloseany variations which may affect design work. AppendixB further defines the individual state programs bycomparing the "universe of regulated wastes" with the(RCRA) waste listing and identifying land disposalrestrictions and siting procedures for each state.d. Local controls will be secondary to state andfederal requirements with respect to Army installations;CANCELLED

they will principally relate to zoning, roads and air quality.2-3. Army regulationsa. The Department of the Army’s (DA) program forcompliance with environmental protection standards ofFederal, State, interstate and local agencies isestablished by Army Regulations (AR) 200-1 and 200-2.AR 200-1, paragraph 1-1, "prescribes (DA) policy,responsibilities, and procedures to protect and preservethe quality of the environment." AR 200-2, paragraph 1-1,states (DA) policy and "establishes procedures for theintegration of environmental considerations into Armyplanning and decision-making in accordance with 42USC 4321 et. seq., the ’National Environmental PolicyAct of 1969’ (NEPA)."b. Management programs for both hazardousmaterials and hazardous wastes are described inchapters 5 and 6 of AR 200-1. Procedures to implementthe management programs are tied to the requirementsof the primary hazardous waste/hazardous materialregulations: NEPA, RCRA, The Clean Water Act, TheMarine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act of1932, and the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.AR 200-1, paragraph 6-3, increases the range ofregulatory compliance by emphasizing DA’s policy onsource2-2TM 5-814-7reduction, recovery and recycling.c. AR 200-2 describes procedures that the Armywill employ to comply with the requirements set out byNEPA. Specifically, paragraph 3-1 of the regulationrequires the DA to integrate NEPA’s "systematicexamination of the possible and probable environmentalconsequences of implementing a proposed action," anddevelopment of a written report Environmental ImpactStatement (EIS). Certain categories of actions areexempt from the above requirement; AR 200-2,paragraph 3-3, defines the categories and associatedrequirements (or exemptions). However, even if an EISis not required, an Environmental Assessment (EA) maybe needed (AR 200-2, para 5-1). Actions typicallyrequiring an EA include changes to establishedinstallation land use which may be expected to havesome impact on the environment, and generation ofhazardous or toxic materials (AR 200-2, para 5-3).d. AR 200-2, paragraph 3-5, states that theseenvironmental assessment documents "should beforwarded to the planners, designers, and/orimplementers so that recommendations and mitigations... may be carried out." Prior to the start up of anyconstruction work, the designer (through the installation)must ensure that required EA’s and EIS’s have beencompleted and project go-ahead has been finalized.CANCELLED

Table 3-1. Composition and Quantity Data ResourcesTM 5-814-7Specific Source Authority Information AvailableRCRA Part A 40 CFR 270.1 Identifies, in a cursory manner, the types of wastes generated (coded according to 40Permit Application CFR 261 Subpart D), estimated annual generation quantities, the process andprocessdesign capacities.RCRA Part B 40 CFR 270.14 Requires the submittal of all Interim Status Documents. Pertinent information in-Permit Applicationcludes: chemical and physical analysis of hazardous wastes to be handled at the facility,waste analysis plan, description of procedures, structures and equipment, procedures forhandling ignitable, reactive, corrosive and incompatible wastes, closure plan, plus specificinformation pertaining to individual wastes treatment/disposal facilities, (e.g., waste piles,surface impoundments).<strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> 40 CFR 262.41 Gives a summation of all waste types and quantities generated during each year. Sub-Annual Reports: Subpart D mitted to EPA and/or state officials.(EPA forms 8700-13and 8700-13A)<strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> 40 CFR 264.70 Identifies waste transported to the site and off site; includes proper shipping names,Manifests Subpart E hazard class (49 CFR Part 172), weight or volume, components andconcentrationrange. Copies of the manifest must be kept at the facility for at least three years.Operating Records 40 CFR 264.73 Description and quantity of each hazardous waste received and the methods and datesof treatment, storage or disposal; records maintained until facility closure.DD Form 1348-1: AR200-1 Identifies (DPDO) material or waste, its origination and destination, type and number(DOD Single Line Paragraph 5-6(d) of containers, material condition, and freight classification.Release/ReceiptDocument)Spill Prevention Section 311 of the Inventory of all sources of oil and hazardous substancesControl and Counter- Clean Water Actmeasure (SPCC) Plan PL 95-217AR 200-1 (paragraph 8-6)National Pollutant Section 402 of the Permit specifies the type and quantities of liquid wastes that may be discharged intoDischarge Elimina- Clean Water Act the nation’s water sources.tion System (NPDES) PL 95-217PermitUS Army Corps of Engineersreviews the kind of information available in some ofthese documents.(3) Interviews with facility or installation personnel inconnection with site visits will aid in the collection andinterpretation of the various sources of information onwaste generation and site conditions. The DefenseProperty <strong>Disposal</strong> Office has chemical inventories ofboth waste materials and off-spec supplies (being storedfor resale). Many installations have an EnvironmentalOffice which is responsible for securing permits, recordkeeping, and waste stream update information.b. Information may also be obtained from off-siteresources. The following is a partial list of sources:• US EPA Office of Solid <strong>Waste</strong>• US EPA Municipal Environmental ResearchLaboratory• US Army Environmental Hygiene Agency• US Army Toxic and <strong>Hazardous</strong> Materials Agency• US Army Corp of Engineers' Research andDevelopment Laboratories (WES, CERL andCRREL)• Defense Logistics Agency3-2Public Libraries (EIR, EIS, local and state requirements)State Health Department3-3. Hydroge9logic conditionsa. Protection of ground-water resources is aprimary concern in the design and operation of anyfacility involved with the handling of wastes. Thepotential for pollution can develop if wastes are placed inimproper hydrogeologic settings where wastes and/orleachate products may easily enter the ground-watersystem.(1) Ground-water protection has been one of EPA'scentral concerns in devising a regulatory strategy forhazardous waste land disposal. A large number of thedocumented damage cases for hazardous waste landdisposal have involved ground-water contamination.Likewise the legislative history of RCRA, including thedamage cases cited in the 1976 Senate Report,indicates that the Congress was quite concerned aboutground-water contamination when it created thehazardous waste program. Accordingly, today'sregulations deal very explicitly with ground-waterprotection.(2) Ground-water protection can be ensured onlyCANCELLED

through a clear understanding of the hydrogeologicenvironment in which the wastes are to be placed.Hydrogeologic considerations to be addressed include:• Review of published and unpublished data onground-water availability and quality• Ground-water flow quantity and direction underthe site *• Relationship of the site to ground-water basinrecharge areas• Ground-water use near the site, including reviewof available well logs and water well inventories(available from some state agencies)• Identification of uppermost aquifers• Location of regional aquifers and aquicludes andregional flow informationb. Protection of surface-water resources is anotherimportant concern in the design and operation of ahazardous waste land disposal/land treatment facility. Asurface-water assessment of the site is recommended todetermine (1) water quality of streams and other surfacewatersources within the area, and (2) the ratio ofbaseflow discharge from upstream sources to anypotential permitted discharges (to determine how muchdilution occurs).c. Information relating to regional and sitehydrogeologic conditions on the following is alsorequired:• Geologic mapping of the site.• Detailed boring logs and test pits of subsurfacesoils and geology characterizing the base of theuppermost aquifer.• Detailed chemical analysis of all aquifers that arepotential water supply sources or which have thepotential for contamination.• Surface elevations and drainage.• Soil classification and geotechnical properties.• Measurement of permeability of soils andformations between the base of the disposalunit and uppermost aquifer.d. A comprehensive geotechnical testing programmight include:• Soil classification tests.• Compaction tests.• Unconfined compressive strength tests.• Triaxial compression tests.• Direct shear tests.• Permeability testing.• Background contaminant level tests (EM 11102-1906).These tests are typically conducted in accordance withAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)methods.e. Methods of approach for site investigations maybe found in Design of Small Dams, US Department ofInterior (1973), TM 5-818-1, NAVFAC DM 7.1 and EPAManual SW-963.f. Subsurface information obtained from boring3-3TM 5-814-7logs may also be supplemented by geophysical methods.Geophysical surveys give the designer the advantage ofexamining large areas at one time, facilitating thecorrelation of borehole data around the site anddelineation of overall site geology. However, it isimportant to note that the usefulness of a givengeophysical method is dependent on site-specificconditions and must be assessed on a case-by-casebasis. Geophysical methods include:(1) Electrical "E" Logs-This process involvesmeasuring electrical properties of soils and geologicformations in uncased boreholes. The data collected willyield information on potential of strata to transmit water,occurrence of water and general water quality. Cost mayvary depending on hole depth and condition.(2) Electrical Resistivity Survey-This methodemploys vertical electrical soundings (VES) whichtransmit electrical currents into the ground. The VESmay be considered an electrical "drill hole" which maydefine subsurface strata. This relatively inexpensivetechnique enables rapid evaluation of subsurfaceconditions to a depth of approximately 200 feet.(3) Magnetometer Survey-This method measuresmagnetic intensity of rock and strata for defining geologicstructure. Magnetometer surveys can cover large areasat minimum cost.(4) Seismic Refraction Survey-Seismic refractionsurveys use sonic waves created by small explosions (orsledge hammer or other vibro-mechanical means) tomap variations in bedrock hardness. These surveys canprovide information on competency of bedrock (indicativeof rock rippability) and degree of weathering, as well aschanges in these properties with depth. Seismic surveysare capable of scanning large areas for a moderate cost.g. Additional information on regional seismicity isrequired in seismically active areas of the United States:40 CFR 264.18 requires special seismic studies for newhazardous waste facilities in a number of western andmidwestern states. Appendix VI to part 264 lists politicaljurisdiction for which this requirement is mandated. Thedesign engineer is also advised to review seismic zonemaps presented in TM 5-809-10 (para 3-4) for additionalinformation. In seismically active areas, the services of asoils engineer familiar with seismic engineering may beneeded to determine the effects of seismic loads tofoundations and fills caused by ground acceleration andshaking. Static and dynamic analysis may be required topredict potential slope failure.h. In summary, data evaluation is critical toindividual facility siting and must consider maximumadvantage of the site's hydrogeologic and geotechnicalfactors. Assessment of soil engineering properties willdictate types of design and availability of on-site mateCANCELLED

ial. All facilities must be designed for specialized problemssuch as seismic shaking in seismically active areas, oexpansive soils.3-4. Climatic elementsa. Climatic conditions, particularly precipitation,evaporation, temperature, and wind, can significantly influencethe selection, design and operation of land disposal facilities.Adverse climatic conditions can, for example:(1) Prevent use or operation of• Surface Impoundments practicing evaporativedisposal of wastes, if annual precipitation is greaterthan annual evaporation.• <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> facilities, if soils in the treatment areaare frozen or saturated.(2) Restrict operation of—• Surface Impoundments, where heavy rainfall reducesstorage capacity.• <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> facilities, where lower temperatureswill decrease biodegradation rates.• <strong>Land</strong>fills, where (1) freezing soil or wastes interferewith proper placement of compaction of wastes, soilcover or earthfills, (2) accumulation of snow mayrequire clearing, or (3) snow melt may increase themoisture content of the waste.(3) Impact closure practices at impoundments andlandfills• Disruption of the compacted soil zone through frostheave (water migration and freezing in layers, lensesor veins of ice).• Sliding resulting from thawing of a shallow, saturatedzone of soil cover.• Rainfall erosion of the soil cover.b. Generalized climatic data are available from theNational Climatic Center of the National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service.Local meteorological data is often available at Armyinstallations that have air fields. In addition, some states haveofficial weather observation stations that offer climatic data.Selected publications which provide recorded data, frequencyand duration analyses, and general charts for various climaticelements are listed in the references (appendix A).c. Another source of information is the US WeatherBureau, whose 300 first-order weather stations provide dataon:• Daily and monthly temperature• Dewpoint• Precipitation• Pressure• Wind• Sunshine and cloud cover• Solar radiationd. Weather stations also publish climatic tables of3-4TM 5-814-7normal, mean and extreme values for long periods of recordand climatic maps of the United States. Design data directlyavailable from the US Weather Bureau include isobars for 24-hour rainfalls and for average annual lake evaporation.e. In addition, numerous theories, empirical correlations,modeling procedures and charts have been developed fordefining and predicting the impact of climatic elements ondesign. Those useful in designing land disposal facilitiesinclude equations for infiltration and run off, rainfall and winderosion, and wind waves; depth of freezing indices; andevaporation/evapotranspiration calculations. State and localagencies have used available climatic data to develop chartsand tables which can be used in these predictive calculationsincludingthe rainfall and storm recurrence tables and rainfallintensity/duration charts used for run-off calculations.3-5. Impact of site conditions on selection of disposalmethoda. Most regulations dealing with disposal to land clearlyreflect the sensitive relationship between waste type, disposalmethod, and potential for natural or engineered protection ofthe environment at the proposed disposal facility. Sites thatare designed to accept only solid, generally inert substances,obviously require fewer natural containment features than dothose intended for liquid hazardous waste. Similarly, siting ofwaste piles or land treatment facilities may be far lessrestrictive than siting of impoundments.b. Site conditions which obviously prohibit developmentof a disposal site of any type are wetlands and locations incritical aquifer recharge areas. Site conditions that impactselection of disposal methods fall into three basic areas (1)ability for ground-water protection, (2) potential for surfacewater contact with wastes, and (3) availability of materialsrequired by each disposal method. Almost any negative sitecondition can be overcome by engineering designs; however,these engineering solutions can often result in unacceptableeconomic impacts and/or regulatory monitoring requirements.(1) In selecting a disposal method, two key elementsregarding ground-water protection must be considered: (1)vertical separation of wastes from the uppermost groundwater,and (2) permeability of the subsurface materialproviding the hydraulic separation. These two elements areinterrelated. Far less separation between waste and groundwatercan be tolerated in a low permeability clay environmentthan in a site underlain by sand and gravel. However, designconsiderations of the natural ground-water setting can begreatly influenced by regulations mandated by 40 CFR 264requiring the placement of impermeable liners beneathlandfills, impoundments and waste piles.CANCELLED

(a) Surface impoundments should be sited anddesigned with maximum protection of ground waterprovided by liners, low permeability clay (10-8 cm/sec)underlying soils, and maximum separation. Thehydraulic head formed in the impoundment provides for ahigh potential for liquid seepage and subsurfacemigration.(b) Since potential for buildup of hydraulic headin landfills and waste piles is much less than forimpoundments, siting criteria can be somewhat relaxedfor these facilities. With liners beneath the waste, soilswith permeabilities in the vicinity of 10-6 cm/sec (silts,silty clays) may be acceptable separation materials.(c) In land treatment facilities little or nohydraulic head buildup is created; however, strictoperational criteria are required by RCRA to ensure theirprotection. Such facilities can be located in most localesthat provide a minimum separation from groundwater ofapproximately 10 feet, and moderately low permeabilitysoils (10-4 to 10-5 cm/sec-silty sands, silts).(d) Limitations in locating injection wells arediscussed in paragraph 5-5.(2) Isolation of wastes from surface water is a majorconcern in the design and locating of all disposalmethods. It is highly recommended that disposal unitsbe located out of a 100-year flood plain and away fromtopographic areas prone to flash flooding and/or severeerosion; avoidance of flood plain areas may bemandatory for certain types of hazardous wastes. Alldisposal modes (landfills, impoundments, etc.) should bedesigned with drainage diversion and surface run onprotection and isolation facilities (i.e., berms, dikes, etc.).High design and construction costs may be associatedwith sites located within flood areas and/or in areasrequiring diversion of surface runoff from largeupgradient watersheds. With proper facility design,surface water conditions should not be a major factor inselection of a disposal type, but only in selection ofdesign criteria.3-5TM 5-814-7(3) Each disposal type has its own soil requirementsfor construction and operation. Although all materialscan be imported from off-site sources, project costs can,as a result, become prohibitive. In sites located in areasunderlain by shallow cemented bedrock, nearly all soilmaterials may need to be imported; as a result, costs forlandfilling in such areas can be prohibitive. Sitesunderlain by clay deposits significantly reduce the cost ofconstruction of all types of disposal facilities. Below is asummary of soil needs for different disposal methods:<strong>Disposal</strong> Type<strong>Land</strong>fillSurfaceImpoundments<strong>Waste</strong> Piles<strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong>Soil NeedsDaily and intermediate cover;a variety of soil types areacceptable.Final cover soils must be lowpermeability clays.Liner soil must be clay.Liner soil must be lowpermeability clay.Liner soil must be low permeabilityclay.<strong>Treatment</strong> zone must haveminimum of 5 feet of suitablesoil, as described in section5-4 b (2).3-6. Design requirements imposed by hydrogeologicconditionsLess than ideal hydrogeologic conditions can beovercome by engineering designs in all but the mostextreme conditions. However, the site owner/operatormust be aware that great expense may be involved inthese engineering solutions, and may make the projecteconomically unfeasible. Table 3-2 summarizes themajor design/operational requirements imposed byunfavorable hydrogeologic conditions.CANCELLED

Table 3-2. Design/Operational RequirementsImposed by Hydrogeologic ConditionsTM 5-814-7Unfavorable Hydrogeologic ConditionsGround WaterHigh ground-water tableHigh permeability soilsRequirementsPlacement of impermeable liners; dewatering systems to lower groundwater; increased monitoring.Surface WaterWithin flood plainConstruction of perimeter dikesnevees; liners to interrupt connectionbetween ground and surfacewaters; construction of drainage diversion facilities.Inter-related to shallow groundwater beneath facilityExtensive upgradient watershedFaultsLocation of facilities outside of a fault buffer zone.SoilsInadequate soils for cover orImportation of soils that meet regulatory requirements.impermeable barriers*Active Karst ZonesSinkhole-prone areasLocation of facilities outside of active Karst zones is recommended.Solution channels*As used here, inadequate means either (1) unable to meet regulatory requirements for soil type and permeability, or(2) insufficient quantities to meet design/operational needs.US Army Corps of Engineers3-6CANCELLED

CHAPTER 44-1. Impact of the waste stream on selection ofdisposal type.a. The physical state of the hazardous waste andthe chemical characteristics of the waste are the twomost important factors to be evaluated in selecting theappropriate disposal option. With respect to physicalstate, disposal options at Army installations for bulk liquidhazardous wastes and sludges with leachable liquids arelimited to surface impoundments and, in certain specialcases, injection wells. The latter, rarely used because ofthe hydrogeologic constraints inherent in their siting, aresuitable for large quantities of aqueous wastes, includingacids, alkalies, inorganic brines and oily waste waters(see chapter 5).b. Most solid hazardous wastes are disposed of inlandfills; however, small quantities of semi-solid and solidhazardous wastes such as mine tailings are stored ortreated in waste piles. It is important to note that RCRAregulations stipulate that waste piles may not be used asan ultimate disposal method; if the owner/operator of awaste pile wants to dispose of the accumulated wastes,he must obtain a landfill permit and manage the pile as alandfill.c. The second major factor concerning the wastestream that impacts selection of disposal type is thechemical/physical characteristics of the waste.Restrictions based on these characteristics are thatignitable or reactive wastes may not be placed in afacility unless the waste is rendered non-ignitable or nonreactiveand incompatible wastes may not be placed inthe same facility.4-2. Design and handling constraints imposed bywaste compositiona. The physical and chemical characteristics of aparticular waste impose the primary constraints inmanaging these wastes. Characteristics which must beconsidered include ignitability, reactivity, corrosivity,compatibility and physical state (liquid or a solid). Othercomposition factors which must be evaluated are thechemical makeup of the waste, its mobility in soil (andwater), metal concentrations and, indirectly, thecontainerization method.b. Ignitability and reactivity are defined in 40 CFR261. These definitions, in combination with the federalrequirements given in the <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> PermitProgram outline the requirements and waste compositionconstraints for individual hazardous waste facilities;surface impoundments, waste piles, land treatDISPOSAL AND HANDLINGCONSTRAINTS IMPOSED BY WASTE COMPOSITION4-1TM 5-814-7ment and landfills. In general, ignitable or reactive wastemust not be placed in a hazardous waste facility unless"the waste is treated, rendered, or mixed before orimmediately after placement so that the resulting waste,mixture, or dissolution of material no longer meets thedefinition of ignitable or reactive waste" (40 CFR 264).c. Incompatible wastes may not be treated ordisposed of unless the owner or operator takesprecautions to prevent reactions which: (1) Generateextreme heat or pressure, fire or explosions, or violentreactions.(2) Produce uncontrolled toxic mists, fumes,dusts, or gases in sufficient quantities to threaten humanhealth or the environment.(3) Produce uncontrolled flammable fumes orgases in sufficient quantities to pose a risk of fire orexplosions.(4) Damage the structural integrity of thedevice or facility.(5) Threaten human health or the environmentthrough similar means.d. The owner or operator of a waste pile must alsophysically separate any pile containing wastes potentiallyincompatible with materials stored nearby in containers,open tanks, etc., by means of a dike, wall, berm, orsimilar means.e. Chemical composition may also impose somehandling/disposal constraints. For example, if the wastematerial is defined as toxic by the EPA ExtractionProcedure Toxicity Characteristic (40 CFR 261.24) or theAcute <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> Designation [40 CFR261.11(2)], special handling or disposal methods may berequired. Another impact the design engineer shouldconsider is the potential effect of toxic organic emissionsfrom the treatment/disposal of selected halogenatedorganic compounds; several states are now consideringthe elimination of disposal of these materials.4-3. <strong>Waste</strong> analysis plana. 40 CFR 264, subpart B, requires that owners oroperators of all hazardous waste management facilitiesobtain a chemical and physical analysis of arepresentative sample of all waste to be managed bytheir facilities. At a minimum, the analysis must containall the information necessary to treat, store, or dispose ofthe wastes properly in accordance with part 264.b. The analysis may include data from part 261CANCELLED

(Identification and Listing of <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>), andexisting published or documented data on the hazardouswaste or on hazardous waste generated from similarprocesses. At a minimum the plan must specify: (1) Thewaste sampling method used to obtain a representativesample.(2) The parameters selected for laboratoryanalysis for each waste, including those required insubparts J through Q.(3) The rationale for selection of theseparameters for laboratory analysis.(4) The methods or procedures applied duringlaboratory analysis.(5) The frequency of sampling and analysis tobe conducted on subsequent shipments of the samewaste to ensure that the analysis is accurate and up todate.(6) For off-site facilities, the sampling methodsand procedures used to identify each movement ofhazardous waste to ensure that the wastes are the sameas those indicated on the accompanying manifest orshipping paper.c. 40 CFR 264.13(aX3) requires that the plan be up4-2TM 5-814-7dated and changed as needed to remain accurate.d. The waste analysis plan must include analyticalmethods to determine ignitability (section 261.21),reactivity (section 261.23) and incompatibility (appendixV, part 264) with respect to the disposal/treatmentmethod. Section 264.17 gives the general requirementsfor handling these types of wastes and outlines wasteconstituent constraints which should be considered indeveloping the waste analysis plan.e. Each facility also has unique identification(analysis) requirements which would be contained in thewaste analysis plan. For example, a "trial test" isrequired whenever a "substantially different" waste orprocess is introduced to a surface impoundment; landtreatment and landfill operations require theowner/operator to obtain information on the composition,characteristics, and mobility of the wastes to determinethe extent of closure and post-closure care which will benecessary to protect human health and the environment.f. Analytical methods, to ensure compliance withthe regulatory requirements, are contained in EPA SW-846.CANCELLED

5-1. Introductiona. This chapter of the manual presents a generaldiscussion of landfills, surface impoundments, landtreatment, deep well injection and waste piles withrespect to:• <strong>Waste</strong>s Suitable for <strong>Disposal</strong>• Limitations of Each <strong>Disposal</strong> Option• <strong>Disposal</strong> Procedures• Design Elements• Equipmentb. The treatment of each of these topics is brief,focusing on the needs of the design engineer. Whereappropriate, reference has been made to sourcedocuments for additional information on these topics.With respect to design elements, this chaptersummarizes the elements required for each of the fivedisposal options at Army installations. Since theseelements constitute the key design tools for meetingRCRA requirements for hazardous waste landtreatment/disposal facilities, they are treated in detail inchapter 6.c. Table 5-1 lists the design elements required forDA land disposal/land treatment facilities and refers tothe sections of the manual where these are discussed indetail. Figure 5-1 presents a conceptual layout of ahazardous waste facility master plan with landfill, surfaceimpoundment, land treatment, and waste pile units.d. The design engineer should be familiar withclosure requirements for a given unit; therefore, theseareCHAPTER 5LAND DISPOSAL/LAND TREATMENT OPTIONSTable 5-1. Design Features Required by RCRAFor DA <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Disposal</strong>/land <strong>Treatment</strong> Facilities a<strong>Disposal</strong>/<strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> FacilitiesTM 5-814-7included in this chapter for each disposal option underthe section on Design Elements. Closure standards,mandated by 40 CFR 264, subpart G, are designed toextend protection of human health and the environmentbeyond the active life of a facility.e. As defined by RCRA, each of the disposaloptions has characteristics that distinguishes it from theothers; however, as noted below, some overlapping indefinition occurs with landfills and surfaceimpoundments. The RCRA definitions of these fivedisposal options are summarized below.(1) A landfill is defined in 40 CFR 260.10 as adisposal facility or part of a facility where hazardouswaste in bulk or containerized form is placed in or onland, typically in excavated trenches or cells. However,DA hazardous waste landfills must not accept bulkliquids or sludges with leachable liquids.(2) A surface impoundment, according to 40CFR 262.10, is a facility (or part of a facility) that is anatural topographic depression, man-made excavation,or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials(although it may be lined with man-made materials)designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes orwastes containing free liquid. According to this definition,a surface impoundment is assumed to have a fluidsurface and hold non-containerized free bulk liquids.Examples of surface impoundments are holding,storage, settling, and aeration pits, ponds, and lagoons.Surface impoundments can be classified as disposal,storage or treatment facilities, as follows:Facility Elements Reference b Surface<strong>Waste</strong> Piles <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Land</strong>fillsImpoundments<strong>Treatment</strong>Liner System C 6-3 Required Required NA RequiredLeak Detection System 6-4 Required Required NA RequiredMonitoring Wells 8-3 Required Required Required RequiredLeachate Collection and 6-4 NA Required NA RequiredRemoval SystemsRun-on/Run-off Controls 6-5 Required Required Required RequiredWind Dispersal Controls 6-8 NA Required Required RequiredOvertopping Controls 6-8 Required NA NA NACap (Final Cover) 6-7 Required (disposal) NA NA RequiredClosure and Post- 5-2, 5-3, Required (disposal) NA Required RequiredClosure Care 5-4CANCELLEDa Injection wells are excluded from this table since their design features are unique. See paragraph 5-5 of this manual.b Paragraph(s) in this TM describing the design feature.c Double liners are required at all DA installations unless a waiver is obtained from HQ, (DAEN-ECE-G), Washington, DC20314US Army Corps of Engineers.5-1

TM 5-814-7Figure 5-1. Illustrative hazardous waste master plan.5-2CANCELLED

(a) <strong>Disposal</strong>-<strong>Hazardous</strong> wastesremain after closure.(b) Storage-<strong>Waste</strong>s are held for atemporary period and removed at closure.(c) <strong>Treatment</strong>-<strong>Waste</strong>s are modifiedphysically or chemically to render them less toxic,mobile, or otherwise less hazardous.(3) A land treatment unit is a facility or partof a facility at which hazardous waste is applied onto orincorporated into the soil surface. As provided in 40CFR 264, subpart M, a waste must not be land treatedunless the hazardous constituents in the waste can bedegraded, transformed or immobilized in the treatmentzone (ranging up to 5 feet in depth). Units designedprimarily for the purpose of dewatering without treatmentare considered surface impoundments rather than landtreatment units. <strong>Land</strong> treatment units are unlike otherland disposal units in that they are not designed andoperated to minimize all releases to ground-water;rather, they are open systems that allow liquids to moveout of the unit.(4) Underground injection is the subsurfaceemplacement of fluids through a bored, drilled, or drivenwell, or through a dug well, wherein the depth of the dugwell is greater than the largest surface dimension.Septic tanks or cesspools used to dispose of hazardouswaste have been specifically included in the RCRAdefinition of injection well.(5) A waste pile is any non-containerizedaccumulation of solid, non-flowing hazardous waste thatis used for treatment or storage; however, waste pilesmay not be used to intentionally dispose of wastes. If theowner or operator of a waste pile wishes to dispose ofwastes, he must apply for a landfill permit and managethe pile as a landfill. Piles are generally small, and manyare in buildings or maintained outside on concrete orother pads. They are frequently used to accumulatewaste before shipment, treatment, or disposal and aretypically composed of a single dry material.5-2. <strong>Land</strong>fillsa. Suitable wastes. The primary restriction onlandfilling of hazardous wastes is the elimination of liquiddisposal. Bulk liquids or sludges with leachable liquidsmust not be landfilled at DA hazardous waste facilities;disposal of such wastes will be permitted only in surfaceimpoundments. RCRA regulations permit disposal ofsmall quantities of liquids in small containers in anoverpack drum (lab pack), provided that the lattercontains sufficient absorbent material to absorb all of theliquid contents of the inside containers. The insidecontainers must be non-leaking and compatible with thecontained waste. The overpack drum must be an openhead DOT-specification metal shipping container of nomore than 110-gallon capacity. Batteries,TM 5-814-7capacitors or similar non-storage containers whichcontain free liquids may not be landfilled. Acutelyhazardous wastes such as carcinogens must besolidified prior to disposal, regardless of their quantities.b. <strong>Disposal</strong> constraints. <strong>Land</strong>fills should besited in a hydrogeologic setting that provides maximumisolation of the waste from ground-water. This isachieved by vertical separation of wastes from theuppermost ground-water, and low permeability of thesubsurface material providing the hydraulic separation.In addition, the landfill must be located above the 100-year flood level and not interfere with major surfacedrainage.(1) Ideally, the soils in the area should besuitable for daily cover as well as final cover. In coldregions where frost penetration is significant (3 to 6 feet),the cover material should be stockpiled and maintainedin as dry a condition as possible to facilitate wintertimeoperations.(2) Location of landfills in karst terrain (orsimilar geologic formations) and in seismic zones 3 and4 (as defined in TM 5-809-10) should be avoidedwhenever possible. However, if landfills are sited in suchareas, the following precautions should be taken:(a) An extensive geologicalinvestigation must be performed to ensure that thefacility is not located on or in the near vicinity of sinkholes or caverns and that the soil and rock in the areaare suitable for location of this type of facility.(b) After the final site selection hasbeen completed, USACE (DAEN-ECE-G) shall benotified of proposed location and geological conditions.This notification shall be made a minimum of 30 daysbefore design begins.c. Procedures. <strong>Disposal</strong> by landfilling involvesplacement of wastes in a secure containment systemthat consists of double liners, a leak detection system, aleachate collection system and final cover. <strong>Waste</strong>sdelivered to the landfill are unloaded by forklift or frontendloaders and placed in the active waste lift.<strong>Hazardous</strong> materials shall be segregated in cells orsubcells according to physical and chemicalcharacteristics to prevent mixing of incompatible wastes.Following their placement, the hazardous wastes arecovered with sufficient soil to prevent wind dispersal.Successive lifts are placed and the cover soil graded sothat any direct precipitation is collected in a sump. AllCANCELLED5-3direct precipitation collected in the sump is tested forcontamination. As filling continues, wastes are placed soas to direct any run off toward a temporary sump at thelower segment of the base liner. For operations duringextremely wet conditions, tarps may be used to cover theactive area to minimize infiltration of rainfall. In highrainfall regions, semi-permanent roof/rainfall protectioncan be installed over the entire cell using either rigid orstress-tensionedstructures

5-4The structure should be designed to prevent all rainfallfrom entering the cell until final cover is completed; thenit is dismantled and erected over the next cell. Anotheralternative to operations during extremely wet weather isto containerize or store wastes until the rainfall season isover. As areas of the secure landfill are filled to finalgrade, a final soil cover is installed in accordance withthe facility’s operation plan. Figure 5-2 illustrates atypical landfill operations plan.d. The major design elements of hazardouswastes landfills, discussed in detail in chapter 6, are:• Double liners• A leak detection system between the liners• A leachate collection and removal systemabove the liner• Run-on and run-off control systems• A final cover to minimize infiltration ofprecipitation into the closed landfill(1) The base liner system is designed andconstructed to prevent migration of wastes during theactive life of the disposal unit into the liner, and out of thelandfill into subsurface soil, ground-water or surfacewater. A leak detection system between the doubleliners enables the detection and removal of any seepage,and evaluation of liner performance.(2) Located above the double liners is theleachate collection and removal system, which consistsof slotted drainage pipes designed to collect leachatethat flows under the influence of gravity to low pointswithin the landfill. The leachate collection and removalsystem must be designed and operated to ensure thatthe depth of leachate over the liner does not exceed 1foot.e. Closure. Closure of a landfill is achieved byinstalling a final cover which has a permeability less thanor equal to that of the bottom liner. The cover should becapable of (1) minimizing infiltration of liquids, (2)functioning with minimum maintenance, (3) promotingdrainage and minimizing erosion of cover, and (4)accommodating settling and subsidence.f. Equipment needs. Secure landfills requireequipment for (1) handling wastes and cover material,(2) performing support functions, (3) spill and fire control,and (4) decontamination. For waste handling, a forkliftand a front-end loader are typically used to unload andplace containers and solid materials in assigned activewaste lifts. Dozers and self-loading scrapers are used tospread and compact cover material. For grading finalsurfaces, the crawler dozer is effective; it caneconomically doze earth over distances up to 300 feet.Scrapers can haul cover material economically overrelatively long distances (more than 1, 000 feet). Sinceconstruction equipment is heavy when loaded,precautions must be taken in placing initial lifts of wastesover the base liner. Subsequent lifts of bulk wastes andsoil cover should be consoli-TM 5-814-7dated by compactors to minimize settlement.(1) Support equipment for a secure landfillmay include a road grader, water truck, pickup trucksand vacuum trucks. The road grader can be used tomaintain dirt and gravel roads on the site, to grade thesoil cover, and to maintain any unlined drainagechannels surrounding the fill. Water trucks range fromconverted tank trucks to highly specialized, heavyvehicles that are generally used in road constructionoperations. They are used at the landfill for construction,to control dust, and if necessary, fight fires.(2) In accordance with 40 CFR 264.32, allfacilities must be equipped with communication or alarmsystems, fire control equipment, spill control equipment,and decontamination equipment (unless an exemption isobtained from the EPA Regional Administrator [RA]).Paragraph 7-1 describes procedures and equipmentrequired for facility contingency plans.(3) All equipment used to unload andplace wastes must be decontaminated before beingtaken out of the disposal operation and staging area.Incoming vehicles not used in the unloading operationshould be restricted to staging areas, or clean soil areaswithin the landfill.5-3. Surface Impoundmentsa. <strong>Waste</strong>s suitable for impoundments.Surface impoundments are used for the evaporation andtreatment of bulk aqueous wastes. Typical DA wasteswhich would be considered appropriate forimpoundments include waste acids and rinse water withtraces of propellant. Reactive wastes must not beplaced in a surface impoundment unless they are madenonreactive and defined in 40 CFR 261.23. Since mixingof wastes is inherent in a surface impoundment,incompatible wastes should not be placed in the sameimpoundment. The potential dangers from the mixing ofincompatible wastes include extreme heat, fire,explosion, violent reaction, production of toxic mists,fumes, dusts, or gases, and damage to the structuralintegrity of the surface impoundment. Clearly thepotential inpacts on human health or the environmentwhich could result from such conditions must be avoided.b. <strong>Disposal</strong> constraints. Surfaceimpoundments should be located in a hydrogeologicsetting that limits vertical and horizontal hydrauliccontinuity with ground-water. Surface impoundmentsshould be sited and designed with maximum protectionof groundwater provided by liners, and low-permeabilityunderlying soils. The hydraulic head formed in theimpoundment provides for a high potential for liquidseepage and subsurface migration. The precautionsconcerning location of landfills in karst terrain or seismiczones 3 and 4 also pertain to surface impoundments(see para 5-2b(2)).CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Figure 5-2. <strong>Land</strong>fill operations plan.5-5CANCELLED

c. Procedures. Impoundment of hazardous wasteinvolves disposing of liquid wastes in a man-madeexcavation or diked area that ranges in surface areafrom tenths to hundreds of acres. <strong>Waste</strong>s are typicallydelivered to the impoundment by pipe systems or bulktankers which offload into the impoundment at a"discharge apron."(1) During the time that the liquid wastes areimpounded, operations include, but are not limited to, thefollowing inspection activities:• Monitoring to ensure that liquids do not riseinto the freeboard (prevention of overtopping)• Inspecting containment berms for signs ofleakage or erosion• Periodic sampling, if needed, of theimpounded wastes for selected chemicalparameters• Inspecting periodically for floral and faunalactivities (such as animal burrows) that couldcause leaks through earthen dikes, levees orembankments• Monitoring of leak detection systems(2) The major operations at an impoundmentinvolve "removal" of the liquid waste. There are anumber of different methods for removing liquid wastes;each method must be implemented in accordance withthe standards described in this manual. <strong>Waste</strong> removalmethods include:(a) Decanting-Liquids within or ponded onthe surface of the impoundment can be removed bygravity flow or pumping to a treatment facility if there isnot a large percentage of settleable solids.(b) Pumping and settling-Liquids orslurries composed of suspended or partially suspendedsolids can be removed by pumping into a lined settlingpond and then decanting. Sludges are disposed of in adry state, and either returned to the impoundment ordisposed of in another contained site.(c) Solar drying-Liquids are removed byevaporation; sludges remaining after evaporation are leftin the impoundment or disposed of in another containedsite. Note that volatile organics shall not be handled inthis manner.(d) Chemical neutralization-Aqueouswaste with low levels of hazardous constituentsfrequently lends itself to chemical neutralization andsubsequent normal discharge under NPDES permitrequirements.(e) Infiltration-Certain aqueous waste canbe handled by infiltration through soil, provided that thehazardous substances are removed by either soilattenuation or underdrain collection of the solute.Collected solutes are usually treated.(f) Process reuse-Some aqueous wastecan be recycled in the manufacturing process a numberof times until the contaminants are at a level requiringdisposal by one of the methods previously mentioned.5-6TM 5-814-7Reuse does not dispose of the waste but cansignificantly reduce the quantities requiring disposal.(g) Addition of Absorbents-Materials canbe added to aqueous impounded wastes to absorb freeliquids. Absorbents include fly ash, kiln dust andcommercially available sorbents. The designer shouldavoid selecting biodegradable absorbents such as strawor rice, since they can decompose, resulting in theformation of landfill gas, or contribute to void space,which might lead to subsidence.(3) Cleaning and closure processes normallyinvolve removal of waste residuals from theimpoundment. Removal methods for settled residuesand contaminated soil include removal of the sedimentas a slurry by hydraulic dredging; excavation of thesediments with a jet of high-pressure water or air;vacuum transport of powdery sediments; or excavationof hard solidified sediments by either dragline, front-endloader or bulldozer. Sediments removed by one of thesemethods may require dewatering to comply with EPAguidelines for disposal.(4) When residual wastes will be left in theimpoundment at closure (e.g., the impoundment is usedfor disposal), the wastes must be stabilized to a bearingcapacity sufficient to support the final cover. Typically,stabilization is achieved by either passive (evaporation)or active dewatering. Active processes, includingmechanical dewatering or thermal drying, are describedin EPA SW-873.d. Design elements. Basic design requirements forsurface impoundments mandated by 40 CFR 264include:(1) Double liners with a leak detection systemand monitoring wells to prevent wastes from migratinginto subsurface soil and ground water and surface waterduring the active life of the site (see figures 6-2 and 6-5).(2) Prevention of overtopping the sides of theimpoundment.(3) Construction specifications that ensure thestructural integrity of dikes.e. Closure. As specified in 40 CFR 264, a surfaceimpoundment can be closed in one of two ways: (1)Removing or decontaminating all wastes, wasteresidues, system components (such as liners), subsoilsand structures or equipment. No post-closure care isrequired as long as removal or decontamination iscomplete.(2) Removing liquid waste or solidifying theremaining waste. A final cover will be placed over theclosed impoundment. Post-closure care will consist ofmonitoring ground-water and conducting correctiveaction if it is warranted (see para 8-5), and maintainingthe effectiveness of the final cover. For a doublelineddisposal unit, the leak detection system will be monitoredas part of post-closure care.CANCELLED

f. Equipment needs. Equipment for surfaceimpoundments includes that needed for• Removal of liquid from the impoundment.• Removal of settled residuals andcontaminated soil.• Dewatering sediments prior to their finaldisposal.• Solidification and stabilization of residualwastes.(1) At the time of closure, impounded liquid canbe removed by a number of methods described inparagraph 5-3c; typical equipment used for this purposeis a centrifugal pump or a hydraulic pipeline dredge.<strong>Waste</strong> residuals can be removed by means of a vacuumtruck to pump slurried sediment from the impoundment,a rotary cutter to remove hardened sediments that do notflow freely, or a dragline or front-end loader to excavatehard, solidified sediments. To dewater sediments, filterpresses may be used to produce a nonflowable solid.(2) Any equipment used for liquid sedimentremoval or dewatering must be decontaminated beforebeing taken out of the disposal operation area.5-4. <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong>a. Suitable <strong>Waste</strong>s. <strong>Land</strong> treatment is potentially acost-effective method of disposing of industrial wastessuch as bulk organic sludges that have a high watercontent. A variety of industrial wastes, effluents, sludgesand solid wastes are suitable for treatment and disposalby the land treatment method, including those containingor derived from hazardous constituents listed in appendixVIII of 40 CFR 261. However, for wastes that containvery high concentrations of toxic organics, a disposalmethod other than land treatment is required.(1) <strong>Hazardous</strong> waste land treatment facilitiesmust include plans for conducting a treatmentdemonstration and reporting the complete demonstrationresults. The objective of the demonstration is toestablish the operating practices that will completelydegrade, transform or immobilize hazardousconstituents. Regardless of the demonstration methodselected, the following criteria must be met:• Accurate simulation of the characteristicsand operating conditions of the proposedtreatment unit, including-waste characteristics-climate in the area-regional topography-soil characteristics and depth of thetreatment zone-operating practices to be used• Complete degradation, transformation, orimmobilization in the treatment zone of thehazardous constituents in the waste5-7TM 5-814-7• Operation of the land treatment unit in amanner that protects human health and theenvironment(2) Additional information on conducting atreatment demonstration, selecting appropriate fieldtests, and designing test procedures for thedemonstration is presented in EPA SW-874.(3) Special requirements for ignitable orreactive wastes and for incompatible wastes arecontained in 40 CFR 264.281 and 264.282. Ignitableand reactive wastes must be immediately incorporatedinto the soil so that they are no longer consideredignitable or reactive. They must also be protected fromany material or condition that could cause ignition orreaction. Incompatible wastes, such as those listed inappendix V of 40 CFR 264, may not be placed in thesame treatment zone unless precautions are taken toavoid fires, explosion and violent reactions, thegeneration of heat and pressure, the production of toxicmists, fumes and gas, or the creation of other conditionsthat might threaten human health or the environment.Federal regulations (40 CFR 264.276) also outlinespecial requirements for application of cadmium andother hazardous wastes to lands used for growth of foodchaincrops.b. The land treatment option is limited by (1) theavailability of sufficient quantities of usable land, (2) theassimilative capacity of the plant-soil system, (3)regulatory restrictions concerning food-chain crops, and(4) environmental conditions.(1) The availability of sufficient quantities ofusable land is dependent upon a number of additionallimiting factors, including the application rate andregulatory requirements specifying the depth of thetreatment zone.(a) The application rate is dependent notonly on the waste constituent, but also on theassimilative capacity of the soil (see EPA SW-874).While it is theoretically possible to specify landapplication rates and required land areas for mostwastes, in practice, the complete degradation,transformation or immobilization of some constituentswould require application over such large tracts of landthat land treatment would not be cost-effective.Economic factors might therefore preclude landtreatment of some wastes.(b) With respect to the treatment zone,EPA regulations require that the zone which wastes areintroduced be no deeper than 5 feet and that there be a3-foot separation between the bottom of the treatmentzone and the seasonal high water table. Theserequirements could limit land treatment in certain areas.(2) The second factor limiting the landtreatment option is the assimilative capacity of the plantsoilsystem to handle a particular hazardous waste; thisis a complex limiting factor due to the large number ofvariables within the system. Among these are thephysical, chemical, and biological properties of theCANCELLED

particular soil, the compatibility of the soil and the wasteto be treated, and the capacity of the soil to receive andtransmit water (hydraulic capacity). These variables aredescribed in detail in Overcash, 1981, a definitive text onland treatment. In addition to identifying the factorslimiting land treatment as a disposal option, Overcashpresents detailed procedures for the design of landtreatment systems for all waste types.(3) The third limiting factor, regulatoryrestrictions concerning food-chain crops, is alsocomplex. For most hazardous constituents, RCRAstipulates that there can be no uptake by food-chaincrops and no greater concentration of the constituents inthe crop than is found in the surrounding area. Assummarized in 40 CFR 264.276, the owner/operator of aland treatment unit must demonstrate that there is no"substantial risk to human health caused by the growth ofsuch crops in or on the treatment zone."(a) This objective may be met either bydemonstrating that hazardous constituents will not betransferred to food or feed portions of a crop, or will notoccur in greater concentrations in or on identical cropsgrown on untreated soils under similar conditions in thesame region. Both of these options require that thefollowing be addressed: crop uptake, physical adherenceto the crop, and direct ingestion of contaminated soil bygrazing animals.(b) With respect to hazardous wastescontaining cadmium, even more restrictive limitationsapply. If such wastes are to be land treated, thefollowing criteria must be met:• A pH of at least 6.5• An application rate of no more than 0.44lb/acres/yr• Limits on cumulative application, as dictatedby the soil's caution exchange capacity• Special conditions for animal feed (specificdetails are outlined in 40 CFR 264.276)(4) The last limiting factor, environmentalconditions, actually refers to a number of natural featuresthat restrict the siting of a land treatment unit. Theprecautions concerning location of landfills in karstterrain or seismic zones 3 and 4 also pertain to landtreatment facilities (see para 5-2b(2)). In general,limiting environmental conditions should either beavoided or should serve as design constraints indeveloping the facility layout. These include:• Hydrogeologic Conditions-Bedrock outcrops-Irregularities such as fissures or faults -Aquifer recharge zones-Flood-prone areas such as river flood plains-Wetlands-Karst terrain-Seasonally high water tables (< 4-6 ft)5-8TM 5-814-7-Proximity to private or community watersupply wells or reservoirs• Climate-Location upwind of large populations-Extremely wet or cold conditions• Topography -Steep slopes -Broken terrain• Soils-Thin soil above ground-water-Saline soils-Highly permeable soils above shallowground water-Soils with extreme erosion potential• <strong>Land</strong> use -Areas formerly used for landfills-Areas contaminated with persistentresidues from past chemical spills or wastetreatment processingc. Procedures. <strong>Land</strong> treatment is both a method ofdisposal and a treatment mechanism. It involvesapplying a waste to land and incorporating it into the soil,where it undergoes biochemical action which attenuatesits negative impact on the environment. A number oftechniques are available for applying the waste,depending largely on the wastewater content, but alsohinging on such considerations as soil properties,topography and climate.(1) For land application purposes, wastes aregenerally classified as* Liquid (less than 8 percent solids, with particlediameters less than 1 inch)* Semiliquid (8 to 15 percent solids and/or particlediameters greater than 1 inch)* Solid (greater than 15 percent solids)(2) Application of liquid wastes is generallyaccomplished by either spraying the waste on the landwith sprinklers or by using flood or furrow irrigationtechniques. Semiliquid sludges are normally applied bysurface spreading, with subsequent incorporation intothe soil, or by subsurface injection 4 to 8 inches belowthe soil surface. Low-moisture solids are spread on thesurface and later incorporated into the soil (figure 5-3).(3) <strong>Waste</strong> volatility, site terrain and weatherconditions may dictate the choice of other applicationtechniques, regardless of the water content of the waste.For example, highly volatile wastes should not be appliedby irrigation or surface spreading, but be injected at least6 inches below the soil surface. On steep slopes or infreezing weather, alternatives to spray irrigation willlikewise be required. The objectives in any landtreatment system, regardless of method used, areuniform application of wastes, and use of applicationrates within the assimilative capacity of the soil.CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Figure 5-3. <strong>Land</strong> treatment area details.5-9CANCELLED

d. Design elements. Design requirements, as wellas requirements for construction, operation andmaintenance, of a land treatment facility are specified inthe facility permit to ensure compliance with regulations.The design goal must be to maximize the degradation,transformation or immobilization of hazardousconstituents in the specified treatment zone, inaccordance with all design and operating conditions usedin the treatment demonstration; and minimize both runoffof hazardous constituents from the treatment area andinflow of water into the treatment area.(1) Fulfillment of these specific designrequirements, as well as meeting the principal designgoal of nondegradation of the land, requires a number ofsteps, including analysis of the waste stream and site soilcharacteristics, evaluation of waste-soil interactions andsite assimilative capacity, determination of applicationrate, selection of an application method, and layout of thefacility and control structures.(2) 40 CFR 264.278 of RCRA requires anunsaturated zone monitoring program for all landtreatment units to determine whether hazardousconstituents have migrated below the treatment zone.Soil and soil pore liquid must be monitored on abackground plot and immediately below the treatmentzone. If any migration is detected, the owner/operator ofthe land treatment unit must notify the EPA RegionalAdministration (RA) of this finding within seven days.Within 90 days the owner/operator should recommendmodifications to the facility permit that will maximizetreatment of hazardous constituents within the treatmentzone.(3) There are several possible configurationsfor a land treatment facility, including single cell, rotatingcell and progressive cell configurations. In the single cellconfiguration a waste is applied uniformly over therequired acreage without subdividing the land treatmentarea. In the progressive cell configuration (figure 5-3),the land treatment unit is subdivided into cells or areaswhich are treated sequentially, cultivated andrevegetated.(4) Adequate buffer zones should be providedbetween the land treatment unit and property boundariesto minimize odor problems, permit easy access to waterretention facilities, and allow implementation ofcontingency measures to control unusual runoff.(5) To protect ground-water, surface watersand off-site property, water management facilities mustbe designed and coordinated with application methodand facility configuration. The amount of water whichcontacts treatment areas (run on) must be minimized,and run off from treated areas must be collected andtreated prior to discharge, unless it is free ofcontamination from hazardous wastes. Two types ofstructures are needed: (1) diversion structures, whicheither intercept clean run on and divert it around thetreatment5-10TM 5-814-7area or prevent contaminated water from leaving the unitby directing it to a retention basin; and (2) run-offretention and sedimentation control basins (figure 5-4).In addition, tanks, surface impoundments, or waste pilesmay be needed for waste storage during inclementweather. For example, land treatment facilities in coldregions may require storage facilities, particularly if theapplication season is limited to spring, summer, and fall.A water balance may be performed to aid in design ofsuch facilities. Subsurface drainage systems andleachate control and treatment systems may also berequired at some hazardous waste land treatmentfacilities.e. Closure. Closure of a land treatment unit maybe accomplished by either establishing a permanentvegetative cover capable of maintaining growth withoutextensive maintenance, removing and landfilling thezone of incorporation, or capping the land treatment areato control wind and water erosion. General closurepractices called for include minimizing run-off from thetreatment zone, continuing ground-water monitoring, andcontinuing restrictions on food-chain crops. In addition,the unsaturated zone should be monitored as part of theclosure procedures; however soil-pore liquid monitoringmay be suspended 90 days after the last application ofwaste at the unit. Each of these practices is described inchapter 12 of EPA SW-874.f. Equipment needs. Equipment required for aland treatment operation ranges from the simple to thesophisticated, depending on the application techniqueemployed. However, all are conventional and readilyavailable. Any equipment used for operations must bedecontaminated before taking from the treatment unit(1) For surface irrigation by furrow or floodtechniques, piping and a pump are needed to transmitthe waste to the point of discharge. Alternatively, a truckor trailer-mounted tank may be used to apply wastes bygravity flow or through a sprayer or manifold. Equipmentneeds for sprinkler systems will vary, depending onsystem type, but will generally require properly sizedpiping, pump, nozzles.(2) A vacuum truck with flotation tires and rearsprayer or manifold may be used for surface spreadingof sludge. If the sludge is too thick to be pumped, aconventional truck with moisture-proof bed may be usedto dump the waste, which is then spread with a roadgrader or bulldozer. The blades of both road gradersand bulldozers should be equipped with depth controlskids and edge wings to aid in uniform application. Oncethe waste has been spread on the land, there are severaltypes of equipment that can be used to incorporate thewaste into the soil-moldboard plow, disk, and/or rotarytiller. Similar equipment can also be used for lowmoisturesolids. A spreader can also be used to applysolids which tend to be sticky or chunky.CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7CANCELLEDFigure 5-4. <strong>Land</strong> treatment operations plan.5-11

(3) Basic equipment for subsurface injection ofwastes consists of a truck or tractor with two or morechisels attached. Adjustable sweeps are mounted nearthe bottom of the chisels to open a wide but shallowunderground cavity. <strong>Waste</strong> is injected into the cavitythrough a tube attached to the back of the chisel. Forrepeated application of wastes over long time periods,underground supply pipes may be installed, with flexibletubing used to connect the supply pipe to truck or tractormountedinjectors.5-5. Deep Well Injectiona. Suitable <strong>Waste</strong>s. Injection wells are used todispose of large quantities of liquid hazardous wastesinto the subsurface. Injection well disposal is regulatedby the EPA Underground Injection Control Program(UICX40 CFR 146) and authorized by subpart C of theSafe Drinking Water Act. Currently injection wells mayaccept large quantities of chemical, waste-water brinesor mining wastes in deep, isolated porous geologicalformations. Large volumes of waste, on the order ofhundreds of thousands or millions of gallons, may bedisposed by injection. Approximately 160 injection wellsare now operating, with most used by the chemical andpetrochemical industry.(1) A wide variety of wastes can be disposed byinjection. These wastes include, but are not limited to:• Dilute or concentrated acid or alkalinesolutions• Solutions containing metals• Inorganic solutions• Hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons• Solvents• Organic solutions with a high biochemicaloxygen demand(2) The UIC criteria and standards coverconstruction, operating, plugging and closure of deepwells, and monitoring and reporting requirements. TheUIC classification of injection wells is as follows:Class I- Injects hazardous wastes as definedin 40 CFR 146, subpart AClass II - Injects petroleum fluids orbyproductsClass III - Injects fluid for mineral extractionClass IV - Injects fluids into or above anunderground drinking water sourceClass V - Injects fluids not covered inClasses I-IVb. <strong>Disposal</strong> constraints. The injection well disposaloption is limited by• regulations and policy• waste types• selective geological environment• construction and operation expense5-12TM 5-814-7(1) Most importantly, injection wells areconsidered by EPA policy to be a 'qast resort" means ofdisposal. It must be demonstrated that the injected fluidswill not contaminate ground-water or damage theenvironment, and injection is used after all other meansof disposal are found unsatisfactory.(2) In addition, types of wastes to be disposedof may limit disposal options: only liquid wastes may bedisposed of in injection wells. Injected wastes are strictlycovered in UIC; justification for injection must bepresented and pretreatment of waste streams may berequired prior to injection.(3) To ensure their separation from drinkingwater aquifers, injection wells are limited to sites that arein geologically isolated environments. Extensivegeologic research and field work must be done to sitewells and to determine injection zone isolation. Injectionhorizons must be tested for waste compatibility to ensurethat the wastes do not contain materials that arechemically reactive with site soils or rock. <strong>Waste</strong>constituents that could pose problems include corrosivemineral salts, acids (capable of dissolving carbonaterock), and precipitated salts. In addition, the proposedinjection area should be tested for overall permeability todefine the injection zone. Typical siting investigationsand well developments and construction information isfound in comprehensive technical documents (EPA600/2-77-240).(4) Another disposal limitation is the existenceof unexpected subsurface problems such as pressurearound the formation, induced earthquake activity anddissolution of injection zone host rock. The precautionsconcerning location of landfills in karst terrain or seismiczones 3 and 4 also pertain to injection wells (see para 5-2b(2)). Pressure mound formation may result in a"mound" of injected fluid that forms near the injectionwell hose and interferes with rates of fluid injection andground-water flow. Low magnitude earthquake swarmsmay be caused by injecting fluids into deep fault zones;such a case was documented at Rocky MountainArsenal in the 1960's. Finally, host rock may dissolve if itis incompatible with the injected waste, thereby creatingvoids at depth and possible subsidence effects.(5) Worst of the subsurface problems is aquifercontamination as a result of injection. Contaminationcould occur as a result of incompletely pluggedabandoned injection wells, displacement of saline waterinto potable water, or well bore failure.(6) Finally, the substantial costs ofimplementing injection well disposal systems are asignificant limiting factor; these systems require muchprofessional expertise in site evaluation, testing,construction and waste stream analysis. Furthermore,the system requires stringent monitoring andmaintenance to ensure good operation. Costs for typicalClass I-EI typeCANCELLED

TM 5-814-7CANCELLEDReproduced from An Introduction to the Technology of Subsurface <strong>Waste</strong>water lnjection, EPA 600/2-77-240, 197 7Figure 5-5. Deep injection well.5-14

TM 5-814-7of preventing migration of liquids from the facility, butalso allowing no infiltration of liquids into the liner itself.The latter requirement in effect mandates use of asynthetic material as a primary liner at most hazardouswaste units.(2) Leachate collection and removal systems,capable of maintaining a leachate head no greater than 1foot, must be installed in a drainage layer above theliners in all landfills and waste piles; leak detectionsystems are also required. Specific design provisionsFigure 6-1. Flood control structures.6-2for leachate collection and leak detection systems arediscussed in paragraph 6-4.(3) The EPA has developed designrecommendations for various elements of the requiredliner system. Although the EPA currently considers itsrecommendations the minimum acceptable to ensureachievement of the performance goals set forth in theregulations, variations in system design are permittedupon successful demonstration of comparableperformance.b. Elements of the liner system. Linersystems forCANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Table 6-1. Requirements for Liner SystemsSection of 40 CFR 264 Describing RequirementsK L M NDesign RequirementsSurface<strong>Waste</strong> Pile <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> <strong>Land</strong>fillImpoundmentsExcept for an existing portion, a unit must have a 264.221(a) 264.251(a)(1) NA 264.301(a)(1)’liner that is designed, constructed, and installedto prevent any migration of wastes out of the unitto the adjacent subsurface soil or ground water orsurface water at any time during the active life(including the closure period).Constructed of materials that have appropriate 264.221(a) 264.251(a)(1) NA 264.301(a)(1)chemical properties and sufficient strength andthickness to prevent failure due to pressuregradients (including static head and externalhydrogeologic forces), physical contact with thewaste or leachate to which they are exposed,climatic conditions, the stress of installation, andthe stress of daily operation. Installed to cover allsurrounding earth likely to be in contact with thewaste or leachate.Placed upon a foundation or base capable of 264.221(a) 264.251(a)(1) NA 264.301(a)(1)providing support to the liner and resistance topressure gradients above and below the liner toprevent failure of the liner due to settlement,compression, or uplift.264.221(a) 264.251(a)(1) NA 264.301(a)(1)Liner systems must be monitored and inspected 264.226(a) 264.254(a) NA 264.303(a)during construction and installation, (except in thecase of existing portions of units exempted fromliners, as noted above).Cover systems (e.g., membranes, sheets, or 264.226(a) 264.254(a) NA 264.303(a)coatings) must be inspected for uniformity,damage, and imperfections (e.g., holes, cracks,thin spots, or foreign materials) Immediately afterconstruction or installationSoil-based and admixed liners and covers must 264.226(a) 264.254(a) NA 264.303(a)be inspected for imperfections including lenses,cracks, channels, root holes, or other structuralnon-infirmities that may cause an increase in thepermeability of the liner or coverAdapted from 40 CFR 264• For landfills, (and surface impoundments and waste piles operated for more than 30 years), regulations include an additionalrequirement that wastes not migrate into the liner during the active life of the site.all facilities must be (1) constructed in unsaturated soil abovethe seasonal high water table, (2) placed on a foundationwhich will provide adequate support to the liner, and (3)installed to cover all earth likely to come into contact withwaste or leachate. Required elements of the liner systemdepend on the type of facility and the anticipated period of timefrom first placement of waste to site closure.(1) Surface impoundment liner systems depend onwhether the impoundment is permitted for storage (requiringremoval of all wastes, waste residues and liners at closure) orfor disposal (requiring removal of free liquids, stabilization ofwastes and capping at closure). The following elements arerequired for DA impoundments:• Primary synthetic liner• Secondary (clay soil or synthetic) liner• Leak detection system• Monitoring wells(2) <strong>Waste</strong> piles, which can be permitted only asstorage facilities, require base liner systems consisting6-3of a single liner of soil (clay), synthetic material, or ad- mixedmaterial, and a leachate collection and removal system. Ifclosure is not scheduled for 10 years or more, a synthetic lineris to be used, and the base liner system should consist of-• Leachate collection and removal system aboveprimary liner• Primary liner of synthetic material• Secondary liner of clay soil or synthetic material• Leak detection system between liners(a) Alternatively, admixed materials such asconcrete and asphalt may be used for long-term storage ifphysical and chemical analyses of their characteristics indicatethey will not deteriorate during the life of the waste pile.Admixed liners are preferred for waste piles where repeatedremoval and replacement of wastes may occur, since syntheticmembrane liners could be easily damaged by the requiredwaste-handling equipment, and exposed areas of clay linerscould dry out and crack. Reinforced concrete with appro-CANCELLED

priate coatings would be a suitable liner in such cases.(b) <strong>Waste</strong> piles storing only dry wastes whichwill not generate leachate through decomposition orreaction are exempt from the provisions of this technicalmanual, provided they are located inside or understructures protected from infiltration of moisture.(3) <strong>Land</strong>fill base liner systems should consist,at a minimum, of-• Leachate collection and removalsystem• Primary liner of synthetic material• Secondary liner of clay soil or syntheticmaterial• Leak detection system between liners• Monitoring wells(4) The types of liner systems recommendedfor landfills, surface impoundments and waste piles aredepicted in figures 6-2 and 6-3. Specific designelements necessary to ensure the performance of DAhazardous waste facilities include the following:(a) Synthetic liners should be a minimum 30 milin thickness when not reinforced, but a minimum 36 mil ifreinforced. They must be carefully selected forcompatibility with the waste and leachate to becontained.(b) Soil liners for DA facilities should beconstructed of a minimum 3-foot compacted layer of soilmaterials with a permeability of 1 x 10-7 cm/sec or lessby EPA test methods.(c) Soil liners should be tested for compatibilitywith the hazardous waste designated for disposal. A listof compatible wastes should be made available to thefacility operator and made part of the permanent record.This list should also be included in facility operationmanuals and related documents.(d) Drainage layers constructed above theliners as part of leachate control or leak detection shouldbe at least 12 inches thick, have a minimum hydraulicconductivity of 1 x 10-3 cm/sec, and be sloped at >, 2percent. Sands should be classified as either SW or SPby the USCS, with less than 5 percent passing the No.100 sieve. In addition, sands intended to act as filtersmust meet filter graduation requirements, such as thoseshown in chapter 5 of TM 5-820-2.c. Liner system exemptions. Retrofitting ofliners is not required in already existing portions ofhazardous waste units, but liners are normally requiredfor all new portions of existing facilities, unless theowner/operator demonstrates to the EPA and USACE(DAEN-ECE-G), Washington, DC 20314, that nohazardous constituents will migrate from the facility toground or surface waters. Migration of liquids into or outof the space between the liners is prevented by lappingand sealing the liner edges at the surface.d. Liner types. A variety of liner materials areavailable for control of hazardous wastes. Table 6-2presents their principal characteristics, advantages andTM 5-814-7disadvantages. While soil liners are suitable for use assecondary liners and, in certain applications, as the onlyliner, synthetic membrane liners are considered by theEPA to be the primary mechanism for long termcontainment of waste and leachate from hazardouswaste land treatment and disposal facilities. However, toensure the continued effectiveness of the liners, whethersoil or synthetic material, they must be compatible withthe waste and leachate they are to contain and beproperly installed.e. Liner characteristics. The major categoriesof liners are soil liners and synthetic liners; theircharacteristics are summarized in table 6-2 anddescribed in greater detail below.(1) Soil liners may be constructed of native claymaterials exhibiting a remolded permeability of 1 x 10-7cm/sec or less and obtained on site, from selectedborrow areas, or from off-site sources. The soil linershould generally fall into the CL/CH Unified SoilClassification System (USCS) with not less than 50percent by weight passing a No. 200 sieve (USStandard), a liquid limit between 35 and 60, and aplasticity index above the "A" Line in the plasticity chartof the USCS. If available soils do not have the requiredlow permeability, they can be blended with clay,bentonite or other additives.(a) Soil liners have been the liner of choice atmany solid waste disposal facilities (when available onsite) because of their natural attenuation of manychemical substances, resistance to leachate, highcaution exchange capacity, and relatively low cost. In allcases, on-site clays must be prepared for use as liners inaccordance with paragraph 6-3g(1). However, becausethey do permit migration of leachate into the liner, theEPA considers soil liners unacceptable as the primaryline of defense in preventing hazardous waste migration.Except for surface impoundments permitted for storageonly and for waste piles, synthetic liners are specified forthe primary liner. Soil liners are acceptable assecondary liners.(2) Synthetic liners currently in use athazardous waste land facilities include the followingtypes:• Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)• Chlorinated polyethylene (CPE)• High-density polyethylene (HDPE)• Chlorosulfonated polyethylene, Hypalon (CSPE)• Butyl rubber• Epichlorohydrin rubber (ECO)• Ethylene propylene terpolymer (EPT)• Ethylene propylene rubber• Neoprene (chloroprene rubber)• Thermoplastic elastomers(a) Flexible membrane linings, commonlycalled "plastics", include those with either polyvinylCANCELLED6-4chloride (PVC) or polyethylene (PE) bases. To producethe de-

TM 5-814-7Figure 6-2. Base liner details for landfills and surface impoundments.6-5CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Figure 6-3. Base liner details for waste piles.6-6CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Table 6-2. Summary of Liner TypesRange ofLiner material Characteristics costs a Advantages DisadvantagesSoils:Compacted clay Compacted mixture of onsite L High cation exchange capacity; re- Organic or inorganic acids orsoils soils to a permeability of 10 -7 sistant to many types of bases may solubilize portionscm/sec leachate of clay structureSoil-bentonite Compacted mixture of onsite L High cation exchange capacity; Organic or inorganic acids orsoil, water and bentonite resistant to many types of bases may solubilize portionsleachateof clay structureAdmixes:Asphalt-concrete Mixtures of asphalt cement and M Resistant to water and effects of Not resistant to organic solvents;high quality mineral aggregate weather extremes; stable on partially or wholly soluble inside slopes; resistant to acids,bases, and inorganic saltshydrocarbons; does not havegood resistance to inorganicchemicals; high gas permeabilityAsphalt- Core layer of blown asphalt M Flexible enough to conform to ir- Ages rapidly in hot climates; notmembrane blended with mineral fillers regularities in subgrade; resist- resistant to organic solvents,and reinforcing fibers ant to acids, bases, and inor- particularly hydrocarbonsSoil asphalt Compacted mixture of asphalt, L Resistant to acids, bases, and Not resistant to organic solvents,water, and selected in-place salts particularly hydrocarbonssoilsSoil cement Compacted mixture of Portland L Good weathering in wet-dry/ Degraded by highly acidic envicement,water, and selected in- freeze-thaw cycles; can re- ronmentsplace soilssist moderate amount of alkali,rganics and inorganic saltsPolymeric membranes:Butyl rubber Copolymer of isobutylene with M Low gas and water vapor perme- Highly swollen by hydrocarbonsmall amounts of isoprene ability; thermal stability; only solvents and petroleum oils;slightly affected by oxygen- difficult to seam and repairated solvents and other polarliquidsChlorinated Produced by chemical reaction M Good tensile strength and Will swell in presence of aropolyethylenebetween chlorine and high den- elongation strength; resistant matic hydrocarbons and oilssity polyethyleneto many inorganicsChlorosulfonate Family of polmers prepared by H Good resistance to ozone, heat, Tends to harden on aging; lowpolyethylene reacting polyethylene with acids, and alkalis tensile strength; tendency tochlorine and sulfur dioxideshrink from exposure to sunlight;poor resistance to oilElasticized Blend of rubbery and crystalline L Low density; highly resistant to Difficulties with low temperpolyolefinspolyolefins weathering, alkalis, and acids atures and oilsEpichlorohydrin Saturated high molecular weight, M Good tensile and test strength; None reportedrubbers aliphatic polethers with chloro- thermal stability; low rate ofmethyl side chainsgas and vapor permeability; resistant to ozone and weathering;resistant to hydrocarbons,solvents, fuels, and oilsEthylene Family of terpolymers of M Resistant to dilute concentra- Not recommended for petroleumpropylene ethylene, propylene, and non tions of acids, alkalis, silicates, solvents or halogenated solrubberconjugated hydrocarbon phosphates and brine; tolerates ventsextreme temperatures; flexibleat low temperatures; excellentresistance to weather and ultravioletexposureNeoprene Synthetic rubber based on chlor- H Resistant to oils, weathering, None reportedopreneozone and ultraviolet radiation;resistant to puncture,abrasion, and mechanical damagePolyethylene Thermoplastic polymer based on L Superior resistance to oils, sol- Not recommended for exposureSee footnote at end of table.CANCELLEDethylene vents, and permeation by wa- to weathering and ultravioletter vapor and gaseslight conditions6-7

Table 6-2-Summary of Liner Types-ContinuedRange ofLiner material Characteristics costs a Advantages DisadvantagesPolyvinyl chlorideThermoplasticelastomersProduced in roll form in various widthsand thickness; polymerization ofvinyl chloridemonomerRelatively new class of polymericmaterials ranging from highly polarto nonpolarLMGood resistance to inorganic;good tensile, elongation,puncture, and abrasionresistant properties; wideranges of physicalpropertiesExcellent oil, fuel, and waterresistance with high tensilestrength and excellentresistance to weatheringand ozoneTM 5-814-7Attacked by many organics,including hydrocarbons,solvents - and oils; notrecommended for exposureto weathering and ultravioletlight conditions -None reportedPortland cement Hydraulic cement of silica, lime, and HExcellent base for wasteCrackingaluminahandling equipmenta L-$1 to $4 installed costs per sq yd in 1981 dollars; M-$4 to $8 per sq. yd.; H-$8 to $12 per sq. yd.Adapted from Technologies and Management Strategies for <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> Control, Office of TechnologyAssessment, Congress of the U.S1983.sired membrane, both material resins are mixed withmonomers under controlled temperature and pressureconditions in a polymerizer. Many manufacturingcompanies utilize these basic resins in combination withtheir own compounding to produce specialtymembranes. A list of the producers and suppliers of rawmaterial polymer can be found in the EPA SW-870.(b) Specifications for individual sheet materialscan be obtained from the producer. Suppliers are alsoable to provide specifications for the base polymers andtheir individual synthetic membrane sheet.(c) To increase tensile strength, to provideresistance to shrinkage, punctures and tears and topermit easier handling and seaming, a fabricreinforcement (scrim) may be laminated between twosynthetic membrane sheets. When installing reinforcedliners, care must be taken to ensure that all exposededges are sealed. Failure to do so could result in thescrim acting like a wick and drawing in moisture,resulting in eventual liner breakdown.f. Compatibility and physical testing. Since theprime purpose of a liner is to prevent liquids from leavinga hazardous waste facility, the physical integrity andchemical compatibility of the liner with the wasteconstituents must be ensured.(1) Soil liners. Permeability tests, in which soil linersare brought into contact first with water, then withleachate or chemical waste, are the most importantindicators of the compatibility of soil liner materials withthe waste they are to contain. Permeability is a functionof many variables, including pore size, pore spacetortuosity, particle shape and size, and mineralogy of thesoil material, the permeant characteristics, andtemperature. The permeability of a soil liner can beaffected by waste types that are incompatible with theliner material. For example, clay soils may exhibit highpermeability when exposed to concentrated organics,especially organics of high and low pH.(a) To test the permeability of soil materials,samples which have been tested for their physical,6-8chemical and mineralogical properties may be remoldedto specified moisture content and maximum dry densityspecified by ASTM D1557 to determine the permeabilityof test specimens. Test methods acceptable to EPA arecontained in appendix A of the draft RCRA guidancedocuments for waste piles and surface impoundments.Both water and representative chemical wastes would beused for the permeant.(b) Figure 6-4 shows the moisture contentversus dry density curve for a clay liner, as well as therelationship between moisture content, relativecompaction and permeability for a clay liner subjected towater and aqueous hazardous waste. All clay linersmust have a permeability of 10-7 cm/sec or less.(2) Synthetic Liners. Proof of the chemicalresistance of the selected synthetic membrane liner isrequired by RCRA regulations. In recent years, allmanufacturers of synthetic liners, as well as mostsuppliers, have operated testing facilities and developedchemical resistance tables and guides for theirrespective products. Reference to chemical resistanceguideline sheets or compatibility charts that classify ageneric flexible membrane liner will not, however,provide sufficient data on which to base a final linerselection, since the manufacturer’s compounding canproduce significant differences in liner properties andperformance in the field. Furthermore, since thechemical characteristics of both liners and wastes areextremely variable, it is difficult to generalize concerningincompatibility. Data currently available, however,suggest that the following combinations of wastes andliner materials can be incompatible:* Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tends to be dissolvedby chlorinated solvents.* Chlorosulfonated polyethylene can be dissolvedby aromatic hydrocarbons.* Asphaltic materials may dissolve in oilywastes.* Concrete- and lime-based materials are dissolvedby acids.CANCELLED

(a) A test method accepted by the EPA forevaluating waste/liner compatibility involves exposing aliner sample to the waste or leachate encountered at thefacility. After exposure, the liner sample is tested forstrength (tensile, tear, and puncture) and weight loss.Any significant deterioration in the measured propertiesis considered evidence of incompatibility, unless it can bedemonstrated that the deterioration exhibited will notimpair the integrity of the liner over the life of the facility.(b) Standard specifications for flexiblemembrane liners are currently being developed by theNational Sanitation Foundation (NSF). Upon their finaladoption, these standards will be used by the EPA toprovide minimum recommendations on physicalproperties, construction practices and seaming. In theinterim, the design engineer may review suggestedstandards in appendix IX of EPA SW-870.g. Liner installation. Whether the liner to beinstalled is soil or synthetic material, a thorough analysisof the proposed liner foundation is necessary to ensureadequate support of the liner and resistance to pressuregradients above or below the liner. An unsuitablefoundation could result in settlement, compression, oruplift of the liner which could lead to liner damage. Ananalysis of foundation suitability may include evaluationof geologic, hydrologic, geotechnical and other pertinentdata. Such data are particularly important in the designof surface impoundments. Specific requirements forinstallation of soil liners and flexible membranes arediscussed below.(1) Proper installation of a soil liner is neededto maintain the specified permeability of 1 x 10-7 cm/secor less. Prior to placement of the clay liner, the subbasemust be properly prepared to ensure structural integrityand proper bonding with the clay liner. To ensureadequate compaction, soil materials should be spread inloose lifts no more than 6 inches thick, be wetted or driedto the specified moisture content of optimum or above,and be compacted with a sheepsfoot-type roller to thespecified relative compaction. Specified values must bebased upon the tested relationships between moisturecontent, relative compaction and permeability. Seefigure 6-4.(a) Successive lifts should be placed andcompacted until a liner thickness of 3 feet is achieved.The finished surface of the soil liner should then be rolledor bladed smooth. Installation of a clay liner should notbe attempted under adverse weather conditions, such asheavy precipitation or freezing temperatures.(b) Following installation, the liner should beinspected for imperfections, such as lenses, cracks, orother structural defects which could cause an increase inliner permeability. Until placement of waste or, in thecase of a double-lined facility, the overlying syntheticliner, care must be taken to ensure that the liner6-9TM 5-814-7does not dry out. Controlled moisture application orcoating the liner with an asphaltic emulsion may berequired in some instances to prevent drying andcracking. Protection from freezing is also an importantconsideration in colder climates.(2) Considerations in installation of a syntheticmembrane liner include providing protective soil layersabove and below the liner and proper seaming of theliner. Failure to consider these important factors couldresult in liner failure and undermine the goal of completewaste containment. To ensure proper membrane linerplacement, seaming, and placement of protective soilcover, the best installation procedures and practicesshould be developed for the type of membraneproposed. Guidance in installing synthetic liners shouldbe obtained from experienced manufacturers of themembrane, fabricators who have assisted in preparingpanel installation plans and have fabricated large panelsof the materials, and experienced contractors. Projectspecifications for the installation of the liner should statethe experience required for the manufacturer, thefabricator and the installing contractor for the project.(a) Protection of the liner involves properpreparation of the subgrade and placement of protectivesoil layers. Procedures to be used in preparation of thesurface include compaction, scraping and rolling toprovide a smooth surface for the liner. A minimum 6inchlayer of material not coarser than sand (classified byUSCS as SP or SW, with less than 5 percent passing theNo. 100 sieve) is recommended by the EPA as aprotection against puncture, equipment damage, andexposure to the elements; sands which act as filtersmust meet filter graduation requirements, such as thoseshown in chapter 5 of TM 5-820-2. Note, however, thatthe EPA draft guidance document for liners permitssubstitution of drainage layers, on-site soils or soil linersfor the 6-inch sand layer.(b) In surface impoundments, the liquidmaterial overlying the liner is considered sufficientprotection unless dredging or operation of otherequipment could damage the liner. If so, an 18-inchlayer of soil is recommended. Sterilization of anyunderlying organic materials may be necessary,particularly in the case of surface impoundments, toprevent formation of gases and subsequent uplift of theliner. In cold climates, the use of a protective soil covermay be necessary to minimize the possibility of crackingcaused by freezing.(c) Heavy geotextile fabrics (>a 400 g/m2) areincreasingly being used in combination with flexiblemembrane liners in hazardous waste units to protect themembranes from puncture and abrasion. In surfaceimpoundments, geotextiles are also used for gas reliefbeneath membranes (Collins and Newkirk, 1982). Inaddition, geotextiles may also serve as a clean base forseaming membrane panels. If geotex-CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Figure 6-4. Typical clay liner compatibility evaluation.6-10CANCELLED

tiles are used to protect synthetic membranes, it isimportant that they, like the synthetic membranes, betested for compatibility with hazardous waste. Only verylimited compatibility testing data are currently availableon geotextile fabrics; however, many such fabrics aremade of polypropylene or polyester materials and mayhave compatibility characteristics similar to thoseexhibited by liners of the same materials.(d) Fabricated liner panels must be constructedso as to minimize the number of field seams and toenable placement of field seams at locations where leastsevere field conditions occur (e.g., at ridge areas for leakdetection and leachate collection systems; see figure 6-2). Project specifications should delineate linerplacement procedures for field panel, shop and fieldseaming procedures, and protective cover requirements.Additional specifications include work responsibilities andquality assurance/certification requirements of theengineer, contractor, manufacturer, fabricator andinstaller. As part of the project details for the base linersystem, a panel installation plan must be prepared withthe grading plan.(e) Aside from puncture and tearing of the liner,the most common cause of liner failure is inadequateseaming. The joining of liner panels should therefore beconducted under controlled conditions, in strictaccordance with the manufacturer’s recommendationsand with installer’s trained personnel. The installershould pay strict attention to the overlap specified by themanufacturer, which may range from a minimum of 2upwards to 12 inches. In addition, field seams shallalways be lapped over the downslope liner to preventpiping if a seam fails. Each type of membrane liner alsorequires specific seaming provisions to achieve aneffective bond, as summarized in table 6-3. Sinceadverse weather conditions (e.g., extreme heat or cold,precipitation, and winds) can affect adequate bonding ofTable 6-3. Seaming Provisions for Synthetic Liners’TM 5-814-7the liner field seams, installation should be avoidedduring these periods.(f) During placement of the liner and beforewastes are placed, tests of the seam strength andbonding effectiveness should be conducted, using visualinspection, air lance, ultrasonic and vacuum techniques.In addition, random samples of seams should be cutfrom the liner and subjected to on-site and laboratorytesting. A replacement patch will be required. Linerplacement, seaming and testing are covered in detail in anumber of publications, including EPA SW-870.6-4. Leak detection and leachate collection andremoval systemsa. Introduction. The leak detection system,located between the two liners underlying the hazardouswaste facility, enables the owner or operator todetermine whether any liquid has entered the spacebetween the liners. Should the presence of liquid in thisspace lead to the discovery that the liner has leaked, theowner/operator will implement procedures to ensureprotection of ground water. Leachate collection andremoval systems are required immediately above theliners in new hazardous waste landfills and waste piles.Such systems must be capable of maintaining a leachatedepth of 1 foot or less above the liner and of withstandingclogging, chemical attack, and forces exerted by wastes,equipment or soil cover. General procedures fordesigning leachate collection and removal systems areprovided in SW-870, paragraph 5-6 and appendix V.b. Components of the leak detection system.The leak detection system can be a drain system orinstrumentation that will permit detection of any liquidthat migrates into the space between the liners.AlthoughType of Place Bodied Solvent Contact Vulcanizing Heatcompound a used Solvents solvents cements cements adhesives Tapes sealed DielectricButyl rubber XL Factory ... ... ... X X ... ... ...Field ... ... ... X X X ... ...Chlorinated Polyethylene TP Factory X X X X ... ... X XField X X X X ... X X ...Chlorosulfonated polyethylene TP Factory X X X X ... X X XField X X X X ... ... X ...Elasticized polyolefin TP Factory ... ... ... X ... ... X ...Field .. ... ... X ... ... XEthylene propylene rubber XL Factory ... ... ... X X ... ... ...Field ... ... ... X X X ... ...Low-density polyethylene TP Factory ... X ... ... X ...Field ... ... ... X ... X X ...Neoprene (polychloroprene) XL Factory ... ... X ... .. ... ...Field ... ... ... X ... ... ... ...Poly(vinyl chloride) TP Factory X X X X ... ... X XField X X X X ... X X ...CANCELLEDa XL = Crosslinked or vulcanized; TP = ThermoplasticAdapted from Liner Materials Exposed to Municipal Solid <strong>Waste</strong> Leachate (Draft), EPA Contract No. 68-03-2134, February 19826-11

Table 6-4. Requirements for Leachate Collection and Removal SystemsSection of 40 CFR 264 Describing Requirementssophisticated instrumentation is available for detectionsystems, direct collection in a porous medium, withremoval through slotted pipes, is a simple and reliablemethod. Design details for such a system are similar tothose for leachate collection and removal systems.c. Components of the leachate collectionsystem. Specific regulations concerning leachatesystems are summarized in table 6-4. EPA guidancedocuments recommend that the leachate collectionsystem consist of a drainage layer at least 1-foot-thickwith a hydraulic conductivity > 1 x 10-3 cm/sec, and aminimum slope of 2 percent. When installed over asecondary clay liner with hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10-7 cm/sec, such a system provides the four-order-ofmagnitudedifference in permeability known tosignificantly increase drainage efficiency.(1) A drainage layer of clean sand, classified byUSCS as SP or SW (with less than 5 percent passing theNo. 100 sieve), and free of rock, fractured stone, debris,and cobbles, will also satisfy the EPA requirement for aminimum 6inch protective layer over synthetic liners. Asand layer or filter cloth should be provided over thedrainage layer if drainage rock is used to preventinfiltration of fines from the waste and subsequentclogging of the drainage layer. Sands which act as filtersmust meet filter graduation require-TM 5-814-7ments, such as those shown in chapter 5 of TM 5-820-2.(2) Nondegradable synthetic filter cloths andgeotextile fabrics have also been used to replacegranular materials in subdrain systems. However, thelong-term performance of such materials has not beenfirmly established; clogging and filter cake formation canreduce the perpendicular permeability of both geotextilesand filter cloths, and overburden pressures cansignificantly decrease in-plane permeability of geotextilefabrics.d. Leachate collection pipe. Leachate collectionpipe networks should consist of slotted or perforateddrain pipe bedded and backfilled with drain rock. Thenetwork should include collection pipes, installed aroundthe base of the fill and across the base. Layouts mustinclude base liner slopes >, 2 percent, pipe grades>0.005, and pipe spacing determined for the unit. Allpipes should be joined and, where appropriate, bonded.(1) Collection pipes must be adequately sizedand spaced to minimize the leachate head on the linersystem. Layouts which incorporate 4-inch-diameterpipes on 50to 200-foot centers are considered adequateby the EPA.(2) Procedures to evaluate and establish thespacing for collection drain pipes, based upon theanticipated maximum infiltration rate and the hydraulicK L M NDesign Requirements Surface Impoundments <strong>Waste</strong> Pile <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> <strong>Land</strong>fillA leachate collection and removal system immediatelyabove the liner that is designed,con- structed, maintained, and operated tocollect and remove leachate from the unitThe Regional Administrator will specifydesign and operating conditions in the permitto ensure that the leachate depth over theliner does not exceed 30 cm (one foot) Theleachate collection and removal system mustbe constructed of materials that are:Chemically resistant to the waste NA 264.251(aX2) NA 264.301(aX2)managed in the unit and the leachateexpected to be generated; and Ofsufficient strength and thickness to preventcollapse under the pressuresexerted by overlying wastes, waste covermaterials, and by any equipment used atthe unit; and Designed and operated tofunction without clogging through thescheduled closure of the unitCANCELLEDWhile in operation, leachate collection NA 264.254(bX4) NA 264.303(bX4)systems should be inspected weekly andafter storms for the presence of leachate andproper functioning of the systemsAfter closure, continue to operate theno longer detected Adapted from 40 CFR 264 NA NA NA 264.310(bX3)6-12

TM 5-814-7CANCELLEDFigure 6-5. Typical leak detection systems and leachate collection drains6-13

conductivity of the drainage layer material available, arepresented in EPA SW-873, EPA SW-870 and EPA625/1-81-013.e. Leak detection and leachate collection drains.As shown in figure 6-5, trench installations can be usedfor leak detection drains in secondary clay liners.Projecting installations should be used for syntheticliners. Slopes for bedding should be no steeper than theangle of repose of the drainage layers and all slopebreaks should be rounded. Collection drains oversynthetic liners should incorporate a 4-inch-minimumbedding of clean sand (SP) to satisfy requirements forliner protection. Drain rock used over synthetic linersshould be rounded pea gravel. Geotextile fabrics mightbe evaluated to serve as an alternative protectivemeasure.f. Leachate collection sump and riser. Thecurrent state-of-the-art in leachate collection systemdesign uses sumps or basins at low points on the baseof the fill to which the leachate collection networkdischarges. A riser pipe extending from the sump to theground surface enables leachate removal. The lowersegment of the riser pipe in the drain rock of the sump isslotted, and can be connected to a slotted header pipe inthe sump to allow a higher rate of flow to, and withdrawalfrom, the riser pipe.(1) The riser must be of a diameter that willaccommodate a pump suction line or submersible pump.The riser pipe can be installed in a trench excavated inthe wall of the clay liner, or bedded in suitable soil on thesurface of the synthetic liner.(2) Leachate collection networks for landfills,which must remain functional during the 30-yearpostclosure period, should include pipe cleanoutsextending from major collection drains to the groundsurface, to enable system inspection and/or cleaning.g. Design considerations. In designing aleachate collection system, one must consider resistanceto chemical attack, prevention of clogging, and pipestability.(1) All components of leachate collectionsystems must be able to withstand the chemical attackwhich can result from waste or leachate. Plastic (PVCand polyethylene) and fiberglass piping are usuallyselected for such systems; however, if solvents in thewaste stream contain organics capable of attackingcollection pipes, sumps or risers, an alternative to theuse of plastic or fiberglass piping might be concrete orcast iron. Any geotextile filter cloth or fabric used in theleachate collection system shall be evaluated for itsability to withstand attack from the hazardous waste andthe leachate generated from that waste.(2) The drainage layer, any geotextile filter clothor fabric, drain rock, pipe slotting, and waste fines mustbe evaluated to determine the ability of the system totransmit leachate without clogging. Although6-14TM 5-814-7the EPA guidance document recommends use of agranular layer above the drainage layer, if clean sand isused for the drainage layer, it will serve to precludeplugging and possibly eliminate the need for a filter clothor fabric.(3) The pipe used in leak detection and leachatecollection systems must be of sufficient strength andthickness to withstand the pressures exerted by theweight of the overlying waste, the cover materials, andany equipment to be used on the waste unit. Slotting willreduce the effective strength of pipe and its ability tocarry loads and resist pipe deflection under loading. Thecapacity of buried pipe to support vertical stresses maybe limited by buckling and by the circumferentialcompressive strength of the pipe. Information ondeflection, buckling capacity and compressive strengthmay be obtained from the pipe manufacturer.(a) Even when correctly designed to withstandwaste loading, piping can fail from equipment loadingduring construction or operation of the waste unit.Moving loads result in impact loading one and one-half totwo times greater than stationary loading. Therefore,equipment should, if possible, not cross leachatecollection drains installed in projecting installations or intrenches with shallow cover. When equipment must berouted across a drain, impact loading should beminimized by mounding material over the pipe to anadequate depth to prevent pipe failures.(b) Specific design procedures and examplesused to determine loads resulting from the waste filland/or construction equipment are provided in appendixV.2 of SW-870.6-5. Surface water run-on and run-off controlsystemsa. Regulatory requirements. Surface water runonand run-off control systems are required for landfills,waste piles and land treatment units and indirectly forsurface impoundments. Regulatory requirements forsurface water control at land disposal facilities aresummarized in table 6-5. While federal regulationsrequire control systems for 24-hour, 25-year storms,state regulations may require sized control for stormswith a return frequency up to 100 years. In such cases,the more stringent requirement should be considered insizing surface water run-on and run-off control facilities.The designer must also size collection and holdingfacilities, and develop specific management proceduresto enable all run off from active disposal areas to beretained for treatment prior to its evaporation ordischarge to natural drainage courses or back to anapproved hazardous waste facility.b. Types of control systems. Run-on and runoffcontrol systems at hazardous waste units utilize avariety of structures for control of surface water,including conveyance, barrier and control/retentionsystems.CANCELLED

Table 6-5. Requirements for Surface Water Run-on and Run-off Control SystemsTM 5-814-7Section of 40 CFR 264 Describing RequirementsK L M NDesign Requirements Surface Impoundments <strong>Waste</strong> Pile <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> <strong>Land</strong>fillDesign, construct, operate and maintain a run-oncontrol system capable of preventing flow onto theactive portion of the treatment zone during peakdischarge from at least a 25-yearstorm. NA 264.251(c) a 264.273(c) b 264.301(c) aDesign, construct, operate and maintain a run- offmanagement system to collect and control (at aminimum) the water volume resulting from a 24-hour,25-year storm NA 264.251(d) C 264.273(d)C 264.301(d)Design, construct, maintain and operate to preventovertopping or overfilling by wind and wave action,rainfall andrun-on 264.221(c) NA NA NACollection and holding facilities for run-offcontrol systems must be emptied or otherwisemanaged after storms to maintain design capacityof thesystem. NA 264.251(e) 264.273(e) 264.301(e)While in operation, inspect weekly and after stormsto detect evidence of deterioration, malfunctions, orimproper operation of run-on and run-off controlsystems 264.226(b)(1)d 264.254(bX1) 264.273(c) 264.303(bX1After closure, maintain the run-on control system NA, unlessNA, unlessand the run-off managementsystem. closed as a closed as a 264.<strong>280</strong>(3),(4) 264.310(bX5)dlandfill landfill 264.<strong>280</strong>(cX3),(4)a The active portion.b The treatment zone.c Does not state that this pertains to the active portion; however, it is assumed to be such.d This subsection of 40 CFR 264 indirectly applies.Adapted from 40 CFR 264(1) Typical examples of conveyance facilities, aswell as erosion control measures, are provided in EPA600/2-79-165, section 10. Examples of standard surfacewater control facilities, along with design procedures fortheir selection, design and construction, are provided inthe Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practicespublished by the US Department of Agriculture, SoilConservation Service (SCS). Examples of conveyancefacilities used for run-on and runoff control at hazardouswaste units are shown in figures 6-6 through 6-8 anddescribed below. These figures show grass areas withslopes of 2:1; note, however, that any vegetated finalslope areas to be tractor mowed should have slopes nogreater than 3:1.2) Examples of barrier conveyance anddetention/retention systems include:Barriers:Conveyance:Detention/retention:berms, dikesswales, ditches, channels, pipecross drains and over- side drainswith inlet and outlet appurtenances;pipedrop inlets, hooded inlets, dropand chute spillway structuressedimentation control basinsand run-offretention basinsc. Run-on control systems. Drainage berms,ditches and overside drains or spillways can be selectedand designed to prevent flow onto the active portion ofwaste units during peak discharges from specified returnstorms. Drainage swales and ditches with berms can belocated to intercept and convey water run-on flowsaround hazardous waste sites and around waste unitswithin the site. To reduce the potential for erosion andminimize maintenance, spillways or overside drainsystems should be considered for steep ditch reachesand where collected flows must be carried down slopesfor discharge.(1) If there is any chance that overflows coulddamage constructed elements of waste units or enteractive operation areas, they should be sized for carryingpeak flows from storms with return frequencies upwardsCANCELLED6-15to 100 years. Erosion control measures for theconveyance system should be evaluated and selected tominimize maintenance over the anticipated service life.As described in paragraph 6-5d(2), conveyance systemsdeveloped for the waste unit perimeter to intercept runon may also be used to intercept run off from closedareas, if the surface water does not require retention.

TM 5-814-7Figure 6-6. Typical run-on control ditches.6-16CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Figure 6-7. Typical run-on control ditch for waste units.6-17CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Figure 6-8. Typical run-off control ditch for final cover areas.6-18CANCELLED

(2) Sedimentation controls should be establishedfor onsite borrow areas and construction areas. Wherepossible, facilities for control of sediment transportshould be located near the source, so that onlysediment-laden waters need be handled. The nearsourcesystem requires less extensive structures thanthe downstream sedimentation control basin alternativefor intercepted run-on flows.(3) Sediment control facilities for source areasinclude:(a) Temporary Sediment Basins-At constructionareas, where run off is usually confined to ditches ordepressions in the topography, basins can beconstructed by excavating shallow depressions andplacing berms or sandbags to contain water forsedimentation.(b) Silt Barriers-Where sheet flow occurs (onperimeter construction slopes, and in large excavations),silt fences or hay bales placed in a shallow trench can bepositioned to intercept run off and remove sediment. Siltfences normally consist of filter cloth fastened to wirefencing.(c) Vegetation-Completed borrow areas, inactivestockpile areas, and final cover areas can be seeded,fertilized or hydroseeded to establish a vegetative coverwhich will provide erosion and sediment control. Whenvegetation has become established, downgradient siltfences or other sedimentation control structures may beremoved.(4) Sedimentation control basins (figure 6-9),used for settling out sediment being carried by surfaceflows, are often established at discharge locations byconstructing containment dikes and excavating a basinarea. To discharge surface water, emergency overflowspillways and pipe drains are typically provided.(5) The principal maintenance requirement forsedimentation basins is removal of accumulatedsediment by draglines or loaders during dry-weatherperiods.d. Run-off control systems. Run-off controlsystems which handle surface water flows from activeportions of hazardous waste units and any site stagingareas that might contain wastes residue must includecollection and holding facilities (figure 6-9). Thesefacilities retain run off for treatment before its release,evaporation, or discharge back to an approvedhazardous waste facility.(1) For large sites located in semi-arid regions, collectionand holding facilities might be developed to receive runoff from the majority of the site, rather than specificwaste units. Such facilities could easily be sized to retainand effect evaporation of run-off volumes much largerthan those from the required 24hour, 25-year storm,ensuring full containment while minimizing operationalrequirements. For sites located in more humid areas,the immediate waste handling6-19TM 5-814-7areas and active disposal units should be confined, andoperations effectively controlled, to enable collection andretention of the minimum volume of run off which maybest be treated for release, or discharged back to anapproved hazardous waste facility.(2) The conveyance systems developed to carryrun off from active areas of waste units, and the retentionfacilities developed to contain run off, must prevent anyrelease of liquid. Closed pipes or ditches with syntheticliners should be considered for waste piles and landfills.(3) Conveyance systems within land treatmentunits may include unlined terraces and grass waterwaysfor both application of liquid waste, and for interceptingflows and minimizing erosion within the land treatmentarea.(4) Retention facilities designed for all wasteunits should meet either storage or surfaceimpoundment requirements. However, a lower area ofeither waste unit might be developed and used for theretention and treatment of run off from active areas. Theadequacy of the retention basin size should bedemonstrated, based upon a monthly tabulation of runoffstorage requirements, and the methods for emptyingthe basins and dispersing of the accumulated waters,(i.e., treatment and discharge, evaporation, sprayirrigation, solidification, etc.).(5) Procedures which may be required tominimize the active area from which run off must becollected could include internal berms, synthetic cover,encapsulated wastes, and restrictions during wetweatherperiods.e. Sizing run-on/run-off control systems.Methods used to predict run-off volumes and peak flowrates include the Rational Formula, empiricalexpressions and charts of the USDA’s Soil ConservationService (SCS), and various hydrographic procedures.Both the Rational Formula and the SCS charts providepredictions which can be used in sizing surface watercontrol systems at disposal facilities.(eq 6-1)(1) For the Rational Equation: Q = CiAwhere: Q = flow rate (cfs)C = run-off coefficient (assumed)i =intensity of rainfall(inches/hour) for the selecteddesign duration and frequencyA = tributary area, in acres(2) The value of C for sizing run-off controlsystems should be 0.8 to 1.0 when the active areas arebarren or lined. The same factor should also be used todetermine the volume of run off into holding facilities overthe specified period of time. Run-off coefficients forother surface conditions applicable to land disposalfacilities are available in TM 5-820-4.(3) The SCS method provides empirically basedCANCELLED

TM 5-814-7Figure 6-9. Run-on sedimentation control/run-off retention basins.6-20CANCELLED

charts for determining the peak rate of discharge fromsmall watersheds, based on values for surface soil typesand antecedent moisture conditions. Basic informationand values are summarized in EPA 60012-79-165 anddetailed in the US Department of Agriculture’sengineering field manual.(4) Sedimentation basins are sized based onanalysis of settlement time for suspended solids, i.e.,sands, silts and clays. Sizing procedures are provided inTM 5-820-1 through TM 5-820-4. The trapping efficiencyof a basin is related to its surface area; the basin’s depthonly provides for sediment storage. The latter documentprovides an assessment of SCS sizing criteria, anddemonstrates that constructing basins to control claysizedparticles during peak flows may not be practicablebecause the basins would need to be ten times largerthat those used for control of silts.6-6. Gas control systems6-21a. Introduction. Gaseous emissions fromhazardous waste land disposal facilities-includinglandfills, surface impoundments, and land treatmentsites-generally fall into two categories: (1) methane gas,produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organicwastes, and (2) toxic vapors, produced by thevolatilization of chemical wastes. Methane gas,explosive in concentrations of 5 to 15 percent by volumein air, is generated mainly in landfills containing organicwastes; waste volatilization can occur at landfills, surfaceimpoundments and land treatment sites.(1) There are no specific regulations for controlof gaseous emissions at hazardous waste facilities. Inlandfills containing organic wastes, compliance with theRCRA solid waste criterion for explosive gases isrecommended (40 CFR section 257.3-8). This criterionstipulates that methane concentrations at the propertyboundary not exceed the lower explosive limit (LEL) of 5percent; in facility structures the limit is 25 percent of theLEL, or 1.25 percent methane.(2) EPA regulations do not specifically addressthe effects of hazardous waste land disposal facilities onair quality, due to the limited information on emissionsfrom such facilities and the fact that the problem iswaste-specific. However, 40 CFR 241.206-2recommends that the need for gas control should beassessed; if the need for control measures is warranted,the location and design elements for vents, barriers orrelated systems should be provided on design plans forthe facility. A collection system is not required at newfacilities if the owner/operator can demonstrate that nogas will be produced or, if produced, would neithercontribute any air pollutant to the atmosphere nor createa flammable or explosive environment.b. Control techniques. Control techniques for volatileemissions from surface impoundments and landtreatment sites are largely preventive in nature. Emis-TM 5-814-7sions from surface impoundments can be minimized byincreasing impoundment depth and decreasing surfacearea, and by constructing wind barriers. Removal ofvolatiles from the waste stream by stream stripping,distillation or incineration can also be used, wherepractical. In all cases, codisposal of reactive and/orincompatible wastes should be avoided. At landtreatment facilities, volatilization can be mitigated byinjecting volatile substances at least 6 inches below theground surface into moist but friable soils.(1) Venting is required at surface impoundmentsif gases accumulate beneath a liner and build uppressure. Sufficient gas pressure can lift the liner,creating an area where additional gas can accumulate.The higher the "gas bubble" rises, the more themembrane stretches and the less the hydrostaticpressure is able to restrain the membrane. If thiscondition is not controlled by venting, the liner couldrupture or float to the surface of the impoundment.(2) A number of control alternatives are availableat landfills. Choice of the appropriate control system willdepend on control objectives and involve determinationof the type of wastes present, the depth of fill, and thesubsurface characteristics of the sites and adjacentareas. In addition, field measurements should be usedto determine gas concentrations, positive and negativepressure, and soil permeability.(3) Atmospheric pipe vents, either of the "U" ormushroom configuration, can be used in landfills tocontrol vertical movement of gases; they are mosteffective in areas where gases are collecting andcausing pressure buildup. For example, venting iseffective in preventing uplift of the top liner followingclosure of a landfill. Forced ventilation, on the otherhand, provides an effective means of controlling bothlateral and vertical migration of gases. Such systemsusually employ a series of pipe vents or wells installedwithin lined landfills and are connected by a manifold to amotor blower. The effectiveness of vent trenches can beincreased by capping the trench with clay or otherimpervious material and employing lateral and riser pipesconnected by a manifold to a motor blower. The gas tobe vented or withdrawn from the landfill may requirecollection and treatment to control odors and to preventdischarge of volatile toxics to the atmosphere.c. Design considerations and constraints. Pipevents are usually constructed of perforated PVC pipeinstalled in a gravel pack to prevent clogging andencourage gas migration to the vent. They should besealed to prevent excess air from entering the systemand to prevent methane or volatile toxics from leakingout. The key design considerations in installation of pipevents, as part of either atmosphere or forced ventilationsystems, are proper placement and spacing. Anadditional consideration for forced ventilation sys-CANCELLED

tems is the gas flow rate. Flow rates should be at leastequal to the rate of gas production but low enough toprevent excess oxygen from being drawn into thesystem. Details concerning proper design of pipe ventsystems are contained in Methane Generation andRecovery from <strong>Land</strong>fills, EMCON Associates (1980).(1) Vent trenches are constructed by excavatinga deep trench which is backfilled with gravel to provide apath of least resistance through which gases can migratevertically. Design considerations in constructing venttrenches include ensuring proper ventilation by backfillingwith sufficiently permeable material and avoidinginfiltration of precipitation and clogging by solids. Inpassive closed vent trenches, ventilation can beenhanced by proper design of laterals and risers.(2) In active vent trenches with forced ventilation,the equations and design criteria for active control wellsapply, with allowances for the smaller area and greaterpermeability of the trench backfill. The key designconsideration for vent trenches is that the depth of thetrench extend to the ground-water table or anunfractured impervious stratum to prevent gas frommigrating under the trench.6-7. Final covera. Regulatory requirements. Final cover isrequired for closure of all hazardous waste landfills,surface impoundments developed for waste disposal,and those surface impoundments and waste piles atwhich all contaminated subsoils cannot be removed ordecontaminated at closure.TM 5-814-7(1) Specific regulations concerning final coverare summarized in table 6-6. The prime function offinmal cover is to minimize infiltration of precipitation.Other functions include preventing contamination ofsurface water run off, wind dispersion of hazardouswaste, and direct contact with hazardous waste byanimals or humans. To prevent liquid accumulationwithin closed disposal units, the regulations specify finalcover must have a permeability less than or equal to thepermeability of any bottom liner system or naturalsubsoils present.(2) For long-term performance with minimummaintenance, the final cover must be designed topromote drainage, minimize erosion, precludeaccumulation of gas pressures, and accommodatesettling and subsidence.b. Elements of the cover system. Designfeatures and criteria recommended for final cover in theEPA guidance documents are shown in figure 6-10. Therecommended three-layered final cover includes:* A soil layer for vegetation* A drainage layer* A low permeability layer(1) The upper soil layer is to sustain vegetationand minimize erosion of the cover; the middle drainagelayer is to carry infiltrating water from sustainedprecipitation to the sides of the cover for discharge; thelow-permeability layer is to prevent fluid inflow andensure that infiltrating water is carried by the drainagelayer.(2) An overview of procedures for evaluating clo-Table 6-6. Requirements for Surface Water Run-on and Run-off Control SystemsSection of 40 CFR 264 Describing RequirementsK L M NDesign Requirements Surface Impoundments <strong>Waste</strong> Pile <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> <strong>Land</strong>fillCover the unit with a final cover designed andconstructed to: ’ 264.2282(iii) May apply NA 264.310(a)Provide long-term minimization of themigration of liquids through the closed unit.Function with minimum maintenance Promotedrainage and minimize erosion or abrasion ofthe final cover Accommodate settling andsubsidence so that the cover’s integrity ismaintained; and Have a permeability less thanor equal to the permeability of any bottom linersystem or natural subsoils present.Maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the finalcover, including making repairs to the cap asnecessary to correct the effects of settling,subsidence, erosion, or other events. 264.228(bXl) May apply* NA 264.310(bXl)Prevent run-on and run-off from eroding orotherwise damaging the final cover. 264.228(bX4) May apply’ NA 264.310(bX5)*If not all contaminated subsoils can be practicably removed or decontaminated, the unit must be closed in accordancewith requirements that apply to landfills.CANCELLEDAdapted from 40 CFR 2646-22

TM 5-814-7Figure 6-10. Final cover details.6-23CANCELLED

6-24sure covers is provided in EPA SW-867. More detaileddesign criteria and procedures are provided in EPA600/2-79-165 and EPA SW-873.(3) The low permeability layer includes aminimum 2-foot-thick soil liner and a syntheticmembrane at least 20 mil thick. General design,selection, and construction procedures for both syntheticand clay liners are provided in paragraph 6-2.(a) soils suitable for the lower liner are nativeclay materials, or soils blended with clay, bentonite, orother additives, which can exhibit, when placed on a firmbase, a recompacted permeability of 41 x 10-7 cm/sec.The soil liner should generally fall into the CL/CH UnifiedSoil Classification System, with not less than 50 percentby weight passing a No. 200 sieve (U.S. Standard), aliquid limit between 35 and 60, and a plasticity indexabove the "A" Line in the plasticity chart of the USCS.Any additive which increases the soil’s vulnerability tocracking by settlement or excessive shrinkage should beavoided.(b) Achievable field densities for cover soil linersare generally less than for base liners, because waste fillareas provide a softer, more flexible constructionsubgrade. The designer should obtain laboratory tests ofthe permeability of representative soil liner samplesremolded to achievable field densities at moisturecontents greater than optimum to establish constructionprocedures for low in-place permeability of the soil liner.(c) The designer should specify moistureconditioning requirements, the thickness of soil layers forcompaction, the type and weight of equipment, and thenumber of equipment passes required to achieve therequired density/permeability and avoid flexural crackingduring placement. The constructed soil liner shall beprotected from drying until placement of the syntheticmembrane. Spraying with water or application of anemulsion to prevent drying may be necessary.(d) The EPA guidance documents specify asynthetic liner at least 20 mil thick; demonstration of theliner’s compatibility with the waste or leachate is notrequired in this case, because the liner is not expected tobe in contact with waste or leachate. Nevertheless, linerselection should be based upon its resistance to thewaste present and to degradation, as well as its ability toundergo deflection due to settlement without cracking ortearing.(e) The synthetic liner must be protected bothabove and below by a layer of material no coarser thansand. Sands should be classified as either SW or SP bythe USCS, with less than 5 percent passing the No. 100sieve. In addition, sands which act as filters must meetfilter graduation requirements, such as those shown inchapter 5 of TM 5-820-2. The synthetic liner can beplaced directly on the soil liner with ade-TM 5-814-7quate protection, provided the upper 6 inches is nocoarser than sand and free of rock, fractured stone,debris, cobbles, rubbish, and roots. A drainage layerselected to meet the requirement for bedding materialcan be used above the liner.(f) Where surface slopes are 3:1 or steeper,geotextile fabrics are recommended for placement overthe synthetic liner. Heavy geotextile fabrics >, 12 oz/ydare increasingly being used in combination with flexiblemembrane liners in hazardous waste units to protect themembranes from puncture and abrasion. If geotextilesare used to protect synthetic membranes, it is importantthat they, like the synthetic membranes, be tested forcompatibility with hazardous waste. However, manysuch fabrics are made of polypropylene or polyestermaterials and may have compatibility characteristicssimilar to those exhibited by liners of the same materials.(g) Care must be taken to avoid any penetrationof the liner. Where inlets or outlets are required (e.g., foran impoundment), inflow/outflow piping should bedesigned to go over the top whenever possible. Energydissipaters may be needed at the pipe inlet/outlets.Where penetrations cannot be avoided, precautionsmust be taken to ensure an adequate seal between theliner and any unavoidable penetration. In such cases,flange-type connections should be considered. EPASW-870 outlines procedures for sealing between theliner and any penetration.(h) EPA requires that the liner must also beprotected from damage by sudden changes in slope; toprevent liners from freezing, they must be locatedentirely below the frost line. Procedures are provided inEPA 600/2-79-165.(4) The drainage layer must be at least 12inches thick, exhibit a permeability of >1 x 10-3 cm/sec,and be able to carry infiltrating waters to the sides of thecover for discharge.(a) The designer should carefully evaluate thedrainage layer for its ability to carry waters for discharge,and the need for a synthetic fabric filter or gradedgranular layer to prevent plugging due to infiltration ofsoils from the vegetated soil cover layer. Measuresshould be considered to preclude piping of the drainagelayer at discharge areas.(b) Selection of a clean sand (SP), whichexhibits the required permeability and is able to carry thevolume of infiltrating water, will not only satisfy thebedding requirements for the synthetic liner, but mayalso eliminate the need for a granular layer to preventplugging; nevertheless, a synthetic fabric filter should beconsidered to ensure the long-term effectiveness of thedrainage layer.(c) Although the EPA guidance documentsindicate drainage collection devices are not necessary, aperforated drainage collection pipe to intercept andCANCELLED

carry water from the drainage layer to surface drainagefacilities may be a better alternative than granulardrainage discharge areas.(5) The soil layer for vegetation should be a highquality topsoil at least 2 feet thick, and capable ofsustaining vegetation.(a) The vegetation must be a persistent butshallow-rooted species which will minimize erosion, whilenot penetrating below the vegetative and drainage layers(EPA SW-867 and EPA 600/2-79-165). The vegetatedsoil layer must also have an erosion rate of < 2.0 tonsper acre per year using the US Department of AgricultureUniversal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). This equation anddata for its use are described in EPA SW-867 and EPA600/2-79-165.(b) As noted, steeper perimeter slopes must beprovided with surface drainage systems capable ofconducting run off across the slope without damaging thevegetated soil cover. Stability against slippage undersaturated or seismic conditions must also bedemonstrated.c. Design considerations. Because hazardouswaste fills can undergo settlement, and any damagingeffect of settlement on final cover must be repairedduring the post-closure period, the designer shouldassess the potential for uniform settlement of the wastefill, recommend operating practices which minimizedifferential settlement, and select construction slopeswhich minimize the damaging effect of settlement.(1) Settlement of waste fills generally occur due to(a) Mechanical consolidation: a decrease in voidspace related to applied load(s) of the fill and soil coverand their depth.(b) Biological decomposition: a decrease involume by loss of solids.(c) Displacements: differential settlementswhich result from liquefaction of saturated layers, creepof the waste fill, and/or collapse of drums placed prior tothe ban of such practice.(2) In new facilities, where design proceduresminimize foundation settlement, and placementprocedures minimize differential settlement of the fill,consolidation of the waste fill will be the primary sourceof settlement. The potential for settlement should beanalyzed for the following conditions: compression of thefoundation and compression of the waste due todewatering, liquefaction, primary and secondaryconsolidation, biological oxidation of organics, * andchemical conversion of solids to liquids. EPA SW-873provides current state-of the-art design information todetermine settlement, and additional studies are beingperformed for EPA.(3) The following provisions should beconsidered to minimize damage by anticipatedsettlement:* Calculate assuming one pound of organic matter will bedestroyed for each two pounds of oxygen consumedin a BOD5 test.6-25TM 5-814-7(a) Selecting design slopes which will minimizethe damaging effect of settlement, i.e., use 4 percentconstruction slopes for upper surfaces over fill areaswhere settlements can be expected to be uniform, due toplacement procedures and a uniform depth of fill, anduse 10 to 33.3 percent slopes (10:1 to 3:1 horizontal tovertical slopes) over perimeter and interim fill areas,where the depth of fill increases significantly due to theperimeter excavation, and can result in settlementswhich decrease the construction slope by 10 percent ormore (see figure 6-10).(b) Using uniform fill placement and solidificationprocedures which minimize differential settlement andenable prediction measurements for the order ofsettlement that can be expected after closure.(c) Staging final closure to delay placement offinal cover where substantial settlement is expected(may require an extension in the 180-day limit forclosure, and placement of an expendable interim cover).(4) Design slopes should be selected to allow forany settlement. Final slopes should be at least 3 percentto prevent ponding due to irregular surface areas, butless than 5 percent to prevent excessive erosion.Perimeter slopes may be steeper, but must be providedwith surface drainage systems capable of conducting runoff across the slope without forming erosion rills andgullies. Steeper slopes must be evaluated for stabilityagainst slippage under saturated or seismic conditions,and for acceptable resistance to erosion.6-8. Special design elementsa. Regulatory requirements. Regulations withinsections of 40 CFR 264 establish design, constructionand maintenance requirements for structural integrity ofimpoundment dikes, overtopping controls, and winddispersal controls. Requirements related to airemissions have not been established, but are expectedto be developed in the future by EPA. The specificregulations are summarized in table 6-7.b. Design considerations for dikes. Since dikesare the principal containment components of surfaceimpoundments and are partially or completely aboveground, it is essential that they be designed, constructedand maintained with sufficient structural integrity toprevent failure. Dike slopes must be stable at all times,especially during rapid drawdown of waste liquids; theymust also be protected against erosion due to waveaction, wind, rain or animal intrusion. Dikes must bedesigned so that excessive stresses are not put on thefoundation.(1) To accomplish these goals, the designersmust evaluate the materials of construction, liner type(s),weather factors, loads imposed by wastes, drainagesystems, and the hydrologic and geotechnicalcharacteristics of the site. Analyzing the stability of thepro-CANCELLED

Table 6- 7. Requirements for Special Design ElementsSection of 40 CFR 264 Describing RequirementsTM 5-814-7K L M NDesign Requirements Surface Impoundments <strong>Waste</strong> Pile <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> <strong>Land</strong>fillDikesDikes are designed, constructed, and maintainedwith sufficient structural integrity to preventmassive failure of the dikes. In ensuring structuralintegrity, it must not be presumed that the linersystem will function without leakage during theactive life of theunit. 264.221(d) NA NA NAWeekly inspection for severe erosion or other signsof deterioration indikes. 264.226(bX4) NA NA NA*OvertoppingThe unit must be designed, constructed,maintained, and operated to prevent overtoppingresulting from normal or abnormal operationsoverfilling; wind and wave action; rainfall; run- on;malfunctions of level controllers, alarmsand other equipment; and human error. 264.221(c) NA NA NAWeekly inspections to detect evidence ofdeterioration, malfunctions, or improper operationof overtopping controlsystems. 264.226(bXl) NA NA NAWind DispersalIf the unit contains any particulate matterwhich may be subject to wind dispersal, the owneror operator must cover or otherwise manage theunit to controlwind dispersal. NA 264.250(cX3) 264.233(f) 264.301(f)Inspected weekly and after storms for properfunctioning of wind dispersal lcontrol systems,) NA 264.254(bX3 264.273(gX2)) 264.303(X)(3where present.* No standards or requirements established.Adapted from 40 CPFR 264posed or existing dike system is of primary importance;slope failure due to saturation, earthquake or poorconstruction could result in extensive environmental,property and human damage.(2) Stability assessments should utilize in situproperties of the dikes and foundations and pertinentgeologic information. Assessment methods andevaluative criteria are presented in NAVFAC DM 7.1 andEPA SW-873. Evaluations and monitoring must berepetitive to ensure structural integrity and containmentof liquids.c. Prevention of overtopping. Surfaceimpoundments must be designed, constructed,maintained and operated to prevent overtopping.Designing impoundments with significant freeboard,establishing operating practices to monitor and regulateliquid levels, using automatic liquid level controllers,and/or using alarms can prevent overtopping.(1) Specific guidance requirements to preventingovertopping include:* For stormwater: design and operatingprovisions which can withstand, at aminimum, the flow generated by a 24-hour,100-year storm.264.<strong>280</strong>(aX5)*For flow-through units: adequately sizedspillway or weir-type dischargestructures which can maintain a constantliquid level and freeboard.-pipes with valved intakes and outlets forregulating flows.-pumping systems for control of inflowsand outflows.· For units without outlets: provisions toassess the freeboard level and regulateinflow to prevent overtopping.(2) A 2-foot freeboard is documented asproviding sufficient protection against overtopping due toinflow fluctuations or wave action; however, whenmanual operation is involved, greater freeboards may benecessary to ensure protection.(3) Water balance studies must be performed forevaporation surface impoundments. The summation ofliquid wastes volume and precipitation inflows, minus theevaporation losses, determines the anticipated liquidlevels. The EPA believes stormwater should be divertedfrom surface impoundments. The guidelines toaccomplish this are that structures be designed to di-CANCELLED6-26

6-27vert the maximum flow from a 100-year storm, unless thevolume of the contributing flow will not cause appreciableloss of freeboard.(4) If overtopping is imminent or a failure occurs,provisions must be available to divert flow to another unitor stop the inflow.d. Control of wind dispersal. Wind dispersalcontrol measures are required for waste piles, landtreatment areas, and landfills. The generation anddispersion of dust from a hazardous waste unit can posepotential health hazards as well as affect visibility. Dustemissions can occur by wind erosion of exposed soil orwaste areas, vehicle traffic on unpaved haul roads, andsoil handling activities.(1) Although watering for immediate control canbe an effective short-term wind dispersal method,additional control methods should be implemented tominimize long-term wind erosion of open soil or wasteareas. Control methods include physical, chemical orvegetative stabilization of exposed surfaces.(2) Physical stabilization involves covering exposedsurfaces with a material that prevents wind fromdisturbing the surface particles; materials used for thispurpose include rock, soil (including daily andintermediate cover), crushed or granulated clay, bark orwood chips. Chemical stabilizers, often used inconjunction with water, can provide dust suppression forseveral months. Since many of these chemicalcompounds are proprietary, their characteristics aredifficult to evaluate without site-specific field testing.Information concerning these chemical stabilizers, in-TM 5-814-7cluding a discussion of their characteristics, is presentedin EPA 600/2-79-165.(3) A more permanent solution .to controllingwind dispersal of dust is vegetating exposed inactive soilborrow areas, land application areas, and soil stockpileareas. Vegetative cover not only serves as a permanentmethod of suppressing dust, it also serves to enhancethe aesthetics of the site. The particular vegetativespecies selected should be compatible with soil type,growing conditions, climate, and site end use. Additionalinformation concerning selection of vegetative speciesand planting techniques is presented in EPA 600/2-79-128.(4) Control provisions to reduce or eliminate thegeneration of fugitive dust from unpaved haul roadsinclude (1) physical stabilization (placing a gravel layeron the road), or (2) chemical stabilization (application ofbinding materials).(5) Imposing speed reductions on unpavedroads during dry weather can also help to reduce dustgeneration.(6) For land treatment facilities, wind dispersalcontrol measures include (1) surface wetting (irrigation)with water or chemical agents, (2) development of avegetative cover, (3) windbreaks, and (4) wasteapplication timing. The specific control measure(s)selected will depend on site-specific conditions.Additional information concerning wind dispersal controlfor land treatment units is available in EPA SW-874 andthe EPA Office of Solid <strong>Waste</strong> Draft RCRA GuidanceDocument for <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong>.CANCELLED

CHAPTER 7OPERATIONS AND CONTINGENCY PLANS/TRAININGTM 5-814-77-1. Operationsa. Purpose. The designer of hazardous wasteland disposal/land treatment facilities must have anunderstanding of their basic operations. Such anunderstanding is fundamental to the development ofdesign plans that take into account day-to-dayoperations, required equipment, health and safetyprovisions, and operator needs. A summary of generaloperations for landfills, surface impoundments and landtreatment facilities is presented below. For a briefdiscussion of procedures for injection wells and wastepiles, see paragraph 5-5 and 5-6, respectively.b. <strong>Land</strong>fill operations. Typical operations at ahazardous waste landfill include the following activities:• Unloading wastes onto the active lift by forkliftor front-end loader.• Segregating wastes in cells or subcells toprevent mixing of incompatible wastes.• Covering wastes with soil to prevent winddispersal.• Grading cover soil to facilitate collecting anydirect precipitation in a sump.• Placing cover soil on areas of the landfill thathave been brought to final grade.(1) To minimize infiltration of rainfall during verywet conditions, tarps may be used to cover the activearea of the landfill. In areas of very high rainfall, wastesare often containerized or stored until the rainfall seasonis over.(2) Equipment for landfill operations is used forhandling wastes and cover material, spill and fire control,and decontamination. Typical equipment includes:• Forklift and front-end loader to unload andplace solid waste and containers.• Dozens and self-loading scrapers to spreadand compact cover material.• Road graders and water pickup and vacuumtrucks to provide support functions such asmaintenance of site roads.• Fire control, spill control and decontaminationequipment.c. Surface impoundment operations. Duringthe time that liquid wastes are impounded, the followinginspection activities are required:• Monitoring to ensure that liquids do not rise intothe freeboard (prevention of overtopping).• Monitoring leak detection system.• Inspecting containment berms for signs ofleakage or erosion.• Periodic sampling of the impounded wastes forselected chemical parameters.7-1• Inspecting periodically for floral and faunal activities(such as animal burrows) that could cause leaks throughearthen dikes, levees or embankments.(1) Liquid wastes may be removed from animpoundment by a variety of methods, including (but notlimited to) decanting, pumping and settling, solar drying,and chemical neutralization. Details concerning removalmethods are presented in SW-873.(2) Typical equipment used for closing animpoundment includes:• Centrifugal pump or hydraulic pipeline dredgeto remove impounded liquids.• Vacuum truck to pump slurried sediment fromthe impoundment.• Rotary cutter to extract hardened sediments.• Dragline or front-end loader to excavatesolidified sediments.d. <strong>Land</strong> treatment operations. Typical landtreatment operations include:• Applying liquid wastes (less than 8 percentsolids) by either spraying the waste on the landwith sprinklers or by using flood or furrowirrigation techniques.• Spreading semiliquid sludges (8 to 15 percentsolids) on the land or injecting them 4 to 8 inchesbelow the soil surface.• Applying low-moisture solids (> 15 percentsolids) to the surface and later incorporating intothe soil.(1) Regardless of which waste applicationmethod is used, the most important objectives areuniform application of wastes, and use of applicationrates that are tailored to the assimilative capacity of thesoil.(2) Equipment used for land treatment varies,depending on application technique selected. Typically,this includes:• Piping and a pump to transport wastes to thepoint of discharge (for surface irrigation byfurrow or flooding).• Truck or trailer-mounted tank if wastes are tobe applied by gravity flow or through a sprayer ormanifold.• Vacuum truck with flotation tires and rearsprayer or manifold for surface spreading ofsludge.• Moldboard plow, disk or rotary tiller forincorporating waste into the soil.• Truck or tractor with two or more chisels ifwastes are to be injected into the subsurface.CANCELLED

7-2. Permit application assistancea. The design engineer should develop adetailed operations plan for the facility that will includepreclosure, closure and post-closure operations. Theseplans are usually required as part of the state permitapplication process. Generally such plans describe thecharacteristics of the wastes handled at the facility,equipment and operating procedures, site personnel,and provisions for emergencies and other contingencies.b. Typical components of operations plansinclude:• Access Procedures• <strong>Waste</strong> Identification• Entry Procedures• <strong>Waste</strong> Handling and Control• Management and Personnel• Operations and Safety Training• Safety• Facility Equipment• Security• Monitoring7-3. Contingency plansa. Section 3004(s) of the ResourceConservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) stipulates thatregulatory standards for hazardous waste facilities shallinclude "contingency plans for effective action tominimize unanticipated damage from any treatment,storage or disposal of any such hazardous waste."b. Subpart D (Contingency Plan andEmergency Procedures) of 40 CFR 264.50-56 outlinesthe required contents of the plan, personnelresponsibilities and emergency procedures. Specifically,the plan must be designed to minimize hazards tohuman health or the environment from fires, explosions,or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous waste constituents to air, soil or surfacewater. Section 264.52(b) of subpart D states that if theowner/operator has a SPCC plan, "he need only amendthat plan to comply with the requirements of this part."c. From a facility design perspective, thecontingency plan must include the facility provisionswhich will aid in quick and effective emergency responseprocedures as well as those features that will help toavoid emergency situations. These might include thefollowing:(1) Primary and secondary spill containmentstructures and methods.(2) Structures and equipment used for thecontainment and suppression of fires (e.g., installedsprinkler or foam systems, fire breaks).(3) Location of facility:• away from active faults• away from sources of ignition• away from flood zones or low-lying coastalareas7-2TM 5-814-7(4) Adequate ground-water monitoring program.(5) Communication and alarm systems.d. Specific design features are not required bythe contingency plan, however, an acceptablecontingency plan is based on the intrinsic safety featuresof the individual facilities. Surface impoundments requireadditional contingency planning, as well as developmentof emergency repair procedures; similar regulations areproposed for waste piles.7-4. Personnel requirements, training, and safetya. Regulations promulgated under RCRA onMay 19, 1980, require owners or operators of hazardouswaste management facilities to train their personnel.Specifically, 40 CFR 264.16 states: "Facility personnelmust successfully complete a program of classroominstruction or on-the-job training that teaches them toperform their duties in a way that ensures the facility'scompliance with the requirements of this Part ..."b. This program must be directed by a persontrained in hazardous waste management procedures andmust include instruction which teaches facility personnelhazardous waste management procedures (includingcontingency plan implementation) relevant to thepositions in which they are employed. At a minimum, thetraining program must be designed to ensure that facilitypersonnel are able to respond effectively to emergenciesby familiarizing them with emergency procedures,emergency equipment, and emergency systems,including where applicable:(1) Procedures for using, inspecting, repairing, andreplacing facility emergency and monitoringequipment;(2) Key parameters for automatic waste feed cutoffsystems;(3) Communications or alarm systems;(4) Response to fires or explosions;(5) Response to ground-water contaminationincidents; and(6) Shutdown of operations.c. This training must be completed within sixmonths from the date of employment or assignment to afacility or to a new position at a facility, whichever is later.d. The regulations state explicitly that facilitypersonnel must be trained and that the training must becorrelated to job classification. The regulations do notprovide criteria for acceptable training programs.e. For some types of activities existent athazardous waste management facilities, personneltraining is required under the Occupational Safety andHealth Act (29 CFR 1910 et seq.). However, personneltraining which is required under RCRA has beeninterpreted as going beyond that designed to protectworkers and ex-CANCELLED

TM 5-814-7tending into the area of community protection as well.f. States requiring training as part of theirhazardous waste regulatory program may imposetrainingrequirements more restrictive than the RCRArequirements. As a minimum, however, all states mustcomply with the federal training requirements.7-3CANCELLED

CHAPTER 8TM 5-814-78-1. Introductiona. Subpart F of 40 CFR 264 establishesstandards for groundwater protection and monitoring thatapply to owners or operators who treat, store or disposeof hazardous waste in surface impoundments, wastepiles, land treatment units, or landfills.b. Under Interim Status regulations in 40 CFR265:F, existing surface impoundments, landfills or landtreatment facilities are also required to implementground-water monitoring programs to determine thefacilities’ impact on ground water.c. If an existing facility is upgraded, the facilityowner or operator must continue to comply with theinterim status regulations specified in 40 CFR 265:F untilfinal administrative action on the facility’s permitapplication. Initial background water quality datacollected during this period is used for the detectionand/or compliance monitoring programs regulated by 40CFR 264:F once a permit is granted to the facility. Thedesigner should be aware, however, that the monitoringsystem installed at existing facilities in compliance withthe interim status regulations may not meet the morestringent standards for permitted facilities and mayrequire modifications or additions.d. Many variables exist within a givenhydrogeologic environment that affect ground-wateroccurrence. To yield usable information, as well as toensure their effectiveness, monitoring programs musttherefore be designed based on a thorough knowledgeof site hydrogeology (EPA SW-963, SW-611).8-2. Monitoring requirementsa. Background ground-water quality.Section 264.97 requires that ground-water quality databe collected at all hazardous waste units to establish abackground value for any hazardous constituents ormonitoring parameters specified in the facility permit.Sampling frequency and techniques are detailed in theregulations.b. Detection monitoring. A detectionmonitoring program (section 264.98) is required at allhazardous waste units to provide an early indication ofleakage into the uppermost aquifer.(1) Detection monitoring, conducted atleast semiannually, determines ground-water quality atthe point of compliance. The parameters or constituentsrequiring monitoring are specified in the facility permit.(2) The information collected isanalyzed to determine whether there has been astatistically significant increase over background valuesfor any parameter orGROUND-WATER MONITORING8-1constituent specified in the permit. If so, the EPARegional Administrator (RA) establishes a ground-waterprotection standard for the facility.c. Ground-water protection standard. Thegroundwater protection standard indicates whencorrective action is necessary to control contaminationfrom a regulated hazardous waste unit. The standardhas four main parts: (1) the hazardous constituents to bemonitored (section 264.93), (2) the concentration limitsfor each hazardous constituent that trigger correctiveaction (section 264.94), (3) the point of compliance(section 264.95), and (4) the compliance period (section264.96).d. Compliance monitoring. Compliancemonitoring (section 264.99) is implemented whendetection monitoring reveals a confirmed, statisticallysignificant increase in any parameter or constituentspecified.(1) Compliance monitoring requiresquarterly sampling at the compliance point forhazardous constituents specified in the ground-waterprotection standard. Analysis for all appendix VIm of 40CFR 261 hazardous constituents must also be doneannually.(2) Data collected from these tests areanalyzed to determine if a statistically significant increasein hazardous constituent concentration has occurred. Ifso, a corrective action program is implemented at theRA’s direction.e. Corrective action program. A correctiveaction program (section 264.100) is undertaken toensure that hazardous waste units are brought intocompliance with the ground-water protection standard.This goal must be achieved by either removing thehazardous constituents or treating them in place.Corrective action may be terminated only after groundwatermonitoring data demonstrate that the standard hasnot been exceeded for three consecutive years.8-3. Monitoring programa. Determining the hydrogeologic environmentof a waste disposal unit is an essential first step indesigning and planning a monitoring program. Thehydrogeologic investigation should include identificationof the uppermost aquifer, determination of the hydraulicconductivity of underlying formations, and determinationof seasonal and other fluctuations in ground-watersurface elevation, which will yield information onhydraulic gradients and flow direction. Subsurfacecross-sections, prepared from boring logs, geophysicalsurveys and existing site information, may be used inconjunction with a base map to characterize thehydrogeologic environment of the site. Methods ofdetermin-CANCELLED

ing hydrogeologic conditions are detailed in chapter 3 ofthis manual.b. A minimum of four ground-water monitoringwells will be installed, one hydraulically upgradient of thewaste disposal unit, to provide background groundwaterquality data, and three downgradient of the facility todetect contaminant discharge. Small indoor waste pilesare the only waste facilities at which fewer wells will beconsidered.c. Upgradient wells should be installed in theuppermost aquifer at a location not likely to be affectedby the waste facility. Downgradient wells should also beinstalled in the uppermost aquifer, but along pathwayslikely to transport contaminants, should any be releasedfrom the facility. Care must be taken in locating andconstructing monitoring wells to ensure that they notserve as conduits for contaminants to enter the groundwater, or allow contaminated ground water to migrate toan uncontaminated aquifer.d. Well depth should be determined on asitespecific basis. Factors which influence well depth, aswell as the depth of the sampling (or intake) interval ofthe well casing, include ground-water levels and thebehavior of specific contaminants in the aquifer. Thesedeterminations are dependent on a detailed log ofborings and on the subsurface geologic conditions. e.The principal components of the monitoring well are thewell casing and the perforated or screened samplinginterval. A typical ground-water monitoring well is shownon figure 8-1. Details on well design and samplingmethods appear in SW-611 and in the RCRA guidancemanual on ground-water monitoring. It must be stressedthat well design must always be based on a clear anddetailed understanding of site hydrogeologic conditions.(1) One of the considerations in design ofthe well is selection of the proper well diameter, whichdepends on a number of factors, including state andfederal requirements, drilling method and subsurfaceconditions, as well as the diameter of the sampler.Monitoring wells generally have casing diameters ofeither 2 or 4 inches. The larger casing size permitsgreater flexibility in sampling methods, since an innerdiameter of 4 inches is generally required toaccommodate submersible pumps and other equipmentused for evacuation and sampling. Two-inch casingsmay be necessary or favorable in some instances,however, since they can be installed by the dry hollowstemcontinuous flight auger drilling method. Some drillrigs can install 4-inch casings but such rigs are notalways readily available.(2) Proper location of the intake, orsampling, interval of the monitoring well is extremelyimportant to ensure that it is in the path of likelycontaminants and therefore likely to yield representativesamples. Where aquifer zones are relatively thin (i.e., nomoreTM 5-814-7than 20 feet thick), the well should be perforatedthroughout the zone. In thicker aquifers, multiple wells(see figure 8-2) should be used to define water qualitystratification within the aquifer. Care should be taken toensure that the perforated interval does not providehydraulic connection between isolated aquifers.(3) Also important is the sizing of theperforations or screen. A properly sized screen,generally one designed to exclude up to 60 percent offormation materials, will prevent passage of fines fromthe formation, while allowing passage of sufficient waterfor sampling. In most cases a commercially fabricatedscreen is recommended, although a factory-slottedcasing may be adequate for some applications. Fieldperforation of well casings is not recommended.(4) Materials selected for the well casingshould be compatible with the expected contaminants tominimize the potential for interaction between the casingmaterial and the sample. Steel casings may contributeiron and other ions to the sample. Furthermore, themetallic oxides which form on a steel casing influenceconcentrations of cautions and some organic molecules.PVC pipe, unlike steel well casing, is resistant to mostchemicals, nonconductive, and chemically inert;however, PVC is not recommended for sampling certainreactive organic constituents such as ketones oraromatic compounds, which can better be accomplishedusing stainless steel or teflon. However, the finalselection of well materials should be determined by aperson knowledgeable about the probable chemicalreactions (e.g., a chemist or chemical engineer).Needed joints in PVC casings should be fashioned usingthreaded couplings instead of glue to avoidcontamination.(5) Locking caps and concrete padsshould be installed on all monitoring wells. Pads shouldbe designed to divert drainage from the casing, therebypreventing precipitation or extraneous substances fromentering the well.f. Well drilling methods, filter packing, sealingand development are the components of concern in wellconstruction, both to maintain the integrity of theborehole and to prevent contamination of samples.(1) The drilling method selected shouldavoid spreading any ground-water contamination and/orinterfering with the sample to be collected. Both dry andwet drilling methods are commonly used to constructmonitoring wells. Conventional auger drilling isCANCELLED8-2advantageous, since the potential for introducingextraneous fluids is less than with rotary drilling methods.Auger drilling is best suited to fine-grained,nonconsolidated materials; rotary (air or water) drilling isrequired for wells in cemented or consolidated materialssuch as bedrock. The maximum casing diameter inwells drilled by the standard continuous flight auger

TM 5-814-7Figure 8-1. Monitoring well details.8-3method is 4 inches (2 inches if inserted into hollowstemaugers). However, larger non-continuous auger drillingequipment can be used in primarily finegrained depositsto install shallow wells with casing diameters up to 12inches.(2) If well drilling methods are employed,drilling fluids should be chosen to minimizecontamination, and care should be taken to prevent entryof drilling fluids into aquifer flow zones. Generally, alladditives or drilling fluids are disallowed at DA facilitiesexcept clean water and/or bentonite clay. Whensubsurface or contaminant conditions warrant, avariance should be requested and justification submittedto the Major Command for consideration.(3) Filter packing is used to develop azone of increasedhydraulic conductivity around the samplinginterval and to prevent clogging. The filter pack consistsof gravel or sand placed in the borehole around thesampling interval of the well (see figure 8-2).Selection of the grain-size of a filter pack requiressampling and sieve analysis of the aquifer materials.Proper installation of the filter pack is necessary toprevent separation of the fine and coarse particles andconsequent bridging of the material, which could result information of void spaces. Use of a tremie pipe isrecommended for installation of the filter pack; howeverin shallow wells, slow pouring or shovelling may beacceptable. For wells drilled in soil, the minimum boringdiameter in the filter pack portion of the well should be atleast 4 inches larger than the inner diameCANCELLED

TM 5-814-7CANCELLEDFigure 8-2. Monitoring well installations.8-4

8-5ter of the screened interval; in wells drilled in rock, welldiameters may be as little as 2 inches larger than thescreened interval.(4) Regulations in 40 CFR 264:F requirethat the annular space between the well casing and theborehole be sealed to prevent contamination of theground water and/or sample. Both cement grout andbentonite are effective agents that are commonly usedfor sealing monitoring wells. If portland cement is used,special care should be taken to minimize shrinkage, aswell as to prevent migration of the grout into adjacentformations. Alternatively, a grout mixture of portlandcement, sand, bentonite and water can be used. Ifbentonite is used, a 3to 5-foot seal of bentonite pelletsmust be placed between the well casing and theborehole. A base of sand may also be necessary aroundand above the screen. Installation of sealing agents isbest accomplished with a tremie pipe; pouring andtamping may, however, be adequate for shallow wells ofsmall diameter.(5) Well development is necessary toensure the free flow of water into the sampling interval,to purge drilling fluids and other contaminants, and toeliminate clay, silt and other fines which could contributeto water turbidity and interfere with chemical analysis. Indeveloping the well, ground water within the casing isrepeatedly forced in and out of the sampling interval byflow reversal or surge. The well is then pumped orbailed until a volume of clear water equal to that requiredfor operation of the sampling program is obtained. If thewell cannot be adequately developed, it should bereplaced with a new well.g. Federal regulations for both existingfacilities and new facilities require that a ground-watersampling and analysis plan be prepared which detailsprocedures and techniques to be followed in collecting,preserving, shipping and analyzing samples.(1) Water level measurements arerequired each time a sample is collected. Suchmeasurements are nec-TM 5-814-7essary to detect seasonal changes or other fluctuationsin the water table which could affect flow direction andthe well’s ability to yield a representative sample.(2) Before a sample is withdrawn,standing water should be purged from the well. This isan important procedure, since such water can havesubstantially different chemical characteristics from theground water to be sampled, due to dissolution of gases;leaching or adsorption of casing, screen or groutmaterials; and/or biological activity within the well. It isgenerally recommended that wells be completelyevacuated before sampling. High-yield wells should, ifpossible, be pumped dry twice and allowed to recoverbefore sampling; one complete evacuation is sufficientfor lowyield wells. If complete evacuation is not possible,a volume of water equal to 4 to 10 times the amount ofstanding water should be withdrawn. The exact volumeto be withdrawn will depend on site-specific conditions.(3) A variety of sampling devices areavailable, including bailers, portable pumps, air-liftsampler and suction pumps. Care should be taken tochoose equipment that will not contaminate the sample,particularly when trace elements are to be analyzed. Allequipment should be thoroughly cleaned beforeintroduction into a monitoring well. Once a samplingdevice has been chosen, the same equipment andsampling procedure should be used in subsequentsampling, if values are to be compared.(4) Accepted procedures for preservingand protecting ground-water samples during shippingand while awaiting laboratory analysis should befollowed. All samples should be firmly sealed, clearlylabelled and packed in compatible containers that willprevent breakage, spills and contamination. Thesampling schedule and methods of analysis should beaccording to the regulations in 40 CFR 264:F and theguidelines presented in the RCRA ground-watermonitoring guidance manual.CANCELLED

CHAPTER 9TM 5-814-79-1. Introductiona. Subpart G of 40 CFR 264 establishesperformance standards that must be met by individualhazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilitiesto extend protection of human health and theenvironment beyond the active life of the facility. Theseclosure and post-closure standards are the basis forwritten plans that the facility owner or operator mustprepare, amend as necessary, and submit with thepermit application. Approval of the designated closureprocedures and, where applicable, post-closure plans isa condition of facility operation.b. The plan must identify the steps necessaryto close or partially close the facility at any point duringits intended operating life, and to completely close it atthe end of its intended life. Copies of the closure andpost-closure plans must be kept at the facility andrevised whenever changes in the operating plans orfacility design affect the closure or post-closureprocedures, or whenever the anticipated year of closurechanges.9-2. Closure Proceduresa. Each hazardous waste management unitmust be closed in a manner that minimizes the need forfurther maintenance, particularly with respect to escapeof hazardous waste, leachate, contaminated rainfall orwaste constituents to ground water, surface water, soil orthe atmosphere. The owner or operator and a certifiedengineer should certify that the land disposal/landtreatment facility has been closed in accordance with theapproved closure plan. Closure procedures for eachdisposal mode are summarized below.b. <strong>Land</strong>fill closure is achieved by installing afinal cover which has a permeability less than or equal tothat of the bottom liner. The cover should be capable of(1) minimizing infiltration of liquids, (2) functioning withminimum maintenance, (3) promoting drainage andminimizing erosion of cover, and (4) accommodatingsettling and subsidence.c. Surface impoundments can be closed inone of two ways:(1) Removing or decontaminating allwastes, waste residues, system components (such asliners), subsoils and structures or equipment. No postclosurecare is required as long as removal ordecontamination is complete.(2) Removing liquid waste or solidifying theremaining waste. A final cover must be placed over theimpoundments closed by solidification. Post-closurecare of such impoundments will consist of monitoringground water and conducting corrective action if it isCLOSURE AND POST-CLOSURE PLANSwarranted (see para 8-5), and maintaining theeffectiveness of the final cover. For double-lineddisposal units, the leak detection system must bemonitored as part of post-closure care.d. Closure of a land treatment unit may beaccomplished by either (1) establishing a permanentvegetative cover capable of maintaining growth withoutextensive maintenance, (2) removing and landfilling thezone of incorporation, or (3) capping the land treatmentarea to control wind and water erosion. General closurepractices called for include minimizing run off from thetreatment zone, continuing ground-water monitoring, andcontinuing restrictions on food-chain crops. In addition,the unsaturated zone should be monitored as part of theclosure procedures; however, soil-pore liquid monitoringmay be suspended 90 days after the last application ofwaste at the unit. Each of these practices is described inchapter 12 of EPA SW-874.e. Closure requirements for waste piles areless stringent than those for facilities such as landfillssince waste piles cannot be used for permanentdisposal. The principal closure requirement for a wastepile that has achieved adequate waste containmentduring its active life is removal or decontamination of allwaste and waste residue, and all system components(e.g., liners), subsoils, structures and equipment whichhave been contaminated by contact with the waste.However, if contamination of the subsoils is so extensiveas to preclude complete removal or decontamination, theclosure and post-closure requirements applying tolandfills must be observed. Ensuring adequatecontainment of waste should therefore be an importantconsideration in initial design of a waste pile.9-19-3. Components of closure plana. The components of the closure plansummarized below apply to all hazardous waste disposalfacilities, as well as to storage facilities, i.e., those fromwhich the wastes will be removed at closure. In additionto the general requirements, there are special provisionsfor the different types of hazardous waste land treatmentand disposal facilities. Specific procedures to befollowed in closure of hazardous waste landfills, wastepiles, surface impoundments and land treatment unitsare contained in chapter 5.b. At a minimum, the closure plan for allfacilities must include the following elements:(1) Procedures for partial and finalclosure: partial closure may involve closing part of a unit,such as a landfill cell, while other parts of the samefacility continue to operate.CANCELLED

(2) Estimated date(s) of partial closure.(3) The maximum extent of the operationthat will remain open during the life of the facility.(4) Estimates of the maximum wasteinventory in storage and in treatment at any time duringthe life of the facility.(5) Procedures to decontaminateequipment during closure.(6) Estimated year of final closure.(7) Schedule to close facility allowing 90days after final volume of wastes is received fortreatment, removal or onsite disposal. Closure must becompleted within 180 days of receipt of last volume ofwastes.(8) Procedure for updating the closureplan.9-4. Post-closure plansa. Post-closure plans must be prepared for alldisposal facilities that will contain hazardous wastes afterclosure. Surface impoundments permitted for storage,i.e., those from which all wastes are to be removed atclosure, must have not only a closure plan for wasteremoval, but also contingency closure and post-closureplans to close the unit as a landfill, should completewaste removal not be possible. Likewise, ifdecontamination of a waste pile cannot be completed atclosure by removing the waste, waste residues,contaminated subsoils, structures and equipment, landfillclosure and post-closure requirements will apply.b. The post-closure plan for a hazardouswaste disposal unit or facility describes the owner oroperator’s responsibilities for maintaining theenvironmental protection and physical security of the sitefor 30 years after closure. The deed of the property, orother document that would be examined during a titlesearch, must alert any potential purchaser that the landhas been used to manage hazardous wastes. The deedmust notify the purchaser that post-closure use must notdisturb the protective features of the site such as theliner, cap, or monitoring systems. Any variation from thisstandard requires approval of the9-2TM 5-814-7EPA administrator or authorized state department.c. The 30-year post-closure period may bereduced if the owner or operator demonstrates that ashorter I time period will be sufficient to protect humanhealth and the environment. Conversely, the period maybe extended if, for example, groundwater monitoringdata indicate a potential for harmful migration of wastes.d. The actual contents of the post-closure planwill vary with each site to reflect the degree and type ofmaintenance dictated by the facility life, the closureprocedures, and the site’s design. For most units, thepost-closure plan will include activities in two principalcategories: (1) ground-water monitoring, and (2)maintenance activities. Components of these plans aresummarized below.• Ground-Water Monitoring— Include a copy of ground-water monitoring andanalysis plan— Indicate: (a) number, location and depth of wellsto be monitored during post closure, (b)frequency of monitoring, and (c) monitoringprocedures and analyses• Maintenance Activities— Facility inspection schedule— Care of cover and/or vegetation— Erosion control activities— Maintenance of ground-water monitoring— Collection and disposal of leachate— Maintenance of gas control system— Care of security systems— Response to unplanned events such as severestorm erosion, drainage failure, drought or otheroccurrence that could threaten facility integrityWithin 90 days after closure is completed, a survey platindicating the location and dimension of landfill cells orother disposal areas, must be submitted to the EPAadministrator and the local zoning authority or theauthority with jurisdiction over local land use.CANCELLED

10-1. Cost Elementsa. Cost elements for hazardous waste facilitiesare based on a number of variables, including:• Regional hydrogeologic setting• Condition of the existing facility• Local construction costs• Available water quality dataBecause of the number and complexity of the variablesgoverning costs, the analysis is limited to typicalhazardous waste land disposal/land treatment facilities,namely lined units.b. Cost elements for lined hazardous wasteunits include materials costs for liners, underdrainsystems, and ground-water monitoring wells; andinstallation costs, including the costs of necessaryequipment and labor. Since there will be considerablevariation between projects, however, a number of factorsmust be considered in estimating the capital cost of alined hazardous waste unit.(1) Type of liner material. Liner materialcosts can vary significantly, depending on the type ofliner installed, the required thickness of the liner and, inthe case of synthetic liners, whether they are reinforcedor not. Liner type will also influence installation costs.For example, seaming methods for synthetic liners(solvent, heat or contact adhesive) may differ dependingon the liner material selected; preparation of the linerbase is also different for soil liners than for syntheticmembranes.(2) Location of the facility. The location ofthe hazardous waste unit can affect both the cost oflabor and the delivery cost for materials. Materials costscan also be affected by the facility location, depending onthe availability of needed soils and aggregates.(3) Facility size. The size of the waste unitto beCHAPTER 10COST ANALYSISTable 10-1.SUMMARY OF UNIT COSTS FOR LINED FACILITYTM 5-814-7lined can have a significant effect on unit costs.Polymeric membranes and natural soil materials areusually sold at a discount when purchased in largequantities.(4) Site conditions. The soil types,topography and configuration of a site can influence linerinstallation costs. Preparation of the liner base isessential to liner effectiveness and integrity; the easewith which the base can be prepared will depend on siteconditions. Whether soils for liners and earthwork mustbe imported (at higher cost) will also depend on siteconditions.(5) Economic factors. The cost ofsynthetic liners depends, to a large extent, on the cost ofthe petroleum used in their manufacture. Market supplyand demand will also influence the cost of liner materials.10-2. Unit Costsa. Unit costs for various elements of ahazardous waste facility are presented in table 10-1.b. The costs presented in table 10-1 arebased upon standard building cost references, bid pricesand telephone inquiries to material suppliers. Unit costshave, in general, been expressed in ranges to accountfor the variation likely to occur from site to site. Inestimating the cost of a specific hazardous waste unit,the designer should consider the preliminary designcriteria as well as any site-specific factors which wouldinfluence the cost of materials or installation.Contingency and wastage factors should be added to thecost of installation, to account for adverse weather, seamoverlap requirements, and other such considerations;soil shrinkage and compaction should also be factoredinto the cost analysis.Element1983 CostsExcavation $1.50/yd 3(including clearing and grubbing)Earthfillberms and levees $2.00/yd 3soil liners $3.00/yd 3Soil Importsand (gradation for drainage) $10.00/yd 3drainage rock (rounded) $10.Oyd 3(cost delivered)Soil Placementsand $1.00/yd 3Vegetationmulch and hydroseed$1,000/acreFilter Cloth $0.75-1.50/yd 2CANCELLED10-1

Table 10-1-ContinuedSUMMAR Y OF UNIT COSTS FOR LNED FACILITYTM 5-814-7Element1983 CostsGeotextile Fabrics $1.00-3.00/yd 2Membrane Liners’Non-reinforced Materials30 mil PVC 0.25-0.301ft 230 mil CPE 0.35-0.40mft 230 mil Butyl/EPDM 0.45-0.50/ft 230 mil Neoprene 0.70-0.75/ft 2100 mil HDPE 1.00-1.50/ft 2Reinforced Materials36 mil Hypalon (CSPER) 0.50-0.55/ft 260 mil Hypalon (CSPER) 0.80-O.90ft 236 mil CPER 0.50-0.55/ft 2Installation, excluding earthwork 0.06-0.121ft 22”Slotted plastic drain pipe$3.00/ftMonitoring Wells$50.00/ft(drilling, casing and gravel packup to 50 feet deep)*Prices from Watersaver, Inc., based upon 400,000 ft 2 installationsU.S. Army Corps of Engineers10-2CANCELLED

APPENDIX ATM 5-814-7Government PublicationsDepartment of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service(SCS).National Technical Information Service, U.S. Departmentof Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161Engineering Field Manual for Conservation PracticesDepartment of the Army.AR 200-1 Environmental Protection andEnhancementAR 200-2 Environmental Effects of ArmyActionsTM 5-809-10 Seismic DesignTM 5-818-1 Foundation Design of BuildingsTM 5-820-1 Surface Drainage Facilities for AirFields and HeliportsTM 5-820-2 Subsurface Drainage Facilities for AirFieldsTM 5-820-3 Drainage and Erosion Control for AirFields and HeliportsTM 5-820-4 Drainage for Areas Other Than AirFieldsDepartment of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.Superintendent of Documents, Government PrintingOffice, Washington D.C. 20402Design of Small Dams, 1973.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).National Technical Information Service, U.S.Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia22161.600/2-79-128, August 1979. Adapting Woody Speciesand Planting Techniques for <strong>Land</strong>fill Conditions.600/2-79-165, August 1979. Design and Construction ofCovers for Solid <strong>Waste</strong> <strong>Land</strong>fills.SW-611, 1980. Procedures Manual for Ground-WaterMonitoring of Solid <strong>Waste</strong> <strong>Disposal</strong> Facilities.SW-846, 1982. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid<strong>Waste</strong>.SW-867, Lutton, R. J., 1982. Evaluating Cover Systemsfor Solid and <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>.SW-870, Matrecon, Inc., 1983. Lining of <strong>Waste</strong>Impoundment and <strong>Disposal</strong> Facilities.SW-873, Acurex Corporation and Metcalf & Eddy, Inc.,1982. Closure of <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> SurfaceImpoundments.SW-874, K. W. Brown & Associates, 1983. <strong>Hazardous</strong><strong>Waste</strong> <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong>.SW-963, 1980. Ground-Water Monitoring Guidance forOwners and Operators of Interim Status Facilities.REFERENCESOffice of Solid <strong>Waste</strong>, 1983. RCRA Guidance Documentfor <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> (Draft).625/1-81-013, 1981. Process Design Manual-<strong>Land</strong><strong>Treatment</strong> of Municipal <strong>Waste</strong>water.General Services Administration.Superintendent of Documents, Government PrintingOffice, Washington, D.C. 20402Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 146Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 260Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 261Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 262Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 264Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 265Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 270Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NA VFAC).Superintendent of Documents, Government PrintingOffice, Washington D.C. 20402DM 7.1Soil MechanicsU.S. Congress.Superintendent of Documents, Government PrintingOffice, Washington D.C. 20402Clean Air Act, PL 95-396, 42 USC 7401 et seq.Clean Water Act, PL 95-217, 33 USC 1251 et seq.Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, PL94-140, 7 USC 136 et seq.Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act of1972, PL 92-532, 33 USC 1401 et seq.National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), PL 91-190,42 USC 4321 et seq.Occupational Safety and Health Act, PL 91-596, 29 CFR1910 et seq.Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), PL94-580, 42 USC 6901 et seq.Safe Drinking Water Act, PL 93-523, 42 USC 300f etseq.Toxic Substances Control Act, PL 94-469, 15 USC 2601,et seq.U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment,March 1983. Technologies and ManagementStrategies for <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> Control.Nongovernment PublicationsAmerican Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 RaceStreet, Philadelphia, PA 19103ASTM Method Test for Moisture-Density RelaD1557-78 tions of Soils and Soil-AggregateMixtures Using 10-lb (4.54-kg) Rammerand 18-in (457-mm) DropCANCELLEDA-1

B-I. Purpose and scopeThe tables presented in this appendix are intended toillustrate the regulatory requirements applicable to thedesign of land disposal/land treatment facilitiesAPPENDIX BTable B-2.Management Programs.Table B-I. Summary of RCRA <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>Regulations Applicable to TM 5-814- 7’Regulation Title Applicable Elements of the Regulation40 CFR 260 <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> Management • DefinitionsTM 5-814-7B-2. TablesTable B-1 Summary of RCRA <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>Regulations Applicable to TM 5-814-7.Review of State <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>System: General• Petitions for equivalent testing• Petitions to exclude a waste generated at a particular facility40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing • Defines hazardous waste and those wastes which are excluded under the broadof <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>definition• Recycled or recovered waste exclusion• General hazardous waste characteristics• Lists of hazardous waste40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to • <strong>Hazardous</strong> waste determinationGenerators of <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> • Recordkeeping and reporting requirements• Procedures for notification of hazardous waste activity40 CFR 264Subpart A Standards for Owners/Opera- • Scope and applicability of the standardstors of <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> • Enforcement in cases of 'mminent Hazard"<strong>Treatment</strong>, Storage and • Relationship of these standards to the permitting process<strong>Disposal</strong> UnitsSubpart B General Facility Standards • <strong>Waste</strong> analysis requirements• Security• Inspections• Personnel training• Requirements for ignitible, reactive or incompatible wasteSubpart C Preparedness and Prevention • General design and operation criteria to prevent unplanned sudden or nonsuddenreleases of hazardous wastesSubpart D Contingency Plan and • Contents of the contingency planEmergency Procedures• Emergency procedures for responding to fires, explosions or material release• Definition of personnel responsibilitiesSubpart E Manifest System, Record- • Use of manifest systemkeeping and Reporting • Reporting requirementsSubpart F Ground-Water Protection • Procedures to identify escape of contaminants from facilities• General ground-water monitoring requirements• Protection standards and allowable concentration limits for permit obtainment• Detection monitoring program• Compliance monitoring program• Corrective action programSubpart G Closure and Post Closure • Establishes closure performance standards• Post-closure care and property useSubpart K Surface Impoundments • Prevention of overtopping• Liner design and materials (DA impoundments are required to have double linersand leak detection or secondary leachate collection systems for non-inspectableinstallations)• Ground-water monitoring requirements• Run-on/run-off controls• Cap requirements• Closure requirementsSubpart L <strong>Waste</strong> Piles • Liner design and materials (DA waste piles are required to have double liners andCANCELLEDleak detection or secondary leachate collection systems for non-inspectableinstallations)• Leachate collection and removal systems• Ground-water monitoring requirements• Monitoring exemptions* The regulations summarized in this table represent technical and performance standards for hazardous waste units; omittedfrom the table is 40 CFR 270, which presents the procedural requirements and criteria for the part B permit process.B-1

TM 5-814-7Table B-I. Summary of RCRA <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>Regulations Applicable to TM5-814- 7 (Continued)Regulation Title Applicable Elements of the Regulation• Run-on/run-off controls• Special waste controls• Closure/post-closure careSubpart M <strong>Land</strong> <strong>Treatment</strong> • <strong>Treatment</strong> program performance standards based on treatment zone and wasteconstituents• Site selection criteria• Soil preparation and care• Run-on/run-off controls and treatment• Wind dispersal controls• Vegetation• Unsaturated zone monitoring requirements-soil-pore liquid tests-chemical make up of soil• Closure/postclosure careSubpart N <strong>Land</strong>fills • Design and operating requirements: liners, leachate collection systems,exemption demonstration, run-on or run-off control systems, wind dispersalcontrol• DA landfills are required to have double liners and leak detection or secondaryleachate collection systems• Exemption from Subpart F for double-lined units• Monitoring program-detection-compliance-correction• Inspections• Special requirements for liquid wastes• Special requirements for containerized waste• Closure/post-closure requirementsUS Army Corps of Engineers.Table B-2. Review of State <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> Management ProgramsSpecific Siting Burial Policies DiscourageState Universe of <strong>Waste</strong> 1 Procedures 2 Restriction <strong>Land</strong>fillingAlabama RCRA XAlaskaRCRAArizona Equivalent + expanded criteria X XArkansasRCRA + PCB'sCalifornia RCRA + expanded criteria X XColorado Equivalent XConnecticut RCRA by statute X XDelawareRCRAFlorida RCRA by reference X XGeorgia RCRA by reference X XHawaiiRCRAIdahoRCRAIllinois RCRA + special wastes X X XIndiana RCRA X XIowa RCRA by reference X XKansas RCRA X XKentucky RCRA by reference X XLouisianaRCRA + expanded waste listMaine RCRA X XMaryland RCRA + PCB's X X XMassachusetts RCRA + PCB's, oil, radioactive wastes X XMichigan RCRA + oil, other toxic wastes X XMinnesota RCRA + oil X XMississippi Equivalent XMissouri RCRA X XMontanaRCRANebraska RCRA by reference XB-2CANCELLED

Table B-2. Review of State <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> Management Programs (Continued)TM 5-814-7Specific Siting Burial Policies DiscourageState Universe of <strong>Waste</strong> 1 Procedures 2 Restriction <strong>Land</strong>frilingNevadaRCRANew Hampshire RCRA X XNew Jersey RCRA + PCB’s, oil X XNew Mexico RCRANew York RCRA by statute X XNorth Carolina RCRA X XNorth Dakota RCRA XOhio RCRA X XOklahoma RCRA: no recycling exemption XOregon Equivalent: no waste listing X XPennsylvania Equivalent XRhode Island Equivalent: limited listing X XSouth Carolina RCRA: no recycling exemption XSouth Dakota RCRATennessee Equivalent X XTexasRCRA + halogenated hydrocarbonsUtah RCRA XVermontEquivalentVirginiaRCRAWashington RCRA + expanded waste list XWest Virginia RCRA XWisconsin RCRA XWyomingRCRANOTES:1. Universe of <strong>Waste</strong>: refers to the list of regulated wastes in that state.RCRA-State program is nearly identical to Federal regulations.Equivalent-State program is equivalent, but not identical to Federal regulations.RCRA by reference-State program adopted Federal regulations by reference.2. Specific Siting Procedures: refers to measure taken by the individual states to ensure new facilities are sited in amanner and location that is acceptable (or tolerable) to local citizenry.Adapted from Technologies and Management Strategies for <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> Control, Office of TechnologyAssessment, Congress of the US, 1983.B-3CANCELLED

APPENDIX CTM 5-814-7C-1. Purpose and ScopeThe design example in this appendix illustratespredesign considerations and design principles thatrelate to the development of plans for a hazardous wastelandfill and surface impoundment. Both facilities areassumed to be developed for an existing governmentowned, contractor-operated, industrial installation thatmanufactures small arms, ammunition and chemicalmaterials. Where appropriate, the design engineer isdirected to primary references for additional details, aswell as to several figures in this TM for typical layoutsand design details. As needed, assumptions underlyingthe selection of design elements will be noted.C-2. Design Examplea. Site Scenario. The general location, size,hydrogeologic conditions, climate, and anticipatedwastes for this hypothetical installation are summarizedbelow:• A 2,000-acre installation in the Midwest characterizedby rolling hills above an adjacent valleyregion.• Located within Seismic Zone 2, as defined byparagraph 3-4 of TM 5-809-10.• Annual precipitation of 39 inches and mean totallsnowfall of 17 inches.• Average daily maximum temperature of 80°Ffor May through October and average dailyminimum of less than 32°F for December, Januaryand February.• Annual pan evaporation is 45 inches, with 76percent of the evaporation occurring from Maythrough October.• 100-year, 24-hour design storm of 5.8 inches.• Design freezing index of 500 for the region.• Silty clay topsoil 1 to 3 feet in thickness.• Glacial till clayey soils interspersed with discontinuoussand stringers to a depth of 200 feetover a shale bedrock.• Ground water (which occurs within on-siteswales) found at depths ranging from 90 to 120feet below the surface; flow direction is towardthe adjacent valley.• Ground water of drinking water quality existsin only limited amounts; it is not a measurablesource of recharge to the valley aquifer.• Liquid wastes (designated for the surface impoundment)consist of acidic wastewater; maximumvolume of liquid waste storage is2,000,000 gallons.EXAMPLE DESIGN PROBLEMC-1• Solid hazardous wastes (for landfilling) consistof (1) incinerator ash containing lead (10 cubicyards (cy) per day), and (2) sludges produced byan acid neutralization process (20 cy per day).b. Pre-design evaluation. Given the scenariodescribed above, the design engineer will initially reviewavailable documents and evaluate site conditions andwaste types and quantities. In addition, the engineer willperform additional hydrogeologic services identified inparagraph 3-3 of this TM including geologic mapping ofthe proposed site locations, drilling borings andexcavating test pits, and testing soils for geotechnicalproperties. Based on the available information, logs ofborings, and additional test results, engineeringproperties of soils and related pre-design calculationsand evaluations will be made; these are summarizedbelow:(1) Available data verify that both thesurface impoundment and the landfill can be developedwith adequate' vertical separation, and hydraulicseparation from ground water. Construction areas arewell above the 100-year flood plain. Both units allowexcavations which can provide needed topsoils, clayeysoils for soil berms and secondary liners, and soil coverneeds for the operation and closure of the landfill.(2) Tests of clayey soils determine thatthey exhibit a Liquid Limit of 40 and a PI of 18, a drydensity of 105 pcf, an optimum moisture content of 19percent, and a permeability of 3 x 10-8 cm/sec atoptimum plus 4 percent. When they were subjected tothe hazardous wastes to be contained, the clayey soilsexhibited a permeability of 5 x 10-8 cm/sec.(3) Based on stability analysis, earthfillberms or dikes constructed with on-site clayey soils willhave an adequate factor of safety for stability under staticand seismic loadings, provided they are constructed witha 12-foot-minimum crest width, a maximum height of 25feet, and side slopes of 3:1 or less (see para 3-3).(4) Based on current publications oncompatibility testing (EPA SW-870), supportiveinformation from several lining manufacturers, andaccelerated testing (using the waste to be contained), thefollowing liners were determined to be suitable for theproject: chlorinated polyethylene (CPE), chlorosulfonatedpolyethylene (CSPE), and high density polyethylene(HDPE) (see para 6-3).(5) In accordance with the Universal SoilLoss Equation, (EPA SW-867, page 37) A = RKLSCP,where(eq C-1)R, the rainfall erosion index for the location, is175CANCELLED

K, the erodibility factor for the above topsoil, is 0.21C, the cover factor for well established grass-likeplants is, 0.01P, the erosion control practice for normalconditions, is 1.0A, the soil loss in tonslacre/year, limited to < 2 perRCRA guidance documents(a) The LS landslope factor must be < 5.4;therefore the following design slopes could be used:Slope Slope Length Vertical Height3:1 34 114:1 85 215:1 180 35(b) Based upon a design freezing index of500 for the region, the silty clay topsoil when barren canfreeze to a depth of about 2 feet (EPA SW-867, page29).(6) The sludges produced by the acidneutralization process can be solidified by addingnonbiodegradable absorbents or by solar drying; whenabsorbents are used, the resultant waste volume isdoubled. The net May through October evaporation rateof 24 inches allows solar drying (the net annualevaporation of 5 inches precludes use of solarevaporation ponds).c. Required design elements and procedures.(1) Design elements for the surface impoundmentinclude:• a dike along two perimeters of the impoundment• run-on control ditches• a double liner system with leak detection whichincludes a protective cover, a primary syntheticliner, a leak detection system, and a secondarysoil liner.• inlet and outlet pipes (12-inch-diameter pipes tobe provided; these will be equipped withautomatic flow controls to prevent overtop ping).• ground-water monitoring wells(2) Design elements for the landfill include:• an earthfill berm along the end of the landfill• run-on/run-off control facilities• a double liner system with leak detection, whichincludes a leachate collection system, a primarysynthetic liner, a leak detection system and asecondary soil liner• final cover (for closure)• ground-water monitoring wells(3) Figure 5-1 illustrates layouts for typical surfaceimpoundments and a landfill, and figures 5-2, 6-1, 6-2, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7 and 6-10 show design details.(4) Proposed dimensions for the 2, 000, 000 galloncapacity surface impoundment are a 10-foot liquid depthwith a 2-foot freeboard, 3:1 construction slopes, basedimensions 100 feet wide by 180 feet long (in-TM 5-814-7board crest-to-crest dimensions are 172 feet by 252feet).(5) Proposed dimensions of the 200, 000 cy landfill'are approximately 20 feet deep, with inboard crest-tocrestdimensions 400 feet wide by about 800 feet long.The size of the landfill is based upon the followingdisposal volumes:Containerized ash10 cy/daySludges (20 cy/day, with 1/2 dried30 cy/daywithout volume change, and 112solidified by absorbents, with adoubled volume)Operational soil cover needs (2:120 cy/daywaste:soil ratios for 40 cy ofwaste)TOTAL60 cy/day1,200 cy/mo14,400 cy/yr 2(6) When 100-year flood levels are determined to beabove the project area, earthfill levees of compactedimpervious soil can be constructed to prevent flooding(see figure 6-1).(7) Liner systems details for this hypothetical facility(including leak detection and leachate collectionsystems) are illustrated in figures 6-2 and 6-5. Theproposed incorporation of a secondary soil liner for thetwo waste units in this example problem (and for anywaste unit) should be based upon the premise that thereis little or no potential for ground-water flow into thedetection system. The construction of project earthfillsand proposed clay liners (in accordance with placementrequirements described in paragraph 6-3 and in EPASW-870) will provide an adequate secondary liner andsoil subbase for other liner elements at this facility.(a) Given a DA requirement to limit the numberof field seams and locate such seams to minimize thepotential for leakage, field panel widths of approximately100 feet for the primary synthetic liner are proposed.The liner material for the two waste units will berestricted to CPE and CSPE, based upon compatibilitytesting and panel size needs. The actual panel sizesand layouts are contingent upon required spacing for theleak detection and leachate collection systems and willbe developed after selecting these design dimensions.(b) Calculations for the leak detection andleachate collection systems, and material selections,are:CANCELLEDC-2• Infiltration rates for system design:—Assuming seepage through the secondary1 A desired service life of 15 years requiresabout 200,000 cubic yards of capacity.2 Based upon 5 days/week, 20 days/month, 240days/year.



(c) Based upon these calculations, thedesign engineer will develop liner panel installation planswith leak detection and leachate collection networks forthe surface impoundment. Design elements will include:• A base grade configuration which slopes at0.5 percent across the 100-foot width of thepond, with a crest-to-trough distance of 50feet along the pond's 180-foot length toaccommodate the leak detection pipenetwork.• Two-inch slotted detection pipes in trenchesover the troughs, with risers up the sideslopes within the drainage layer.• A 36-mil reinforced primary synthetic liner.• A 1-foot sand/riprap protective cover.(d) Based upon the calculations outlinedabove, liner, leak detection and leachate collectiondesign elements for the landfill include:• A base grade configuration which slopes at0.5 percent across the 400-foot width oflandfill, with crest-to-trough distances of 50feet along the landfill's length toaccommodate the leak detection pipenetwork.• A trough along the lower side of the landfillto accommodate a collection drainpipe toconnect leachate laterals to a sump area.• Two-inch slotted detection pipe, asdescribed above for the surfaceimpoundment.• A 36-mil reinforced primary synthetic liner.• Four-inch slotted leachate collection pipessurrounded with rounded drain rock, withinthe 1-foot thick drainage layer.(8) Gas control measures for the facility will belimited to a few pipe vents for the surface impoundment.The absence of organic materials below or within thelandfill and surface impoundments minimizes thelikelihood of air pressure developing below proposedliners. Nevertheless, since even a small amount of gaspressure can lift synthetic liners in impoundments,atmospheric pipe vents should be considered at selectedperimeter locations of the surface impoundment.(9) Surface water control features for theproposed surface impoundment and landfill will besimilar to those illustrated in figure 5-1. They will includeditches and drainage pipes normally used to prevent flowinto active portions of waste units. Upon closure, therun-on control ditches of the landfill carry run off fromclosed final cover areas as well.(a) Run-on control ditches, V ditches andthe typical trapezoidal ditch shown in figure 6-7, can beconstructed with adequate slopes to carry run-offvolumes. For example, with contributory areas of lessthan 5 acres, a peak discharge of less than 20 cfs resultsfrom the 100-year design storm. (SCS run-off method,with a type C soil classification, a CN value ofC-5TM 5-814-770 for grasslands and a steep slope, S > 8 percent.)(b) A sedimentation basin will beestablished for the landfill construction area; in addition,sediment control facilities will be utilized at all temporaryconstruction sites.(c) For the active waste area of thelandfill, temporary containment berms can be used toretain run off for treatment when limited run off volumesare involved. By limiting the active waste lift andcontainment area for the proposed landfill to an areaabout 200 feet long and 100 feet wide, the run off fromthe 100-year storm is 72, 000 gallons. This is based on100 percent run off from a 5.8-inch intensity rainstormover the active area.(d) Due to limited evaporation, the run offfrom active areas should be discharged to the surfaceimpoundment for subsequent treatment. If no additionalrainfall run-off control measures are selected (i.e., tarps,restricted operations during rainfall periods), the annualrainfall of 39 inches would produce about 500,000gallons of liquid.(10) Ground-water monitoring wells will beinstalled in accordance with federal regulations, onehydraulically upgradient of the facility (to providebackground water quality data) and three downgradientto detect contaminant discharge. Well design andsampling procedures will reflect details presented inparagraph 8-3.(11) Special design elements needed for thisfacility are impoundment dikes and overtopping controls(part of the plant equipment), with a 2-foot freeboard.Addressed under liner details are requirements fordeveloping adequate anchor pads for the "over-the-line"inlet/outlet pipes and appurtenant structures for flowcontrol. The only penetrations allowed will be liner"boots" clamped to penetrations for the leak detectionand leachate collection pipe risers, and gas vents withinthe berm crest of the levee of the surface impoundment(see EPA SW-870, figure IV-22, page 371). No winddispersal provisions will be needed since the ash iscontainerized.(12) As segments of the fill are brought to finalgrade, final cover for the proposed landfill will be placedto minimize infiltration of precipitation. As stated in EPASW-870, table V-5, page 267, water balance calculationsresult in a 2.6-inch maximum monthly infiltration for a 2-foot clay cover. Final cover slopes (selected based onLS factors) will be a minimum 3 percent and 5:1 or less;assuming proper placement procedures, settlement isnot expected to pose a design constraint. The finalcover system will consist of a 20-mil PVC liner placedover a 2-foot soil liner (permeability of 1 x 10-7 cm/sec),a drainage layer of sand, and topsoil to facilitatevegetative growth. General details for the final cover areillustrated in figures 6-7 and 6-10.CANCELLED

BIBLIOGRAPHYTM 5-814-7Braunstein, J., 1973. Underground <strong>Waste</strong> Managementand Artificial Recharge, Vol. 2, AmericanAssociation of Petroleum Geologists.Brown, K. W., June 1983. <strong>Land</strong>fills in the Future. PublicWorks, 200 South Boward Street, Ridgewood, NewJersey 07451.Cedergren, Harry R., 1977. Seepage, Drainage andFlow Nets, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., One WileyDrive, Somerset, New Jersey 08873.Cheremisinoff, N. P., P. N. Cheremisinoff, F.Ellerbusch, A. J. Perna, 1979. Industrial and<strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>s Impoundment. Ann ArborScience.Collins, T. G. and Newkirk, D. D., 1982. The Use ofGeotextile Fabrics in Pond Construction Beneath anImpermeable Membrane. Crown ZellerbachCorporation, Northeast 4th and Adams Street,Camas, Washington 98607.Cook, T. D., ed., 1972. Underground <strong>Waste</strong>Management and Environment Implications.American Association of Petroleum Geologists.EMCON Associates, 1980. Methane Generation andRecovery from <strong>Land</strong>fills. Ann Arbor Science, 10Tower Office Park, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801.Engineering Science, May 1982. ComparativeEvaluation of Incinerators and <strong>Land</strong>fills. EngineeringScience, Inc., 150 N. Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia,California 91006.Freeze, R. A. and J. A. Cherry, 1979. Groundwater.Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey07632.Geraghty and Miller, Inc., 1982. Guidance Document onMechanical Integrity Testing of Injection Wells.Geraghty and Miller, Inc., North Shore Atrium,Bibliography -16800 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, New York 11791.Geraghty and Miller, Inc. and Booz, Allen and Hamilton,Inc., 1982. Injection Well Construction Practices andTechnology. Geraghty and Miller, Inc., North ShoreAtrium, 6800 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, New York11791.Kays, W. B., 1977. Construction of Linings forReservoirs, Tanks, and Pollution Control Facilities.John Wiley and Sons, Inc., One Wiley Drive,Somerset, New Jersey 08873.National Water Well Association, 1982. AquiferRestoration and Ground-Water Rehabilitation,Proceedings of the Second National Symposium onAquifer Restoration and Ground-Water Monitoring.National Water Well Association, 500 W. WilsonBridge Road, Worthington, Ohio 43085.Overcash, M. R. and D. Pal, 1981. Design of <strong>Land</strong><strong>Treatment</strong> Systems for Industrial <strong>Waste</strong>s-Theory andPractice. Ann Arbor Science, 230 Collingwood, P.O.Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105.Parr, J. F., Marsh, P. B., and J. M. Kla, 1983. <strong>Land</strong><strong>Treatment</strong> of <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>s. Noyes DataCorporation, Mill Road at Grand Avenue, ParkRidge, New Jersey 07656.Rankilor, P. R., 1981. Membranes in GroundEngineering. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., One WileyDrive, Somerset, New Jersey 08873.Sittig, M., 1979. <strong>Land</strong>fill <strong>Disposal</strong> of <strong>Hazardous</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>sand Sludges. Noyes Data Corporation.Yrjanainen, G., July 1975. "Sediment Basin Design,"Water and Sewage Works, University Micro FilmsInternational, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Department PR,Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.CANCELLED

The proponent agency of this publication is the Office of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army.Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (RecommendedChanges to Publications and Blank Forms) direct to HQDA DAEN-ECE-G), WASH DC 20314.TM 5-814-7By Order of the Secretary of the Army:Official:ROBERT M. JOYCEMajor General, United States ArmyThe Adjutant GeneralE. C. MEYERGeneral, United States ArmyChief of StaffDistribution:To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-34B, TM 5-800 Series: Requirements, for ENGINEERING ANDDESIGN FOR REAL PROPERTY FACILITIES.* U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1984-461-028:10038CANCELLED



<strong>UFC</strong> 3-<strong>280</strong>-<strong>02A</strong>16 January 2004UNIFIED FACILITIES CRITERIA (<strong>UFC</strong>)HAZARDOUS WASTE LAND DISPOSAL/LAND TREATMENT FACILITIESAny copyrighted material included in this <strong>UFC</strong> is identified at its point of use.Use of the copyrighted material apart from this <strong>UFC</strong> must have the permission of thecopyright holder.U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (Preparing Activity)NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMANDAIR FORCE CIVIL ENGINEER SUPPORT AGENCYRecord of Changes (changes are indicated by \1\ ... /1/)Change No. Date LocationCANCELLEDThis <strong>UFC</strong> supersedes TM 5-814-7, dated 29 November 1984. The format of this <strong>UFC</strong> does notconform to <strong>UFC</strong> 1-300-01; however, the format will be adjusted to conform at the next revision.The body of this <strong>UFC</strong> is the previous TM 5-814-7, dated 29 November 1984.1

<strong>UFC</strong> 3-<strong>280</strong>-<strong>02A</strong>16 January 2004FOREWORD\1\The Unified Facilities Criteria (<strong>UFC</strong>) system is prescribed by MIL-STD 3007 and providesplanning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and appliesto the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in accordancewith USD(AT&L) Memorandum dated 29 May 2002. <strong>UFC</strong> will be used for all DoD projects andwork for other customers where appropriate. All construction outside of the United States isalso governed by Status of forces Agreements (SOFA), Host Nation Funded ConstructionAgreements (HNFA), and in some instances, Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements (BIA.)Therefore, the acquisition team must ensure compliance with the more stringent of the <strong>UFC</strong>, theSOFA, the HNFA, and the BIA, as applicable.<strong>UFC</strong> are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made available tousers as part of the Services’ responsibility for providing technical criteria for militaryconstruction. Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Naval FacilitiesEngineering Command (NAVFAC), and Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA) areresponsible for administration of the <strong>UFC</strong> system. Defense agencies should contact thepreparing service for document interpretation and improvements. Technical content of <strong>UFC</strong> isthe responsibility of the cognizant DoD working group. Recommended changes with supportingrationale should be sent to the respective service proponent office by the following electronicform: Criteria Change Request (CCR). The form is also accessible from the Internet sites listedbelow.<strong>UFC</strong> are effective upon issuance and are distributed only in electronic media from the followingsource:• Whole Building Design Guide web site http://dod.wbdg.org/.Hard copies of <strong>UFC</strong> printed from electronic media should be checked against the currentelectronic version prior to use to ensure that they are current.AUTHORIZED BY:______________________________________DONALD L. BASHAM, P.E.Chief, Engineering and ConstructionU.S. Army Corps of Engineers______________________________________KATHLEEN I. FERGUSON, P.E.The Deputy Civil EngineerDCS/Installations & LogisticsDepartment of the Air Force______________________________________DR. JAMES W WRIGHT, P.E.Chief EngineerNaval Facilities Engineering CommandCANCELLED______________________________________Dr. GET W. MOY, P.E.Director, Installations Requirements andManagementOffice of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense(Installations and Environment)2

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