Lottie moments

Lottie moments Lottie moments

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Lottie momentsUse these ideas with children to encourage them to be a part of your church’s Lottie Moon emphasis. Foreven more ideas, visit imb.org/offering.Totally His• If you have the time, the Totally His missions package provides an hour’s worth of activities.• Use the missions experiences together or one at a time for a plug-in missions experience.Flat Lottie• Explain to kids that Lottie Moon was a missionary to China in the late 1800s. She wrote letters tofriends and churches in the U.S. encouraging them to give money to send missionaries.• Ask kids if they are familiar with Flat Stanley, the children’s book character who travels the world.Explain to kids that some missionaries in Asia developed Flat Lottie, to show all the places thatmissionaries serve.• Show the Flat Lottie video from the DVD-ROM.Heart, Soul and Mind• Show the Heart, Soul and Mind theme interpretation video.• Explain that Southern Baptist churches have sent nearly 5,000 missionaries to countries around theworld through the IMB.• Tell kids that Jesus gave us the responsibility as His followers to tell the entire world about Him.Lead kids to pray that they will love God and love others the way Jesus commanded.Thanks for giving• Show the Thanks for giving video.• Explain to kids that their missions offerings help kids like these and their parents share Jesus withpeople who have never heard of Him.Lottie Moon fill in the blanks• Make copies of the Lottie Moon handout for your group.• Complete this fun activity together or use it as a take-home activity.Meet the Parra family• Show the Meet the Parra family video.• Introduce your kids to a missionary family in Spain.

<strong>Lottie</strong> <strong>moments</strong>Use these ideas with children to encourage them to be a part of your church’s <strong>Lottie</strong> Moon emphasis. Foreven more ideas, visit imb.org/offering.Totally His• If you have the time, the Totally His missions package provides an hour’s worth of activities.• Use the missions experiences together or one at a time for a plug-in missions experience.Flat <strong>Lottie</strong>• Explain to kids that <strong>Lottie</strong> Moon was a missionary to China in the late 1800s. She wrote letters tofriends and churches in the U.S. encouraging them to give money to send missionaries.• Ask kids if they are familiar with Flat Stanley, the children’s book character who travels the world.Explain to kids that some missionaries in Asia developed Flat <strong>Lottie</strong>, to show all the places thatmissionaries serve.• Show the Flat <strong>Lottie</strong> video from the DVD-ROM.Heart, Soul and Mind• Show the Heart, Soul and Mind theme interpretation video.• Explain that Southern Baptist churches have sent nearly 5,000 missionaries to countries around theworld through the IMB.• Tell kids that Jesus gave us the responsibility as His followers to tell the entire world about Him.Lead kids to pray that they will love God and love others the way Jesus commanded.Thanks for giving• Show the Thanks for giving video.• Explain to kids that their missions offerings help kids like these and their parents share Jesus withpeople who have never heard of Him.<strong>Lottie</strong> Moon fill in the blanks• Make copies of the <strong>Lottie</strong> Moon handout for your group.• Complete this fun activity together or use it as a take-home activity.Meet the Parra family• Show the Meet the Parra family video.• Introduce your kids to a missionary family in Spain.

<strong>Lottie</strong> Moon fill in the blanksChoose the word that fits from the word bank below.Charlotte Diggs Moon was born in 1840 in Virginia. Most people called her (a)______________________.She was very (b)______________. Even though she was only 4’3’’ tall, she had a big (c)________________for the world.<strong>Lottie</strong> Moon grew up to be a (d)_____________. She decided to go to (e)_________________ to tell thepeople there how much (f)_______________ loves them.One way <strong>Lottie</strong> Moon met people was to (g)___________________ for them. Children called her the“(h)__________________ lady.” She began to love the Chinese people and they began to love her back.<strong>Lottie</strong> Moon lived in China for almost (i)_________________ years. During that time, she wrote many(j)______________ to people back home, asking them to send (k)____________ and missionaries to China.She knew more people needed to support mission work so more people could (l)______________ aboutJesus’ love.In 1887, <strong>Lottie</strong> wrote a letter and asked that the week before (m)_______________ be used as a time togive offerings to foreign missions. Churches gave enough money to send (n)______________ more missionariesto China.<strong>Lottie</strong> Moon died on Christmas Eve in 1912 on a (o)_____________________ in a Japanese harbor. Buther work has carried on for more than (p)__________________ years as people support missionaries throughthe <strong>Lottie</strong> Moon Christmas Offering ® for International Missions.Word bank:food rich China Jesus ship paint cake 40 doctor Charlie letters books 10 heartlearn money Christmas cookie three train ear <strong>Lottie</strong> small 100 sing Russia bakeThanksgiving missionary 200Answer Key(a) <strong>Lottie</strong> (b) small (c) heart (d) missionary (e) China (f) Jesus (g) bake (h) cookie(i) 40 (j) letters (k) money (l) learn (m) Christmas (n) three (o) ship (p) 100

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