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Course Outline Download

Course Outline Download


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ARC2422 ZHUJX 1213T20.1DESCRIPTIONThe course is designed for studies in materials and construction with anapproach based on operation practices and observation exercises. It willintroduce to first-year architectural students an appreciation and explorationof the essential knowledge of basic model/building materials and theirpotential application.The course emphasizes on the process of integrating knowledge framework,observation ability and exploration skill related to architectural andconstruction practice. Students will be introduced to the importance oftectonic issues and the ethics of using materials. Students will be encouragedto discover the processing, performance and potential of given buildingmaterials and construction systems.OBJECTIVESCOURSE FORMATASSESSMENT SCHEMEREFERENCE BOOKS1. To provide the basic knowledge framework in materials and constructionand help students see how such integrates with architectural design.2. To provide a basis for further courses in Building Technology curriculum.3. To help students enter into the architectural profession, with emphasison their appreciation of tectonic and technical Issues.Lecture, Tutorial and Field TripAssignment: * 30%Quiz *: 40%Final Documentation *: 25%Attendance: 5%* For external assessmentConstructing architecture: materials, processes, structuresAndrea Deplazes (ed.), Birkhäuser, c2005.Masonry construction manualPfeifer, Günter, Birkhäuser, Edition Detail, c2001Timber construction manualHerzog ... et al., Birkhäuser, Edition Detail, 2004.Concrete construction manualKind-Barkauskas, Friedbert. , Birkhäuser, Edition Detail, c2002Facade construction manualHerzog, Krippner, Lang, Birkhäuser, c2004.

ARC2422 ZHUJX 1213T20.2COURSE CALENDAR2012-13 Term 2 12 .7. 2012WK DATE PHASE LECTURE TOPIC EXERCISE QUIZ STUDIO01 14.01 I material 1.1 Timber & product Internal structure 1 concept02 21.01 1.2 Masonry & bond Bond study 2 abstraction03 28.01 1.3 concrete & Casting & terrazzoReinforcement04 04.02 II system 2.1 Dome Fabric dome Quiz 0105 11.0206 18.02 2.2 System 01 Case study07 25.02 2.3 System 02 Case study 3 materiality08 04.03 2.4 System 03 Case study09 11.032.5 System 0416.03Field tripField Trip10 18.03 III component 3.1 Envelope Envelope Layer Quiz 02 4 construction11 25.03 3.2 Opening Rebate Issue12 01.0413 08.04 3.3 Foundation Plinth and footing14 15.0415 22.04 Final Review16 29.04 Quiz03/EXAM17 06.05 DOCUMENT DUEOther Events:1. A Study field trip in Shenzhen is Scheduled on 16/03 Saturday.2. Two more lectures will be provided by guest lecturers. Schedule will be announced later.Instructor: ZHU Jingxiang / zhujx@cuhk.edu.hk / 26096590 or 63869164Asistant: Eric NG / nsceric@gmail.com / 97238482http://www.arch.cuhk.edu.hk/server1/staff1/xiang/arc2422/

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