BizClim, a new ACP-EU Facility - ACP Business Climate

BizClim, a new ACP-EU Facility - ACP Business Climate

BizClim, a new ACP-EU Facility - ACP Business Climate


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First SteeringCommitteeOn September 20, the Steering Committee held its first meeting inBrussels officially launching <strong>BizClim</strong>.<strong>BizClim</strong> was officially launchedat the occasion of the firstSteering Committee meetingwhere Ambassador Ferdinand Nyabenda,the Secretariat of the <strong>ACP</strong> States -Department of Sustainable EconomicDevelopment, and M. Raul Mateus Paula,Head of Unit Decentralized Operations in<strong>ACP</strong> countries (AIDCO/C4) were present.The Steering Committee held its firstmeeting to approve the facility’s keyoperational documents, notably thefirst work programme of the facility for aperiod of 15 months, ending in December2007. This approval signals the start ofthe facility’s operations, meaning thatpotential beneficiaries (e.g. governments,private sector organizations, regionalorganizations, European Commission’sDelegations) are now able to presentrequests for assistance. The <strong>Facility</strong>has earmarked a separate budget forinterventions at the all-<strong>ACP</strong> level.The Steering Committee stressed the needfor coordination with other instrumentsand institutions of the European Union(CDE, EIB Investment <strong>Facility</strong>, Infrastructure<strong>Facility</strong>, Water <strong>Facility</strong>, Energy <strong>Facility</strong>,Micro-finance Programme, etc). Thiscoordination will also have to takeplace with the other donors (PPIAF,KCP, OECD,…).The Steering Committee approved thefirst documents produced by the PMU,in particular the Manual of Policy andOperating Procedures (MPOP) and theActivity Report for the period April-June2006. The MPOP has been made availableonline to guide potential beneficiaries inthe formulation and submission of theirrequests.The potential beneficiaries canfrom now on submit proposalsto obtain technical assistance.In addition, the terms of reference ofthe Validation Committee have beenapproved. This committee is composedof four members: two representativesfrom the <strong>ACP</strong> Secretariat, a representativefrom EC/AIDCO and a representative fromEC/DG-DEV. Applications are screened bythe PMU and submitted for approval bythe Validation Committee. The validationprocedure is meant to be smooth andeffective, allowing the Project ManagementUnit to process requests with celerity. n❯ ❮In briefKick off SeminarA Kick off Seminar was organizedon 14th September with themain stakeholders responsiblefor implementation or oversightof the project as well as the otherEC projects and institutions withwhich coordination will be required.Representatives from the <strong>ACP</strong>Secretariat, AIDCO, DG Development,the European Investment Bank (EIB),the Center for the Developmentof Enterprises (CDE), Pro€Invest,TradeCom, Capacity Building in Supportof the Preparation of EPAs, <strong>EU</strong>-SADCInvestment Promotion Programs(ESIPP), the European <strong>Business</strong> Councilfor Africa and the Mediterranean(EBCAM) and Eurochambres wereamong the participants. Staff of WYGInternational Ltd., the implementingagency in charge of the ProjectManagement Unit, and the team of theunit were present as well.The objective of the workshop was toreview, clarify and agree on the <strong>Facility</strong>cycle management and operatingprocedures. By holding this workshopin a participatory way, it was intendedto create a teamwork and a commonunderstanding on the eve of the officiallaunch of the <strong>Facility</strong>.A simple request can initiate theprocess to carry out a study, anintervention or the organizationof a seminar, with the objective ofimproving the business climate.All the participants expressedcommendation for the initiativetaken by WYG International Ltd. tobring together a broad spectrumof interlocutors and instruments insupport of the <strong>ACP</strong> private sector.They also hoped for seeing a strongcoordination between <strong>BizClim</strong> andother institutions and programmeswith the view of achieving the highestimpact on developing the <strong>ACP</strong> privatesector. nBizNEWS n°1 n October-December 20063

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