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LABORATORY TOPICS <strong>AND</strong> SCHEDULE:Please note: Attendance at labs is mandatory.Note: please dress appropriately for the weather on the field trip and Big Bend project field labs!Proper footwear is important. Lab dates will not change.Important LAB information:You should be registered in one of the four lab sessions – it is important that you STAY within your labsession. Seating is limited on the buses and must be coordinated to include your instructor and TAs.Please note: for the first 4 labs you MUST be outside of the Earth Science Building (lot E) by1:50pm and check in with your TA. The bus is leaving promptly at 1:55pm and will return tocampus by 5:00pm. DO NOT be late.Recommended field equipment1. BOOTS – hiking boots or good sturdy boots; running shoes are slippery in wet or coldconditions2. Cold and wet weather clothing (not optional!) – Gloves and a toque should be inyour day pack – this is Alberta! Dress for all possibilities, including snow.3. Geology Field Note Book. Surveying books work ok- but “Rite-in-the-Rain” booksare superior (but so is the price - upstairs east side of bookstore ~ $30 they’re not onthe shelves with textbooks. Surveying books are cheaper, but lack the good paper.3. Clipboard, hand lens, safety glasses if you have them.4. Pen, pencil, eraser5. Camera if you have one (disposable work fine, as do many cell phones)6. Day pack7. Bottle of water or juice.DateLAB TOPICSep 7, 8NO LABSSep 13, 14,1 5 NO LABSSep 20, 21, 22, 23 Field trip: Geology of the Edmonton regionSep 27, 28, 29, 30 Big Bend project – field work #1Oct 4, 5, 6, 7 Big Bend project – field work #2Oct 11, 12, 13, 14 Big Bend project – field work #3Oct 18, 19, 20, 21 NO LABSOct 25, 26, 27, 28 Air photos #1Nov 1, 2, 3, 4 Air photos #2Nov 8, 9, 10, 11 NO LABSNov 15, 16, 17, 18 Air photos #3Nov 22, 23, 24, 25 Air photos #4Nov 29, 30, Dec 1, 2 Air photos #5COURSE MARK-WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION:Mid-term exam 20% (October 20, 2011)Lab assignments 20%Field project 20% (Report due at start of class on Nov. 15 – NO exceptions)Final exam 40% (December 14, 2011 from 0900–1100, Room TBA)(Cumulative, includes lab material)Representative material regarding evaluation will be posted on the website. Individual components ofthe course will be given a numerical mark. The grading system will be applied using a combination of

examination rooms – this INCLUDES calculators, cell phones, mp3 players, etc. If you must wear apager, please notify the instructor. Note: headphones are NOT permitted during exams.CELL PHONES: Cell phones are to be turned off during lectures, labs and seminars. So NO youcannot use it as a “clock” during an exam.STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students who require accommodation in this course due to adisability are advised to discuss their needs with Specialized Support & Disability Services (2-800Students’ Union Building). Please ensure that the required forms for exams are submitted to theinstructor one week before the date of the midterms or by the last lecture class for the final exam.ACADEMIC SUPPORT CENTRE: Students who require additional help in developing strategies forbetter time management, study skills or examination skills should contact the Academic SupportCentre (2-703 Students’ Union Building).Policy about course outlines can be found in section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar.Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will beannounced in class. The date of the final examination is set by the Registrar and takes precedenceover the final examination date reported in this syllabus.Note: Recording is permitted only with the prior written consent of the professor or if recording is partof an approved accommodation plan.

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