Prophetic Insight at Lightning Speed - Jack Van Impe Ministries

Prophetic Insight at Lightning Speed - Jack Van Impe Ministries

Prophetic Insight at Lightning Speed - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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Check out the specialfe<strong>at</strong>ures designed byDr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>!For years the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Prophecy Bible has blessed partnerslike you. Now his 'work ofa lifetime' Prophecy Bible isavailable as a FranklinElectronic Bible ... includingthis specially designedfe<strong>at</strong>ures:All the prophetic versesin the entire Biblearranged by Dr. <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> ... Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>'srevolutionary and easyto-use“Topic-Index” Referencingsystem ... Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>'s entire personalSCRIPTURE MEMORY SYSTEM ... ComprehensiveA-to-Z PROPHECY INDEX ... Verse-by-verse commentaryon the Book of Revel<strong>at</strong>ionJVI Franklin Electronic Prophecy Bible (OEBJ)Send a gift of $99.95 U.S.$119.95 Can.

HIGH-TECH INNOVATIONEntire Prophecy Bible Now <strong>at</strong> Your Fingertips INSTANTLY!No Computer Experience Needed!by Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Your skepticalbrother-in-law asksyou a questionabout the Rapture.Your <strong>at</strong>heist neighbor challengesyou about the Tribul<strong>at</strong>ion. Yourspiritually hungry granddaughterasks you if the Antichrist couldbe alive today. You want to go tothe Scriptures for answers — tothe <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> ProphecyBible — but you need helpquickly ... RIGHT NOW!Now you can get it ... throughthe phenomenal, enormouslyacclaimed Franklin ElectronicBible! This astonishing device— just ONE INCH THICK —puts the entire Bible <strong>at</strong> yourfingertips, instantly ... allowingyou to find any verse, any subject,any detail of God’s Word <strong>at</strong> thepress of a button — withouthaving any “computer know-how”wh<strong>at</strong>soever!Thousands of <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Ministry partners have alreadydiscovered the speed, accuracy,and ease of the gre<strong>at</strong> FranklinElectronic Bible. Just as I predictedwhen I first encounteredit, this incredible little machinehas revolutionized Bible study andunderstanding for multitudes.Feedback from partners all acrossNorth America and beyond hasbeen astounding; enthusiasm hasbeen “off the charts”!Imagine having the wholepanorama of Bible prophecy <strong>at</strong>your fingertips — being able toaccess any prophetic passage, anyword or concept, <strong>at</strong> a glance.

4 | Perhaps Today | November–December 2005This is the reality of the FranklinBible th<strong>at</strong> I want to send to youtoday! The entire <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Prophecy Bible, which has transformedthe way multitudes studythe prophetic truths of God’s Word,is embedded in this device! God ledme to produce theProphecy Bible —and this moderndayphenomenonhas proven to bean unparalleledministry resourcewith a unique,user-friendly,quick-referencecoding system. Ithas dram<strong>at</strong>icallyadvanced understandingof theWord of God formany thousands.But now, thanksto the high-speedInternet-ageefficiency of theFranklin Bibleand the instantaccessprophecyindexing system ofthe <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Prophecy Bible —you can haveinstantaneous access to every detailof our Prophecy Bible in an easy-touseelectronic device!Yes — the Franklin Bible hasproven so popular, and the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> Prophecy Bible has been soimpressive, th<strong>at</strong> the makers of theFranklin Bible have now <strong>at</strong> theirrequest combined the fe<strong>at</strong>ures ofboth into a single stunning minicomputerministry resource product!The prophecy index, the highlightedScriptures, the easy-usetools for quick understanding ...every fe<strong>at</strong>ure of the originalProphecy Bible — it’s all still there.But now it’s all available in a flashthrough the lightning-quick processorof the Franklin Bible computer!{ }Imagine havingthe wholepanorama ofBible prophecy<strong>at</strong> your fingertips- being ableto accessany propheticpassage, anyword or concept,<strong>at</strong> a glance.In my diligent, ongoing quest toread, review, and retain God’sWord, I have never found a gre<strong>at</strong>ersupport device than the remarkableFranklin Bible — a fantastic, practicalway to study the Scriptures. Thisphenomenal “mini-computer” containsthe entireBible in its memory.On its easyto-usekeyboard,one simply typesany Scripturereference — book,chapter, and verse— and instantlythe verse appearson the FranklinBible’s screen. Youeven choose thebrightness leveland the size ofthe type.Perhaps evenmore importantly,if one cannotremember aScripture reference,but only aword or two froma verse, theFranklin Bibleimmedi<strong>at</strong>ely findsthe verse for you!Simply type the word or words yourememberinto it — and the Franklin Bibleshows you every verse in the Biblewhich includes the word or phraserequested!If you have heard about thisministry tool and have hesit<strong>at</strong>edbecause you felt it would be toocomplic<strong>at</strong>ed to use, hesit<strong>at</strong>e nomore! Thousands of people who donot even OWN a computer havefallen in love with the FranklinElectronic Bible! Sometimes in myBible study, I come across a word orphrase of particular interest. If Iwant to know wh<strong>at</strong> the Bible saysabout this topic — even beyond the15,000 verses I have memorized —I simply type the phrase into mypersonal Franklin Bible, and itinstantly shows me everything Godhas said in His Word with regard toth<strong>at</strong> phrase!This fe<strong>at</strong>ure has made Biblestudy and devotions a refreshinglysmooth process for many whostruggled finding various Scripturesin the past.The Franklin Bible also fe<strong>at</strong>ures:• Powerful concordance for verseand keyword searches• Learn-A-Verse fe<strong>at</strong>ure, whichdisplays a new verse when theproduct is turned on• Instant spelling correction• Expanded word search• Index of popular chapter titles• Easy-to-read five-line display• Bookmarks and footnotes• Complete Old and NewTestaments• Book, chapter, and verse search• Search only certain parts of theBible if you wish• Search for synonyms• Leave up to 30 electronic“bookmarks” for quick return toa certain verse• Built-in calcul<strong>at</strong>or• Built-in clock• Built-in d<strong>at</strong>abank• Built-in currency converter• Soul Food fe<strong>at</strong>ureIncredibly, the Franklin Bibleweighs only seven ounces, and isonly 5-1/2 inches across. Still, thismini<strong>at</strong>ure electronic Bible workswith blinding speed, and almostsilently. (Take it to church withyou — you won’t disturb a soul!)No computerized dictionary orother electronic device equals this

November–December 2005 | Perhaps Today | 5fantastic invention.Furthermore, it comes with aspace for an additional cartridgewhich increases the power of yourFranklin Bible! You can orderany of the following cartridgesdirectly from Franklin ElectronicPublishers:• Merriam-Webster Dictionary• Gre<strong>at</strong> Documents of AmericanHistory• Word Games• Bartlett’s Familiar Quot<strong>at</strong>ions• King James Bible• New Intern<strong>at</strong>ional VersionBible• Spanish Bible• Spanish/English DictionaryYet now, for the first time, theaddition of the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Prophecy Bible makes this technoinnov<strong>at</strong>ioneven more fabulous. OurProphecy Bible was a sens<strong>at</strong>ionfrom the day we first released it.Never before had the panorama ofbiblical predictions and prophetictruths been so easily accessible. Myentire lifetime of research andlearning is now readily available toanyone through this extraordinaryvolume. All the prophetic verses inthe entire Bible — some 2,300 texts— are coded and highlighted. ThisProphecy Bible is one of the mostexhaustive studies ever published,covering a total of 10,350 verses inthe Old and New Testaments!And my revolutionary and easyto-use“Topic-Index” Referencingsystem instantly answers the frequentlyasked question of Bible students:“Wh<strong>at</strong> is this verse discussing?”Moreover, our Prophecy Biblefe<strong>at</strong>ures:• the majestic King Jamestransl<strong>at</strong>ion• a treasury of helps to deepenyour faith and understanding• my entire personal SCRIPTUREMEMORY SYSTEM• comprehensive A-to-ZPROPHECY INDEX• verse-by-verse commentary onthe Book of Revel<strong>at</strong>ionHi <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,I just wanted to let youknow th<strong>at</strong> your program hasbeen such a blessing to meas well as a challenge.Th<strong>at</strong>’s because after w<strong>at</strong>ching<strong>Jack</strong> and listening to theway he quotes the Bible, Ihave as well developed aculture of medit<strong>at</strong>ing andmemorizing a verse in theBible each week. May Godbless abundantly and mayyou continue to do God’swork as you soar to higherlevels in Jesus Christ.L. M.

6 | Perhaps Today | November–December 2005{ }In our entirehistory ofministry, I havenever offeredsuch an extraordinarydevice.It can changethe way youread, study,memorize, andenjoy the Bible.But the combin<strong>at</strong>ion of theFranklin Bible and the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> Prophecy Bible is an unprecedentedbreakthrough leap forwardfor people reading and studyingGod’s Word. There is literally noother Bible study tool like this in theworld. I use this tool literally everyday, checking every biblical text Iquote on television for accuracy. Itis a simple, hassle-free, yet powerful“friend.”In our entire history of ministry,I have never offered such anextraordinary device. It can changethe way you read, study, memorize,and enjoy the Bible. It is a tremendouslearning tool for you ... and aphenomenal witnessing tool forsharing Scripture with your unsavedfriends and loved ones.Today, this incredible tool is helpingme to minister comfort and peace inthe midst of the world’s trauma andconfusion. Spreading the messageof the Scriptures has been theconsuming passion of my entire life,but with this new Prophecy-Enhanced Franklin Bible, it’s agre<strong>at</strong>er joy than ever.Please request yours today, as yougive in support of the worldwideevangelistic ministry to which Godhas called us together! I also wantyou to know th<strong>at</strong> every dollar aboveour cost for the tremendous andmiraculous biblical masterpiece willbe used toward the funding of thelargest outreach for souls every<strong>at</strong>tempted. Please see the outreachinform<strong>at</strong>ion about this venture onpage 14.• Will America still be a super power <strong>at</strong> the time ofArmageddon?• Does the Middle East conflict mean more terrorismin America?• Does judgment await our n<strong>at</strong>ion because of moraldepravity?DiscoverAmerica’splace in BibleProphecy!America’s Future VHS (VAFV)America’s Future DVD (DAFV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running Time: 105 minutes CC

1. The Bible is not the perfect Word of God.2. God is not a three-Person Trinity.3. All people will eventually be in heaven.4. The blood of Jesus is not critical tosalv<strong>at</strong>ion.5. Good works are the key to eternal lifein heaven.6. The phrase “born again” has no biblicalmeaning.7. Drinking alcoholic beverages is not a sin.8. The rapture is not a biblical event.9. The millennial reign of Christ is notpredicted in Scripture.10. The end of the world is <strong>at</strong> hand.Protect yourself and yourfamily from f<strong>at</strong>ally flaweddoctrine!The Big Ten VHS (VTEV)The Big Ten DVD (DTEV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running time:117 minutes CC

TAKINGAMERICABACKBy Joseph FarahThe influential comment<strong>at</strong>or and founder of newsservice www.worldnetdaily.com, Joseph Farah,provides a model for a second American Revolution,designed to redeem our ideal America by revivingfreedom, morality and justice.Taking America Back exposes the weaknessesin America’s current system and offers practicalsolutions — solutions th<strong>at</strong> are real and doable.Get your copy of this eye-opening book today!Taking America Back (B413)Send a gift of $19.95 U.S.$24.95 Can.This fe<strong>at</strong>ure film stars veteran actor Nick Mancuso in adram<strong>at</strong>ic Gospel present<strong>at</strong>ion of the birth of Christianity,showing how one Rabbi (Mancuso) becomes a follower ofYeshua of Nazareth — and set about winning his peopleto Jesus! You will be transported back to Year One of theA.D. calendar, and inspired beyond belief to witness thispowerfully realistic drama on the very roots of your faith.Share this video with family, friends and every unchurched ornon-Christian acquaintance. A wonderful witnessing tool!The Messiah VIDEO (V617)The Messiah DVD (D617)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running time: 50 minutes

The future hinges on the answer to this question:Why is this city so important to Bible prophecy?• Why has the Eastern G<strong>at</strong>e of Jerusalem been sealed since the early 16th century?• Wh<strong>at</strong> will the Antichrist do in Jerusalem?• How do prophecies about Armageddon involve Jerusalem?• How did the first moon landing fit into Bible prophecy about Jerusalem?Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexellagive you the answers.JERUSALEM: WAR OR PEACE? Video (VWPV)Yours for a gift of just $19.95 U.S.$24.95 Can.Running time: 75 minutes

10 | Perhaps Today | November–December 2005UNSECURED ‘DIRTY BOMB’MATERIAL FOUND IN ASIA: REPORTSpaceWar.com reports: “Australiannuclear experts working to preventa ‘dirty bomb’ <strong>at</strong>tack by terroristshave found large unsecuredsources of dangerous radioactivem<strong>at</strong>erial in southeast Asia, areport said.‘A team from the AustralianNuclear Science and TechnologyOrganiz<strong>at</strong>ion (ANSTO) discoveredenough loose m<strong>at</strong>erial to contamin<strong>at</strong>ethe heart of a major city,’ theAustralian newspaper reported.At one site, a ‘substantial’ piece ofcobalt used for cancer therapy hadbeen found abandoned after aradi<strong>at</strong>ion centre was closed.‘A conventional bomb wrappedaround a small stick of cobalt couldcontamin<strong>at</strong>e a large area of a city,dram<strong>at</strong>ically boost cancer r<strong>at</strong>es andforce residents out for decades,’scientists say.‘There are two countries wherewe have loc<strong>at</strong>ed quite large sources,’ANSTO’s chief of oper<strong>at</strong>ions, RonCameron, told the paper. He declinedto identify the countries until them<strong>at</strong>erial had been properly secured.‘About 25 other radi<strong>at</strong>ion centerswere also being investig<strong>at</strong>ed in <strong>at</strong>hird country,’ he said.‘The ready availability of looseradioactive m<strong>at</strong>erial suitable fordirty bombs had been a concern ofAustralia for the past year, and officialshad been working with USexperts to loc<strong>at</strong>e and secure it,’Cameron said.‘The system is only as strong asthe weakest link. If there’s an areaof the world where terrorists canget hold of the m<strong>at</strong>erial then th<strong>at</strong>’swhere they’ll go,’ he said…” IITimothy 3:1 – “This know alsoth<strong>at</strong> in the last days perilous[dangerous] times shall come.”)LETHAL HOSPITAL BUG CASES ROCKETBBC News reports: “The numberof cases of a potentially lethal hospitalinfection has rocketed since the1990s, figures show.The Department of Health hasrevealed there were 44,488 cases ofC. difficile in people over 65 inEngland last year.It was the first time mand<strong>at</strong>orysurveillance of the diarrhea-causinginfection has been undertaken.In the early 1990s there wereabout 1,000 cases a year, but by2003 the total rose to 35,536England, Wales and NorthernIreland d<strong>at</strong>a showed.However, this was only collectedon a voluntary basis so the truefigure may have been higher.While MRSA has domin<strong>at</strong>edmost of the headlines, these l<strong>at</strong>estst<strong>at</strong>istics have showed th<strong>at</strong> C.difficileis nearly seven times more common.Office for N<strong>at</strong>ional St<strong>at</strong>istics d<strong>at</strong>ahas showed C.difficile was theunderlying cause of 934 de<strong>at</strong>hs in2003. MRSA is linked to a similarnumber.Chief nursing officer ChristineBeasley said th<strong>at</strong> some of the risein infections was due to betterreporting, but it was largely becauseas health care had improved peoplewere living longer when they wereold and ill and were more susceptibleto bugs.‘The immune system does notwork as well and, therefore, peopleare more vulnerable.’She said the C. difficile, whichstands for Clostridium difficile, will

November–December 2005 | Perhaps Today | 11now be included in the governmentprogram to fight MRSA.The government introducedmand<strong>at</strong>ory surveillance after a newand more virulent strain of theinfection, which was first identifiedin 1978, emerged ...” (Pestilences– M<strong>at</strong>thew 24:7; Luke 21:11)US OFFICIALS CAN’T RULE OUTMASS TRANSIT ATTACK IN USthe United St<strong>at</strong>es on September 11,2001. She appeared on Fox NewsSunday.‘We put extensive warnings aboutthe kind of techniques al-Qaidauses to do these <strong>at</strong>tacks <strong>at</strong> the st<strong>at</strong>eand local level, so they can takeprotective measures. It is a lot safer.We look every day, Brit [Hume],’ shesaid, ‘to make it safe. But there areno guarantees in this world. I couldhave gotten hit by a bus coming inhere. But we are working hard toensure the safety as best we can.’Ms. Townsend said th<strong>at</strong> is thepurpose of U.S.-led wars in Iraqand Afghanistan is to fight terroristsoverseas, before they strike in theUnited St<strong>at</strong>es ...” (Psalm 4:8 “Iwill both lay me down in peaceand sleep; for thou, Lord, onlymakest me dwell in safety.”)FIVE AMERICAN CHRISTIANS DETAINED IN CHINAVoice of America News reports:“Homeland Security officials saythey have improved securitythroughout the U.S. mass-transitsystem. But they say there is no wayto completely guard against an<strong>at</strong>tack in the United St<strong>at</strong>es similarto the bombings in London.Department of HomelandSecurity Secretary Michael Chertofftold the ABC television programThis Week, th<strong>at</strong> U.S. authorities cantry to minimize the risk of an <strong>at</strong>tackon American soil, but cannot preventit entirely.‘There is no perfect security inlife, but we are constantly raisingthe baseline of our security andwe’re making sure th<strong>at</strong> we’re usinga multiple-faceted approach, interms of our tactics and our layersof protection,’ he said.His comments were echoed byWhite House Homeland SecurityAdviser Fran Townsend, whoemphasized th<strong>at</strong> American publictransport<strong>at</strong>ion systems are saferthan before the terrorist <strong>at</strong>tacks inWorldNetDaily.com reports: “Five American church workers weredetained by authorities in Northern China in raids on undergroundProtestant groups.A church meeting was broken up in Luoyang in Henan provinceresulting in the detention of four Americans, including a marriedcouple, and 27 Chinese citizens, reported the Texas-based Christianpersecutionmonitor China Aid Associ<strong>at</strong>ion.In the nearby city of Yichuan, police detained another American,according to a local pastor, Wan Dagan.The Texas group said it did not have the names of the Americans.The vast majority of Christians in China, perhaps as many as 100million, are part of the unregistered church. The communist governmentrequires all Protestant church activity to be under control of theofficial Three-Self P<strong>at</strong>riotic Movement, which restricts activities suchas evangelism and certain teachings.As WorldNetDaily reported, ‘two Americans were roughed up byplain-clothes Chinese police during a raid of a house church earlierthis month.’According to China Aid, the raid came during a crackdown on housechurches th<strong>at</strong> has seen 210 Chinese house pastors and membersarrested ...” (Revel<strong>at</strong>ion 2:10 “Be faithful unto de<strong>at</strong>h and I willgive you the crown of life.”)

The Temple and Bible Prophecy by Dr. Randall Price reveals th<strong>at</strong> your ownfuture is intertwined with wh<strong>at</strong> happens on Temple Mount in Jerusalem ...where the Sanhedrin are raising money right now to rebuild the temple —Find out if one of the most important propheciespreceding Christ’s return has been fulfilled!The Temple and Bible Prophecy book (B289)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Discover the amazing truthBy Randall PriceExplore the Ark's mysterious past, its explosive significance today, and its pivotalrole in the end times. Exclusive photographs and charts, interviews with leadingMiddle East authorities, and years of meticulous research provide a factual insideview of one of history's most fascin<strong>at</strong>ing quests.Could discovery of the Ark ignite the construction of the new temple and usher inthe l<strong>at</strong>ter days? Find out!Searching for the Ark of the Covenant book (B376)Send a gift of $14.95 U.S.$19.95 Can.

THE PARTNERSHIP SOLUTIONBY DRS. JACK & REXELLA VAN IMPEThe world needs revival — forJesus truly is the only answer. It iscrucial th<strong>at</strong> multitudes lost in spiritualdarkness be called to repentance andredemption through faith in JesusChrist — but called effectively.God, in His unf<strong>at</strong>homable lovefor the human race, has made away. He has graciously positioned<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> to helplead the way. Through our networkof television st<strong>at</strong>ions across NorthAmerica, we are already reachingmillions every week with the lifechangingGospel. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Presents is one of the five mostw<strong>at</strong>chedChristian TV programs inthe world. But multitudes remain tobe reached.The gre<strong>at</strong>est as-yet-unmetpotential for evangelism lies in l<strong>at</strong>enighttelevision. This is when needylost souls listen to our program instartling numbers. Sunday morningtelecasts reach many Christians.L<strong>at</strong>e night television reaches thosewho need it most. The audience forl<strong>at</strong>e-night television in North Americais vast. In our program in Houston,Texas, we reach almost 200,000viewers <strong>at</strong> 1:07 a.m. through our l<strong>at</strong>enight st<strong>at</strong>ions in just this one city.This is more than most ministriesreach as a total audience n<strong>at</strong>ionally.Imagine wh<strong>at</strong> could happen if <strong>Jack</strong><strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Presents were on the airin l<strong>at</strong>e-night time slots on morest<strong>at</strong>ions across the n<strong>at</strong>ion. Countlessmillions could be led to the Lord!Who holds the key to thisastonishing evangelism outreach?God has positioned this breakthroughto be accomplished throughevery individual who is not alreadya committed partner in monthlyprayer and giving to <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>!You may hold the key to God’sl<strong>at</strong>ter-days plan for reachingmultitudes of lost people beforeit’s eternally too l<strong>at</strong>e. At thismoment, you could step forward tojoin hands with Rexella and me, tobecome the partners we need inorder to fulfill this mand<strong>at</strong>e whichGod has placed upon us.Experience the power ofpartnership. Partnership is a rel<strong>at</strong>ionshipbetween two or more peoplewho agree to work together for somepurpose — who invest — who sharein the “risk” or “burden” — and whotogether enjoy the results ... the profits... the benefits ... the dividends ...the HARVEST!Join us today as a member of our“Inner Circle.”As you commit to consistentprayer support of <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>, and a faithful gift of $20a month (or more) or $200 or moreper year, you will receive an astonishingarray ofpartnershipbenefits:• A new video,produced exclusivelyfor theInner Circle,entitled Your 35StartlingQuestionsAnswered.

• A subscription to the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> Intelligence Briefing, containingvoluminous inform<strong>at</strong>ion aboutworld events which cannot bereported on TV.• The bi-monthly Inner CircleReport, detailing the results of yourpersonal investment in this evangelisticministry around the world.• A beautiful golden “PerhapsToday” lapel pin.Most importantly, you will havethe s<strong>at</strong>isfaction of knowing th<strong>at</strong> youare helping us take the Gospel tothe lost of the world — in this crucialhour — by one of the most effectivemeans ever made possible in the“grand scheme” of God’s plan!God has promised to blessgenerosity and faithfulness.“Remember this: Whoever sowssparingly will also reap sparingly,and whoever sows generouslywill also reap generously” (IICorinthians 9:6). God will bless you!Furthermore, the effectivenessof <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> isnot theoretical — it is not just a“hope” or a “wish” — this is aproven evangelistic powerhouseof ministry!Your membership in the <strong>Jack</strong><strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> “Inner Circle” will alsohelp to keep <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Presents on the television airwavesin your community.The high-impactministry of this uniqueweek-by-week propheticTV broadcast will continuefor you, your family,your friends and forseekers and lost souls allover the n<strong>at</strong>ion —because of your courageousresponse to thisunusual challenge.The only question is: willyou? How deeply do you want to bepart of wh<strong>at</strong> God is doing — andwh<strong>at</strong> God is going to do — in theend times? HERE IS YOUROPPORTUNITY — an unprecedentedopportunity to take a “stepup”in your God-given role for theevangeliz<strong>at</strong>ion of “all the world”(Mark 16:15).Talk to God. Ask His guidance.Wh<strong>at</strong> is He leading you to do?Use the coupon to indic<strong>at</strong>e yourcommitment. This can be the mostextraordinary spiritual commitmentof your lifetime. You will find th<strong>at</strong>the windows of heaven open to you.Your rel<strong>at</strong>ionship with God willdeepen. The flow of His divineblessing in your life will intensify.Why — because you are giving?No — because you are enteringinto the “power of partnership.”You are experiencing wh<strong>at</strong> God cando when you partner with Him! Hisheart is for the salv<strong>at</strong>ion of the lost.When you engage in th<strong>at</strong> effort,you are engaging in the very heartof God.“The Lord is not slack concerninghis promise, as some men countslackness; but is longsuffering tous-ward, not willing th<strong>at</strong> any shouldperish, but th<strong>at</strong> all should come torepentance” (II Peter 3:9).Let us hear from you soon. Manyhave responded for which we aregr<strong>at</strong>eful, but we still have a longway to go to cover the $1.4 millionneeded to reach every major city inthe U.S. and Canada from 12:30AM to 4:00 AM when our viewerswill number 10 to 20 times our daytimeaudiences! Thank you!<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>Inner CircleEnrollment❏ YES, Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>! I want tojoin you and Rexella as a member ofyour Inner Circle, to minister the truthof God’s Word about prophetic eventsand the soon approaching return ofChrist to more people through l<strong>at</strong>e-nighttelevision, as well as radio, books, andpublic<strong>at</strong>ions. I’m committing to amonthly gift of support, and here’s myfirst Inner Circle gift, in the amount of:❏ $20 per month❏ more: $_____❏ $200 annually❏ more: $_____ XXXX❏ I prefer to make my “autom<strong>at</strong>ic giving”contribution of $ ____ on the []10th of themonth or []25th of each month until Iinform you otherwise.D<strong>at</strong>e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Authorized sign<strong>at</strong>ure:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Please allow 6 weeks for your Autom<strong>at</strong>ic Giving program to begin.)Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _St<strong>at</strong>e/Prov _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ZIP/Postal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Please charge my:❏ MasterCard ❏ Visa ❏ Discover CardCard Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Expir<strong>at</strong>ion D<strong>at</strong>e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _My email address is:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Internal Revenue Code permits you to deduct the amountyou give to <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> th<strong>at</strong> goes beyond the valueof m<strong>at</strong>erials we send you. To help you determine the taxdeductibleportion of your gift we'll show on your receipt the fairmarket value, along with the total gift amount.Please make checks to JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES, Box7004, Troy, Michigan 48007. In Canada, JACK VAN IMPE MIN-ISTRIES OF CANADA: Box 1717, Postal St<strong>at</strong>ion A, Windsor, ONN9A 6Y1. For immedi<strong>at</strong>e <strong>at</strong>tention, call our Order Department <strong>at</strong>(248) 852-5225 or fax (248) 852-2692, or email your order toorder@jvim.com. Thank you for your love and generosity ... andGod bless you!Visit our Web address <strong>at</strong>: www.jvim.com

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>'s 'work of a lifetime' now available electronically!Portable,fast, and nocomputerrequired'Sometimes in my Biblestudy, I come across a wordor phrase of particularinterest. If I want to knowwh<strong>at</strong> the Bible says aboutthis topic - even beyondthe 15,000 verses I havememorized - I simply typethe phrase into my personalFranklin Bible, and it instantlyshows me everything God has saidin His Word with regard to th<strong>at</strong>phrase! This fe<strong>at</strong>ure has made Biblestudy and devotions a refreshinglysmooth process for many whostruggled finding various Scripturesin the past.

This Electronic Bible has all theextraordinary fe<strong>at</strong>ures of Dr. <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong>'s special-edition ProphecyBible:• Powerful concordance for verse and keywordsearches• Learn-A-Verse fe<strong>at</strong>ure, which displays anew verse when the product is turned on• Instant spelling correction• Expanded word search• Index of popular chapter titles• Easy-to-read five-line display• Bookmarks and footnotes• Complete Old and New Testaments• Book, chapter, and verse search• Search only certain parts of theBible if you wish• Search for synonyms• Leave up to 30 electronic “bookmarks”for quick return to acertain verse• Built-in calcul<strong>at</strong>or, clock, d<strong>at</strong>abank,and currency converter• Soul Food fe<strong>at</strong>ure• The majestic King James transl<strong>at</strong>ion• A treasury of helps to deepen your faithand understanding• Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>'s entire personal SCRIPTUREMEMORY SYSTEM• Comprehensive A-to-Z PROPHECY INDEX• Verse-by-verse commentary on the Book ofRevel<strong>at</strong>ionDo not pass up Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>'s'work of a lifetime' - the ProphecyBible now available through FranklinElectronic Bible!JVI Franklin Electronic Prophecy Bible (OEBJ)Send a gift of $99.95 U.S.$119.95 Can.

BY DR. REXELLA VAN IMPEWh<strong>at</strong> makes the holiday season so exciting andenjoyable? There seems to be a special feeling in theair…a festive <strong>at</strong>mosphere th<strong>at</strong> lightens our footstepsand promotes smiles. The sights and sounds andsmells of the holidays stir our memories andencourage us to pause and reflect, perhaps wistfully,hopefully ... gr<strong>at</strong>efully.

November–December 2005 | Perhaps Today | 19It’s easy to get so caught up in theduties, problems, and pressures ofthe day th<strong>at</strong> we fail to focus on theblessings th<strong>at</strong> are ours. “The worldis too much with us ...” said thepoet William Wordsworth, “gettingand spending, we lay waste ourpowers ... we have given our heartsaway ...”Th<strong>at</strong>’s why I am so thankful forThanksgiving! Although my husband,<strong>Jack</strong>, and I try to keep a gr<strong>at</strong>efulheart all year long, <strong>at</strong> Thanksgivingtime we make it a point to recall —and give thanks for — the manyfriends who help make our outreachministry possible, the good thingswe enjoy in our personal life together,and the rich blessings God continuesto send our way.I hope you will take time to bethankful during the holiday seasonthis year. I promise th<strong>at</strong> you will berichly blessed as you do. God’s Wordsays, In everything give thanks: forthis is the will of God in Christ Jesusconcerning you (1 Thessalonians 5:18).But as Christmas approaches, Ireally wanted to talk to you about ...boxes! Have you ever noticed howvery important boxes are to the whole<strong>at</strong>mosphere and joy of Christmas?When you walk into a home <strong>at</strong>Christmas time, usually there’s abeautifully decor<strong>at</strong>ed tree, ladenwith colorful garlands, wonderfulornaments, and spectacular lights.And bene<strong>at</strong>h the tree, in joyousprofusion, the boxes! The gifts arewrapped, decor<strong>at</strong>ed, and trimmedwith ribbons, bells, holly, and whoknows wh<strong>at</strong> other wonderful things?When I was a little girl, those giftboxes were always so enticing. Icould hardly keep my hands offthem — touching them, maybeeven holding them, trying my bestto figure out wh<strong>at</strong> might be inside!My mother had a wonderful talentfor wrapping gifts, and she neverput a box under the tree until it wasdecor<strong>at</strong>ed just right!Although I’m not nearly as talentedin wrapping gift boxes as my motherwas, I share her belief th<strong>at</strong> the giftswe present to others should bewrapped beautifully. I can’t imaginegiving someone an item still in thesack it came in from the store! Puttingour gift inside a beautiful wrappingsomehow reflects the love we wantto show even before the recipientopens it.So boxes are very, very important.A “guardian” for your homeA side note — this year I hopechildren and young people might begetting a special gift under the treeth<strong>at</strong>’s a little bit different from theusual toys! So many parents areconcerned about wh<strong>at</strong> their childrenare w<strong>at</strong>ching on television or receivinginto their homes on the Internet.There’s a filtering device called theTV Guardian th<strong>at</strong> can be installed tofilter out profanity, offensive words,and some sexual references. It worksvery well for regular televisionshows, videos, and DVDs — I’mtold it has an average accuracy of 95percent! When w<strong>at</strong>ching Christianprograms, the Guardian can be setto allow references to deity.Certainly this device is not areplacement for parental w<strong>at</strong>chfulnessand control. Sometimes therereally isn’t anything on TV worthw<strong>at</strong>ching, and the best solution is theoff switch! But I think there mightwell be a place for the TV Guardianin most homes with children — it canbe a gre<strong>at</strong> gift! (For inform<strong>at</strong>ionabout Internet safeguards forchildren, check www.enough.orgor www.protectkids.org.)During the Christmas season,seeing the glorious decor<strong>at</strong>ions andthe opportunities to share gifts withothers, we can’t help but think ofthe gre<strong>at</strong>est gift of all th<strong>at</strong> God gaveto the world. The Bible says, ForGod so loved the world, th<strong>at</strong> he gavehis only begotten Son (John 3:16).As one writer put it, “On the firstChristmas, God came down thestairway to heaven with a baby inHis arms!”Because Jesus came, we can haveHis gre<strong>at</strong> gift in our lives — eternallife, forgiveness of sin now, and thepromise th<strong>at</strong> one day we will bewith Him.After Jesus came, why didHe leave?Did you ever wonder why Jesusleft the earth? He could have stayedhere for time and eternity. He didn’tdie when He left — He had alreadyconquered de<strong>at</strong>h, hell, and the grave!{ }Wh<strong>at</strong> a gift! Heis our innerGuardian of whowe are and wh<strong>at</strong>we are and wh<strong>at</strong>we are tobecome inChrist. In th<strong>at</strong>sense, He is thebox inside!So why did He return to heaven?We know th<strong>at</strong> our Lord went toserve as our medi<strong>at</strong>or — the onewho stands between and intervenes.The Apostle Paul wrote, For thereis one God, and one medi<strong>at</strong>orbetween God and men, the manChrist Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).But th<strong>at</strong>’s not all! Jesus said,Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It

20 | Perhaps Today | November–December 2005is expedient for you th<strong>at</strong> I go away:for if I go not away, the Comforterwill not come unto you; but if Idepart, I will send him unto you(John 16:7). The Holy Spirit onlycame to remain in the world afterJesus ascended into heaven. AndHe came — not just to this world— but also to a very special, intim<strong>at</strong>eplace inside our hearts. He is a verypersonal gift from Jesus to you andme (I Corinthians 3:16)!So why did Jesus leave? Because ifHe hadn’t gone away, the scripturesays, the Comforter would not havecome. And the Lord knew howdesper<strong>at</strong>ely we would need theComforter in our lives, especiallynow, in these days before Christ’sreturn.Wh<strong>at</strong> a gift! He is our innerGuardian of who we are and wh<strong>at</strong>we are and wh<strong>at</strong> we are to becomein Christ. In th<strong>at</strong> sense, He is thebox inside!The precious Holy Spirit, thethird person of the Trinity, is notinstalled by human efforts. Hecomes to dwell within us themoment we open our hearts to theLord. And because He is a spirit,He knows no limit<strong>at</strong>ion — not time,nor place, nor space (Romans 8:9).When Jesus was on the earth, Helived in human form and was subjectto human limit<strong>at</strong>ions. In His wholelife here, He probably didn’t travelmore than a few hundred miles.When He preached, His largestrecorded crowd was about fivethousand men. He knew wh<strong>at</strong> itwas like to suffer weariness, pain,and tempt<strong>at</strong>ion. And He recognizedth<strong>at</strong> every human being <strong>at</strong> sometime or another would need tobe comforted and helped by asupern<strong>at</strong>ural presence.So He left the earth and wentback into the F<strong>at</strong>her’s presence inheaven so He could send back theHoly Spirit to dwell in the hearts ofmen and women today. Because ofth<strong>at</strong>, He can now be everywhere <strong>at</strong>once, ministering moment bymoment to all who call Him Lord.In Old Testament times, the HolySpirit revealed himself in periods ofvisit<strong>at</strong>ion. He came for a season;then departed. The Psalmist Davidcried out, Take not Your spirit from{ }You have thegre<strong>at</strong>est gift ofall where no onecan take it fromyou — in thebox inside(Psalms 139:7-10)!me! I love it when You’re here withme (see Psalm 51:11). Jesus promisedth<strong>at</strong> we would never be left alone— th<strong>at</strong> if He went back to the F<strong>at</strong>her,the Comforter would come andabide with us and within us forever.The Holy Spirit is not just in oneloc<strong>at</strong>ion ... not just in a hundredmile radius — He’s everywhere!And you do not have to try to findHim — He is always within you. Youhave the gre<strong>at</strong>est gift of all whereno one can take it from you — inthe box inside (Psalms 139:7-10)!Three truths you mustknow about GodHere are some glorious truths youmust understand and never forget:1. God never changes. In ourworld, everything seems to beconstantly changing. Standardschange from one moment to thenext. If you buy a new computer,by the time it is installed it isobsolete! It’s really amazing ...and bewildering. But God’s Wordsays, For I am the Lord, I changenot (Malachi 3:6). I CHANGENOT!Th<strong>at</strong> means His standards don’tchange — Jesus Christ the sameyesterday, and today, and forever(Hebrews 13:8). Modern societyproposes a new morality it calls“situ<strong>at</strong>ional ethics” — if the situ<strong>at</strong>ioncalls for it, do it. Situ<strong>at</strong>ional ethicssay there are no absolutes — wh<strong>at</strong>is right depends on circumstances.This is why so many young peopletoday, having no anchors in theirworld, flounder frantically fromone situ<strong>at</strong>ion to another, beset byuncertainty and doubt.However, God promises th<strong>at</strong> Hewill guide us into all truth (see John16:13). Because He doesn’t change,He guides us to know His will. Notonly did the Word become flesh inthe form of Jesus Christ, but Godalso gave us the written Word soth<strong>at</strong> today we have the absolutes ofHis mind and never have to doubtor wonder. There is no waveringbecause God doesn’t change!2. The Holy Spirit comforts us.And how we need His comfort.With all the peril, uncertainty,and thre<strong>at</strong>s in the world today, wedon’t have to be afraid. We arecomforted.A few years ago there was somebodywho had been so importantto me from the time I was a littlegirl — my mother! Oh, how shecomforted me. She always had away of reaching out to me and toothers to give comfort — th<strong>at</strong> washer n<strong>at</strong>ure. All she had to do wasput her hand on my head, and I feltreassured. Never once did she saywhen I came to her, “I’m too busy. Ican’t listen to you right now.”How wonderful th<strong>at</strong> our heavenly

November–December 2005 | Perhaps Today | 21Comforter, the Holy Spirit, is nevertoo busy to comfort and love us.And He is always there.I heard a story about a man whowas traveling on a train and begantalking with a fellow passenger. Hetold him th<strong>at</strong> his wife had just diedand th<strong>at</strong> he felt so alone. He said,“Do you know, the only thing I haveleft is my pet bird. At least I findsome comfort with my parakeet.”His friend on the train, who was apastor, said, “Oh, no, you’ve gotsomething far better — you’ve gotthe Paraclete — the Comforter! Hewill never leave you or forsake you.”In these troublesome days in whichwe live — the time just prior to thecoming of the Lord — the Comforteris found in the third person of theTrinity ... in the box inside!3. He gives us the power to doright. I may not always have thestrength on my own to resisttempt<strong>at</strong>ion and do wh<strong>at</strong> is right.But the Spirit of God willempower me and guide me intoall truth. God doesn’t say, “Thoushalt not” because He wants tolimit me or make me unhappy.He says no because He knows thethings of the world bring pain andunhappiness.Adulterers are not happy people.Thieves are never s<strong>at</strong>isfied withtheir ill-gotten gains. And murderersare never happy — never! Even inthis day and age whenfan<strong>at</strong>ics are murdering peoplein the name of religion,they never find happiness orpeace.Only God can give usthe ability to be happyand content. But ye shallreceive power, after th<strong>at</strong> theHoly Ghost is come upon you(Acts 1:8). Power to overcomethe world is only found in thebox inside! Gal<strong>at</strong>ians 5:16 says,This I say then, Walk in the Spirit,and ye shall not fulfill the lust of theflesh. You might say, “There’s noway I can live for God — I just can’tdo it.” And looking to your ownstrength and will, th<strong>at</strong>’s true. But ifyou walk in the Spirit and allow theSpirit to live through you, thepower is there ... in the box inside.Not only does the Spirit of Godgive us power to overcome the thingsof the world, but He also empowersus to display the fruit of the Spirit.Gal<strong>at</strong>ians 5 goes on to say th<strong>at</strong> if welive in the Spirit, we have the powerto walk in the Spirit (see v. 25). Andas we walk in th<strong>at</strong> power, we canshow the fruit of the Spirit ... love,joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,goodness, faith, meekness,temperance (vv. 22-23).Can you imagine having the powerto be all th<strong>at</strong> we need to be in theday and age we’re living in rightnow? Not only can we overcomethe world and find comfort, but wecan also demonstr<strong>at</strong>e — activ<strong>at</strong>e —the fruit of the Spirit. Where we go,He goes. We so desper<strong>at</strong>ely needthis today — there’s so little joy outthere, so little love, peace, gentleness,goodness, etc. But all of those<strong>at</strong>tributes come alive within us whenwe receive the power of the HolySpirit in our lives.Dear Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> & Rexella,Enjoy your program weeklyhere in Texas (the Lone StarSt<strong>at</strong>e). Thank you both foryour obedience to the HolySpirit, there are not manylike you left who will declarethe whole counsel of God.All of His judgments areright. Sound doctrine is nolonger being endured, infact there is out right disdainfor God’s Holy Word. Thislets me know th<strong>at</strong> the time isshort. Be encouraged th<strong>at</strong> youare doing a good work anddon’t back off from declaringthe whole truth as it is writtenin the Holy Book of God.God strengthen and keep you& your lovely companion.Esther

22 | Perhaps Today | November–December 2005Dear <strong>Jack</strong> & Rexella,Thank you so much for yourwonderful program. It isalways packed with valuableinform<strong>at</strong>ion. I have beenw<strong>at</strong>ching your show since1999 and it was then th<strong>at</strong> Iprayed th<strong>at</strong> prayer with <strong>Jack</strong>{and the Lord Jesus becamethe Lord of my life. I havechanged so much since th<strong>at</strong>time with the Lord’s helpand I would never want togo back to my old waysagain. He has truly blessedme and my family and weare gr<strong>at</strong>eful for His blessedassurance. Thank you somuch for touching my heartfor Christ. I will be eternallygr<strong>at</strong>eful.Sincerely in Christ,Dianne}Have youreceived “thebox inside?”Don’t resist thisprecious giftbecause itseems toospiritual, too“mysterious.”Receive the Gift!At Christmas time when beautifullywrapped presents are being opened,it’s not uncommon to see little childrenplaying with the boxes insteadof the gifts. They’re more fascin<strong>at</strong>edwith the package than by wh<strong>at</strong> wasinside. And sometimes I think we asChristians can be more <strong>at</strong>tracted tothe trappings than to the Gift. Howsad to hold on to the ribbons andshiny paper and fail to look insidethe box where the value is ... wherethe gift is!At other times, I’ve seen peopleopen a marvelously wrapped package,look inside, and then say in a somewh<strong>at</strong>subdued voice, “Oh, th<strong>at</strong>’snice. Thanks a lot.” You could tellth<strong>at</strong> the gift inside did not measureup to the outside wrapping.But when God gave His Gift, theinside was better than the outside!Jesus didn’t come all wrapped up ina palace — He came wrapped inswaddling clothes, lying in a humblemanger. Yet He was the gre<strong>at</strong>est giftever given. And His story is gre<strong>at</strong>erthan all telling!Have you received “the boxinside?” Don’t resist this preciousgift because it seems too spiritual,too “mysterious.” Not only is theHoly Spirit a gift for you, but it isthe only way you can rel<strong>at</strong>e to Godnow. Hear the words of Jesus — Butthe hour cometh, and now is, whenthe true worshippers shall worshipthe F<strong>at</strong>her in spirit and in truth: forthe F<strong>at</strong>her seeketh such to worshiphim. God is a Spirit: and they th<strong>at</strong>worship him must worship him inspirit and in truth (John4:23-24).I am so happy tohave received the boxinside! The Spirit ofGod continues to liveinside — He lives withinmy heart!Wh<strong>at</strong> about you?

Soul FoodGive Us This Day Our Daily BreadEach day, straight from the heart of the man known as “The Walking Bible”:• A Scripture reading• A memory verse from th<strong>at</strong> day’s reading• A profound one-page message from Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>This devotional book will quickly become an integral part ofyour daily quiet time with God. Begin a new year of spiritualdiscovery. Call or write today!Soul Food devotional book (BSOUL)Send a gift of $8.95 U.S.$11.95 Can.Inside OutBy Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s l<strong>at</strong>est book is a remarkable look <strong>at</strong>some of the everyday issues of Christian living, and itshows you how to look <strong>at</strong> them not from the limitedhuman point of view, but from God’s perspective!“I am sharing my heart with you on thesepages in the hope th<strong>at</strong> you, too, will c<strong>at</strong>chthe inside out vision and become as excitedas I about the privilege we have to walkwith Jesus. Take my hand then in Christianfellowship, and let us go on together!”Inside Out book (BIS)Send a gift of $14.95 U.S.$19.95 Can.

“I had to put down my husky dog Koska of18 years, and Animals in Heaven hasbrought me a blessed hope.”— Mary H.Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>bring you one of the best videoteachings ever about animals in heaven.It covers Scriptural references toanimals in thehereafter, a wonderful look <strong>at</strong> many ofthe amazing talents and skills th<strong>at</strong> Godhas endowed His cre<strong>at</strong>ures with, and acelebr<strong>at</strong>ion of all th<strong>at</strong> our pets bring toour lives.Animals inHeaven? VHS (VANV)Animals inHeaven? DVD (DANV)Send a gift of$24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running Time:75 minutes CC

• Do people ever really die?• Is there more than oneHeaven?• Wh<strong>at</strong> was Jesus referring towhen He said <strong>at</strong> the crucifixionone of the thieves wouldbe with Him in “paradise”?• Wh<strong>at</strong> is the differencebetween Hades, Gehennaand Hell?A must-have teaching. Agre<strong>at</strong> witnessing tool. Findout wh<strong>at</strong> lies beyond this lifefor you and your family.Beyond the Grave VHS (VBGV)Beyond the Grave DVD (DBGV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running Time:85 minutes CC

— PROPHECY: 21st CENTURY REVELATIONS— THE SEVEN MYSTERY YEARS— DAY EIGHT: PLANET EARTH FOREVEREach of these three videos will thrill you with exciting insights into the l<strong>at</strong>ter days —which are just around the corner! Together, they will answer all your questionsabout:• The Rapture • The Gre<strong>at</strong> Tribul<strong>at</strong>ion • The Glorious Appearing of the Savior• The New Heavens and New Earth. • and much more!The Prophec Trilogy VHSThe Holy Spirit directed these powerful teachings for Dr. <strong>Jack</strong>(VPTV)<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> to share — now all three are available together!All 3 videos for only$39.95 U.S.$49.95 Can.Also Available: Each of the 3 videos separ<strong>at</strong>elyPROPHECY: 21st CenturyRevel<strong>at</strong>ions VHS (VPRV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running time: 110 minutes CCThe Seven MysteryYears VHS (VMYV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running time: 108 minutes CCDAY EIGHT: Planet EarthForever VHS (VEDV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running time: 113 minutes CC

The W<strong>at</strong>chWord Bible is anacclaimed video present<strong>at</strong>ionof the Scriptures masterfully readaloud with the words on the screenand spectacular accompanyingvideo. In this DVD two-pack, youreceive:• The Gospel of John — completenarr<strong>at</strong>ion with scenes from theland of the Bible, original musicand sound effects. Perfect for aspiritual seeker and the faithfulwho want to better understandthe majesty, authority anddivinity of Jesus.• The Book of Revel<strong>at</strong>ion —John’s prophetic message ismore relevant today than ever!This award-winning productioncaptures the supern<strong>at</strong>ural visionof Revel<strong>at</strong>ion with inspiringscenery, dram<strong>at</strong>ic specialeffects, complete narr<strong>at</strong>ion andoriginal music.W<strong>at</strong>chWord Beginning and End(2) DVD Set (D623)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.

I know those voices!Dear <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,I doubt you get this email, but I hope you do. Growing up as a child I was be<strong>at</strong>en daily by my f<strong>at</strong>her.He was a powerful man in the community, so neighbors and police never came to my rescue.My only solace and joy back then came from listening to your l<strong>at</strong>e Sunday night broadcasts onAM radio on a Chicago radio st<strong>at</strong>ion. I had to pretend to be asleep in my room, but everySunday night when my parents went to bed, I would turn on my little transistor radio,and wait to hear you.Wh<strong>at</strong> I felt was an amazing kindness in your voice. Since I had known nokindness in my life, getting it from a voice on the radio was all I had.One Monday morning ... I wrote you a letter ... and asked you pleasenot to go off the air, and th<strong>at</strong> I prayed every Sunday along with you<strong>at</strong> the end of your broadcast, accepting Christ as my Savior.My biggest worry was th<strong>at</strong> you would go off the air, andthen, wh<strong>at</strong> would I have?I was 13 then, barely a man. Well I am over 40

November–December 2005 | Perhaps Today | 29This is the kind of impact you already make through <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>.People with appreci<strong>at</strong>ed stocks and property cangre<strong>at</strong>ly benefit from wise tax planning and givingthrough several options:• Hurricane K<strong>at</strong>rina Tax Relief Act was recently passed byCongress. While initi<strong>at</strong>ed to gener<strong>at</strong>e gifts for relief efforts, thebill offers the opportunity to give for all charitable work. The newlaw offers some tremendous opportunities for significant givingfrom August 28 until December 31, 2005. For example, individualscan make cash gifts to charities, and their gifts are tax deductibleup to 100% of adjusted gross income.Additionally, a person over age 59 can withdraw any amount fromhis or her IRA without penalty and with a full tax deductionwhen the cash is directed to a charity. (For example, if an IRAowner has an income this year of $50,000 and decides to withdraw$25,000 from her IRA to give to <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>, herincome is now $75,000. However, if her gift is received byDecember 31, 2005, her income for tax purposes is reducedto the original $50,000.)Now you can do even more.• Appreci<strong>at</strong>ed Securities earn a charitable deduction basedon the fair market value on the d<strong>at</strong>e of the gift. If you have heldthe securities for more than a year, you incur a capital gains tax.By giving the appreci<strong>at</strong>ed value to a charity, you could avoid th<strong>at</strong>capital gains tax.• Real Property is another gift th<strong>at</strong> can help you avoid capitalgains taxes. Earn a charitable deduction based on a qualifiedappraisal of the fair market value of an unencumbered property.• Any extra Life Insurance policies th<strong>at</strong> are no longer neededfor their original purpose can make a convenient tax-deductiblecharitable gift. When you assign <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> as thebeneficiary, you may have the opportunity for tax deductions onthe premiums being paid or the cash value of the policy.• A Charitable Trust is a flexible and effective planned gift ...which can provide you or your family with income for life. Whileavoiding capital gains taxes, the gift can also be structured toyour family's needs.now, and w<strong>at</strong>ch you in the TwinCities every Sunday night, andthis may seem funny, but I canstill remember when your voiceand Rexella’s voice were justvoices on a transistor radio, andthe genuine kindness and lovingth<strong>at</strong> came from your voices wasall th<strong>at</strong> I had known. In the early90’s, the first time I saw you onTV, I remember thinking, “IKNOW THOSE VOICES!!!!” Ofcourse, before then, I had neverseen your faces!Everyday ... I vow to be a goodman, to tre<strong>at</strong> people well nom<strong>at</strong>ter how they tre<strong>at</strong> me, to forgivethe brutality I endured as ayoungster, and from time to time,thank The Christ for giving methose l<strong>at</strong>e Sunday night AMbroadcasts from <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,because without those, who knowswhere and wh<strong>at</strong> I would havebecome.Keep up the good work,J.L.We are praying for youMy husband and I w<strong>at</strong>ch yourprogram. Today, I saw th<strong>at</strong> youhad been in such dire sicknesswith sepsis. My husband wentthru this in January and Februaryof this year after having part ofhis lung removed. I could notbelieve you are even able to sitand to talk on TV. Do othersknow wh<strong>at</strong> a severe infectiousst<strong>at</strong>e you were in? The Lord Godof Israel has His hand mightilyon you, you are a faithful andtruthful servant ... You have somany times touched our lives, wehave your books and faithfullyw<strong>at</strong>ch to learn. We will continue topray for your health, knowing th<strong>at</strong>the work of God is being sent tothe n<strong>at</strong>ions by your ministry.L.M.I am ready!Dear Dr. Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>;Today is September 1, 2005. Iwas w<strong>at</strong>ching your show on CTNand when your husband saidthese words, “You've got to getready!” I felt something withinme and when he said th<strong>at</strong> prayer,I repe<strong>at</strong>ed it with him. Mow Ifeel peace and I feel happy andnow I know th<strong>at</strong> everything isgoing to be okay… Thank youfor this opportunity on a new life.I.C.

Today’s clim<strong>at</strong>e of h<strong>at</strong>red for God’s Chosen Peopleis the segue to darker times ahead! Get this videoand discover how to prepare for the l<strong>at</strong>ter days.Get answers to the following questions andmany more:• Did the Jews kill Christ?• Who deserves Jerusalem?• Wh<strong>at</strong> does peace have to do withthe anti-Christ?• Armageddon: When and Where?“This video teaching is one of the two most important I haveever done. It is a legacy God has clearly directed me to leavebehind, a must for every family interested in prophecy andthe truth of the Word.”—Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>It could happenin our lifetime!Another Hitler Rising VHS (VHTV)Another Hitler Rising DVD (DHTV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.

Gre<strong>at</strong> Gift for aLoved One!Beloved <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Presents announcer Chuck Ohmanreads the majestic King James Version of the Bible, bringingit to life as only he can!Perfect for listening when you’re driving, exercising, doinghousework — any place where you have a CD player!DIGITALLYRE-MASTEREDDr. Ohman’s New Testament on CD (CDNT)Send a gift of $44.95 U.S.$49.95 Can.BONUS MUSICCD INCLUDED

Answers to the one of the mostintriguing books of the BibleRevel<strong>at</strong>ionRevealedThis five-VHS/DVD teaching shares 10 hoursworth of Bible study, including:• A detailed and clear description of eachof the events from immedi<strong>at</strong>ely precedingthe Rapture until the end of the book ofRevel<strong>at</strong>ion.• Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s explan<strong>at</strong>ion of exactlywh<strong>at</strong> each verse means, how it rel<strong>at</strong>es tothe rest of the chapter and the plan ofBible prophecy.• A dram<strong>at</strong>ic overview of the future aboutto unfold.This extraordinary teaching iscomparable to a college course —perhaps nothing like it anywhere!Send for yours today.Revel<strong>at</strong>ion Revealed video (VRRP)Revel<strong>at</strong>ion Revealed DVD (DRRP)Send a gift of $49.95 U.S.$59.95 Can.Running time: 10 hours CCContact JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES ® <strong>at</strong> Box 7004,Troy, Michigan 48007. In Canada: JACKVAN IMPE MINISTRIES OF CANADA ® Box 1717, Postal St<strong>at</strong>ion A,Windsor, ON N9A 6Y1. Forimmedi<strong>at</strong>e <strong>at</strong>tention, call us <strong>at</strong> (248) 852-5225 or fax (248) 852-2692.Thank you for yourlove and generosity ... and God bless you!Non-ProfitU.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>Visit our Web address <strong>at</strong>:www.jvim.com

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