TORCH Winter 08.qxd - Lee University

TORCH Winter 08.qxd - Lee University

TORCH Winter 08.qxd - Lee University


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Homecoming 2008Glimpses fromHundreds of alumni and friends “came home”to <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> to connect with classmates andadmire the stunning progress of their alma mater.The following pages capture the celebrations,contests and camaraderie of the weekend.4 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

EVS Celebrates 40 –The Evangelistic Singers,better known as EVS,celebrated their 40thanniversary with aweekend of gatherings,rehearsals and concerts,including the highlightgroup of the annualmusic festival. Knownas perhaps <strong>Lee</strong>’s mostethnically-diversemusical ensemble, EVSand their ministry hastouched the lives ofthousands over the lastfour decades.▲PhilStacey<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 20085

Seen and Heard atHomecoming 2008• Volley for A Cure benefit withPhil Stacey•Drama production: Trojan Women• Flames basketball wins over Templeand Montreat• Lady Flames basketball vs. Morrisand Milligan• Young Alumni Torch Societyreception• Homecoming 5K Fun Run• President’s Circle luncheon• Gourmet brunch• Alumni baseball, soccer games• Alumni service projects• DZT vs. Sigma• Upsilon vs. Chi• Reunions for the classes of: 1968,1978, 1988, 1998 and the Legacyclasses of 1918-1965.• <strong>Lee</strong> Singers 45th anniversary•Alpha Gamma Chi 45th anniversary• Epsilon Lambda Phi 20th anniversary• Student Leadership 10th anniversaryHail to the Queen – MorganVan Norman was crowned<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s HomecomingQueen. A senior history educationmajor, Morgan is thedaughter of Brent and MarshaVan Norman of Virginia Beach,Va. She is a resident assistantin Livingston Hall and involvedin Omega Alpha Phi, BackyardMinistries and Alpha Chi HonorSociety. She was escorted byBrandon Heitz of Atlanta.▲6 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

▲ Jeff Conn Wins Distinguished AlumnusAward – Dr. P. Jeffrey Conn ’81was presented <strong>Lee</strong>'s most prestigiousalumni award for his exceptionalresearch and teaching as Professor ofPharmacology at Vanderbilt <strong>University</strong>.Conn directs Vanderbilt <strong>University</strong>’sPharmacology Department's Program inTranslational Neuropharmacology andthe Vanderbilt Institute of ChemicalBiology's Program in Drug Discovery.During his distinguished career, he hasmade huge strides in the drug discoveryfield. He has also served as a professorat Emory <strong>University</strong> and worked as thehead of the Department of Neuroscienceat Merck and Company.“There is perhaps no alumnus of <strong>Lee</strong> who has accomplished more, in thefield of science and research, than Dr. Jeff Conn,” said <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> PresidentPaul Conn. “He provides such a wonderful model to <strong>Lee</strong> students ofsomeone who combines a strong faith with a brilliant career in the laboratory.In this period when we are focusing on science and our science grads, Jeffis a perfect choice for the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year.”Upon accepting the award, Jeff said: “Ministry is about moving into varioussectors of society. I am forever indebted to <strong>Lee</strong> for modeling and teachingthis to me.” Jeff is married to Anita Ball Conn '79 and they have three children:Jordan, Elizabeth and Nathan▲LEGACY REUNION50 YEARSCrowley Named Honorary Alumnus – Dr. Raymond Crowley,a 14-year veteran of the <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> Board of Directors, is aformer general overseer of the Church of God (1986-90) andis retiring from the <strong>Lee</strong> board this year. Unable to attend theHomecoming presentation of his award, President Conn presentedit in his absence saying, “Even before he was a memberof our board, Dr. Crowley has been a reliable and vigorous supporter ofeducation and <strong>Lee</strong> in general.”

90 Years ofPROGRESSDedication of a new $5 million structure accentuates<strong>Lee</strong>’s commitment to religious education.BY CAMERON FISHERON JANUARY 1, 1918—90 years ago—<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> began as Bible TrainingSchool (BTS) with 12 studentsand one teacher enrolled for a threemonthterm of ministerial training.On November 7, 2008, the <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> School ofReligion was officially dedicated with a celebrationincluding a prayer, litany, ribbon-cutting, and tributesto those who made the $5 million building possible.<strong>Lee</strong>’s evolution of ministerial, pastoral and religioustraining which began with BTS led to the establishmentof Bible Training School and College twentyyears later in 1938 when the school relocated toSevierville, Tenn. Upon returning back to Cleveland tothe current campus in 1947, BTS and College becamesimply <strong>Lee</strong> College. A Division of Religion was formedin 1968, while the establishment of the present daySchool of Religion became reality when <strong>Lee</strong> became auniversity in 1997. Commenting on <strong>Lee</strong>’s growth from12 students in 1918 to over 4,100, President Conn statedat the ceremony, “even though much has changed,the heart of <strong>Lee</strong> remains the same.”The November 7 dedication completed anotherchapter in the yet unfinished Press Toward the Markcapital campaign. Originally scheduled to raise $25million, the goal was upped to $30 million earlier thisyear. So far, the campaign has funded a renovation ofthe Walker Arena, construction of a new health clinicand Leonard Center, scholarships, a campus-wide computerinfrastructure upgrade, campus acquisitions suchas the former Mayfield Elementary School and theconstruction of the School of Religion. On the oppositeside of campus, construction is heavily underwayon the capstone project, a new science and math complex(see article this issue, page 12).Dr. John Nichols cuts the ceremonial ribbon at the dedicationof the new School of Religion building with President Connand his wife, Darlia. Behind is Board Chairman Darrell Rice.8 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

Jerry Dixon Reading Room ▲Jerry and Patricia Dixon live in Wilson, N.C. In acareer of management and ownership in the restaurantbusiness which began in 1970, Jerry has establishedhimself as a talented and highly effective businessleader. When <strong>Lee</strong> sought help for the new School ofReligion building, the Dixons responded with warmthand generosity.The Charles W. Conn Collection ▲The Jerry Dixon Reading Room houses a uniquecollection of 3,000 books which has been named theCharles W. Conn Collection. The collection includesapproximately 2,000 books from the personal librariesof church leaders, <strong>Lee</strong> board members and facultymembers with space for future additions. The core ofthe collection is 1,000 books owned by the lateCharles W. Conn, former <strong>Lee</strong> president and denominationalleader. The Collection also includes 1,000newly purchased volumes chosen by the <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>faculty which emphasize scholarly and academicworks, and were funded by gifts from <strong>Lee</strong> professorDonald N. Bowdle and the Central Church of God.There are also books authored by <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> faculty,a Vindagua collection, and other volumes of specialinterest.Dr. WilliamEffler teachesin one of thetechnologyenhancedclassrooms<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 20089

▲Charlotte CommonsThe unique space which defines the entry of thebuilding is a “dodecagon,” a twelve-sided figure. Thearea is a student lounge, computer station, entryway,and snack bar. In recognition and gratitude for theextraordinary support <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> has receivedfrom the Central Church of God in Charlotte, N.C.,the space will be known as the Charlotte Commons,”located as it is across the street from LivingstonHall, which is named for Central’s long-termpastor, Loran Livingston.Jones Lecture HallKenneth “Deacon” Jones has served on the <strong>Lee</strong><strong>University</strong> Board of Directors. He and his wife, Faye,have generously supported <strong>Lee</strong> in many capital projectsand special needs. The Deacon Jones DiningHall, dedicated in 1996, honors one of their earliercommitments to the <strong>Lee</strong> campus. The Jones’ arefrom Smithville, N.C., where they work with theirchildren in one of the most successful automobiledealerships in the state.▲10 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

The computer labis equipped with40 work stationsSchool of Religion BuildingBy the NumbersSquare feet: 35,000 on two floorsTotal student capacity: 650 seats• Jones Lecture Hall: 203• Computer Center: 40• Preaching Lab: 26• Seven “technology enhanced” classroomsFaculty Space• Six administrative and faculty suites• Total office space for 32 faculty(plus support staff)General Space• Two conference/seminar rooms• Faculty workrooms, tech, and storage rooms• 136 parking spacesThe <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> School of Religion was designedand constructed by Tri-Con, Inc. Architect:Steve Carroll of Rardin & Carroll Architects.Dr. Rick Moore,chair of the Bibleand Theologydepartment, worksin his new office<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200811

■ CONSTRUCTION UPDATEPROGRESS ON THE NEW SCIENCE ANDmath building is moving at an astoundingpace as crews work to complete the threestoryeast wing of the complex in time forclasses in the fall of 2009.Gigantic steel girders which will anchor the centercommons area of the complex have been mounted literallya few feet away from the current Beach ScienceBuilding, underscoring the magnitude of finishing theeast wing in time to allow the demolition of the oldscience building. Razing of the 40 year-old structure isslated for sometime next spring, but not likely untilthe completion of the spring 2009 semester.By Homecoming weekend, all three floors of theeast wing were in place and alumni were able to witnessthe wing nearly under roof as rafters were beingsteadied into place by a crane tall enough to be seenfrom miles away. Classrooms, faculty offices and laboratorieswere already being piped for ductwork.The shape of a majestic structure is clearly in viewand the anticipation of its impact on the campus landscapebecomes clearer every day.12 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200813

CAMPUS NewsBusiness Gets Down to BusinessDepartment gets initial accreditation from leading agency.THE ASSOCIATION of CollegiateBusiness Schools and Programs(ACBSP) announced <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>has been awarded initial accreditationof their business school by theBaccalaureate/Graduate DegreeBoard of Commissioners. <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>officials were presented withtheir certificate of accreditationduring the ACBSP annual conferencein New Orleans this summer.Douglas G. Viehland, executivedirector of the ACBSP, spoke of theaccomplishment of this accreditation.“<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> has showntheir commitment to teachingDepartment of Business Chairman Dr. Dewayne Thompson (center) is joined by<strong>Lee</strong> business professor Dr. Evaline Echols and officials of ACBSPexcellence by participating in theaccreditation process, achievingaccreditation and continuing theprocess of quality improvement.This accreditation is evidence of<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s commitment toquality business programs.”"Gaining membership in theACBSP is such an accomplishmentfor our Department of Business,”stated <strong>Lee</strong> President Dr. Paul Conn.“It puts us in a company of outstandingB-schools and similar programsall across the country. Ithink this is a very important indicatorthat <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>'s businessprogram is going from ‘good togreat’, and we can count on moregood news to come from thatdepartment in the next few years.”The ratification of accreditationby the ACBSP covers a ten-yearperiod during which time <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>must continually reaffirmits quality through periodic reports.<strong>Lee</strong> StudentElected toSchool BoardNineteen year-old isthe youngest electedschool board memberin Tennessee.LEE SOPHOMORE Russ Swafford,who is triple-majoring in politicalscience, business and accounting,was inspired to run for the schoolboard in his home county of Polk,by his father who has held thesame seat. Despite this legacy, Russstill faced obstacles. “A lot of peoplethought I wasn’t serious aboutthe election, and theydidn’t take me seriousas a person at first. Iknew I was going tobe the underdog, butI knew I wasn’t goingto lose on a lack ofeffort. I believe in thestrength of education,and I understand itbetter than most anyoneon the board bystill being a student and havingthat connection with the youngergeneration.”Though his studies will takehim out of his home district, Swaffordstill feels that his <strong>Lee</strong> educationis an importantpart a larger plan. “Iwant my faith to bean example to otherpeople. You can be aleader and be a Christian,and I want tolead by that example.I love state politics,but my heart is morefocused on a federallevel where I wouldbe able to help focus on everybody,not just Tennessee. I want tobe able to help people.”14 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

For additional news stories, visit the <strong>Lee</strong> Web site atwww.leeuniversity.edu and click on “<strong>Lee</strong> Headlines.”Dr. Laura Andersonreads with LUDICstudent Jessa JuradoMoving the “LittleEngine That Could”<strong>Lee</strong> professors conduct ground-breakingresearch on autism and reading.“IT’S FASCINATING when youlearn about children with autism!”This from Dr. Laura Anderson, anassociate professor of education at<strong>Lee</strong>. “So often we just focus on theexternal, but so much is going oninside their heads.”Anderson and Professor of EducationDr. JoAnn Higginbothamhave backgrounds in reading andelementary education, but neitherhad experience working with the<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> DevelopmentalInclusion Classroom (LUDIC),which specializes in teaching childrenwith autism. When theylearned that reading comprehensionwas a common problem areafor these children, the team decidedto explore the roots and solutions.Their research, titled TheLittle Engine That Could: LiteraturePreferences of Children With Autism,identified favored books of autisticchildren, the first step towardsidentifying strategies and techniquesto improve reading comprehension.“Research indicates that studentswith autism have the sameneeds and learning styles as otherstudents,” said Higginbotham.“The greatest difference is requiringa more conscious consideration ofapproach in teaching and relatingto the children.”Twice a week for two monthsAnderson and Higginbotham readto four LUDIC students individually.The children chose one of fivebooks selected at random byAnderson and Higginbotham fromthe International Reading Association’s“The Reading Teacher”which listed the choice books oftypical children in 2006.“A very important aspect ofthis research experience forme has been the realizationthat children with and withoutdisabilities may be moresimilar than we thought.”The children gravitated towardsfour books and after choosing itgenerally stayed with that bookthroughout that phase of the study.“A very important aspect of thisresearch experience for me hasbeen the realization that childrenwith and without disabilities maybe more similar than we thought,”Anderson stated. Currently, there islittle research in the area of readingcomprehension among childrenwith autism, but Anderson andHigginbotham hope to study differentmethods and techniquesthat can be implemented both inthe classroom and at home.“I hope this research willimpact teachers by encouragingthem to always be open to newideas and strategies for teaching literacyskills to children withautism,” said Higginbotham. “Forthe parents of the children withautism, I hope it will reinforce theirunderstanding of how special theirchildren are and that outside practitioners(such as us) find them funand engaging.” —Kelly Bridgeman<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200815

CAMPUS NewsTenYears, $10 Million<strong>Lee</strong> initiative has garnered an impressive list of grants in its first decadeWHEN THE <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> Officeof Grants was founded in 1998, themission was simple: to assist theuniversity and its faculty in seekingand securing grant funds from privatefoundations and governmentfunding agencies. The primarytasks include research of potentialfunding sources, project and budgetdevelopment, proposal preparation,foundation relations andpost-award grant management.Led since its inception byVanessa Hammond, over the lastfive years, <strong>Lee</strong> has enjoyed growthand diversification in its externalgrant funding. “The more experiencedwe become at <strong>Lee</strong>, the moreeffective we are in seeking andwinning grants,” Hammond states.“Plus, it takes time to get the attentionof foundation funders and toA SAMPLING OF GRANTS RECEIVEDdevelop relationships with them;after ten years the effort is beginningto pay off.”The purpose of a grant proposalis to identify the needs of <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>students (financial, academic,spiritual, physical or social), developVanessaHammonda program or project designed tomeet one or more of those needs,and clearly present that opportunityto funders who are interested inmeeting those specific student needs.“It has to be about the students,”Hammond continues. “Forexample, <strong>Lee</strong> doesn’t need moneyfor a science building. <strong>Lee</strong> sciencestudents need to learn the latestlaboratory techniques to becomemore effective doctors, high schoolteachers or scientists, but some ofthose valuable learning experiencesare not possible in our currentfacility. A new building with morespace and cutting-edge equipmentwill give our excellent faculty thetools to teach our science studentswhat they need to learn. Moneywill help us provide that opportunityfor <strong>Lee</strong> students.”New Grants for Scholarships• Dr. Scholl Foundation – for students performing studentteaching or other internships in inner-city Chicago.Total: $30,000• Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation – for scholarshipsfor women from the southeast U.S.A. Total: $634,000• Tucker Foundation – to establish an endowed scholarshipto be awarded annually to an outstandingsenior in the Department of Natural Sciences andMathematics. Total: $100,000Grants for Major Programs• U.S. Department of Education – Title III: StrengtheningInstitutions Program. Total: $1.84 million• U.S. Department of Education – UndergraduateInternational Studies and Foreign Language Program(UISFL). Total: $170,000• Lilly Endowment, Inc. – Theological Exploration ofVocation Sustainability Grant - Poiema Project at <strong>Lee</strong><strong>University</strong>. Total: $500,000. (Project originally fundedin 2002 at $2 million from the Lilly Endowment, Inc.)Large Grants for Capital Building Funds• Anonymous Foundation – $1.5 million challengegrant in 2004 for the DeVos Center for the Humanities• George R. Johnson Family Foundation – $300,000 in2004 for the DeVos Center for the Humanities, GeorgeR. Johnson Lecture Hall• George R. Johnson Family Foundation – $300,000 in2007 for the Natural Sciences & Mathematics BuildingFaculty-Directed Projects:Total granted: $1.4 million• Dr. Phebe Gray – Advancement of Literacy• Dr. Paul DeLaLuz/Dr. Eddie Brown – Science• Dr. Christie Kleinmann – Communications• Dr. Kim Moffett/Dr. Trevor Milliron – Teaching• Dr. Steven Lay/Dr. Blayne Carroll – Math• Dr. Johnny Evans/Dr. Paul DeLaLuz – Math/Science• Dr. Susan Harwood – Economics• Dr. Lori West/ Dr. Michael Freake – Biosciences• Louis Morgan/Jean Cochran – Library• Dr. Tammy Johnson – LUDIC program16 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

<strong>Lee</strong> StudentsSweep CAFAwardsFour receive scholarshipsfrom ChattanoogaAdvertising FederationEVERY YEAR the ChattanoogaAdvertising Federation (CAF)awards four scholarships to deservingstudents in the field of communications-advertising.This year<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> students swept allfour awards.CAF Scholarship committeemember Keith Griffith said, “Theyeach had unique talents and ambition,but I think overall it was overcomingtheir own individual challengesthat impressed us most.”The scholarship winners wereCedric Chalmers, a senior fromMemphis, Tenn., majoring in publicrelations Emily Steele, a juniorfrom Camp Hill, Pa., majoring incommunications with an advertisingemphasis; Joshua Warlick, asenior from Warner Robins, Ga.,majoring in communications withan advertising emphasis; and FemiAlfelmo, a junior from Nigeriamajoring in public relations. Theywere led by sponsor Dr. MeganMoe-Lunger, assistant professor ofcommunications.Skye Childers of the ChattanoogaTimes-Free Press said, “Myexperience with <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> andits students has always been a positiveone. Their work is both creativeand current. When I havehad the opportunity in the past tospeak at <strong>Lee</strong> or work with its students,I have been impressed withtheir energy and enthusiasm.”—Christina MihaiFACULTY FACTSEstes Gets NAACP HonorAssociate Professor of Education Bill Estes was recently honored bythe Bradley County chapter of the NAACP with the John H. PetersonAward, an honorary award given by the local branch to a memberwho has made the greatest contribution to accomplishment ofthe strategic initiatives within the NAACP.“In his position on the city council Bill Estes has created a direct line of contactwith the branch officers and does all that is within his power to eradicate socialinjustice. He is to be commended for his work as a public servant and active memberof the NAACP,” said Rasharon King, secretary of the Bradley County branch.Simmons’ Book on New Testament ReleasedProfessor of New Testament and Greek William Simmons’ bookPeoples of the New Testament World: An Illustrated Guide was recentlypublished by Hendrickson Publishers. The book examines classicJewish groups such as scribes, tax collectors and the disciples ofJohn the Baptist as well as Greek and Roman groups such as the Caesars, centurionsand slaves. It is available at bookstores and Amazon.com.“If we are ever going to understand the New Testament, we need to enterthe world of Jesus and the early church,” said Simmons. “The task that lay beforeme each time that I sat at the keyboard was to transport the reader from his orher present context back into that ancient context that so beautifully informs thelife and times of Jesus.”Moodley Book Published in Monograph SeriesDr. Edley J. Moodley’s book titled Shembe, Ancestors, and Christwas recently published in the American Society of MissiologyMonograph Series. An associate professor at <strong>Lee</strong>, Moodley is alsothe director of the Intercultural Studies Program.The book explores the African Initiated Churches (AIC) and examines theindigenized Christianity and their rituals and worship, which are unique to thecontext of postcolonial Africa. It also attempts to inform the audience about theway in which these churches understand and interpret Christology.The work is available at academic publishing houses in the U.S.A. and abroadwith more information at http://wipfandstock.com.(l-r) Joshua Warlick, Femi Afelumo, Emily Steele, Dr. Moe-Lunger, Cedric Chalmers<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200817

CAMPUS NewsProductive First Year forAsian Studies ProgramDirksen gives year one performance report to facultyVICE PRESIDENT forAcademics Dr. CarolynDirksen recently gavean extensive report onthe success of an Asian Studies Program.The report included facultyenhancement trips to various Asiancountries and the start of foreignlanguage courses not previouslyoffered on the <strong>Lee</strong> campus. Thereport also included the status ofestablishing an Asian Studies minorand increased opportunities to studentsto study in Asian countries.The following is a summary ofan incredibly active first year:STUDY ABROAD ANDINTERNSHIP PROGRAMSThis summer, eighteen students wereselected by Schering-Plough to completea six-week internship programin international management at theirSingapore facility. Students participatedin approximately fifty “classroom”hours per week It was reportedthat the management team atSchering-Plough interacted with thestudents on a professional and personallevel and contributed greatly tothe professional development of thestudents who participated.PROGRAMS CREATEDOR ENHANCED• Asian Studies Minor - Of eight newcourses proposed for the minor,five have been completed andapproved by the UCC and theother three are on schedule fordevelopment during the secondyear. U.S. and East Asia Relationswas taught in Spring 2008. Fivenewly developed courses arescheduled to be taught duringthe 2008-2009 academic year.INTERNATIONAL OR AREASTUDIES PROGRAMSCREATED OR ENHANCED• Business Management in AsianMarkets - intended to familiarizestudents with the factors thatshape the Asian business marketsby giving students the opportunityto apply and extend basic conceptsfrom other Department of Businesscourses in an Asian context.• Contemporary Chinese Culture andSociety - explores changes in contemporaryChinese culture andsociety from 1949 to the present.It will employ anthropologicalJapanand sociological theoretical perspectivesto investigate emergingtrends in China today.• Eastern Religions and Philosophies -a study of the beliefs, practices,and historical developments ofeastern religions and philosophies,including Hinduism, Buddhism,Sikhism, Jainism, Islam,Daoism, and Shinto.• Survey of East Asian Literature - asurvey of Chinese, Korean, andJapanese literature using Englishtranslations of representative works.• U.S. and East Asian Relations -investigates the strategic, economic,political, and diplomaticrelations among states in EastAsia. The course provides anoverview of the primary topicsand perspectives for studyingAsian international relations.18 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

ChinaLANGUAGE PROGRAMSCREATED OR ENHANCEDChinese - taught by Dr. Phebe XuGray, Assistant Professor of Chinesefor the Asian Studies Program.• Elementary Chinese I - This courseis a proficiency-oriented coursedesigned to provide a functionalelementary foundation in thebasic skills of speaking, listening,reading, and writing in Chinesealong with an integrated study ofChinese culture.• Elementary Chinese II - A continuationof the proficiency-orientedelementary course.• Intermediate Chinese I – A proficiency-orientedcourse designedto review essential structures infurther detail and improve thestudent’s ability in speaking, listening,reading, and writing theChinese language.• Intermediate Chinese II - A continuationof the proficiency-orientedintermediate sequence.• Language and Culture: Chinese forBusiness - This course introducesstudents to the concept of theinteraction between Chinese languageand culture, specifically inthe area of business. The courseprovides a basic and limited oralintroduction to Chinese and itsuse in the international businesscontext.Thai – taught by Dr. JoAnn Higginbotham,Professor of Education• Introduction to Language and Culture:Thai - This course introducesstudents to the concept of theinteraction of language and culturein Thailand.ENHANCEMENT OFFACULTY EXPERTISE• Dr. Murl Dirksen traveled toChina to collect materials for acourse titled “Contemporary ChineseCulture and Society” whichwas offered this fall.• Mr. Guy DeLoach traveled toSingapore to make contact withofficials of Schering-Plough and tomake arrangements for his studentsto complete internships.Mr. DeLoach also co-wrote thecourse titled “Business Managementin Asia.”• Dr. JoAnn Higginbotham was inThailand with a group of <strong>Lee</strong> studentswhere ideas were exploredto develop a study abroad trip forstudents. Dr. Higginbotham alsoteaches a course at <strong>Lee</strong> titled“Language and Culture: Thai.”• Dr. Arden Jensen visited Japanand South Korea to meet withofficials from Tohoku Gakuin <strong>University</strong>,Yamagata <strong>University</strong>, andTokyo Christian <strong>University</strong>. Thepurpose of this trip was to conferwith scholars regarding East Asianliterature, to explore possible formalrelationships with Japaneseuniversities, and to find study andservice opportunities in Japan for<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> students. Dr.Jensen also collected materials forhis new course titled “Survey ofEast Asian Literature.”• Dr. Jung-In Jo traveled to SouthKorea in order to establish a relationshipwith Sookmyung <strong>University</strong>.She explored options for afuture trip to Asia for <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>students. As part of the AsianStudies Program, she has developeda course in Political Sciencefor the Asian Studies Minor titled“U.S. and East Asian Relations.”• Dr. Jason Ward will develop acourse on the history of the PacificRim in 2008-2009. His visit tothe Philippines helped him connecthis knowledge of the LatinAmerican colonial period with theevents going on in the Pacific.• Mr. Xiaoqing Yu is developing acourse covering various aspects ofthe music and poetry of China.Grant money allowed Mr. Yu tointerview traditional Chinesemusicians and to videotape theinterviews as a teaching resourcefor his new course. He also plansto archive the materials in theMusic Library at <strong>Lee</strong>.• Dr. Phebe Xu Gray attended theannual meeting of the Associationfor Asian Studies in Atlanta. Theconference is very productive forfuture development of the AsianStudies Program at <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>,as it provided opportunities fornetworking with peers in Asianstudies and course development.<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200819

CAMPUS News■ DEPARTMENTAL FOCUSHESSE Paves the Wayin Physical EducationFROM YOUR LIBERAL ARTSeducation at <strong>Lee</strong> you mayremember the Hessians as agroup of guns-for-hire thatFrederick II sent over to aid theBritish in quelling a little rebellionin the colonies. Today at <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>you would be more likelysee or hear the term HESSE in referringto the Department of Health,Exercise Science, and SecondaryEducation; a unit within the HelenDeVos College of Education.Teacher education remains at thecore of the College of Educationand HESSE, but the department hasexpanded the offerings and activitiesavailable to both students andthe broader learning community.■ ATHLETIC TRAININGAs one of <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>’snewest majors, Athletic Trainingquickly became an optimal choicefor students seeking a career in avariety of healthcare fields. ProgramDirector Dr. Kelly Lumpkinoversees the students’ educationalprogram through the cohort systemin which students obtain educationalcompetencies and proficienciesin both the classroom andin the field. This is accomplishedby rotating through placementswith certified athletic trainersthroughout each semester. Theseplacements serve the university’ssports teams, local high school athleticteams, and physician groupsin both orthopedics and physicaltherapy. This past summer the athletictraining program took theireducation and abilities to Cuba aspart of the <strong>Lee</strong>’s continued commitmentto Global Perspectives.■ COMMUNITY INITIATIVESThis spring Wellness Steps ofBradley County received a $250,000grant from the Tennessee Departmentof Health. As part of theapplication process, HESSE offeredto aid in the initial screening andassessment of participants. As ofOctober, Dr. Mike Iosia and Dr.Mark Wickam’s classes (ExerciseTesting and Prescription, Kinesiology,and Personal and ConsumerAthletic training programparticipants in Cuba20 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

SPORTSAn expanded report on the Lady Flames historic winwill be featured in the next issue of Torch.Lady Flames Claim National TitleWomen’s soccer team brings home <strong>Lee</strong>’s first NAIA national championshipNEVER BEFORE has a <strong>Lee</strong> athleticteam been able to shout the words“NAIA National Champions!’ Notuntil the group of Lady Flameswould not be denied in theNational Women’s Soccer Championshipstaged at Embry-RiddleAeronautical <strong>University</strong> in DaytonaBeach, Fla. on Dec. 1-6, 2008.The national title was predictedby several with athletic knowledgewhen Matt Yelton was hired as the<strong>Lee</strong> women’s soccer coach in 2002.His love for the game and his abilityto bring top-notch talent to the<strong>Lee</strong> campus quickly made the LadyFlames a force to be reckoned with.The current <strong>Lee</strong> team is blessedwith stars on the playing field, andseven of those were listed as NAIAAcademic Scholars which requiresa 3.5 GPA.This year’s squad was a teamthat grew closer together underadversity. It was a group of youngladies who wore the maroon andwhite with pride and had theswagger of a national championteam, especially after early-seasonwins against California Baptist andAzusa Pacific.But a tragic series of eventsrocked the Lady Flames. A key playerwent down with a broken leg inthe Azusa win. Another player losther mother to a battle with cancer.Finally, in the semi-final round ofthe national tournament, teamleader and outstanding midfielderJenna Achten suffered a knee injury.Coach Yelton said his team’smotto all year had been “we dowhat we do and we do it well.”The Lady Flames made the entirecommunity and the SouthernStates Athletic Conference proud.This team will always carry thehonor of being the first <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>team to bring home a NAIANational Championship banner.The Lady Flames walked awaywith several individual national tournamenthonors. Chris ChristensenLady FlamesCoach Matt Yeltonhoists the trophywith his championplayerswas named the Most Valuable Player;Jamie Achten was named thetourney’s Top Offensive Player whileKristine Tuck, Jenna Achten andLinn Christensen earned spots onthe All-Tournament Team.Before the championship finalbegan, the NAIA All-AmericanTeams were named. <strong>Lee</strong> placedChristiane Christensen and JamieAchten on the first team. Linn Christensenwas named second team andJenna Achten was listed as an honorablemention All-American.“To have been so close to winningit our freshman year and to beable to go out on top makes the lastfew years worth it all,” said seniorforward/defender Kristina Chase.An emotional coach Yeltonpoured his heart out to the team:“I know right now it hasn’t reallysunk in what we achieved but all Ican say is that I am so fortunate tocoach at a place like <strong>Lee</strong> and to getto coach the type of players I get towork with. This team was amazingfrom start to finish and althoughwe have several very talented individuals—thischampionship waswon as a family.”22 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

Janaina Novaes Jersey RetiredLady Flames standout is only the second women’s soccer player to be honoredJANAINA NOVAES became thesecond <strong>Lee</strong> women’s soccer player,joining Rachel Tuck from 2006, tohave her jersey retired in the historyof the sport at <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>.The ceremony took place in frontof the Homecoming crowd onNovember 8.“I truly count it as an honor tohave been able to coach an athleteas gifted as Jana proved to be in herfour-year career at <strong>Lee</strong>,” said <strong>Lee</strong>coach Matt Yelton. However, Ibelieve that the most remarkablething about her was not her abilityon the field, but the caliber of individualcharacter that she brought toour program. Jana is arguably thebest athlete to ever wear a <strong>Lee</strong> uniform,but in ten-years time, I won’tbe thinking about the goals shescored or the championships shehelped us win. Instead I will thinkof the sacrifices she made for ourteam and the hard work she put inon and off the field.”Congratulations to JanainaNovaes on this prestigious honor.Gathered for the jersey retiring are(from left) Coach Matt Yelton, LuanaNovaes (sister), Janaina Novaes, OrionWilloughy (friend) and <strong>Lee</strong> AthleticDirector Larry Carpenter.Janaina Novaes: Career HighlightsCareer Leading Goal Scorer: 1182004NAIA Honorable Mention All-AmericanNAIA Region XIII First TeamNAIA National Tournament All-Tournament TeamNAIA SSAC Player of the YearNAIA SSAC Newcomer of the YearNAIA SSAC First Team All-Conference2005NAIA First Team All-AmericanNAIA SSAC Female Athlete of the YearNAIA National Tournament Offensive MVPNAIA Region XIII Player of the YearNAIA Region XIII First TeamNAIA SSAC Player of the YearNAIA SSAC First Team All-Conference2006NAIA First Team All-AmericanNAIA National Tournament All-Tournament TeamNAIA Region XIII Player of the YearNAIA Region XIII First TeamNAIA SSAC Player of the YearNAIA SSAC First Team All-Conference2007NAIA First Team All-AmericanNAIA SSAC Female Athlete of the YearNAIA National Tournament All-Tournament TeamNAIA Region XIII Player of the YearNAIA Region XIII First TeamNAIA SSAC Player of the YearNAIA SSAC First Team All-ConferenceTeam Record of 81-14 -2 during her careerwith national rankings of #11 (2004),#5 (2005), #6 (2006), and #1 (2007)<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200823

SPORTSLU Athletics in BriefVolleyballLady Flames Finish StrongThe <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> Women’s volleyball team hasbeen a perennial powerhouse in the Southern States AthleticConference (SSAC), but this year finished a disappointingsecond in the regular season. Undaunted bytheir record, the Lady Flames re-started their season at theSSAC tournament rattling off four straight wins to earn aspot in the NAIA nationals, held this year in Canton,Ohio. In the opening round the Lady Flames dropped thematch 3-1, losing to Walsh <strong>University</strong>, but walked awayproud of once again advancing to the nationals.The Lady Flames finished their regular and tournamentseason with a combined record of 29-10. NamedMost Valuable Player in the SSAC tournament wasLady Flame Milica Krsmanovic.race with a time of 25:59.64. Veteran runner JohnnyClemons earned the third spot in the nationals byposting a 26:17.11 and finishing 10th overall.For the <strong>Lee</strong> women Erin Wasserfall and MaggieOpelt earned spots in the national event. Opelt hadnever run cross country before coming to <strong>Lee</strong> this fall.Wasserfall finished a strong third with a time of18:52.01, while Opelt was right behind placing fourthwith a 19:03.93 in the 5K event.National RecognitionCoaches, AD get Top HonorsIt has probably happened at other university programsacross the nation, but <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> athleticsscored another first when former baseball coach DavidAltopp was selected to enter the American BaseballCoaches Association Hall of Fame; current baseballcoach Mark Brew was named the NAIA College BaseballCoach of the Year; and <strong>Lee</strong>’s Larry Carpenter waspegged as the NAIA Athletic Director of the Year.Jackeline Toruno goes up for a block in <strong>Lee</strong>’s Volley for theCure match against Southern Wesleyan <strong>University</strong>.Cross Country<strong>Lee</strong> Places Five In NationalsThe <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> men’s cross country teamhad three representatives, and the women two, inthe NAIA nationals on November 22 at Kenosha,Wis. All five were named to the All-SSAC(Southern States Athletic Conference) duringregional competition.Will Jayroe (pictured, right), the son of <strong>Lee</strong>cross country coach Don Jayroe, made his fatherproud by running his fastest time of the season25:50.38 and placing sixth in the individualcompetition. Chad Dean came across the finishline right behind Jayroe and placed seventh in the(l-r) Altopp, Carpenter, and BrewBeing presented three huge national honors inone year is no accident. All three honorees havegiven their hearts and souls to their profession. Itis ironic that Altopp and Brew, who coachedtogether at Trevecca and <strong>Lee</strong> for several years,will be saluted at the same time. They willtravel to the San Diego, Calif., for the ABCANational Convention on January 2-5.Carpenter will be recognized at the NAIAAnnual Convention in Kansas City on April17-21. NAIA President and CEO Jim Carr saidthe <strong>Lee</strong> AD is being honored for, “his leadership,impeccable integrity, and boundless energyfor college athletics.”24 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

For more complete sports coverage, visit the <strong>Lee</strong> Web siteat www.leeuniversity.edu and click the “Athletics” link.Harold GriffinWomen’s GolfNewest Sport Wins First TrophyIt didn’t take the first <strong>Lee</strong> women’s golf programlong to make history. Coach John Maupin took threeof his ladies to four tournaments duringthe fall season and senior RachelIngram captured the first trophy to goin the women’s golf case.Ingram, who transferred to <strong>Lee</strong> fromUT-Knoxville to complete her golfingIngramcareer and receive her college degree,took first-place honors in the Lady Trojan Classic, hostedby Trevecca <strong>University</strong> in Nashville. Ingram also hada second-place finish in two other tournaments.Joining Maupin and Ingram in getting ready for thespring season are Jessica Hodge and Aidra Ruckman.Men’s SoccerRebuilding Flames Redeem SeasonIn a rebuilding year, the <strong>Lee</strong> Flames soccer teamtook a squad of new, young recruits and workedtoward a respectable season. Heading into the SouthernStates Athletic Conference (SSAC) tournamentwith a losing record, the Flames surprised everyonewith three straight upsets to win the SSAC Championship.At the tourney, held in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, theFlames lost to the hosts in the first round 2-0.The Flames overcame their slow start to finish 9-10-2. <strong>Lee</strong>’s Luidgi Beauzile captured the Most ValuablePlayer honor during the SSAC tournament.Mens & Women’s BasketballBoth teams ranked high at season’s startThe Flames and Lady Flames are picked to win theSSAC titles once again. The <strong>Lee</strong> men are listed No. 4nationally in the pre-season NAIA poll, while the LadyFlames own a lofty seventh spot in the national rankings.Coach Brown's team finished the 2007-08 seasonwith an impressive 33-2 record and an excellent recruitingyear. His club primed to challenge for another SouthernStates Athletic Conference title and a fourth- straighttrip to the NAIA National Tournament. The Flamesadvanced to the Elite Eight last seasonbefore falling to the nationalchampions, Oklahoma City.After a strong recruiting year,Lady Flames Coah Marty Rowe feelsgood about the new season. Union<strong>University</strong> (Tenn.) is once again thefavorite in the 2008-09 NAIA DivisionI Women’s Basketball Coaches’Top 25 Preseason Poll followed by Vanguard (Calif.),Freed-Hardeman (Tenn.), and Trevecca Nazarene (Tenn.).Lewis-Clark State (Idaho) came in at No. 5. Azusa Pacific(Calif.), <strong>Lee</strong>, Carroll (Mont.), Lambuth (Tenn.), and OklahomaBaptist rounded out the top-10.Athletic Hall of FameFour Inducted at HomecomingKari Angelbeck Lorenzen (women’s soccer, 1996-1999), Katrina Chatfield Jenkins (volleyball, 1995-1998), Lorenzo Withrite (men’s basketball, 2001-2004),and Paul Duncan (meritorious award) were inductedinto the <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> Athletic Hall of Fame onNovember 7 during Homecoming 2008.Angelbeck Lorenzen scored 58 goals and collected33 assists in her four-year career at <strong>Lee</strong>. She was anNCCAA All-American and also an NCCAA and NAIAAll-American Scholar Athlete. Chatfield Jenkins was anNCCAA and NAIA All-American and helped direct theLady Flames to their first appearance in the NAIANational Tournament. Withrite scored over 1,000points in his two-year playing career at <strong>Lee</strong>. He was anNAIA All-American at both Lipscomb <strong>University</strong> and<strong>Lee</strong>. Duncan, who served as Dean of Students while at<strong>Lee</strong>, was also instrumental in the startup of varsity tennisand helped coach the first team.(l-r) Withrite, Lorenzen, Jenkins, and Duncan<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200825

SPORTS Highlight

The Rise ofRUGBYMen’s rugby is just one of several club sportsthat have captivated the student body…and the NCAA.BY CAMERON FISHERPhotographs by Andrew MillarOPTIONS FOR STUDENT ATHLETICinvolvement at <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>come in three ways: Varsity, Cluband Intramural. Club sports are astep up from traditional intramuralprogramming. Rather than competing against the guysor girls across the hall or the dorm across the street,the student athletes participating in club sports competeagainst colleges and universities from all over thecountry, which for <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> includes some of thebig name athletic schools like the <strong>University</strong> of Tennessee,Georgia, and Florida among others. Club athleteshave traveled from Washington D.C, to Washingtonstate to compete.Club sport programs are typically managed by campusrecreation departments and the teams themselvesare generally student led. Some institutions fund theirprograms with both scholarship and operational fundswhile at others the students are responsible for theentire funding of their team/club. Some will havehired coaches and rigorous practice schedules whileothers have volunteers or player coaches and practice aonce a week. <strong>Lee</strong> fits somewhere in the middle with allof these decisions.“Our club sports here are very involved on campuswith faculty sponsors and student leaders,” statedKevin Hudson, director of Campus Recreation at <strong>Lee</strong>.“They get some funding, but you can see them all overcampus working to raise money for their programs.”Hudson explained that the club sport scene hasbeen around awhile, beginning about fifteen years agowith a men’s volleyball club. They maintained anactive roster and attended the NIRSA (National Intramural& Recreational Sports Association) NationalChampionships for five consecutive years. NIRSA is thegoverning body for most club and intramural programsand most institutions have some affiliation withthem. “The national championships they sponsor aregenerally open events with minimal qualifications,which makes it different from varsity athletics whereattending a national championship as a participant isusually a very difficult process,” Hudson said.<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200827

SPORTS HighlightWhile men’s volleyball faded and has now made acomeback, men’s rugby is the most popular and successfulclub sport. Men’s wrestling has qualified fourwrestlers for the National Collegiate Wrestling AssociationChampionships, while women’s rugby has a deeproster of about 30 women. Racquetball, ultimate frisbeeand table tennis are getting established.“These students are passionate about the gamesthey play,” Hudson concluded, “and we’re excitedabout the way they represent <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> whenthey compete against these other institutions.”The following is the first in a series of personal accountsfrom students who have made club sports an integral partof their <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> experience.A BROTHERHOOD OFBELIEVERSBy Jared McElhaneyAS AN INCOMING LEE FRESHMAN, I was sad, yet excitedby the fact that my life was changing, yet worried aboutthe prospect of having to form new friendships. I was discouragedbecause for the first time in my life, I wouldn’tbe part of an organized sports team.Being part of a team had always been my escapefrom the stresses of life. Sports allowed me to forgetabout life’s obligations and truly enjoy something. Myteammates were always there with me on the field andcoaches were always approachable. Though I wouldn’t beclose to the best player in any sport, intramurals didn’tseem to offer a worthy challenge to work for.Nevertheless, I found myself content to settling—at least I would still have sports,even if it was only just for fun.As I came to the final process for registration and intramuralsign-ups, something caught my eye. At a separatetable was an upper-classman with a sheet of paper and anodd-looking ball in front of him. The sign on for the tablelisted “<strong>Lee</strong> Rugby Club Sign-Up.” I had never seen agame, yet from what I saw I felt drawn.Rugby 101Rugby is a contact sport consisting of fifteen players toa side, with two forty-minute halves. Like soccer, the timecontinues throughout the match, stopping only for penaltiesand other stops in play. Like football, the game is basedon and progressing the game-ball down field and into thescoring area. Unlike football, rugby players wear limitedprotection. The difference here is that in rugby, the tacklermust wrap-up the ball carrier; opposed to the dangerouscollisions found in football. The two key differencesbetween the two are blocking and off-sides. In rugby, noone is allowed to block a defender from or be situated infront of the ball, on the field. There are also no forwardpasses allowed in rugby, allowing for a fast-pace and reasonablysafe contact sport.Foundations of <strong>Lee</strong> Rugby<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> Rugby Football Club was establishedunder the hard-work of two students from New Englandin 2002, Matt Rabine and Kevin Rodriguez. Through theeffort of the founding members and faculty sponsor, Dr.Michael Freake, the club played its first match in April28 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

through its first coaching change, the club continueddeveloping—even seeing <strong>Lee</strong> get its first ‘home-game’ on<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s Jack Souther Field in August 2007.Just last year, the club captured its first conference championship—makingit as far as the Sweet-16 in the Division IIINational Championship. The sport is always open for newplayers, regardless of previous experience and currently consistsof 35 dedicated members. <strong>Lee</strong> Rugby draws remarkablecrowds of up to 400 at home games, and includes students,faculty, alumni and residents of Cleveland.2002, picking up its first official win a year later. In August2003, the club joined the Mid-South Rugby Union andthe arrival of Coach Eddie Roberts. Roberts’ experience ofthe sport’s characteristics, both in-game and dealing withthe requirements for the Union, proved invaluable as theclub exploded in membership, popularity and success.Though he had never played the game himself, <strong>Lee</strong> BusinessProfessor Guy DeLoach took a keen interest in theclub’s foundation and growth, along with the sport itself.In fall of last year, DeLoach took over as head coach. EvenA Christian Rugby Club?<strong>Lee</strong> Rugby finds itself in a position unique to any othergroup on campus. Instead of the traditional conferences ourvarsity programs are in, the union that the club is a part ofconsists of state, military and secular private schools. Assuch, they are able to be Christ-like examples to those whoare likely unexposed to the Word of God. After matches, it iscustomary for the home team to take the visiting team for afew rounds at the closest bar. When teams come to play<strong>Lee</strong>, they are still given a social to talk about the game andthe sport of rugby, but over pizza instead of alcohol. Sometimesother teams give flack for it, but Coach DeLoachinstructs the players that they are Christians first, athletessecond. As such, members of the team are to be witnessesthrough their attitudes on and off the field. Through thesport, the team is first to honor God. Second, they musthonor their brothers on the team. Finally, they must honorthemselves. They are to approach the game as believers inChrist, put every ounce of their being into every game, andremain humble through the good and the bad.Jared McElhaney is a senior history major at <strong>Lee</strong>.<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200829

WHO’S WhereWilliam R. McCall ’49and his late wife, Frances’44, served as missionariesto Central America andJamaica for 35 years.William is now retired andliving in Cleveland, TN.The Days▲ Grace Phillips Day ’54is a full-time evangelistand lives in Adel, GA, withher husband, Charles.They have two grown sonswho are songwriters, as isGrace, who has beenpreaching for 58 years.William Shell ’55 isretired after 62 years offull-time ministry and isnow living on a small farmnear Cleburne, TX. Hehas produced a CD titled“When My Feet Touch theStreets of Gold.” William ismarried to Naomi.Bill Ward ’59 is senior pastorof Charleston WorshipCenter in Charleston, SC.Terry Fletcher ’73 lives inBerea, KY, and is in his fortiethyear offull-time ministry.He isthe pastor oftwo countrychurches inBerea and Mount Vernon.He also has a radio broadcasttitled “Worshippingon Wood and Wire.” HisWeb site is terryfletcher.org.Terry says, “I owe a greatdebt to Don Bowdle andJerome Boone; their teachingchanged my life.”The Moores▲ Dan ’77 and JudithNichols Moore ’77 live inKnoxville where Dan isCEO of Moore Freight Serviceand Judy is director ofthe Church of God Widow’sMinistry Center in Sevierville,TN. Moore Freight wasrecently recognized by Inc.5000 as one of the fastestgrowingprivate companiesin the U.S.A.Denise Womack Pusifull’80 is active in volunteerwork, riding motorcyclesand outdoor activities. Shelives in Cranberry, PA, and“would love to hear fromsome of you I went toschool with. Send me ane-mail (denisewpursifull@yahoo.com) or look me upon Facebook.”Otto Zuckschwerdt ’80lives in Nampa, ID, withhis wife, Vickey. Otto ispastor of Evangel FamilyWorship Center and directorof New Hope CommunityHealth Services, arecovery program.Tammy Pounders Highfield’81 was in real estatefor 23 yrs and recentlyretired to help run a familybusiness. Tammy has twosons and one grandson. Shelives in Muscle Shoals, AL.Dean Strong’81 lives inSadieville, KY,where he isteam leader forToyota Manufacturing. Hehas two children andholds A.A., B.S., M.A. andLitt. D. degrees.Perry Keyt ‘85 passedaway on November26, 2008 followinga battle with lungcancer. He was seniorpastor of the CallawayPark Church of God inLaGrange, GA, and issurvived by his wife,Mellisa Ray Keyt ‘84,son Matthew(a sophomoreat <strong>Lee</strong>)and daughter,Tiffany.Roger ’88 and LorettaLowery Morrison '87 pastorReal Life Church of<strong>TORCH</strong>TRAVELSSend us a photo of youand/or a fellow alumnus oralumna reading Torch at anexotic or noteworthy destination.Tell us where youwere and what was theoccasion. Send prints to the<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> AlumniOffice, 1120 North OcoeeStreet, Cleveland, TN37311, ATTN: Torch Travels.High resolution digitalphotos can be e-mailed totorch@leeuniversity.edu.30 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008▲Blake and Sheila Eichmann ’07 read Torch inEstreno, a village in the Peruvian Amazon wherethey live and teach English and agriculture. ▼Terry O’Bannon ’87 recently traveled to Shanghaiwith Torch to compare his father’s photo on arecent cover with other “historic towers.”

God in Columbus, GA.Loretta teaches physicaleducation in MuscogeeCounty. Their daughter,Brittany, is currently afreshman at <strong>Lee</strong> majoringin psychology. They alsohave a son who is a highschool junior. Their contactsare Roger: reallifepastor@hotmail.com and Loretta:praisinhim07@hotmail.com.Fredda Richmond Johnson’91 has been marriedto Jerry Johnson for 13years and they live in PlantCity, FL, with three dogsand a cat. Fredda wasappointed principal ofRandall Middle School.She is in her 20th year ofteaching in HillsboroughCounty where the first 13she taught physical educationfollowed by six yearsas an assistant principal.Angela Rowell Mock ’94and her husband, Guy,live in Lancaster, PA withtheir 7-year-old son.Angela, for the past 14years, has worked in theCarlson Attends Harvard Business ProgramMatt Carlson ’93, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland, Tenn., wasone of eight Habitat executive directors selected from 1,400 affiliates around the UnitedStates to attend an executive leadership program at Harvard <strong>University</strong>.Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management is a flagship executive educationleadership program offered each year at Harvard Business School designed for CEOs andexecutive directors of nonprofit organizations.Taught by a team of faculty membersfrom HBS and other graduate schools withinHarvard <strong>University</strong>, the program featuresmanagement cases and materials drawnfrom a wide variety of social enterprises.Participants have the opportunity to connectwith a wide 140 nonprofit leaders froma broad range of sectors and geographies.Participants develop a strategic outlookMatt Carlson (2nd from left) withsome of his Harvard colleagues.human resources fieldand is a regional humanresource manager for anationwide retailer. Angelasays, “As it is with everyone,life is busy jugglingeverything! I look forwardto improve the effectiveness of their organizationsby understanding core managementconcepts; applying these concepts strategically; andlearning how to implement change within the organization.“I was honored to be selected by the leadership at Habitat for Humanity Internationalto attend Harvard for leadership training,” commented Carlson. “The program wasincredible, very challenging and I’ve already started to implement some of what I learnedthrough this experience at the local level.”to hearing from some ofmy dear alumni friends!”Alline Ingle ’95 works at theMary Ellen Locher BreastCenter at Memorial Hospitalin Chattanooga, TN, whereshe is a Grant Outreachassistant. She attends ChristChurch Episcopal, and says,“God has blessed me somuch with wonderful peoplein my life, and a job andchurch that I love.”Roby Walker ‘83 took Torch to Mumbai,India, where he and Torch stopped in front ofthe “Gateway to India” in Old Bombay. ▼▲ Andy Blackmon ’75, Patty Knowles Blackmon ’76, CharlieColvin ’70, Sheila McElhaney ’78, Nancy Blackmon Colvin ’70and David LaBine ’82 took Torch on a plane ride up to Mt.McKinley/Denali while on a church ministry trip in Alaska.<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200831

WHO’S WhereAlumni News Wire■ MICHAEL W. HARDEN ’93 was named chief financialofficer of The Savannah Bancorp. Harden has been withthe company since 2005 as vice president of Accounting.In June 2008, he became interim chief financial officer.He received his BA degree in Business Administration from<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> and his MBA degree from the <strong>University</strong> ofGeorgia. Harden is a CPA and is active in the Institute ofManagement Accountants, the CFO Council and CoastalCathedral Church of God. —from GlobeNewswire■ GLENDA GRIFFIN McGUIRE ’64 of Asheville, NC,went to be with the Lord on Saturday, November 15,2008. She worked as a secretary/bookkeeperfor 24 years. She was a member and Sundayschool teacher at the West Asheville Churchof God. Her family includes her two sonsand two grandsons. Memorials may bemade to the Family Life Center BuildingFund of West Asheville Church of God, 60 State Street,Asheville, NC 28806. —from Asheville Citizen-Times.com■ JAMES WICKES ‘99, an English teacher at Dalton (GA)High School, has been named a 2008 Coca-Cola Educatorof Distinction by the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation.Wickes is one of 250 educators across the country chosento receive this award which recognizes outstandingteachers dedicated to providing education with anenhanced purpose. Wickes receives a commemorativecrystal gift from the Foundation and a plaque inscribedwith a personal dedication written by Jose Trejo, a 2008Coca-Cola Scholar and a senior from Dalton High School,who nominated Wickes. —from Dalton Daily Citizen.Kris Gilbert ’96 is living inCincinnati, OH where heteaches middle schoolgrades at Cincinnati HillsChristian Academy. Kriswas chosen to lead a presentationat the 88thNational Council for theSocial Studies (NCSS)Annual Conference inHouston, TX, in November.The conference proposal,created by Kris anda colleague, was selectedfrom among over 850submissions sent in fromacross the country.John Riter ’96 is serving asa USAF chaplain. He ismarried to Bonnie andthey have two sons andlive at Barksdale AFB inShreveport, LA.Karrie Wessel Miller ’97spent two years workingwith international missionsin England andAfrica managing communitydevelopment projects.For the last three years Karriehas been director of awomen and children'shomeless shelter and alsoteaches life skills classes inprisons in and aroundRapid City, SD. Karrie says,“My training in businesshas helped me immenselyin the areas of finance andpublic speaking.”Sherrie Hiett ’99 is theworship and creative artspastor at The SummitChurch in Albertville, AL.Nathan ’98 and KristiMcHugh Lane ’98 are livingin West Palm Beach,FL, where Kristi worksfrom home while stayingwith her two sons. Nathangraduated with his Ph.D.from Baylor <strong>University</strong> in2007 and is now an assistantprofessor of BiblicalStudies at Palm BeachAtlantic <strong>University</strong>.Caleb Gillette ’99 is aSergeant for the Fort PiercePolice Department in FortPierce, FL. He supervises theroad patrol division and isassistant team leader for thedepartment's SWAT team.<strong>Lee</strong> Professor Murl Dirksen (back) brought enough Torchmagazines to China to be sure professors from Henan <strong>University</strong>who have been visiting professors at <strong>Lee</strong> had a copy. ▼▲ Clement Gibson ’69 reads an articlefrom Torch to Mona Lisa in the Louvreon a recent trip to Paris.32 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

Caleb is also co-owner ofPraetorian Brazilian Jiu Jitsu,an affiliate of the worldrenowned Brazilian TopTeam. He teaches mixedMartial Arts and BrazilianJiu Jitsu and he recentlycompeted in the FloridaState Police and Fire Games,receiving a silver medal.Keri Speed Marshall ’99 ismarried to Tony and livein Seaford, DE, and havefour children. Keri hasbeen teaching high schoolspecial education for thelast 10 years and “lovesevery minute of it.”Travis ’00 and StephanieTowne welcome the birthof their daughter, AlexisLynn Towne, born onSeptember 25, 2008. Theylive in Phoenix, AZ.Joel Watts ’00 and hisfamily recently moved toOcean Springs, MS, followingJoel’s completion ofresidency in InternalMedicine in Birmingham,AL. He has taken a job as ahospitalist working with theSinging River Hospital System.He and his wife, Lindsay,have three children.Chris ’01 and Christa HurstOndrovich ’98 live in Frederick,MD. They have twochildren and serve as youthpastors at Maranatha CommunityChurch of God.Amanda Gibson Hayes’01 is married to MatthewHayes and they have oneson. Amanda is a fifthgrade teacher in GraysonCounty, VA.Alicia Mather-Ryman ’01has two daughters and isworking toward a CertifiedChaplain status in the cityof Seattle. She aspires towork with either the policedepartment or one of thehospitals.Caron Francis Norton ’02lives in Rock Hill, SC, withher husband and three children.Caron says, “I amenjoying the madness ofbeing a stay-at-home mom!”The Jungs▲ Crystal MachachekJung ’02 recently marriedand the happy coupleresides in Charlotte, NC.John Crumley ’03, ’07Mmarried Crystal Shire ’03,’05M on July 12, 2008.John is working with theLUDIC program at <strong>Lee</strong> andis also a music minister atShiloh Baptist Church inOcoee, TN.Jennifer Mathura ’03 andEdward Bailey ’03 weremarried in December 2007,and are now living in Cumming,GA, where Jennifer isin education and Edward isin graphic design.Lauren Thir ’03 marriedGary Speelman on May17, 2008. The couple livesin Reno, NV, where Laurenis college pastor at HarvestFellowship Church of Godand an environmentalconsultant for a localcompany. ▼The SpeelmansUrania Edwards ’05 marriedDwayne Davis on May31, 2008. The couple livesin Lawrenceville, GA,where Urania is pursuingher master's degree in BiomedicalScience. The coupleare small group leadersat Victory World Church.Derece Williams ’05, surprised by a visit fromcomedian Jeff Foxworthy, talked him into a posewith Torch at her place of employment, BowenFamily Homes. ▼▲ Rebecca “Ann” Horton Williams ’73 and Torch atthe International Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, NM.<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200833

WHO’S WhereCraig ’04 and Jessica Long’05 currently live in Benton,TN. Craig is a scienceteacher at Tennessee ChristianPrep School, and Jessicais a reading teacher atOcoee Middle School.Both plan to graduate inDecember 2008 with mastersdegrees in education.They welcomed their firstchild, Sydney Elise, inAugust 2008. ▼The LongfamilyKristin Michovich ’05 andJorge Michovich ’05Mrecently welcomed theirnew baby boy, Alejandro.The couple resides inSavannah, GA, where theyare both teachers.JenniferMorrisDavis▲ Jennifer Morris ’05married Edward MikkalMatthew Davis on June29, 2008, in Chattanooga,TN. The couple now livesin California where Jenniferis pursuing a mastersdegree at Fuller TheologicalSeminary. <strong>Lee</strong> alumniin their wedding includedSarah Hockett McKinney’05, Ashley Weeks McCoy’05 and Jenna Back ’08.Adam Cava ’06 completeda master's in public administrationin May of thisyear and is now living inPhoenix, AZ, where he isan administrative directorof a social services business.Lindsey Meadows ’06married Devin Jones inJune 2008. They live inTampa, FL, where Lindseyteaches music at an elementaryschool. They areactively involved at RiverhillsChurch of God.The JonesRachel Peterson ’06 married<strong>Lee</strong> Gates on February9, 2008, and they are livingin Chattanooga, TN,where Rachel is assistantdirector of Communicationsat McCallie School inChattanooga.Jason ’06 and KimberlyWheble ’06 are living inFreehold, NJ, where Jasonis youth pastor at AbundantLife Church of Godand Kimberly teaches middleschool science at CornerstoneChristian. ▼The WheblesLauren Sprayberry ’07and Patrick Amato ’07were married in November2007. Lauren is working atBrookwood Medical Centerin Birmingham, AL,while Patrick is employedat the corporate office ofRegions Bank.Matthew Hill ’07 andLydia Hill ’05, ’07M,recently moved to the St.Louis, MO, area to acceptpositions teaching AlternativeHigh School. MattSteve Ball ’80, Reita Atkinson Ball ’80, Walter Atkinson’57, Oleda Glenn Atkinson ’56, Sara Core Ball ’54 andWilliam Ball enjoy Torch in New York at Christmas. ▼▲ Lois Tilson ’72 and Diane Hester ’72traveled to Jerusalem where Torch wasgood reading at the Western Wall.34 <strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 2008

teaches English and servesas an assistant marchingband director, while Lydiateaches Music Appreciationand Social Studies andkeeps a studio of voice students.They are both pursuinggraduate degrees in Educationand are active in themusic ministry at First BaptistChurch of Arnold, MO.Kevin Angell ’08 is a youthpastor in Statesville, NC.Jamie Lazar ’08 marriedJoshua G. Moss ’07 onAugust 30, 2008. Josh worksat First Tennessee as afinancial service representative,and Jamie is secretaryto the director of the <strong>Lee</strong><strong>University</strong> Alumni Office. ▼The MossesWe Want to Hear From You!Name ___________________________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________________________City _____________________________________________________________________State ________________ Zip ______________________ Last Year at <strong>Lee</strong> ___________Phone (H) ________________________ Phone (W) _____________________________E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________Family (spouse, children, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Occupation __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Brief notes of interest __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________THREE WAYS TO SEND US YOUR UPDATE• <strong>Lee</strong>’s Web Site: www.leeuniversity.edu. Follow the links to “Alumni and Friends” and click on“Who’s Where Update.”• E-mail: torch@leeuniversity.edu. High resolution digital photos are welcome. Please include allthe information requested above.• Mail: Send this completed form to the <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> Alumni Office, P.O. Box 3450, Cleveland,TN 37320-3450.Hugh Carver ’72, Douglas LeRoy ’65 andKevin Brooks ’90 took Torch along to celebratethe dedication of the Tyler H. Carver Home forChildren in Georgetown, Guyana. ▼▲ Brandon Brown ’07 (back row), Amanda Griffey ’06,Diana Pugh ’06, Melissa Lopez ’07 and Ruth Tipei ’06take a class photo with Torch and their students at GlobalVision Christian School in Eumseong, South Korea.<strong>TORCH</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> 200835

L E EU N I V E R S I T YP.O. Box 3450Cleveland, TN 37320-3450www.leeuniversity.eduDEAR ALUMNI AND FRIENDS,Thank you for giving to the 2008 Annual AlumniFund! We appreciate your faithful support of <strong>Lee</strong><strong>University</strong> and I have some exciting news regardingthis year’s fund. We are on pace toset a new giving record!<strong>Lee</strong>’s administrative offices will closeon December 19th for the Christmasholidays and we would like to haveall pledges in by that time. Youmay fulfill your pledge by phone(1.800.LEE.9930, option 6), orthe <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> website:www.leeuniversity.edu/info/forms/donate.aspOr mail contributions to:<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>Alumni RelationsP.O. Box 3450leveland, TN 37320-3450If you have not pledged to the 2008 fund, pleaseconsider in the next few days what you can give.We need your help now to reach this year’s goalof $400,000! Your tax deductible gift to theAlumni Fund may be designated for the newSchool of Religion Building, new Science Building,or student scholarships.Thank you again for your support and have ablessed Christmas season!Anita Ray ’81Director of Alumni Relations

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