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Step 3. Gap analysisA gap analysis was undertaken by members of the Steering Committee in late 2006 to identifythose areas that required more information and the relevant people who could provide moreinformation.An invited tendering process was then initiated to complete the evaluation. The draft report andgaps analysis was then provided to the successful tenderer, RhED Consulting Pty Ltd, for theircompletion. Refer Chapter 1 for the terms of reference. The gap analysis provided a checkingprocess for completion of the report.Step 4. Interviews with key stakeholdersAn interviewing questionnaire was developed which covered the six-core reporting areas –Clinical, Workforce, Programs, Prevention, Funding, and Systems. Refer Appendix 1 – InterviewQuestionnaire.A total of 15 focus group interviews with 58 participants were undertaken in Darwin, Katherineand Alice Springs during May 2007 to gain more insight into the activities of the government and,in particular, the non-government sector, regarding the implementation of the NTPCDS. Theinterviews with groups were tape recorded, with consent, and hand written notes taken. Severalrespondents also completed the questionnaire to enable them to provide more information abouttheir specific service.The groups to be interviewed were identified by the NTDH&CS Steering Committee. Theyincluded those in government and non-government sectors who were:‣ Delivering primary health care services in remote areas‣ Delivering primary health care services in urban areas‣ Delivering primary medical / clinical / specialised care services‣ Implementing prevention and health promotion programs‣ Providing Indigenous community controlled services in urban and remote settings, and‣ General Practice/Primary Health Care support agencies.Refer to Appendix 2 – List of participants interviewed by the RhED Consulting team.The advantage of this approach was it enabled the participants to discuss their progress withchronic disease activities generally, even if they did not directly relate them to the PCDS. Theinterviewer was also very familiar with primary health care services in the Northern Territory andChapter 2: Evaluation Methodology – Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007 16

chronic disease activities funded throughout Australia. Consequently, the interviewer could elicitcomment about activities implemented, such as Healthy for Life and the National Primary CareCollaboratives, if this was not raised by the organisation.Step 5. Collation and analysis of materialsThe results from the document review, the literature and the interviews were collated andtriangulated to compare the responses and analyse the data. Common themes were identifiedusing the six core reporting areas, which were then analysed and integrated into the final report.A mixture of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods was used.Step 6. Restructure and redevelopment of the draft reportThe report was reviewed and restructured based on the following general principles:• Keeping it as simple as possible, so that was easily accessible by stakeholders• Putting all historical information together into a table so that it is easy to read and add to• Identifying common core reporting areas that reflect the evaluation framework and theobjectives of the NTPCDS. Then using these to structure the tools and the resultssection of the report• Restructuring the report into a standard evaluation format so that it is easy to findinformation and add to it in the future – e.g. adding a methodology section• Only having information that is of use to the evaluation in the report, and movinginformation of interest and historical information into the appendices.The structure of this report therefore has 6 distinct sections that assist in the organisation of theevaluation report to enable the process and impact of the NTPCDS to be explicit. It includes sixcore-reporting areas that are based on combining the Evaluation Framework and the objectivesof the NTPCDS. They are the same as the six used in the interview questionnaire and thedocument review. These core-reporting areas report against objectives of the NTPCDS – Chapter3, and provide a structure for the reporting of outcomes and impact of the NTPCDS. This wasdone to enable better flow of information, usability and to enable it to be built upon for futureevaluations.Chapter 2: Evaluation Methodology – Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007 17

Step 3. Gap analysisA gap analysis was undertaken by members of the Steering Committee in late 2006 to identifythose areas that required more information and the relevant people who could provide moreinformation.An invited tendering process was then initiated to complete the evaluation. The draft report andgaps analysis was then provided to the successful tenderer, RhED Consulting Pty Ltd, for theircompletion. Refer Chapter 1 for the terms of reference. The gap analysis provided a checkingprocess for completion of the report.Step 4. Interviews with key stakeholdersAn interviewing questionnaire was developed which covered the six-core reporting areas –Clinical, Workforce, Programs, Prevention, Funding, and Systems. Refer Appendix 1 – InterviewQuestionnaire.A total of 15 focus group interviews with 58 participants were undertaken in Darwin, Katherineand Alice Springs during May 2007 to gain more insight into the activities of the government and,in particular, the non-government sector, regarding the implementation of the <strong>NT</strong><strong>PCD</strong>S. Theinterviews with groups were tape recorded, with consent, and hand written notes taken. Severalrespondents also completed the questionnaire to enable them to provide more information abouttheir specific service.The groups to be interviewed were identified by the <strong>NT</strong>DH&CS Steering Committee. Theyincluded those in government and non-government sectors who were:‣ Delivering primary health care services in remote areas‣ Delivering primary health care services in urban areas‣ Delivering primary medical / clinical / specialised care services‣ Implementing prevention and health promotion programs‣ Providing Indigenous community controlled services in urban and remote settings, and‣ General Practice/Primary <strong>Health</strong> Care support agencies.Refer to Appendix 2 – List of participants interviewed by the RhED Consulting team.The advantage of this approach was it enabled the participants to discuss their progress withchronic disease activities generally, even if they did not directly relate them to the <strong>PCD</strong>S. Theinterviewer was also very familiar with primary health care services in the Northern Territory andChapter 2: <strong>Evaluation</strong> Methodology – <strong>Evaluation</strong> of the <strong>NT</strong> Preventable Chronic Disease <strong>Strategy</strong> 2007 16

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