PCD Strategy Evaluation 2007.pdf - NT Health Digital Library ...

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Specific recommendationsBest practice guidelines5. Discussions occur with the TEDGP, the CADPHC, the Good Health Alliance NT, AMSANTand urban Community Health Services to develop a policy regarding which best practiceguidelines will be used as the basis for care planning in urban areas.Clinical Information systems6. Discussions occur with AMSANT, the Divisions of General Practice, the Good HealthAlliance NT and other relevant non government organisations to identify an informationsolution to support chronic disease care delivered by the renal services, urban serviceproviders, and for health services that will not be suitable to implement PCIS.7. NTDH&CS work with Divisions of General Practice, AMSANT and ACCHOs to agree on aprocess that links community health service providers into a coordinated and integratedcare plan and recall system with general practitioners and community controlled healthservices in urban areas.8. Resources are provided to services to enable a greater level of participation by the shortterm and permanent workforce in orientation and refresher training in PCIS systems andpaper based recall systems, to facilitate better use by health teams in communities.9. Strategies are developed to implement quality improvement systems, including regularclinical auditing cycles, to monitor the effectiveness of population health systems in allsites.Note: These last 2 recommendations will form a robust basis for service level outcomeevaluation as well as processes evaluation when the NTPCDS is reviewed again in future.Staff Orientation and Training10. The NTDH&CS, the Divisions of General Practice, Rural Clinical Schools, the NGOs andACCHOs develop a strategic and coordinated interprofessional approach to theorientation and training of all clinical and educational staff working in the NorthernTerritory in the area of chronic disease.This process should include at least: Identifying and conducting together the components of orientation that are commonto all disciplines.Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007xvi

Exploration of joint funding arrangements to support joint conduct of orientation andprofessional development in chronic disease prevention, early detection andmanagement.11. Conduct quarterly orientation programs based on Pathways to Professional Practicemodel and advertise these in advance to all ACCHOs and NGOs.12. Investigate the feasibility of conducting these programs Territory wide in an effort toensure better quality, higher participant numbers and fiscal implications.13. Significant investment be made by NTDH&CS to ensure access to regular training, reliefand support for all staff, especially those in remote areas. It is estimated thatapproximately 10 per cent of the total remote workforce budget should be invested inthis important area.14. Include serious mental illness and depression in the professional development programand develop a module in this area.15. Investigate the feasibility of different modes of training delivery for these programs.Whole of Government Approach + Indigenous employment16. Establish clear targets for Indigenous employment and monitor and measure themregularly. These should be publicly reported on an annual basis to ensure continuedinvestment and focus on Aboriginal employment. This may be occurring in the currentreview.17. The role of Aboriginal Health Workers in the management of acute care and chronicdisease is reviewed, to ensure clinical expectations reflect training and preparation forthose important roles.18. The overseeing committee strongly support the preventative role of AHWs and educatemanagers about the importance of this role.19. Support systems for Indigenous workers in NTDH&CS working with the PCDS beestablished and adequately funded for success.Prevention and health promotion programs20. The NTDH&CS refocus and prioritise prevention and health promotion programs to makea real impact on reducing the burden of chronic disease.21. Genuine investment is made into prevention and health promotion programs, as apriority. This includes support for specialised staff to lead, advise, and educate othersabout sustainable and identifiable programs that encourage healthy living and preventionof chronic disease.Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007xvii

Specific recommendationsBest practice guidelines5. Discussions occur with the TEDGP, the CADPHC, the Good <strong>Health</strong> Alliance <strong>NT</strong>, AMSA<strong>NT</strong>and urban Community <strong>Health</strong> Services to develop a policy regarding which best practiceguidelines will be used as the basis for care planning in urban areas.Clinical Information systems6. Discussions occur with AMSA<strong>NT</strong>, the Divisions of General Practice, the Good <strong>Health</strong>Alliance <strong>NT</strong> and other relevant non government organisations to identify an informationsolution to support chronic disease care delivered by the renal services, urban serviceproviders, and for health services that will not be suitable to implement PCIS.7. <strong>NT</strong>DH&CS work with Divisions of General Practice, AMSA<strong>NT</strong> and ACCHOs to agree on aprocess that links community health service providers into a coordinated and integratedcare plan and recall system with general practitioners and community controlled healthservices in urban areas.8. Resources are provided to services to enable a greater level of participation by the shortterm and permanent workforce in orientation and refresher training in PCIS systems andpaper based recall systems, to facilitate better use by health teams in communities.9. Strategies are developed to implement quality improvement systems, including regularclinical auditing cycles, to monitor the effectiveness of population health systems in allsites.Note: These last 2 recommendations will form a robust basis for service level outcomeevaluation as well as processes evaluation when the <strong>NT</strong><strong>PCD</strong>S is reviewed again in future.Staff Orientation and Training10. The <strong>NT</strong>DH&CS, the Divisions of General Practice, Rural Clinical Schools, the NGOs andACCHOs develop a strategic and coordinated interprofessional approach to theorientation and training of all clinical and educational staff working in the NorthernTerritory in the area of chronic disease.This process should include at least: Identifying and conducting together the components of orientation that are commonto all disciplines.<strong>Evaluation</strong> of the <strong>NT</strong> Preventable Chronic Disease <strong>Strategy</strong> 2007xvi

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