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97. Henry-Edwards, S., R. Humenuik, R. Ali, M. Monteiro, and V. Poznyak, Brief Interventionfor Substance Use: A Manual for Use in Primary Care. (Draft Version 1.1 for FieldTesting). 2003, World Health Organization: Geneva.98. Northern Territory Government, Northern Territory Food and Nutrition Policy, Action Plan2001-6. 2001, Northern Territory Government: Darwin.99. Villeseche, A., S. Li, and M. Measey, Northern Territory Physical Activity Survey 2003,Non-Indigenous Population. 2003, Darwin: NT Department of Health and CommunityServices.100. Hoy, W., S. Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, and J. Nicol,, Clinical outcomes associated withchanges in a chronic disease treatment program in an Australian Aboriginal community.Med J Australia, 2005. 183(6): p. 305-9.101. Hoy, W., P. Baker, A. Kelly, and Z. Wang, Reducing premature death and renal failure inAustralian Aboriginals. A community-based cardiovascular and renal protective program.Med J Aust, 2000. 1172: p. 473-8.102. Hoy, W., Z. WAng, P. Baker, and A. Kelly, Reduction in natural death and renal failurefrom a systematic screening and treatment program in an Australian Aboriginalcommunity. Kidney Int Suppl, 2003. 2003(83): p. S66-73.103. Hoy, W., Z. Wang, P. Baker, and A. Kelly, Reduction in natural death and renal failurefrom a systematic screening and treatment program in an Australian Aboriginalcommunity. Kidney Int Suppliment, 2003. 83: p. S66-73.104. Chennakesavan, S., Sustaining renal health outcomes: following a community-basedintervention program. 2003, Faculty of Science, Information Technology and Education,Charles Darwin University: Darwin.105. Chennakesavan, S., Sustaining renal health outcomes: following a community-basedintervention program, in Faculty of SCience, Information Technology and Education.2003, NTU: Darwin.106. Bailie, R., Clinical Outcomes associated with changes in a chronic disease treatmentprogram in an Australian Aboriginal community. Letters to the editor. Med J Aust, 2006.185(3): p. 180.107. Hoy, W., Letter to the editor, reply. Med J Aust, 2006. 185(3): p. 181.108. Jaross, N., P. Ryan, and H. Newland, Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in an AboriginalAustralian population: results from the Katherine region Diabetic Retinopathy Study(KRDRS). Report no.1. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology., 2003. 31(1): p. 32-9.109. Taylor, V., D. Ewald, H. Liddle, and I. Warchiver, Review of the Implementation of theNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Eye Health Program. 2003, Alice Springs:Centre for Remote Health.110. Karagiannis, A. and H. Newland, Mobile retinal photography: a means of screening fordiabetic retinopathy in aboriginal communities. Australian and New Zealand Journal ofOphthalmology, 1996. 24(4): p. 333-337.111. Robinson, G. and R. Baillie, Tiwi Coordinated Care Trial Final Local Evaluation Report.2000, Darwin: Northern Territory University Centre for Social Research.112. Wagner, E., B. Austin, C. Davies, and et al, Improving chronic illness care. Health Affairs,2001. 20(6): p. 64-79.113. Senior, K., Health beliefs and Behaviour: the opportunities and practicalities of "lookingafter yourself" in Ngukurr. South East Arnhem Land Collaborative Research ProjectWorking Paper No 5.,. 2001, Woolongong: The Institute of Social Change and CriticalInquiry, The University of Wollongong.References – Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007 136

114. Senior, K., 'A Gudbala Laif? health and well being in a remote Aboriginal community,what are the problems and where lies responsibility?' 2003, Australian NationalUniversity: Canberra.115. Reid, J., Sorcerers and Healing Spirits, Continuity and Change in an Aboriginalcommunity. 1983, Canberra: Australian National University Press.116. Rowse, T., Traditions for Health, Studies in Aboriginal reconstruction,. 1996, Darwin:North Australian Research Unit, The Australian National University.117. Senior, K., R. Chenhall, and D. Daniels, "Stucknose" reasons to sniff in a remoteAboriginal community,. Submitted to Contemporary Drug Problems., Forthcoming.References – Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007 137

97. Henry-Edwards, S., R. Humenuik, R. Ali, M. Monteiro, and V. Poznyak, Brief Interventionfor Substance Use: A Manual for Use in Primary Care. (Draft Version 1.1 for FieldTesting). 2003, World <strong>Health</strong> Organization: Geneva.98. Northern Territory Government, Northern Territory Food and Nutrition Policy, Action Plan2001-6. 2001, Northern Territory Government: Darwin.99. Villeseche, A., S. Li, and M. Measey, Northern Territory Physical Activity Survey 2003,Non-Indigenous Population. 2003, Darwin: <strong>NT</strong> Department of <strong>Health</strong> and CommunityServices.100. Hoy, W., S. Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, and J. Nicol,, Clinical outcomes associated withchanges in a chronic disease treatment program in an Australian Aboriginal community.Med J Australia, 2005. 183(6): p. 305-9.101. Hoy, W., P. Baker, A. Kelly, and Z. Wang, Reducing premature death and renal failure inAustralian Aboriginals. A community-based cardiovascular and renal protective program.Med J Aust, 2000. 1172: p. 473-8.102. Hoy, W., Z. WAng, P. Baker, and A. Kelly, Reduction in natural death and renal failurefrom a systematic screening and treatment program in an Australian Aboriginalcommunity. Kidney Int Suppl, 2003. 2003(83): p. S66-73.103. Hoy, W., Z. Wang, P. Baker, and A. Kelly, Reduction in natural death and renal failurefrom a systematic screening and treatment program in an Australian Aboriginalcommunity. Kidney Int Suppliment, 2003. 83: p. S66-73.104. Chennakesavan, S., Sustaining renal health outcomes: following a community-basedintervention program. 2003, Faculty of Science, Information Technology and Education,Charles Darwin University: Darwin.105. Chennakesavan, S., Sustaining renal health outcomes: following a community-basedintervention program, in Faculty of SCience, Information Technology and Education.2003, <strong>NT</strong>U: Darwin.106. Bailie, R., Clinical Outcomes associated with changes in a chronic disease treatmentprogram in an Australian Aboriginal community. Letters to the editor. Med J Aust, 2006.185(3): p. 180.107. Hoy, W., Letter to the editor, reply. Med J Aust, 2006. 185(3): p. 181.108. Jaross, N., P. Ryan, and H. Newland, Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in an AboriginalAustralian population: results from the Katherine region Diabetic Retinopathy Study(KRDRS). Report no.1. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology., 2003. 31(1): p. 32-9.109. Taylor, V., D. Ewald, H. Liddle, and I. Warchiver, Review of the Implementation of theNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Eye <strong>Health</strong> Program. 2003, Alice Springs:Centre for Remote <strong>Health</strong>.110. Karagiannis, A. and H. Newland, Mobile retinal photography: a means of screening fordiabetic retinopathy in aboriginal communities. Australian and New Zealand Journal ofOphthalmology, 1996. 24(4): p. 333-337.111. Robinson, G. and R. Baillie, Tiwi Coordinated Care Trial Final Local <strong>Evaluation</strong> Report.2000, Darwin: Northern Territory University Centre for Social Research.112. Wagner, E., B. Austin, C. Davies, and et al, Improving chronic illness care. <strong>Health</strong> Affairs,2001. 20(6): p. 64-79.113. Senior, K., <strong>Health</strong> beliefs and Behaviour: the opportunities and practicalities of "lookingafter yourself" in Ngukurr. South East Arnhem Land Collaborative Research ProjectWorking Paper No 5.,. 2001, Woolongong: The Institute of Social Change and CriticalInquiry, The University of Wollongong.References – <strong>Evaluation</strong> of the <strong>NT</strong> Preventable Chronic Disease <strong>Strategy</strong> 2007 136

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