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57. King, L. and J. Ritchie, Promoting Health in the Northern Territory: A Review. 1999,WHO Regional Training Centre for Health Development School of Medical Education,Faculty of Medicine, the University of NSW: Sydney. p. 64.58. Freeman, P. and A. Rotem, Essential Primary Health Care Services for HealthDevelopment in Remote Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory. 1999, WHORegional Training Centre for Health Development, School of Medical Education, Faculty ofMedicine, UNSW: Sydney.59. Harrison, N., Report on Health Services' Health Promotion Training 1995-1997. 2001,Territory Health Services: Darwin.60. King, L. and J. Ritchie, Promoting Health in the Northern Territory: A review 1999, WHORegional Training Centre for Health Development, Faculty of Medicine, University ofNSW: Sydney.61. Convery, P., An Audit of Health Promotion Interventions 2004/5. 2005, NTDHCS: Darwin.62. Clarke, L.A., NT Chronic Disease Service Provision. 2001.63. Connors, C., Personal Communication. 2007.64. GP&PHCNT, Supporting General Practice and Primary Health Care in the NorthernTerritory, Retrieved 27.6.2007 http://www.gpphcnt.org.au/www/index.cfm65. TEDGP. 2007.66. National Health Performance Committee, National Report on Health Sector PerformanceIndicators 2003 A report to the Australian Health Ministers‟ Conference, in AIHW cat. no.HWI 78. 2004, Australian Insitute of Health and Welfare: Canberra.67. Council of Australian Governments Meeting, Council of Australian Governments' Meeting.Attachment B: Key decisions on Health and Community Services. 11 April 1995.,Retrieved68. NTDH&CS, Annual Report 1996-97. 1997, NT Department of Health and CommunityServices: Darwin69. NTDH&CS, PHCAP zones, Retrieved 26.6.2007 Fromhttp://internal.health.nt.gov.au/docs/publich/primary_health/PHCAP_Q_and_A.pdf70. Weeramanthri, T., S. Morton, S. Hendy, C. Connors, C. Rae, and D. Ashbridge, NorthernTerritory Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy - Overview and Framework. 1999,Territory Health Services: Darwin.71. Healthy Living NT, Darwin Diabetes Education & Resource Centre Report 2004. 2005b,Darwin: Healthy Living NT.72. Healthy Living NT, The Alice Springs Diabetes Education & Cardiac Rehabilitation Report2004. 2005c, Darwin: Healthy Living NT.73. Healthy Living NT, Annual Report 2005-06. 2006, Healthy Living NT: Darwin.74. Healthy Living NT, Annual Report 2003-04. 2004, Healthy Living NT: Darwin.75. Weeramanthri, T., Finding the right balance - a "Preventable Chronic Disease"stratefy forthe NT.4th DRAFT for discussion1-9-98. 1998.76. Medicare, General Practice Statistics, Health Insurance Commissionhttp://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/statistics/imd/forms/gpStatistics.shtml. Retrieved27.6.200777. Territory Health Services, 1999-2000 Annual Report. 2000, Darwin: Territory HealthServices.78. Kellaher, M., D. Taylor-Thompson, N. Harrison, L. O'Donnoghue, D. Dunt, T. Barnes, andI. Anderson, Evaluation of PBS Medicine supply arrangements for remote area Aboriginalhealth services under S100 of the National Health Act, 2003. 2004?, Co-operativeReferences – Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007 134

Research Centre for Aboriginal Health & Program Evaluation Unit, University ofMelbournes: Melbourne.79. Stewart, J., M. McCredie, S. Williams, and S. McDonald, Interpreting incidence trends fortreated end-stage renal disease: Implications for evaluating disease control in Australia.Nephrology, 2004. 9: p. 238-246.80. Cass, A., A. Lowell, M. Christie, P. Snelling, and M. Flack, Sharing true stories: improvingcommunication between Aboriginal patients and health care workers. Med J Australia,2002. 176: p. 466-70.81. Cass, A., Health outcomes in Aboriginal populations. Canadian Medical AssociationJournal, 2004. 171(6): p. 597-598.82. Northern Territory Department of Health and Community Services, Renal ServicesStrategy, NTDHCS, Editor. 2005: Darwin.83. Bailie, R., D. Si, G. Robinson, S. Togni, and P. D'Abbs, A multi-faceted health-serviceintervention in remote Aboriginal communities: 3-year follow-up of the impact ondiabetes care. Med J Australia, 2004. 181: p. 195-200.84. Hoy, W., M. Rees, E. Kyle, J. Mathews, D. McCredie, D. Pugsley, and Z. Wang, Lowbirthweight and renal disease in Australian Aborigines. Lancet, 1998. 352: p. 1523-1524.85. Hoy, W., S. Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, and J. Nicol, Clinical outcomes associated withchanges in a chronic disease treatment program in an Australian Aboriginal community.Med J Australia, 2005. 183: p. 305-9.86. McDermott, R., F. Tulip, and B. Schmidt, Diabetes care in remote northern AustralianIndigenous communities. Med J Australia, 2004. 180: p. 512-516.87. Thomas, D., J. Condon, I. Anderson, S. Q, S. Halpin, J. Cunningham, and S. Guthridge,Long term trends in Indigenous deaths from chronic diseases in the Northern Territory.Med J Australia, 2006. 185: p. 145-9.88. Rowley, K., A. Brown, K. Saraswati, R. Tilmouth, and R. McDermott. Morbidity andmortality for an Australian Aboriginal Population: 10 year follow-up in a decentralisedcommunity. in AEA Conference. 2006. Melbourne.89. Schmidt, B., Clinical Audit and Review: Urapuntja Health service. 2007, Barbara Schmidtand Associates: Cairns.90. d'Espaignet, E., M. Measey, M. Carnegie, and D. Mackerras, Monitoring the 'StrongWomen, Strong Babies, Strong Culture Program': The first eight years Journal ofPaediatrics and Child Health, 2003. 39(9): p. 668 -672.91. d'Espaignet, E., M. Measey, M. Carnegie, and D. Mackerras, Monitoring the 'StrongWomen, Strong Babies, Strong Culture Program': The first eight years. Journal ofPaediatrics and Child Health, 2003. 39(9): p. 668 -672.92. Stewart, A., C. Daly, and X. Schobbens, The NT Indigenous Community HousingSurvey:Progressing housing maintenance for better health and safety. The NorthernTerritory Disease Control Bulletin, 2004. 11(4): p. 1-4.93. Smith, J.D., Australia's rural and remote health: A social justice perspective, 2nd ed.2007a, Melbourne: Tertiary Press.94. d'Espaignet, E., M. Measey, and E. Dal Grand, Northern Territory Health and Well-beingsurvey, Non-Indigenous Population, Northern Territory, December 2000. 2002, Darwin:NT Dept of Health and Community Srvices.95. AIHW, Australia's health 2006. 2006a, Canberra: Aust Institute of Health and Welfare.96. Brownscombe, J., NT hospital-based AOD brief intervention project. 2005, NT DHCS:Darwin.References – Evaluation of the NT Preventable Chronic Disease Strategy 2007 135

Research Centre for Aboriginal <strong>Health</strong> & Program <strong>Evaluation</strong> Unit, University ofMelbournes: Melbourne.79. Stewart, J., M. McCredie, S. Williams, and S. McDonald, Interpreting incidence trends fortreated end-stage renal disease: Implications for evaluating disease control in Australia.Nephrology, 2004. 9: p. 238-246.80. Cass, A., A. Lowell, M. Christie, P. Snelling, and M. Flack, Sharing true stories: improvingcommunication between Aboriginal patients and health care workers. Med J Australia,2002. 176: p. 466-70.81. Cass, A., <strong>Health</strong> outcomes in Aboriginal populations. Canadian Medical AssociationJournal, 2004. 171(6): p. 597-598.82. Northern Territory Department of <strong>Health</strong> and Community Services, Renal Services<strong>Strategy</strong>, <strong>NT</strong>DHCS, Editor. 2005: Darwin.83. Bailie, R., D. Si, G. Robinson, S. Togni, and P. D'Abbs, A multi-faceted health-serviceintervention in remote Aboriginal communities: 3-year follow-up of the impact ondiabetes care. Med J Australia, 2004. 181: p. 195-200.84. Hoy, W., M. Rees, E. Kyle, J. Mathews, D. McCredie, D. Pugsley, and Z. Wang, Lowbirthweight and renal disease in Australian Aborigines. Lancet, 1998. 352: p. 1523-1524.85. Hoy, W., S. Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, and J. Nicol, Clinical outcomes associated withchanges in a chronic disease treatment program in an Australian Aboriginal community.Med J Australia, 2005. 183: p. 305-9.86. McDermott, R., F. Tulip, and B. Schmidt, Diabetes care in remote northern AustralianIndigenous communities. Med J Australia, 2004. 180: p. 512-516.87. Thomas, D., J. Condon, I. Anderson, S. Q, S. Halpin, J. Cunningham, and S. Guthridge,Long term trends in Indigenous deaths from chronic diseases in the Northern Territory.Med J Australia, 2006. 185: p. 145-9.88. Rowley, K., A. Brown, K. Saraswati, R. Tilmouth, and R. McDermott. Morbidity andmortality for an Australian Aboriginal Population: 10 year follow-up in a decentralisedcommunity. in AEA Conference. 2006. Melbourne.89. Schmidt, B., Clinical Audit and Review: Urapuntja <strong>Health</strong> service. 2007, Barbara Schmidtand Associates: Cairns.90. d'Espaignet, E., M. Measey, M. Carnegie, and D. Mackerras, Monitoring the 'StrongWomen, Strong Babies, Strong Culture Program': The first eight years Journal ofPaediatrics and Child <strong>Health</strong>, 2003. 39(9): p. 668 -672.91. d'Espaignet, E., M. Measey, M. Carnegie, and D. Mackerras, Monitoring the 'StrongWomen, Strong Babies, Strong Culture Program': The first eight years. Journal ofPaediatrics and Child <strong>Health</strong>, 2003. 39(9): p. 668 -672.92. Stewart, A., C. Daly, and X. Schobbens, The <strong>NT</strong> Indigenous Community HousingSurvey:Progressing housing maintenance for better health and safety. The NorthernTerritory Disease Control Bulletin, 2004. 11(4): p. 1-4.93. Smith, J.D., Australia's rural and remote health: A social justice perspective, 2nd ed.2007a, Melbourne: Tertiary Press.94. d'Espaignet, E., M. Measey, and E. Dal Grand, Northern Territory <strong>Health</strong> and Well-beingsurvey, Non-Indigenous Population, Northern Territory, December 2000. 2002, Darwin:<strong>NT</strong> Dept of <strong>Health</strong> and Community Srvices.95. AIHW, Australia's health 2006. 2006a, Canberra: Aust Institute of <strong>Health</strong> and Welfare.96. Brownscombe, J., <strong>NT</strong> hospital-based AOD brief intervention project. 2005, <strong>NT</strong> DHCS:Darwin.References – <strong>Evaluation</strong> of the <strong>NT</strong> Preventable Chronic Disease <strong>Strategy</strong> 2007 135

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