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35. Smith, J.D., Progress report for steering committee: Phase 1 - Consultation phase.PHERP Innovations project, public health workforce development in chronic diseaseprevention, early detection and management in rural, remote and Indigenouscommunities. 2004b, unpub, Menzies School of <strong>Health</strong> Research: Darwin.36. McDermott, R., F. Tulip, and B. Schmidt, Diabetes care in remote northern AustraliansIndigenous communities. MJA, 2004. 180(10): p. 512-516.37. Wagner, E., B. Austin, C. Davis, M. Hindmarsh, J. Schaefer, and A. Bonomi, Improvingchronic illness care: Translating evidence into action. <strong>Health</strong> Affairs, 2001. 20: p. 64-78.38. <strong>Health</strong>y Living <strong>NT</strong>, Chronic Disease Training in Remote Communities 2004. 2005, <strong>Health</strong>yLiving <strong>NT</strong>: Darwin.39. <strong>Health</strong>y Living <strong>NT</strong>, Chronic Disease Training in Remote Communities 2004. 2005, Darwin:<strong>Health</strong>y Living <strong>NT</strong>.40. Schatz, S. and C. Croft, Recall System review. 2005, <strong>NT</strong> Department of <strong>Health</strong> andCommunity Services: Darwin.41. Productivity Commission, Australia's health workforce, Position paper. 2005, ProductivityCommission: Canberra.42. CRANA, CRANA philosophy statement, Council of Remote Area Nurses of Australia Inc.Retrieved 30.4.200343. WHO, Preparing a health care workforce for the 21st Century. 2005, World <strong>Health</strong>Organisation: Geneva.44. Wagner, E., Chronic disease management: What will it take to improve care for chronicillness. Effective Clinical Practice. 1998;1:2-4., www.acpoline.org/shellcgi/printhappy.pl/journals/ecp/augsep98/cdm.htm.Retrieved 25.11.0445. Lowe, M. 2007: Darwin.46. O'Connor, G., A Snapshot of Chronic Disease Education. ? year, Dept of <strong>Health</strong> andCommunity Services: Darwin.47. Lloyd, J., Changing shape: workforce and the implementation of Aboriginal health policy.Australian <strong>Health</strong> Review, 2007. pending.48. O'Connor, G., A Snapshot of Chronic Disease Education. 2006, Dept of <strong>Health</strong> andCommunity Services: Darwin.49. <strong>Health</strong> Canada, Population health approach: what determines health, <strong>Health</strong> Canada.Retrieved http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hppb/phdd/determinants/e_determinants.html#income50. WHO, Social determinants of health: the solid facts. 2nd edition / edited by RichardWilkinson and Michael Marmot., World <strong>Health</strong> Organisationhttp://www.euro.who.int/document/e81384.pdf. Retrieved51. ABS, Australian Bureau of Statistics (2006) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander<strong>Health</strong> Survey 2004-05, www.abs.gov.au. Retrieved 6.5.200652. OIPC, About OIPC, http://www.oipc.gov.au/. Retrieved 7.6.200653. Panquee, P., Indigenous empolyees. 2007.54. DHAC, National health priorities, National <strong>Health</strong> Priorities and Quality, Commonwealth ofAustralia. Retrieved 5.12.200255. Judd, J., Building health promotion capacity in the workforce participatory actionresearch. 2005, Doctoral thesis, Deakin University: Melbourne.56. King, L. and J. Ritchie, Promoting <strong>Health</strong> in the Northern Territory: A review. 1999, WHORegional Training Centre for <strong>Health</strong> Development, Faculty of Medicine, University ofNSW: Sydney.References – <strong>Evaluation</strong> of the <strong>NT</strong> Preventable Chronic Disease <strong>Strategy</strong> 2007 133

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